Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Mechanics and Systems => Updates and Roadmap => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Jul 27, 2020, 09:39 PM

Title: Hak Update 4.7 - July 27th
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 27, 2020, 09:39 PM
This update accompanies Module version 4.06d and requires 2das1g1, tlk v13


-Keen, Massive Criticals, Vampiric Regeneration, and Attack Bonus vs Racial Type are now all valid properties for Gloves.

-Added 4 new Ioun Stone powers: Iridescent, Pearly White, Pale Green, and Orange.

-Ranger now gains Woodland Stride at level 7, and Evasion at level 9.

-New Class, Green Knight. Detailed in the post: Here


-Updated the stat block descriptions for Katana and Mercurial Greatsword.

-Renamed and changed the icon for Player Tool 10, so it's now more obvious it is for flight.   The Flight widget will be deprecated in a coming update.

-Renamed and changed icons for Player Tools 7, 8, & 9, to replace other OOC widgets.


-Removed numerous Undead models that were added with the last hak update that were replacing better models we already had.

-Removed various cat models added last update that were broken or ugly.


-Added 43 new weapon VFX.


-Added a mdl correction for Lord of Worms' tileset that fixes a toolset crash.