Cormyr and the Dalelands

Announcements => Admin Announcements => Topic started by: Fox² on Jan 02, 2024, 02:10 PM

Title: Using Discord as a Filehost
Post by: Fox² on Jan 02, 2024, 02:10 PM
Heya folks!

Many of us like to use Discord as a filehost to share files, images, screenshots, etc with one another. These uploaded files are collectively known as attachments. Linking to attachments from outside of Discord, such as uploading a screenshot to discord and then posting that screenshot's attachment file url to the forums, is known as hotlinking.

In the very near future Discord will be preventing hotlinking attachments. This means that files hosted on discord and then linked to from outside of Discord such as on the forums, will not be accessible from the forums.

We ask that everyone please use actual filehosts for sharing files on the forums and not hotlink to Discord attachments.

For sharing images such as screenshots, is an excellent free image host.
For sharing other files, we recommend using either Google Drive or Dropbox.

nb. If you share files from Google Drive, please be aware that it also publicly exposes your email address, profile picture, and google account first name/last name; which isn't always desired by everyone.

Dropbox will likewise expose the first name/last name attached to your Dropbox account, but Dropbox is easier to change the name that's associated with the account.