I play an AA (Silia) who has one lvl of wizard, she also has some ranks in UMD. I have found that there are scrolls the show "red" that are arcane base. All of these scrolls are of the Conjuration school. Is that particular school not usable for any reason? I am just curious. Examples: Mage Armor, Summons, Web, Remove Paralysis ... etc...
Thank you.
Did you choose a specialization as a wizard? If you did and picked a school whose prohibited school was conjuration, that would be why.
If you want to use all spells, you have to be a generalist.
oh, maybe.. I am not sure. That makes sense though. I thank you very much Edge!

Check your character sheet for a line that says "School of Magic:" or something similar. If the word that follows is anything except"Generalist", that's your problem.
Bingo! Now I know. Thank you again!