Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: dom101 on Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dom101 on Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM
Just taking a moment to say that it's been really entertaining and a great relief to have everyone that's involved in Stonehaven come out and make the place come alive.  I've never had that much concentrated, player driven fun in NwN.  The last few days have been a blast and I'm really enjoying weaving everyone that's interested into the tapestry that the new location represents.

Arti, Seda, Aeryk, Demyan, Rhea, Kelendel, Gabe, Sage, Nadia, Cassandra, Sophia, Piyale, Lotus, Sin-Mat, Vierelle, Red Mage, Head Trauma, Vincent.

Thank you guys most of all.  Without your time and dedication in roleplaying and staffing in my dangerous little neck of the woods, Stonehaven wouldn't have come alive.  
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: morwen on Dec 16, 2013, 12:16 PM
Is or can we make Stonehaven someplace that we can bind to?
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Dec 16, 2013, 01:10 PM
I don't believe it is yet. Perhaps after an inn goes in.

You can teleport there though, I believe.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dismus on Dec 16, 2013, 01:19 PM
Yes you can teleport there.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: onivel on Dec 16, 2013, 01:56 PM
I thought I sent Dom the " Inn the Mountain " quite a while back to use for there as the Inn. I can resend if need be.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Dec 16, 2013, 01:58 PM
Heh, Cara and Lia went to talk to Demyan a couple of days back about running an Inn there, since there wasn't one. =)

Just imagine a Tentz-run inn for a minute. ;) You know you want it!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: onivel on Dec 16, 2013, 02:07 PM
Edge Avatar
Heh, Cara and Lia went to talk to Demyan a couple of days back about running an Inn there, since there wasn't one. =)
Got one built for you already then !

Gems provide the interior lighting.

big bar/common room area,  pool room, meeting rooms, suites and standard rooms, a signature couch for the largest adventuring parties...

I built it a while ago so I will need to modify the rooms to use the new leaver system for locking/unlocking. Below is an toolset overview of the areas both with and without area lighting on. 

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Dec 16, 2013, 02:09 PM
Send it my way (or Bella's, I'm on mandatory overtime and might be harder to catch online) and we'll give it a once-over and the Tentz touch =)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dom101 on Dec 16, 2013, 02:13 PM
Yeah, I don't see any issues arising from them being granted the rights to run the Inn/Tavern in Stonehaven.

Looking forward to incorporate more players in the endeavor.  :)

P.S.  I don't think I ever got that, Oni.  I recall we were talking about Clockwork being involved at one point, but RP's led us away from that.  Both of those inns look awesome, though.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Dec 16, 2013, 02:15 PM
I'll try to have Lia catch you in-game, though as I said my own schedule is a little on the wonky side until spring due to year-end/January crunch.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Dec 16, 2013, 02:22 PM
And to get this thread back on track, thanks to Blackhound for entertaining Shezzarin with an interesting little ghost story, and inadvertently asking a favor out of her. That may have an interesting reaction down the road =)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: blackhound on Dec 16, 2013, 04:32 PM
I wanted to likewise give my thanks to everyone I've had the pleasure of interacting with as Aeryk, the names are to many to list but I shall try: Bass,Arti,Lotus,Rhea,Caprice,Morwen,Cataline,Krystenna,James St Bell,Hydaro, Shezzarin, Nadia,Sage,kelendel,Gabriel,emily webber,tatiana and I am Positive I've missed a few. For the record even the most minor interactions have had an impact on how I view my time here On CD and I wanted to thank the community as a whole for making it enjoyable thus far :) Keep up the great rp guys
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Dec 16, 2013, 07:48 PM
Thanks to Carmen, Hydaro, Lena and Alia for a fun time.  Carmen wow, your ability to make a mystery is wonderful!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: jixjum on Dec 19, 2013, 11:59 PM
To Shera.

We kept the courtyard going! Thanks for the quick RP.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Dec 25, 2013, 12:18 AM
I'm not one for posting in these kinds of threads often.  

Thank you to the entire CD community.  After about a year away, I honestly say that I enjoy RPing here, with y'all, far more than on any other online community.

Especially grateful for the interactions with Bass, Kelendel, Kev, Logarti, Seda (and Alakton), Caprice/Shez/WhoeverEdgeIsPlayingToday, Jhalara, and Morwen.  You guys make logging in fun & interesting.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dark Dreams on Dec 30, 2013, 09:21 AM
Gross... you guys are being a mushy and stuff.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Jan 12, 2014, 12:37 AM
Thanks to Isabeau, Valar, Deatria, Wulgar, Jess, and Jay for the interesting game of truth or dare Saturday night.   :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Jan 12, 2014, 01:09 AM
belladonna Avatar
Jan 12, 2014 0:37:13 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
Thanks to Isabeau, Valar, Deatria, Wulgar, Jess, and Jay for the interesting game of truth or dare Saturday night.   :D
I'm still laughing at Jess asking Valar what her most morally questionable act was.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jan 12, 2014, 02:04 AM
Thank you everyone who has welcomed me back so far, all who play not exclusively but especially including:

Raikal (sp?)
Shera (sp?)
Silverfeather's Sunite (forgot her name; forgive me)
tenor_general's dwarf (forgot his name; forgive me)
Daniel Gooch's main (bad with names >.<)

And thank you to the following players/DMs, who I have yet to meet in-game, for the welcome back:
Red Mage

I will not lie.  I was really expecting to just peek in and worry not enough would be going on for my character to get involved. Or some nasty drama or politics would drive me away. ;-)  Needless to say, I am glad I was wrong. Thank you everyone for inspiring me to play again!


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ebola Lola on Jan 31, 2014, 09:30 AM
To all my Dwarves brudders and 1 sister so far! I had a blast last night on Dwarf Night :D Im glad i made a Dwarf even though I have no idea what Im doing non of you have yelled at me ! lol
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: daphne on Feb 01, 2014, 01:54 PM
Thank you to


For Aelira's first night out drinking. Great fun!!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Feb 04, 2014, 01:24 AM
Thank you to...

Goirin - For making a nice addition to the dwarves and representing naturey dwarves! Also enjoyed the bear RP that was done from time to time - especially arguing with the bear while drunk! 

Rhea - Giving Daeatria someone she is willing to take orders from as far as elven leaders go. *Wink.* But also helping to keep the elves together the best she can, despite that there are often differing schools of ideas on what 'makes an elf.' 

Jaylithel - Inclusion in Moonshadows related events. And occasionally being a horrible flirt to Daeatria. 

