Cormyr and the Dalelands

Announcements => Admin Announcements => Topic started by: Dismus on Jan 20, 2014, 05:45 PM

Title: Dungeon Master Applications and the Apprentice DM Program
Post by: Dismus on Jan 20, 2014, 05:45 PM
Several people have inquired about becoming Dungeon Masters, so here's the basics. We're always looking for more people to DM, as Cormyr needs its storytellers, as well as its actors, heroes, and anti-heroes alike.

First, a few things on what we're looking for in DMs.
  • Common Sense 
  • Storytelling ability
  • Roleplaying ability 
  • Fairness and Good judgment

Prior DM experience (either in NWN or in Pen and Paper games) is a plus, but not a requirement.

As with our exotic race applications, we prefer applicants are active as players for a minimum of one month before applying to DM.  This process also introduces you to the server staff, player base, and C/D's culture and community.

For new DMs, you would start off in our DM Apprenticeship program, which is designed to help starting DMs learn the tricks of the trade, both in terms of the NWN DM Client, DMFI Wands, and other mechanics, but also in terms of how to go about crafting a story and running good quests (as opposed to the cliche \"Big Horde of Monsters Attack\" quests )  ;).

Apprenticeship typically lasts 2-4 weeks of supervised questing and an undetermined amount of time to full DM ship.

Storytellers are expected to maintain an activity of one quest per month minimum or may be removed from the DM program.

DM Applications should be sent to all Admins and Senior Dungeon Masters.


ALL Login names used for playing on Cormyr/Dalelands:

ALL current Character Names:



Discord Username (All Staff are required to be on the CD Discord):

Does anyone else in your household play on the server?

How long you've played on Cormyr/Dalelands?

Roughly, how many hours can you DM per week?

Do you have any DM Client experience?

Do you have any experience with the Neverwinter Nights Toolset?

Other Roleplay Experience:

Other DM experience, eg PnP, MUD games etc.:

Why do you want to DM:

What do you think a DM's role is in a PW (Persistant World):