Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Mechanics and Systems => Updates and Roadmap => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Sep 30, 2021, 08:22 PM

Title: CD Hak Update - 9/30/21
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 30, 2021, 08:22 PM
Mystic Theurge - Fixed missing bonus feat at level 18.

Hospitaler - Fixed bonus feat list not having Improved Critical Club.

Diabolic Disciple - Fixed missing Epic level progression. Adjusted cls_feat 2da to fix feat assignment.

Arcane Trickster - Fixed issue in cls_feat 2da that was causing Skill Mastery and Slippery Mind not to be granted.

Windwalker - Corrected the Resist Cold feats to ones that actually work. This has altered their Cold resist progression to: 5, 10, 20, and 30. (As 15 is not an option.)

Arcane Warrior - Discipline and Heal are now class skills.

Shifter - Move Silently is now a class skill.

Cleric - Sense Motive is now a class skill.

Favored Soul - Sense Motive is now a class skill.

Bladesinger - Heal is now a class skill.

War Wizard - Added 5 levels of epic progression. Bonus feats at 7 and 10.

Dragon Disciple - Normalized HP gain to 3.5 standard. Rather than scaling, all levels will now be d12 HP.  This will likely require any Dragon Disciples be re-leveled to correct HP values.

Swordmage - Ravages of Time uses/day reduced from 5 to 2.  Annulment uses/day reduced from 5 to 3. Starfury uses/day reduced from 7 to 5.

Hierophant - should now have access to all appropriate spell focus/greater spell focus/epic spell focus feats.

Toughness - Now grants 2 Hit Points per level.
Epic Toughness - Now grants 40 HP per feat.
Monk Weapons - Merged our monk weapon changes into baseitems.2da.
Weapon Finesse - Merged our Finesse changes into baseitems.2da  Added the following as Finesse weapons - Quarterstaff, Wind Fire Wheel
Overwhelming Critical - STR requirement reduced to 22.
Devastating Critical - STR requirement reduced to 24.
Epic Dodge - DEX requirement reduced to 24. Tumble requirement reduced to 24.
Thundering Rage - STR requirement reduced to 24.
Epic Outsider Shape - WIS requirement reduced to 24
Epic Construct Shape - WIS requirement reduced to 24
Perfect Health - CON requirement reduced to 24.
Great Smiting I-X - CHA requirement reduced to 24.
Planar Turning - WIS and CHA requirements reduced to 20.
Mighty Rage - STR and CON requirements reduced to 20.
Improved Whirlwind - STR requirement reduced to 22.
Lasting Inspiration - Perform requirement reduced to 24.
Added missing line for Sonic Dragon Breath.
Added Shapeshift player tool for lycanthropes and other shapeshifters.
Added Wingless Flight feat to flag characters that can fly without wings or a flight spell.

Sai - Corrected damage type to bludgeoning.

Bolt of Glory - Fixed missing Innate Level
Shadow Mask - Fixed incorrect Innate Level
Updated numerous spell targettype errors.

Added Gem Dragon Wings and Tails.
Added Mercurial Dragon Wing and Tail.
Added some PLT tiefling tails.

Added 16 Gem Golem variants.

Several Robe (dress) models added.

New Trellis placeables courtesy Nibbles.


Swordmage - Updated various ability descriptions.

Title: CD Hak Update - 9/30/21
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 30, 2021, 08:22 PM
Terallis Patch Notes


320+ new creature models (cd3_creatures7)
   - Many new animals
   - More orcs
   - More undead
   - More fiends
   - Genies (Djinni, Efreeti, Dao, Marid, Janni)
   - A few celestial creatures
   - A few new giants
   - A few more lycanthropes, including better werebear
   - Assorted other D&D creatures
   - Frank's little army of evil
13 new and better looking feathered wings (cd3_anatomy7)
6 new fiendish wings (cd3_anatomy7)
2 new other wings (cd3_anatomy7)
   - Dragonfly
   - Lillend
4 new tail models (cd3_anatomy7)
   - Weretiger
   - Werepanther
   - Wererat
17 new animal mounts
Many, many new VFX wing and tail models
Fixed Rogue Assassin arm parts, torso, and neck (cd3_anatomy6b)
Added a number of outfit parts from Project Q (cd3_anatomy7)
Another appearance for special armour types as well
Fixed Dafena head model size on Human Male/Female (cd3_heads1c and 2c)
Added new body parts (courtesy of Fire Wraith) (cd3_anatomy7)


A new hood helmet (cd3_anatomy7)
Added Holdable Flowers/Bouquets (cd3_items4b)
Removed Lightsaber blade appearances across the board (cd3_items2a)
Increased size of gem ground models (cd3_items4b)
Made new ringbox ground model for rings (cd3_items4b)


100+ new placeables (cd3_placeables4)
Fixed certain wall placeable textures (cd3_placeables2b)
Fixed texture problems on some PHoD corpse models (cd3_placeables3a)
Added variant colours of the three part couch (cd3_placeables4)
Added new "blackout" wall placeable (cd3_placeables4)
Added Maple Tree variants for Blueleaf trees (cd3_placeables4)


31 new custom made emotes/animations for PCs (cd3_anatomy1b)
   - Some presently need fixing and disabled

Knightly Kneel/Crouch (Custom 11)
Lay on back (Custom 12)

Relax back, resting on elbows (Custom 13)
Standing prayer (Custom 14)
Praise the Sun! (Custom 15)
Oh no you di'in't! (Custom 16
Push-ups (Custom 17)
Lay back, arms behind head (Custom 18)
Sit-ups (Custom 19)
Jumping Jacks (Custom 20)
Squats (Custom 21)
Clapping (Custom 22)
Proper Salute (Custom 23)
Facepalm (Custom 24)
Hands on hip idle (Custom 25)
Lean back against wall, leg up (Custom 26)
Kneel, arms behind back (like cuffs) (Custom 27
Flexing (Custom 28)
Defeated collapse (Custom 29)
Parade Rest (Custom 30)
Sleeping idle, chest down (Custom 31)
Shrugs (Custom 32)
Leaning forward on table (Custom 33)
Captain Morgan pose (Custom 34)
Crouch, cowering (Custom 35)
Lay on side, casually (Custom 36)
Ground sit, legs bent, arms resting over top (Custom 37)
Cross-legged sit, casual (Custom 38)
Lay back, casual, on bench armrest (Custom 39)
Cheering/Dancing (Custom 40)
Forward lunge, shield block (Custom 41)

New Crawling phenotype (cd3_anatomy1b)
   - Phenotype #34


Fixed walkmesh blocking camera on the Spider Caves (cd3_tilesets7a)
Fixed Immerflow areas tilesets water and wall textures (cd3_tilesets7a)
Fixed broken walkmesh parts on city interior (cd3_tilesets2b)