Hello, everybody.
I played on this server fairly heavily for a year or two as Thaddeus (Thak) and had some great experiences with a lot of good people; Aelie, Roem, Eve, Shassra, plus a number of others whose names escape me but character descriptions are vivid (female RDD with greatsword, female halfling WM with shield and kukri, Tiefling Cleric of Tempus, Shadow weaver from Thultantar, purist fighter who favoured maximum AC and axes, to name a few).
A friend of mine suggested we start a 3.5e game over Zoom yesterday and my thoughts drifted to NWN and the people I met in Arabel those many nights and afternoons.
I've been inactive for a good while and that's unlikely to change (3 kids under 4) but I created a new account just to send well wishes, positive vibes, prayers, or whatever benevolent feelings motivate those who made my experience so enjoyable, as well as those I've never met who still keep this server alive.
Being able to escape, as well as interact socially through role-playing seems invaluable. If there is a place to donate to the server, could somebody direct me to it? Apologies if I've missed it on the main page but mobile isn't letting me look as I write this.
Hoping you're all keeping well during these unique and uncertain times we find ourselves in. Take care of yourselves and perhaps we'll meet again if my children ever go back to school/daycare.
I enjoyed talking to you earlier. If you find time to play, please do so! Otherwise, will look forward to chatting with you on Discord.
Do not be a stranger!
I'll second what Arya said. You'll find some things have changed (for the better I like to think), but there should still be lots that's familiar.
Feel free to request to have your old characters ported over to EE - there's a forum request section for it.