Caprice - For the awesome forum RP regarding the evil prank that Daeatria plotted on Rhea! 

Bass - Somehow being one of the few people who can constantly read Daeatria without fail, when others have, at best, only been able to occasionally pick things up.  And then being the one to call her out on it telepathically. 

Jhalara and Morwen - For having been on the 'darker' side of helping the elves.  And keeping an alternative view to my own PC's. 

The Skullcrusher Brothers - Mwehehe.  It is always fun seeing you guys, and how the different personalities clash but still are under one clan.  I just love how horrible crude, yet funny this bunch is.  

Sevarus - For the horrid comic relief and trying to make Daeatria's brother think she slept with him (or unintentionally doing so).  

Vivian - Being the constant sweetheart who does much to make good RP for people on the server (not to mention helping the lowbies out with me!).  Also giving Daeatria her first contract in the area.

Dovanna and Kiira - Rare female dwarves.  And awesome ones, too!  My PC will be having more interactions with the lot of you! Kiira also especially gets props for the first awkward impression between her and Daeatria. :-D 

Seda - Being very inclusive and engaging with the server.  Always taking initiative. And not shy with her own mischief when needed - especially when it comes to those horrible Skullcrushers!

Logarti - All the good conflict that Daeatria and Logarti started with, and somehow they end up having more in common than originally thought. Their intellectual conversations have been incredibly stimulating.

Kelendel - He has a more horrible sense of self-preservation than Daeatria, but he is still awesome and loveable, all the same! 

Piyale - Providing an alternative intrigue-lover's viewpoints that challenge Daeatria.  

Eilira - Bringing out Daeatria's motherly side...even if that means occasionally being a brat. ;-)

Calruil - Being the over protective brother who for some reason thinks 90% of the men are hitting on his sister. :-D It has been nice to flesh out the history involving their father with you! It has been nice seeing you feel out one of your few elven PCs, too.  

Zechariah - I always loved the character.  It is interesting to see how he and Daeatria clearly still have feelings, but have that deep realisation they are no longer the same people, and cannot be together.  Also having informed Daeatria more on her own views regarding romance.  After all, he was the first when not including the childhood sweetheart! 

Valar - Constantly, always providing guidance to Daeatria in ways that challenge her and help her develop into being more effective against her own kind. And somehow she had become a semi-extension of the Ravenshadows.

Celitharong (sp?) - Somehow more innocent than Daeatria and Zaeth could ever be. And almost bringing out Daeatria's sisterly instincts. Tries to be tough, but has not been able to fool Daeatria so easily. :-D 

Zaeth - Being a perfect mirror for Daeatria during drow-elven intrigue plots (our own and others), yet oddly becoming her downtime from it at the same time.  The most unlikely person to provide relief. Somehow, though, it works perfectly well and neither have been able to beat each other in their addictive, but dangerous game.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: daphne on Feb 20, 2014, 10:29 AM
Thank you to my party from last night - Logarti, Morwen, Ala, Taeghen, Kelendel and Daeatria.  I had great fun torturing you all.  

Thank you to Daeatria for keeping Eilira involved.  

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: morwen on Feb 20, 2014, 03:47 PM
daphne Avatar
Thank you to my party from last night - Logarti, Morwen, Ala, Taeghen, Kelendel and Daeatria.  I had great fun torturing you all.  

Thank you to Daeatria for keeping Eilira involved.  

That was the best NWN experience I've had in 2 years, easily. So thanks to all involved.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Feb 20, 2014, 03:50 PM
Aww! Thank you to everyone involved, as well.  I really, really enjoyed it. And yes...Daeatria will never be the same again for following Kelendel into a pit of demons. ;-)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: morwen on Feb 21, 2014, 10:05 AM
Not to mention his dramatic rescue while falling down a mountain.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Feb 24, 2014, 03:31 PM
Thank you Shobit for the wonderful Rp we did.  

That was unexpected and thoroughly enjoyable.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Feb 27, 2014, 01:22 PM
Thank you to Sorn, Xen, Valar, and Vyrilia for having made a blast out of Daeatria's second covert quest participation in the Underdark.  <3  It helped me explore her alternate identity while also providing awesome RP.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Mar 05, 2014, 06:52 PM
sornduskryn Avatar
Thank you Shobit for the wonderful Rp we did.  

That was unexpected and thoroughly enjoyable.

I am full of surprises, just ask Krelin. I'd like to thank the academy for... wait... wrong speech. *ahems* First, I'd like to thank FirstManDeparted, who convinced me to step back into CD sooner than later. Thanks to Arya, Bushy_Fro, SornDuskryn, TheOtherKip, krelin, Darvins, FalconDown, Trylobyte, onivel1, and last, but not least, Vincet07.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Mar 06, 2014, 05:50 AM
I havn't done one of these in a while so long in fact that frankly naming all the names would take forever. So instead I'll just thank.... all of you. Everyone I don't know for some reason lately it's all just been more fun. I love this server and the thing that I love about it are da people here so there we go. I love you guys. EEEw that was sappy.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Mar 06, 2014, 10:56 AM
...Thought you were a proper limey and did -not- like getting all touchy-feely-and-such. *Grins, and ducks!*

Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone who has been RPing with me lately, as well.  I also especially want to thank the Ravenshadows, Valar, the Dothi'sheals, Logarti, Sevarus, Alakton, Kelendel, the Moonshadows, Sorn, and Xen for all of the fun RP - especially those who had pushed for Daeatria's character development as of late.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Mar 08, 2014, 09:57 PM
Thank you to Korlash for the very interesting interaction with Sefra. I definitely look forward to more! Thanks to FirstManDeparted for your patience while I balance role play among four characters. : )
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Mar 19, 2014, 01:39 AM
Thank you for Liadon and Sammael, especially the former for playing a haughty sun-elf that is not too insanely PvP provocative.  

Thanks to everyone who was on the quest recently: Drastine, TheotherKip, Valimar Dragonsbane, edwardfalcona, piyale/Notaturk, Daniel Gooch, and ModronLove.  Everyone worked well together and tried to be considerate of each other.  Not only that, but everyone managed to pay sufficient attention to everyone participating.  This had to be one of the best quests I have seen involving a group as big as ours!  

Thank you also to Valimar Dragonsbane for roleplaying the quirks of a sea elf in a non-sea setting, and making him compelling yet still elven! 

Last but not least, thank you everyone who has just returned, including but not exclusively nonee, Goat, and enarian.  It is nice to see familiar faces again! I look forward to roleplaying with you all in the future! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Mar 20, 2014, 10:21 AM
And a big thank you to Arya for including the crude sea elf in things lately!  Not only is she a great foil for Sumest, but she's a downright intriguing character in her own right!

