Made these a while back; have they added options for Wings yet? They didn't have them when I made these, hence why neither has them. Never got around to doing the rest of my characters.
I saved these via screenshot like a hobo. Guess who?

I think they have wings now Edge.
I think they have wings now Edge.
Yes, wings can be selected in the Body section, along with tails, which I see FaeFae found

Did this one for Cold, for Kaleandruil.
Wulgar Skullcrusher!!! found some booty!!!! ARG!!!
Boohiss. Imgur isn't working, here's a Shaan and Cir that we made a while back.

heroshaan.png (173.85 KB)
herocir.png (271.01 KB)
(Yes, Shaan must have cut his hair when he was passed out. Because she would, you know.)
Taeghen taking care of business in the Semberholme!