I think the World Serpent could use a few changes to which doors are linked.
How about adding or replacing some of the current doors with ones to Velethuil, Halfhap, and Stonehaven?
I can get to work designing more Halls maps when I get home, if you like. With a few placeholder doors for later planar dungeons.
I can get to work designing more Halls maps when I get home, if you like. With a few placeholder doors for later planar dungeons.
So, which would be better? Multiple "hall" areas or expanding the current one?
Just one big long hall with doors on both sides with Signs saying where they lead?
Not sure the elves of Velethuil would want a planar gate into the Semberholme where their people come to give birth and the old come to pass on to Arvandor.
Just one big long hall with doors on both sides with Signs saying where they lead?
The halls are supposed to be mysterious. In fact, the doors and halls are supposed to randomly change. Hence why there are no signs currently. (The hall itself is semi-sentient and operates by its own power.)
The version I first built was like you suggested, though the doors led nowhere. We reinterpreted them to be more like a labyrinth.
Not sure the elves of Velethuil would want a planar gate into the Semberholme where their people come to give birth and the old come to pass on to Arvandor.
Technically, the destinations don't generally get a say in having a door. Most people/residents don't know the doors lead to the World Serpent. (For example, the one in Arabel, for most common folk, just leads to another shop or slum house.)
That said, the door could be put in a tree nearby, or even in Berrybriar. (Is that the right name for the halfling village?)
Not sure the elves of Velethuil would want a planar gate into the Semberholme where their people come to give birth and the old come to pass on to Arvandor.
Technically, the destinations don't generally get a say in having a door.
Yup, this. The Serpent itself is somewhat alive and semi-sapient; Mitchifer is one of the few creatures it considers a friend, hence why he can (somewhat) control its actions and is allowed to run the place. To everyone else, it's either incredibly capricious or apathetic. If it wants a door to be somewhere, it just makes one. It doesn't bother to ask. Mitchifer has the ability to create short-lived doors and portals, but either he can't remove one of the more semi-permanent ones the Serpent makes, or he chooses not to to avoid angering or offending it.
Also, the doors are prone to vanishing, relocating, or changing destination from time to time. That's a pain to do in NWN though so we generally don't bother.
As far as server space goes, I would prefer expanding the current area to adding another.
Can one of you send me the "Halls" section of the WS maps then? Just catch me on Skype whenever.