Also, it's been a long time since posting on this thread, so thanks to the usual crew of White Cloaks, Kip, and scores of other people that I've likely missed.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Mar 20, 2014, 11:40 PM

To all those who have been in the Fairy Tale quests.

My favorite line so far:

"Oops" *as Traorin lets the girl hit the floor*

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sammael757 on Mar 22, 2014, 08:28 PM

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to all the folks who I have RP'd with over the last few days. I'll probably butcher several names but, you get the idea :-P

Laidon (of course :-P ), Daeatria (especially!), Logarti, "Elf", Dwaerhedd, Elerosse "Clay", Kelendel, Alameth, Vaesi, Mirabell, and some others I'm probably forgetting. Thanks for a great time!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Mar 29, 2014, 11:19 AM
I want to say that those low level characters that were taking risks and being out there for the Wereboar attack event really impressed me.  Not only did you make it a memorable night by standing beside those who've been here for a year or many many more, but you were totally ready to give it your all.  So, you know who you are, I'd just like to say thanks for sticking it out with us.  :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: The Red Mage on Mar 29, 2014, 12:53 PM
sornduskryn Avatar
I want to say that those low level characters that were taking risks and being out there for the Wereboar attack event really impressed me.  Not only did you make it a memorable night by standing beside those who've been here for a year or many many more, but you were totally ready to give it your all.  So, you know who you are, I'd just like to say thanks for sticking it out with us.  :)

+1 Well done to Orvil, Sidori(sp), and Holden
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Orvil on Mar 29, 2014, 11:31 PM
Gotta save the town at all costs! I ain't afraid of no wereboar! (Ghost busters theme song in the background)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Mar 30, 2014, 02:58 AM
Thank you Valar, Xentraya and Sophia for the temple recovery wing rp today :) It was fun and awesome to have a chance at healing rp!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dagesh on Mar 30, 2014, 02:13 PM
The Red Mage Avatar
sornduskryn Avatar
I want to say that those low level characters that were taking risks and being out there for the Wereboar attack event really impressed me.  Not only did you make it a memorable night by standing beside those who've been here for a year or many many more, but you were totally ready to give it your all.  So, you know who you are, I'd just like to say thanks for sticking it out with us.  :)
+1 Well done to Orvil, Sidori(sp), and Holden
Thank you both!  I had a blast RPing with the gang.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: foxwife on Apr 01, 2014, 05:10 PM
The Red Mage Avatar
sornduskryn Avatar
I want to say that those low level characters that were taking risks and being out there for the Wereboar attack event really impressed me.  Not only did you make it a memorable night by standing beside those who've been here for a year or many many more, but you were totally ready to give it your all.  So, you know who you are, I'd just like to say thanks for sticking it out with us.  :)
+1 Well done to Orvil, Sidori(sp), and Holden
Thank you, guys! I have enjoyed the events and roleplay IMMENSELY. The Wereboar event was hectically fun and the recent events concerning the Undead quite intriguing indeed! I came in with a solid idea of my character and her story, and these events and the roleplay surrounding them have sucked both her and I into Cormyr/Dalelands world.

Thank you to all DMs and players I have had the pleasure of interacting with, Arya, Holden, Nonee, Theodyr, Orvil, Trylobyte, Thedran, Elf, Vaesi, and Toril, you guys are are full of shiny-awesome!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 02, 2014, 12:48 PM
Thank you again to the returning players for reminding me of why I returned here, myself. You have been wonderful!  All of the stuff with the Selunites and Nayu, Arian and the Crown Wars history stuff, Elvalenia, Celithrareng, and the Ravenshadows have been excellent.  There has been enough story and plotness to keep the flow going, but enough time to have social roleplay and enjoy characters for what they are.  Speaking of which...

Thank you Valimar for all the roleplay between Sumest and Daeatria.  She is completely thrown off guard, and now has to face some of her demons while letting herself be vulnerable.  Who would have thought a Robin Hood of the seas would be that sort of influence?
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 03, 2014, 12:31 AM
Also to note: Thank you to Kip, Daphne, and Valimar for the recent, awesome drama that happened!  And thank you RJ for stepping in to help with its closure.  Despite all of the confusion on the rolls, we all managed to make it fun.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Apr 03, 2014, 12:42 AM
Thanks to Firstmandeparted for the healing rp in the recovery wing of the temple of selune. It was hilarious and Calruil is an endearing character.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Apr 03, 2014, 08:56 AM
Arya Kalarathri Avatar
Also to note: Thank you to Kip, Daphne, and Valimar for the recent, awesome drama that happened!  And thank you RJ for stepping in to help with its closure.  Despite all of the confusion on the rolls, we all managed to make it fun.

Not every day gets to be a "fun" day. :)  Poor Arti and his messed up head.

I'd also like to give a shout out to Daphne, since this is really the first indepth chance I'm getting to interact with one of her characters.  Eilira is such a spunky druid!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: daphne on Apr 03, 2014, 03:23 PM
Gracious - it has been a while since I did one of these.

Valimar - I enjoy the pirate greatly!  Hee hee, but just remember all the Ravenshadows, even the spunky ones, are gothic in literary nature...
RJ - I really had a great time with Lena.  NOT what I was expecting to find as a Sehanine tutor!
Trylobyte - Thank you for the help with the festival, and Aelie is fun as always
Orvil - I've enjoyed him!  Need more hins!
LB7 - I've enjoyed Arian a lot.  It is sometimes hard to reintegrate into a bunch of new people with an established character, but I like her.
Bushy_Fro - Clay is perhaps the most annoying character I've ever rp'd with.  Congrats, that is saying something!  ;)
Kip - I really enjoyed the adventures that Jarlyn has taken with Eilira - Treesym Saviors united!
FMD - I am finding Calruil a very interesting and fun character.  So many Ravenshadows, so little time..
White Spirit - Nayu is such a sweetie, must be a reflection of the player behind her...
Sorn - Did you know Sophia's hot?  In a totally butch kind of way?  ;)
Arya - when Daeatria has her next big date, watch out for frogs.  Just sayin...
Alana - thanks for the help with Greegrass!  Fun to see you always.

And there's more, but I'm out of time...thank you all!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: The Red Mage on Apr 05, 2014, 12:41 PM
I wanted to take a moment and give a big thank you to all those who are participating in the Immersea Under Siege thread. It's been a real treat to try and come up with ways to challenge you all, and I hope the ending to it(which is still yet to come) will leave you all thorougly impressed and go along on a good ride!

