So, I finally did it. I broke the game. Aelie now has so many epic spells that opening my epic spell radial menu will crash me. In honor of this achievement, I will offer a suggestion for the future.
I'm aware that in the PRC and on partial PRC servers they have a workaround for this issue by letting you toggle whether or not an epic spell shows up in your radial list and is available for use. This lets people who have a ton of epic spells (hi!) select which ones they want to have active at any given time without resorting to LETO games or causing client crashes. Our epic spell system seems similar to the PRC's, so I'm wondering if this or something similar could be set up. Then it would stop crashes from happening whenever the player exceeds a certain number of epic spells (I think it's either 7 or 8).
Alternatively, just put a limit on the number of epic spells you can have and refund me for my over-limit spells.
Seriously, why?
If we're going to limit the number of spells one person can have, six seems a good number for that I suppose. Most characters will cap out at about four uses per day of epic spells.
Now stop breaking things.
Were I inclined to recommend limiting it, I would suggest a limit based on your casting stat.
Something like you can only have as many as 1/2 your casting modifier.
Would it help if widgets were made for some of them, like EMA, Deadeye, or even Greater Timestop? That would free up some slots and let spells with an actual DC use a player's stats and build.
The number of slots is intentionally limited.
This is a bug with the Epic spell casting menu, and happens to all DM avatars when they try to open their epic spell menu.
A .2da file update will resolve this, by moving the epic spells into the class radial.
Trylo, message me on Skype and I'll get you the file to fix this.