I play a paladin!
Will I gain new smite evil charges at each 5 lvls?
Or it is away just one?
You get Extra Smiting at level 3. So you get 3 per day instead of 1, but no more than that.
You get Extra Smiting at level 3. So you get 3 per day instead of 1, but no more than that.
This, once you have extra smiting it is basically about making it "better" until you get great smiting,
Unless you go "Champion of X"
You don't get Extra Smiting tell 10th level, actually! The entry about it is wrong/out of date. >.>
I'd like to add to my paladin smite evil charges.
In 3.5 core rules a paladin gains one additional smite evil charge every 5 lvls
I'm a lvl 5 paladin but only have one Smite evil Charge.Why?
Merged back with the original thread. Please don't create multiple threads about the same topic.
I'd like to add to my paladin smite evil charges.
In 3.5 core rules a paladin gains one additional smite evil charge every 5 lvls
I'm a lvl 5 paladin but only have one Smite evil Charge.Why?
Because in NWN's core game programming, you only ever get one Smite Evil per day. There is no scaling extra smites at higher levels.
The only way to get more smites per day is with the Extra Smiting feat, which as pointed out above CD gives to Paladins at level 10; this will allow you to have three smites per day rather than one.
NWN is based on D&D 3.0, not 3.5. While CD has done what we can with certain things to adjust to get closer to 3.5, there are some things we simply cannot update due to mechanical restrictions within the game engine. Paladin smites is one of those, at least as far as I'm aware.
Wouldn't it theoretically be possible to create Extra Smite I, Extra Smite II etc, with one bonus smiting and add them as bonus feats for levels 5, 10, 15 etc of Paladin?
It's also possible to directly modify the remaining uses of a feat.
In truth Smite on nwn 1 is sorta eh. It can be very useful, and the coding here that gives you extra smiting for free is great. But I wouldn't build entirely into smiting, your paladin will quickly run out of gas in combat. There are ways to build them so they fell more like the classic paladin build despite the nwn coding though.