And also thanks to DM Rebel for helping translate the thread in-game for people to particpate in who may be uncomfortable with forum RP.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dagesh on Apr 05, 2014, 02:55 PM
Aeric had a good time pondering with Requiem.  Very nice.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Apr 05, 2014, 08:17 PM
Many thanks to Sheighley, Hanna, Arti, and Daeatria for the bardic performances earlier.  The planning you four did made the event fun to watch!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dagesh on Apr 05, 2014, 08:19 PM
I've got to add in the folks at the ball.  Aeric and I had a good time.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: foxwife on Apr 06, 2014, 01:36 AM
Thank you, ThreeGuesses for the spectacular roleplay with Ilcil! I am terribly frustrated to report that my modem lost internet connection just as Siduri pulled that book free and I've been unsucessful in my attempts to get it back! Please let us continue another time?

I relished this evening's play, sir, and look forward to future encounters!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Apr 07, 2014, 12:16 AM
I want to throw a thank you to White Spirit and Arya for the rescue event, I will admit to Tearing a little at some parts of that, it was wonderful, to save a life without a single blow being struck.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Apr 07, 2014, 10:49 AM
Yes!! I wanted to post a thank you to Darvins and Arya as well for a truly wonderful event that was very moving :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 08, 2014, 01:12 AM
Aww, Darvins and WS!  I just saw all of this.  Thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Orvil on Apr 09, 2014, 11:12 PM
Just wanna say thanks to Priya and Rashan for the dinner rp tonight. It was good to get to know the Leaders of his new guild more. What better than over food. Had some good laughs out of it too.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: daphne on Apr 14, 2014, 01:56 AM
Thanks to Daeatria for organizing such a big two day event and getting so many people involved!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: daphne on Apr 17, 2014, 09:23 AM
Thanks to Silver for making me smile, and to LB7, Darvins, Arya and Val for making me laugh.  And the FMD for giving Eilira a chance to be a grown-up.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Apr 17, 2014, 10:10 AM
daphne Avatar
Thanks to Silver for making me smile, and to LB7, Darvins, Arya and Val for making me laugh.  And the FMD for giving Eilira a chance to be a grown-up.
Eilira has a few more trials to go yet before being made full crew yet! :P
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Apr 19, 2014, 10:21 AM
A big thank you for the players of Aeric and Cinnia. You guys have really helped Tavaris develop in my mind as a character, and your rp has really inspired me. I hope to be able to have many more interactions with the two of you as Tavaris' journey takes him deeper into danger and self-discovery!

Also, Aeric owes Tavaris big for hooking him up with a randy dragon teen! :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 19, 2014, 10:43 AM
Thanks to Daphne and Valimar for all the fun roleplay last night, and opening Daeatria to getting over a bad mood quickly - while also still pushing her comfort levels further!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Apr 19, 2014, 11:13 AM
Yay! There was MUCH hilarity. We really need to do that again, soon. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames on Apr 19, 2014, 11:51 AM
Shoutouts to all involved in Rapier's little "cat intrusion" late last night. :D A legend has been born in Lady Fuzzy Marshmallows!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Apr 19, 2014, 08:03 PM
I just wanted to thank the players of Theodyr, Fenia, Elf, and Thedran for some very tense good/evil, law/chaos rp near Tilverton tonight. That was the first time that Tavaris has gotten so worked up on the server, and I think all involved did an awesome job really showing the hearts of their characters. I particularly wanted to thank the players of Elf and Thedran for trying to show Tavaris the error in his thinking.

Pity that 10 wis, though. He's stubborn as hell. Still, it was a great exchange, and I look forward to more. Thank you all!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: oarthias on Apr 19, 2014, 08:48 PM
TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
Shoutouts to all involved in Rapier's little "cat intrusion" late last night. :D A legend has been born in Lady Fuzzy Marshmallows!

Yes, thank you to everyone that was involved in that RP. 

Alitha is very amused at pairing of the man and cat. Wish I could have stayed on longer to see if he took her home or not. She'd be more then happy to help out with any animal training needed. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Apr 20, 2014, 12:05 AM
Another very big thank you to heynonee and dagesh for the awesome rp that Tavaris had with both of them when he was feeling all moody and unbardlike. You two have been a major and consistent source of incredible rp to spur the development of my ultra-idealistic bard, and you deserve all of the kudos for that. You are awesome, and I hope you continue to be awesome!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dagesh on Apr 21, 2014, 04:10 PM
A hearty THANK YOU to Nova/BuildMeUp for Aeric's investigative itch.  I have been enjoying prodding and scribbling from one lead to the next.  You've got my brain working.  Thank you!

edit:  oops, wrong thread.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Nova on Apr 24, 2014, 04:15 PM
Thanks to those who attended Priya's desert adventure, and kept it entertaining for 6+ hours. Good going, everybody.

Also, relevant:
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Orvil on Apr 24, 2014, 06:13 PM
I 2nd Nova's notion on that one. I had a good time, and thanks for inviting Orvil along.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Apr 25, 2014, 11:33 AM
A huge thank you to Goat for being in Amari's Silverstar quest! I especially loved the oath - it was beautiful! Thanks SO much!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Goat on Apr 25, 2014, 01:35 PM
Yay!  I'm glad you liked it!  And it was awesome RP, thank you and thank you Wicked! :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Apr 26, 2014, 01:30 AM
Another big thank you to the players of Cinnia and Aeric for continuing to challenge Tavaris to develop and grow as a character. Those three fight like cats and dogs, but I love every minute of it.

Also a big shout-out once more to the player of Thedran Asen for being all paladin-y and causing Tavaris no end to grief!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Apr 28, 2014, 12:57 PM
For those that attended Priya on her epic quest for a crystal ball! She has yet to face the fallout of the results from that with each of you. I'm looking forward to how badly this will go for some of them.

Jarlyn - you won't like it.
Hydaro - you won't like it.
Siris - she's your boss. Deal with it.
Jim - you're my wild card. Curious what you'll think!
Kel and Orvil - it'll blow your mind!
Rashan - explaining how it wasn't that bad and calming her down was great.

thanks to all of you for making it interesting!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: MadPhase on Apr 28, 2014, 01:34 PM
I just wanted to thank everyone IC and OOC for the welcome I've gotten over the past couple of days. I can't really remember a server where so many people asked if I needed help and offered to answer any questions I had :)

Thanks for being so nice.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 28, 2014, 03:13 PM
Thank you everyone who was involved in the closure of the Moonsea atrocities mystery bit! It was fun and nice to see the quest tie into something else and simplify matters (or complicate them for some characters!).  

