GSID: Chrysma
Dunno if this is the right place to put up a mayday post, but if I could get someone's help and/or input, it'd be greatly appreciated. I was running around on Corynne (Yvette 'Corynne' Grimmsdottir) in the Stagnant Pools area of the King's Forest on horseback - passing through - and out of nowhere my game crashes on me.
I tested it out a few times, and then again as Cynnaye, and had no problems hopping in as my sorceress. I have a sneaking suspicion I may have stumbled upon a bug of some sort? Either way, if there's any way to free my evil lady from a looping web, I'd be incredibly grateful.
Many thanks in advance!
SWEET LORD, NEVERMIND. It somehow fixed itself? Crisis averted!
This often happens to me in the stonelands and in certain wooded areas. Nixing environmental shadows and shiny water helps, but something else triggers it as well (not sure what as yet). Whenever this happens, try turning your graphical settings all the way down (works for me 99/100 times) and then boosting them back up when you get out of there. Only once was I so screwed that it required a server reset.
It's the grass setting. Turn your grass setting to off, not fast. Seriously, this causes 99% of our crashes.
I'll try that out, thanks for the tip Bella