Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: torgrimmerr on May 23, 2022, 01:03 PM

Title: DM xp
Post by: torgrimmerr on May 23, 2022, 01:03 PM
I have an idea that would help players who do faction quest; for example the weekly patrols for the Purple knight faction. Give a small amount of DM xp for each patrol. (ex. 100-250 dm xp) Just a thought. It would also help recruit ppl into the different factions also.

Title: DM xp
Post by: The Red Mage on May 23, 2022, 02:17 PM
The benefits of factions is that they are easier implemented into server plots than solo players. They tend to get a larger piece of the contribution pie, from my experience.
Title: DM xp
Post by: Etanu on May 24, 2022, 04:00 PM
Just logging in to RP with your faction grants you this in the fairy ticks.