Alakton - Awesome to see him get some Darksong Knight roleplay involved!  Look forward to some follow up RP this week.
Kelendel and Arian - These two are going to be exchanging a ton of notes soon.
Elvalenia - Without her, no one could get nice and healed up.  Oh, and we would be without a good chunk of comic relief.  I look forward to seeing her opinions on the matter later!
Sumest - Oh boy. A bombshell was dropped on him and the Ravenshadow.  It seems this part is just only beginning!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Orvil on Apr 29, 2014, 12:38 PM
I wanna send a thanks to Reality Jumper for Orvils adventure in the Traveling Shield. It's not over yet, but I'm curious to see how it ends.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 30, 2014, 01:17 AM
Eilira - It was sad and intense to see her be so cold for once, when that is usually reserved for other Ravenshadows! An interesting moment in the character's history.  Then it was nice to see her bounce back up...even if she is picking up some of her older cousin's bad habits!  

Arian - It seemed like a bombshell was dropped on her! Very fun roleplay, seeing that she finally had baggage even if she would not admit to it. I look forward to see what she does with the new information.

Sumest - Oh boy.  Him and Daeatria, even while being different people, seem to share the same insecurity issues with love.  It is both endearing and interesting to watch them work through it.  

Nayu - This character's sweet, gentle, and curious nature always makes the darker times of roleplay seem a little lighter! I adore her!

Elf - It is nice to see that the character is starting to gradually show his vulnerable moments, whether in Alitha's RP posts (which I read) or those minor glimpses in-game.  

Calruil - Big ouch for him and Daeatria.  It seems that both still deal with their estrangement issues with each other, even if they are trying to work through them.  That ugly head keeps rearing up!

Llathalien - It is fun to see Daeatria and Llathalien get stubborn. And then to see how their different experiences make them butt heads! Looking forward to the conclusion of the chain of letters and their talk.

Valar - Always willing to be the ear and in ways, the more subtle back bone of House Ravenshadow.  Making sure no one goes astray and becomes a less gentle elf.  Of all things, a bloody ilythiir is helping with that! The irony!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Apr 30, 2014, 09:50 AM
A shout out to Arya for the time spent between Dae and Sumest.  Kudos for the pitfalls of a relationship with them!  While they're generally pretty level, things can still shake them up. :)  Daphne, of course, for Sumest's youngest crewmate Eilira.  She seems to have grown up so much in the last little bit, hopefully for the best.  I'm also predicting that Cal and Sumest are going to need to sit down and talk things over sometime soon so they can at least agree to disagree!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on May 01, 2014, 07:29 PM
I'm going to give a weird one. Oarthias and Nonnee, the three of us had a disagreement on a matter recently. We discussed it and afterwards there was shock horror no drama! We Emote hugged and everything, seems a small thing but... it's nice we aren't always all of us going to agree on everything when it comes to how things should be in the game, but it's nice when we can talk about these things as friends instead of drama.

So there we go!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: oarthias on May 02, 2014, 07:23 PM
Just say no to the drama llama!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on May 03, 2014, 02:40 AM
Ary'Keryn:  Thank you for the awesome roleplay regarding the prospects of an alliance with House Ravenshadow. And thankfully for Daeatria, one not requiring a marriage to seal the alliance!  Some in her circle appreciate it, too. ;-)  Even if Ary'Keryn has a father who would somewhat want his son married off!

Iyanna: Thank you for the roleplay regarding the crystals that contain elven memories (tel'kiira, anyone?).  Now you have inspired some people to want to revisit the place that possessed them! And with good reason.  Daeatria now wants to talk to Arian about organising the company who will be seeking this place.  At this rate, we might just as well start an elven company seeking lost elven treasures!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on May 05, 2014, 06:03 AM
Nayu: Thank you for not only a nice, pleasant conversation in tells, but a good conversation in-characterly.  It is nice to see how despite Daeatria and Nayu being two completely different people, they both share similar trust issues and have a lot of common ground, historically. And many points of reference due to Daeatria's predecessor and some of the plot development going on.  Not to mention it was about time they caught up in-game!  Thank you again!

Eilira:  Thank you for that nice dance instruction roleplay.  And it is interesting to see Eilira growing up, like Valimar posted previously.  Funny how her and Daeatria are hugging each other more! They did not always used to do that!

Ariten and Tavaris:  Funny RP whenever I see it.  And yay for having another anthropologist-like elf equivalent to how I play Daeatria! Either way, the drunk scenes are hilarious and Daeatria looks forward to sending minions with Ariten to help her in her 'ethnographies'....I mean, data collection. ;-) Ahem, expeditions anyone?
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on May 06, 2014, 06:37 AM
It was a lot of fun! Looking forward to more!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on May 09, 2014, 02:19 AM
Thank you for everyone who attended the revel that Heartwarder Carys MacKenna threw about! It was a nice turn out, even with the few comes-and-goes!  Look forward to more events like this, where we have simple, informal song, dance, and entertainment related activities!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on May 10, 2014, 12:10 PM
Big thanks for another great event with lots of character-building interaction for Tavaris last night goes out to dagesh, heynonee, and ClockworkMayhem. You guys all rock, and you make Tav so fun to play.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dagesh on May 10, 2014, 07:21 PM
sinisteromnibus Avatar
Big thanks for another great event with lots of character-building interaction for Tavaris last night goes out to dagesh, heynonee, and ClockworkMayhem. You guys all rock, and you make Tav so fun to play.
Seconded! Much awesomeness
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Orvil on May 16, 2014, 11:46 PM
A big thanks to Kelendel, Ellerosse (Clay), Aeric, Sevarus, and Mouse for helping Orvil put a final close on a chapter from his past. The small squabble between Sev and Clay was fun too. Thanks for putting the differences aside for the greater good of saving the hin population, and their deity.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dagesh on May 17, 2014, 10:16 AM
Props to folks on the server.  Everyone keeps things IC and OOC is appropriate when it occurs.  The list is too long for my current laziness so thank you to 'you know who you are'.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: oarthias on May 17, 2014, 10:32 AM
I've had a blast so far coming back to the server. RPing with the old gang and laughing my ass off as well as meeting new folks to interact with. Thank you everyone. *huggles* :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on May 18, 2014, 09:56 PM
All the new people and returned players: You have all been awesome! Thank you for bringing your characters, energy, and enthusiasm to the mix. The peak hours have been lovely!

