DMing is a privilige, not a right. It is perfectly acceptable to request a plotline for your character for a DM to pick up, but please remember that we have a limited number of available DMs who can take these plotlines to run. Additionally, these DMs do have lives outside of the server that take priority, which limits the time they have available to run them. There has recently been an influx of requests to such a degree that the staff cannot keep up with the demand. Please take this into account as to whether you truly require DM attention to see to your character's growth before posting a request.
Additionally, it is up to you to stay in communication with the DM for your plotline. If you are dissatisfied with the way a plotline is being run, or if your DM is somewhat slow to progress your plotline due to offline concerns, you are welcome to contact them with your concerns. However, it is a sign of disrespect to the staff to pull a storyline from their control and go behind your DM's back to another. It sends the message that the time they spent on your character's story is not good enough for you, especially hurtful in a time when so many other characters have requested that same attention. Please be considerate of the work they put into your plotlines.
Lastly, a note on how to request quests. This forum is a place for players to request DMs to assist in forwarding their characters' stories and gauge interest therein from a skeletal plot hook. Once a DM expresses interest, any discussion on the plotline can be taken to PMs, giving the staff final say over the plot.
The quest-request subforum is not a place for open sign-ups. Most quests requested in this forum are personal in nature and best suited to those PCs to whom the requester is closest. It is up to DM discretion after discussing with the player whether these quests will be open for sign-ups or locked to a requested list by the player after being posted in the Announced Quests subforum. Inviting yourself along on a personal quest is extremely tacky and rude, akin to asking if you can come to someone's birthday party for the free cake. Your character absolutely does not have to be involved with every quest. There will be more. Be patient and polite.