Hey folks, I'm still here, I was hoping to avoid making a player announcement about this, but here it is. I've been on CD alot less because I've had my hand in several projects and what not. Been recording some videos, putting some things together, multitasking on several new pieces of art (Bwahaha! I burnt my fingers with a soldering iron two days ago, true story.)
Another thing I have been trying to do as of lately is get in some gaming time with some other friends of mine, so I've been clearing alot of time from CD to do all of these things, but make no mistake, I'm not gone. I won't be leaving CD any time soon, believe-you-me, I just need to work out a schedule of what times I'll be on (if something doesn't spontaneously come up). Just wanted to let you folks know why I haven't been on much lately.
I love you all,
Don't be like me.
- Hyde A. Simmons
My fingers really hurt from typing this, a fitting sacrifice!
And if the Drow folks come for ya, you might not want to let them take you alive.