Team Ravenshadow: In this case, meaning Alakton, Sumest, Kelendel, Nayu, Ary'Keryn, Celithrareng, and Piyale. Thank you all for the wonderful RP.  It was nice to see everyone taking initiative while also stepping back at times to let another person shine. 

Alakton - Seeing Hammer and Daeatria having a comical moment over their horrible childhood memories made me laugh a bit.  Poor everyone else who was clueless to what they responded to until later! 

Sumest - Awesome for putting up with Daeatria even when under distress. The tension in the quest, even for a moment between the two (it was an intense quest) seemed like it was easily brushed over.  And he was nice comic relief for certain parts of it!

Kelendel - Good to see someone capable of appreciating the lighter moments in the quest, especially when it got dark.  And for giving Alakton some moral support in the few times he needed it.

Nayu - One character I have watched over the years and develop over time.  I remember when she was very vulnerable and unable to do much.  And then I saw her helping out and saving tormented souls in the pocket plane we encountered.  It is empowering and endearing to see how she has grown!

Ary'Keryn - Awesome for a very appropriate reaction to dimensional door and shadow related spells in the Plane of Shadow! We were all debating and then when his reaction appeared, it decided how we would travel to certain points. Remembering that planes are bound to mess with our magical stuff! 

Celithrareng - On the note of character development, I have been enjoying seeing this character develop! And it was even nicer to see how she tried to support the team, and even took initiative on her own a few times.  Very different from the Celithrareng that I saw six months ago.  

Piyale - I liked seeing how practical this character was, even in the midst of some intense scenes in the pocket plane.  And how she took initiative and somehow stuck with a big group of elves, even when she at times seemed like she wanted to move onto other things. :-D 

It was a rather enjoyable night. Thank you everyone! 

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: thedran on May 20, 2014, 05:44 AM
Last night's dungeon crawl was -amazing-.

"Dysfunctional Family" is a very gentle way to describe the grouping we have involved.

((watch out for Wicked. . . she bites!))
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Atomic Twinkie on May 20, 2014, 06:30 AM
Alright, let's see here...

Since starting the server a bunch of you have helped me really feel at home and incredibly welcome with you all so here's a shout out to you guys and gals!

Sinister_Omnibus: You've been hella fun dude, always great for a laugh and Tavaris has made playing Clay so much more enjoyable (bcuz now he haz frend)! Thanks for the RP from all your characters, it's been great.

ClockworkMayhem: You're a riot, I gotta say - I didn't know what I was getting into when I first had Clay tease the shit out of mouse but it's been a pretty great experience getting to know you and your characters.

Drastine: I love your husband more than you.

Wetsponge87: It's been great getting to know you dude, thanks a ton for the RP and thanks for involving Clay in his second actual quest on the server. You've been a blast.

The High Overlord Darth Nyagus III: Nyaaagaaaaaaa~

ShOB: You've been a ton of fun to RP with and to get to know, you're always involving me in RP and the like and have been overall very welcoming, so thank you.

Valimar Dragonbane: Sumest is a bro and you've been a bro, even though Clay is an ass. GJ Fish paste.

Korlash Empyrean: Dude, Elzevir's a riot and he's been super helpful and so have you. He seems like a character with a lot more going on than blatantly stated but the blatantly stated stuff is so in your face it's hard to see past that, and I appreciate that sort of subtlety.

nonee: You're tons of fun, so thanks for that! Always enjoy random tidbits of RP with you.

enarian: You've actually provided Clay with a mirror image except liked, someone that's sort of like him but without the self-destructive tendencies (as far as I can tell) and as a DM you've provided me with RP that I enjoyed too.

silverfeather: ne'er stop being a badass.

TheOtherKip: Thanks for being a great sport with all the shit Clay does to Logarti and for being really fun to RP with across all your characters, even the antisocial ones, you've really helped me feel very welcome here.

FirstManDeparted: You're alright. ¬¬
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on May 20, 2014, 08:13 AM
10 out of 10, would RP again.

Love you long time, man.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Garage Trashcan on May 20, 2014, 08:33 AM
Surprise, surprise, I actually ended up enjoying the little venture with the Forest Family last night more than I had expected to.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on May 20, 2014, 09:26 AM
Some other people deserve some shouts...

LB7: The very first person to have greeted me back onto the server the second time I gave it a shot.  Also the very first one to pick up some of the formerly open-ended history of House Ravenshadow, which has turned into a rather complex history of intricate plots going back to the Crown Wars.  Your villain has, in fact, still served a catalyst for present stuff!  More importantly, it is nice seeing Arian develop over the years.  Going from a goodie character to someone who is just on the edge of sanity due to the horrible things that had happened to her.  Seeing how Daeatria unconsciously gets into her head on that has been entertaining, especially when Arian retaliates.  Good work!

The Red Mage: I love how you have both the complex, bizarre characters but also the alts who are simple folk. Such as the priest and the cook PC you have.  It helps add to the ambiance and quasi-realism of the server when you have both types around!

DemonicAngel: I like seeing Felix around again and seeing how he has grown and mellowed out in some ways over time.  I suppose being a father does that to people!  It is also a hoot seeing you drag out Nikolai and offer a source of comic relief for the server. Happy Nikolai Day!

Anklebitur: I have always enjoyed your characters immensely.  From "the Drunk" to Anisa.  Anisa has developed considerably over the years, from being the diasporic Bedine Selunite to a woods sort of girl who is out to help when needed.  Sophia still always takes an interest in studying things. Tuilelaith has been one of the best played of her kind that I have seen! Snotty but not to the point of being overbearing - I love it! And Iyashu's dark wit is always cannot wait to bring out Taly'siana and play her around him sometime. Woot!

Drastine: The roleplay with Alakton and Daeatria has turned out interesting, especially when they realised they had some unexpected historical ties. And they are almost two completely different experiences for the same environment, two different sorts of outsiders coming into a new world in their childhood.  I also enjoy it when Seda comes out and brings the hin goods! I am looking forward to more roleplay with both.

ClockworkMayhem: Mouse has been one of the most fun characters to watch in the square.  I know it can be a challenge to play a character who is a mute or has a similar issue and you do it very well and manage to make the best of it!  Your Velethuil character has also been enjoyable to engage with, and reminds Daeatria that not -all- the elves in Velethuil are contra northwestern elf.  Just the loudest ones. ;-)  

Foxwife: You have played the best Sharessan I have seen in a long time.  She reminds me just a little of an elven alu-fiend Malcanthetite turned Bastite I played on another server in a more Pharaonic/Far Eastern setting.  Siduri strikes that balance between enjoying the pleasures life has to offer while not making it all that defines her, prioritising doing good for the everyday citizen and the art of war, too!

