Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Jul 06, 2018, 04:55 PM

Title: CD v3 Hak Update Thread
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 06, 2018, 04:55 PM

As of today's module reset, we are on Module version 4.00.  With this update the v3 hak files, and v11 tlk file are now required.

Get them here if you have not.

NOTE: Make sure you have the 1b version of the 2da hak file.  1a can be deleted if you still have it.

At this point, unless you have an old build module that needs the CD2 hak files, you no longer need them.  A new build module will be made available soon.

Update Changelog is Here.


Due to significant changes regarding skill point allocation, EVERY character must be re-leveled. You do not need to post a request, we are granting everyone a free one. (And yes we're keeping track. You only get one.)

I will repeat for those in the back: EVERY CHARACTER needs a re-level.  All of them.  

How will this work:

Log in and ask a DM for your relevel.  
If one is not on, check Discord, usually some are about.

Type /reportxp and tell the DM the amount. (This is just in case there is an issue later.)
The DM will take your Runestone, and drop you to level 1. They will then use an item on you that will grant you 8 skillpoints.  These are your extra 1st level skillpoints.  Enjoy.
DM will then return your XP, and once you have taken your final level, your runestone.  We cannot give the runestone back until you are done leveling, as a levelup wipes the xp values stored on it.

At this point you should be good to go.

Frequently asked questions:

Where to the hak files go?
Any file ending in .hak goes in the hak folder of your NWN directory.  The .tlk file goes in the tlk folder.

What if I had Archmage levels?
Pick a new class. It's gone.  Shape Mastery is still available as a general caster feat. Enjoy keeping all your spellslots.

What about Spellsword?
It's now called Arcane Warrior. Does the same thing but better and doesn't eat your armor.

Is Warlock in?
No.  That's a later update.

The class description for Bard still says its alignment locked.
I know. But it isn't.

How long did all this take?
I've worked on this update off and on for the last oh.. 8 years. Probably close to 300 hours of labor went into it.  More is coming.

When are we updating to EE?
Eventually?  Some hosting issues must be resolved first.