As I have been exploring the server, I have been approaching the conclusion that one has to invest into the Open Lock skill. Otherwise, there are chests one cannot open, doors one cannot get through, etc, etc. So how big of a skill investment into Open Lock skill is actually needed on this server? I ask because there are servers where it is a one point wonder, there are servers where you require full investment, so I would like to know what kind of investment is actually expected on this server.
I do have skill points to use, I can come up with an in character reason to master the acquire the skill, but at the same time those skill points could be spent elsewhere as well. It is a skill that requires some training, before any skill modifiers from whatever source become useful.
So, how much of a must have skill it is?
The hopeful expectation is that you don't go and solo things and find people to go with and they can maybe make up for your weakness in traps and lock-picking. However, if you cannot do that or play at a time where there is not as many people around, then yes, it is worth it to at least put one or two points in. It's a one-point wonder here with a caveat: you will need to know the items to help and where to get them, so initially the one point won't help, but as you gather items to help you boost the skill, it will be easier.
Unfortunately, because NWN hardcodes lockpicking/trap disabling at certain ranks so that only rogues can do it, that is realistically the only limitation at really high level locks/traps.
Note that the NWN hardcore is only for traps, not locks. Anyone can get a high open lock and eventually be able to unlock anything. Rogues tend to be the easiest to do so with due to it being a class skill for them, but it's not exclusive even as a class skill to rogues. You'll encounter DC's as high as 60 or more for locks in dungeons.
Any Search DC 35+ Trap cannot be spotted by a non-rogue, and any Disable Trap DC 35+ trap cannot be removed by a non-rogue. Non-rogues CAN however 'Recover' traps over DC 35, if they can spot it(Either it has a search DC of 34 or under, or a rogue flags it for you) You might encounter traps that can be seen by anyone, but have a DC of over 60+ to recover.
Thanks for the information!
So... DC of 60+...
Roll of 1d20, which is 20 eventually...
10, 12, 15, or 16 in base skill as a cross-class skill.
+3 or +10 from the Knock Spell, either a low caster level wand or actual spell cast by the adventurer.
+1 to +10 from a Thieves Tools kit...
So, if I assume roll of 20, base skill of 10, and +10 from knock spell, I will be able to pick locks at DC of 40. Thus, one would need four pieces of equipment with +5 to Open Lock, or to find a merchant that sells those +10 Thieves Tools to open those tougher locks. I think it is fine.