Valimar Dragonbane: I already recently said good things about your bloody fish, so I shall comment on other things.  ;-)  Thank you for the fun with the White Cloaks and being willing to include the Ravenshadow brother and sister on some of the roleplay the other night.  It was a nice distraction to otherwise deal with a distracted, overwhelmed state I was undergoing IRL the other night (ironic I became less distracted by distraction!).  And now Daeatria feels her younger cousin and Celi are both in good hands now for their affiliation to one degree or another. Even with Alia's first training session with a student!

Reality Jumper: Your alts have been very fun. I enjoy seeing how different Elvalenia and Daeatria are, despite serving the same deity.  One more subtle than the other, and one from a different class background from the other.  At the very least, it seems like life had shaped them in different ways! It was also fun to see Tindra teach Eilira a bit of her own wisdom of the dance.  You also go out of your way to make others feel welcomed topside and with your guild-oriented PCs! I love it.

Last but not least...

Krunchy: About damned time you gave the server another shot.  Someone I have known almost a full decade on Neverwinter Nights, and who had came to Cormyr Dalelands at the same time I did.  I missed Eruestan teasing poor Daeatria and picking on her like a 'big' brother figure (even if he says she is old enough to be his grandmother).  Furthermore, I also terribly missed Roderic and the comic relief he brings to the server.  Oh, did I forget to mention that you typed out the best emote of the week yet, with your Thayan Knight?  :-D I shall tell anyone interested.  I had a laugh!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on May 20, 2014, 10:15 AM
Atomic Twinkie Avatar
Alright, let's see here...

Since starting the server a bunch of you have helped me really feel at home and incredibly welcome with you all so here's a shout out to you guys and gals!

Sinister_Omnibus: You've been hella fun dude, always great for a laugh and Tavaris has made playing Clay so much more enjoyable (bcuz now he haz frend)! Thanks for the RP from all your characters, it's been great.

ClockworkMayhem: You're a riot, I gotta say - I didn't know what I was getting into when I first had Clay tease the shit out of mouse but it's been a pretty great experience getting to know you and your characters.

Drastine: I love your husband more than you.

Wetsponge87: It's been great getting to know you dude, thanks a ton for the RP and thanks for involving Clay in his second actual quest on the server. You've been a blast.

The High Overlord Darth Nyagus III: Nyaaagaaaaaaa~

ShOB: You've been a ton of fun to RP with and to get to know, you're always involving me in RP and the like and have been overall very welcoming, so thank you.

Valimar Dragonbane: Sumest is a bro and you've been a bro, even though Clay is an ass. GJ Fish paste.

Korlash Empyrean: Dude, Elzevir's a riot and he's been super helpful and so have you. He seems like a character with a lot more going on than blatantly stated but the blatantly stated stuff is so in your face it's hard to see past that, and I appreciate that sort of subtlety.

nonee: You're tons of fun, so thanks for that! Always enjoy random tidbits of RP with you.

enarian: You've actually provided Clay with a mirror image except liked, someone that's sort of like him but without the self-destructive tendencies (as far as I can tell) and as a DM you've provided me with RP that I enjoyed too.

silverfeather: ne'er stop being a badass.

TheOtherKip: Thanks for being a great sport with all the shit Clay does to Logarti and for being really fun to RP with across all your characters, even the antisocial ones, you've really helped me feel very welcome here.

FirstManDeparted: You're alright. ¬¬

I've really enjoyed my time on this server thus far due to you, Fro, so I'm glad that I can return the favor. You're a total bro both in-game and out, and it makes me really happy that Tavaris captivates you like he does. I'm also really enjoying Amaiss and Voss. The interplay between the two keeps things interesting, to say the least.

Keep up the awesome work, man, and I send my kudos to a lot of the people on your list as well. It has been a blast so far, everyone.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Garage Trashcan on May 20, 2014, 12:12 PM
Thank you, Bushy Fro, for being literally the coolest person ever.

Sorry guys.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on May 20, 2014, 03:05 PM
Bushy, for...whatever Clay is.  He seems like he'd be a good friend to Sumest, if he could ever stop being such a jerkwad. :P

FirstManDeparted, for poor Calruil tolerating the male that's entered his sister's life and caused no end of grief in his public displays of affection to Dae.  Kudos for not trying to turn him into blackened salmon!

Ayra, of course, for tolerating her ever present and crude sailor!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: daphne on Jun 17, 2014, 10:27 AM
Been a while since I posted here - prolly overdue!

RJ - great fun with the lunar hollowing and I really enjoy Lena!  Going to drive poor Carys crazy...
Ogre Time - see above. Hydaro is seriously weird man'. :)
Trylo - political plotting was fun!  Even if not really needed...
Darvins - Valar is a very interesting char iyanna will always be my fave but aunty is great fun too!
Twinkie - really enjoying the hat dude!!  
Anklebitur  - gush gush for Tilly!  
The Ravenshadows - thank you for family fun! Although Eilira may need brooding lessons I am told. To fit in properly.
Val - I always enjoy Sumest!  Even if he is permanently attached to little cousin these days...
Shamash - I do like Zygi herb dust!  Good luck with those lumberjacks!

Vivian - I love her. She's adorable. Although we shall have to explore that past at some point. ;)

And to everyone I am forgetting -!thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jun 17, 2014, 11:00 PM

Everyone at the Lunar Hallowing: Awesome player-run RP! Really, really enjoyed the thought put into this event.  And also the after event moments.  Lena was great, and RJ really put thought into how to set this up.  Hydaro was also a rather interesting contrast to the more religious PCs in the audience.

And also...

Eilira: Good character development with Daeatria.  The -younger,- spunky Ravenshadow is getting lessons on sharing some responsibilities with the family now! Mwahahaha.

Sumest: His ability to help Daeatria when she is not her best is amazing.  Damn you for making her have those maiden smiles!  And it seemed like it was -her- turn to have relationship baggage than the other way around, this time. Mwehehehe.

Logarti: Seeing how he and Daeatria get stubborn with each other when in bad moods is amusing. And then how they bounce back and are able to keep a good public face, regardless of what goes on between the two. It is fun.  

Celithrareng and Calruil: Seeing these two develop more has been endearing and sweet.  I look forward to catching and hearing about more of it!

Alakton and Kelendel: You two have been very helpful for Daeatria's development.  And been very good supporters for Team Ravenshadow.

