I had posted this up in the forum update requests area, but thought I should more properly put this up in here as well.
I think I may have posted about this some time in the past, before my hiatus, but can't fully remember. With that said, I wanted to mention that the Lycanthrope animal forms don't get any of the same stuff as the hybrid form does, even though they're meant to, in PnP. Through both the specific lycanthrope type charts for monsters, as well as the section on Lycanthropes As Characters, it shows that both hybrid and animal forms are meant to get the same benefits as each other.
So this post is meant as a suggestion to potentially add those benefits back in for the animal forms. I know prior to their change a couple years back, it worked just fine like this, but after some of the changes, animal form lost all of its actual benefits, per PnP.
Here are a couple shots of the information in question: