The Elven Bond

There was something about him that Elenwyd could not place. Something stirred in the air about this Quess, making her heart thump and her soul feel better when he was near. Caedrus was not the most attractive she had ever seen; his russet hair did not gleam, especially in the light, nor did his simple brown eyes captivate. Yet she felt at peace when he was near in a way she had never felt before.
Over time, their bond had deepened to true friendship, love, and something else. Something deeper. She knew that he could feel it too. From the way he gazed at her, the times he spent putting her needs above his own, the change in his mannerisms, and the excuses he made to be near her, even if it meant doing nothing at all together. Like a song given life deep within, their souls harmonized in a way that could not be explained by mere love, nor even the bardic poetry of what humans called "True Love." It was something far more than that. They were meant to be together.
After confessing the truth to one another, they set out to speak with one of the High Mages of the People. Upon explaining their soulful joy, the High Mage smiled. Drawing their hands together, he asked for the intervention of the Seldarine to bless their union and make them one as he called upon a powerful High Magic ritual.
It was then that their souls fully opened to one another. As the scales fell from their metaphorical eyes, they each took a sharp breath – and felt one another's spirits. It was then that they knew beyond knowledge not how they felt for their beloved ... but how their beloved felt for them.
The Elven Bond. Thiramin. Called by many names, the High Magic ritual of U'Aestar'Kess – "One Heart, One Mind, One Breath" – had revealed the truth the Seldarine whispered within their souls. They were connected now in a way that others could only dream of. Like a slender cord tying them together for all their lives, they would live now for one another. In the same way, they knew on a spirit-deep level that should one of them perish ... the other could no longer live without them in the world.
- Example story of how the Elven or "Thiramin" Bond might come about
The Elven Bond is meant to be a magical, mystical, and truly rare phenomenon in Forgotten Realms lore. One of the most powerful Bonds that can be achieved between two beings, it is not meant to be uttered or taken lightly, as both the benefits of such a union and its consequences are weighty.
It has come to our attention that several competing sources have been used in CD's past to invoke the Elven/Thiramin Bond. Unfortunately, while these sources heavily overlap in several areas, they also diverge or outright contradict one another in others. For reference, the sources used, either officially or unofficially, are as follows:
- Leaf & Thorn (Dragon #279), pp. 38, 40
- The Complete Book of Elves, pp. 40-41
- Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves, pp. 133-134
These sources heavily contradict the abilities conferred, the ability to survive the breaking of the Bond, whether the Bond can be dissolved, whether the Bond can be taken with only another elf or with non-elves, and even how the Bond comes about, amongst other issues. As a result, we have taken to consolidating these sources into our own version of the Elven Bond:
The Elven Bond ("Thiramin Bond")Benefits- Unlimited range Empathic Bond (can feel their Bonded partner's feelings)
- Unlimited range Telepathic Bond (can mentally communicate with their Bonded partner)
- Ability to sense when their Bonded partner is in danger
- Delay the Call to Arvandor (RP ability)
Consequences- Both PCs will lose a level during storyline death
- Both PCs will suffer permadeath if one is permakilled
- Surviving PC has one IRL week to decline/say goodbye before their own permadeath
Limitations/Other Considerations
- Elf can be Bonded with any PC race that elf chooses (does not have to be another elf)
- Bond may not be used on anything other than PCs (no mounts, familiars, etc.)
- Bond feels weaker across different Planes and Telepathy does not work across different Planes
- Empathy/Telepathy can be blocked by Dead Magic Zones/Antimagic Fields
- Only NPCs can survive the breaking of the Bond (but go mad, ex. Nalavarauthatoryl)
- Both PCs may only Elven Bond once in their character lifetime
- A High Mage must perform the U'Aestar'Kess ritual (this can be done off-screen or on)
- Admins must approve Elven Bond after submitting a Miscellaneous app
- BOTH players must submit written consent for this Bond and its consequences
Those who have already declared an Elven/Thiramin Bond
must submit an application for review. Those PCs who have survived breaking an Elven Bond (whether through past RP events or approved applications) similarly
must contact the Admins for review. Only those approved for this Bond may claim its benefits and consequences. The Bond is meant to be truly rare, and its benefits and consequences must be weighed heavily now and for future applications.
There will be no exception to these rules once the Elven Bond is taken. This includes when a player leaves CD – in such a case, the remaining PC will be Elven Bonded forever and cannot have it revoked. It cannot be Disjunctioned/Dispelled, even with Epic/High Magic. It cannot be naturally dissolved over time, as stated in prior sources. Despite being a magical effect, it is effectively permanent as a gift of the Seldarine. As a result, it can be suppressed by the aforementioned Antimagic/Dead Magic effects or being on different Planes of existence, but it cannot be destroyed or undone.
Any sections from
Leaf & Thorn, The Complete Book of Elves, and
Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves that contradict this custom lore are hereby overridden.
Elven Bond App TemplatePlease include the following: