Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Misty on Apr 03, 2015, 07:15 PM

Title: Clarification upon certain Telepathy
Post by: Misty on Apr 03, 2015, 07:15 PM
Hi! So I just wanted to clarify something based on something said in the House Rules thread.

Furthermore, we divide telepathic characters into groups based on the relative power of their ability:

Class 1 Telepaths:
Can talk to other telepaths. (i.e., projection only - they could make themselves heard, but would not be able to "read" any responses back from a non-telepathic character)
Example: Ghostwise Halflings fall here.

Class 2 Telepaths:
Can project, can read surface thoughts (i.e., can talk to non-telepaths.  Reading surface thoughts requires allowance from the target, or a will save as per the 2nd level spell).
Example: Alu-Fiends (i.e. Half-Succubus) fall here.

I just wanted to make sure that example is a purposeful house ruling, considering how the ability of Ghostwise reads via the source books.
Speak without Sound (Su): A ghostwise halfling, unlike other halflings, can communicate telepathically with any creature within 10 feet, just as if speaking to him or her. The halfling can only speak and listen to one person at a time, and he must share a common language with the person or creature he speaks to telepathically, or the telepathic link fails

Reading that, it would seem to sound very much like a two-way thing. Perhaps not the reading of surface thoughts of Class 2, though.
I will of course roleplay based off the house rules thread until told otherwise, but I was curious!