Arian: Sad to see this character retire, and she will be missed.  And she has been a very good source of character development and helping Daeatria define what it is to be an etrielle amongst the elves - in her own way. As transgressive as Daeatria can be about it at times.

Amaiss: Awesome roleplay with him! How he and Daeatria have different experiences growing up in the North, and how the two were interpreting for FMD's barbarian has been good roleplay.  Thanks for the fun!

Thavain: A good example of how even a clearly well intended individual can still make Daeatria jumpy and wary of her!  Thanks for making her paranoid of what Thavain is up to in the land! xD

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: littlecutie on Jul 03, 2014, 12:46 PM
It was my first day on the server yesterday and I want to thank Jerika, Amaiss, Eilira, and Tilly. Not only being super nice and welcoming but offering a fun little bit of rp! Also double thanks to Jerika since you were the one who pointed me to this server  :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Jul 03, 2014, 11:30 PM
Thank you to Bushy-fro, RoyalDagger and Night Mother. It has been so much fun role playing with you, lately. Also, thanks so much for the support for Aaliya and myself as we try to get things off the ground and 'flying.' It truly means a lot to me as this has been a goal of mine (and her's) for quite some time. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Jul 09, 2014, 06:58 AM
I'd like to add FirstManDeparted and SornDuskryn to that list; the push and pull you two have put Lotus through has been an interesting ride, so to speak. I'm gonna miss seeing the softer side of Ra'ziel and the opportunity to see his unhindered draconic nature. Sorn, I look forward to learning more about your tortured character. <3 Thank you, both.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: daphne on Jul 18, 2014, 08:57 PM
Thanks to everyone, new and veteran, who made a very enjoyable evening at the Midsummer Festival in Collinwood!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Aug 16, 2014, 06:45 PM
Big thanks and kudos to dom101 for his character Sybaztien's first meeting with Voss. Since I made Voss no one has been able to so utterly confound, confuse, and off-balance Voss, but it seemed that Sybaztien knew exactly what to say and do at all the right times to render Voss completely speechless and unable to reply. As a result of this meeting Voss now has to completely reconsider not only a lot of the rumors he's heard but also how he views the world.

Thanks so much for this small encounter which will surely lead to a lot of character development.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dom101 on Aug 17, 2014, 10:43 AM
sinisteromnibus Avatar
Big thanks and kudos to dom101 for his character Sybaztien's first meeting with Voss. Since I made Voss no one has been able to so utterly confound, confuse, and off-balance Voss, but it seemed that Sybaztien knew exactly what to say and do at all the right times to render Voss completely speechless and unable to reply. As a result of this meeting Voss now has to completely reconsider not only a lot of the rumors he's heard but also how he views the world.

Thanks so much for this small encounter which will surely lead to a lot of character development.

Glad I could help out and thanks for the fun interaction!  :-)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Aug 19, 2014, 11:53 PM
Max, Bass, Amaiss, and Jack: Thank you for the fun in the Gilded Lyre, and keeping it in-character. I know that could have went more awkward fast!  It was just a reminder of how Daeatria may get along with a lot of people, but those people may not get along with each other!

Priya and Rashan: Thank you for letting Dae in on the dinner for the Council.  It was a good opportunity for her to find a way to have people work together again.  It also gave the etrielle more information to consider, and how she can keep nurturing her relatively solid relationship! Speaking of which...

Sumest: Really appreciate the RP when him and Daeatria can get some time to decompress.  Especially since IRL has been a nasty troll, and the past several interactions have been mostly adventuring and quest stuff.  At times, it is good to simply relax! These two are coming a long ways, and always looking for things to do. Woo! 

Eilira: Go on her! She has grown so much, and yet her and Daeatria still find ways to pick on each other on the side.  Just you wait - older cousin has some responsibilities to hand over soon.  Oh myyy.

Jack: Thank you for making a guy who seems keenly interested in some of the more flavourful aspects of Forgotten Realms lore.  It was nice for Dae to realise that there are non-elves who are keenly interested in elvish matters.  For what reasons, well...I suppose time will tell! (I swear there were a few times Dae got paranoid in that interaction, too!) 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: threeguesses on Aug 20, 2014, 07:39 AM
Thanks to Priya:

No one, ever, has helped to make domesticity so sweet and absurd at the same time. Rashan wouldn't be himself without Priya and RJ's most superb, wonderful roleplay. If he's interesting to anyone, thank Priya and RJ, not me.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Aug 20, 2014, 08:43 AM
A big thank you to Jack Kuttner (Gork) and Dae.

Jack's character is refreshing and certainly seems to have a lot more going on than what he lets on.  I'm curious to see what else is going on in that head of his.

And Dae, for much the same reasons as above.  She and Sumest got some much needed time to do some exploring, teasing/flirting and just being a couple.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Aug 21, 2014, 01:09 AM
Want to thank the following for enjoying, or at least putting up, with Casanunda:


And...his victim, Wing.  Thank you for being such a good sport about it! 

Postscript: Also a thanks to Daphne for creating such a comical NPC!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Aug 21, 2014, 06:15 AM
It was awesome! Thanks for the craziness! The part with Mouse and Voss and the distraught woman in the Seraph was especially fun. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Aug 21, 2014, 10:00 PM
Thanks to Sidhe and Dom for hanging out with Kraugar.  He's been interesting to play, and you've both put good energy forward.  
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Aug 23, 2014, 04:16 AM
Thanks to Dom101 for Bass' meeting with Mouse this morning. It was a lot of fun, and it's been awhile since someone found the perfect way to relate to Mouse (through more than just her stomach). Looking forward to playing with you, again!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Aug 24, 2014, 08:13 AM
I think last night was the most fun I've had rping in about 7 years in nwn. Thanks so much to the following people for giving Voss some really deep character development and then an awesome bit of light-hearted comedy to bring things back from DEFCON 1 for him.

Bass(dom101): Since coming back to the server recently this player has been a constant source of great rp for my characters. Dom101, you are down-to-earth, friendly, experienced, polite and honest. Bass as a character is unique and amazing (even though Voss and he share so many similarities despite the fact that I didn't even know about Bass until after I made him). I love his personality, and it seems somehow you manage to constantly pick up on even the most subtle rp cues and put tremendous effort into playing off them. Thank you so much for being here, and I've enjoyed every word of rp with your character. Please don't ever stop being awesome. ;)

Mouse(clockworkmayhem): I live with you, so no fancy words for you here. :)

Cassiatine(darkpurpose): You mentioned right before logging off for the night that you felt special for getting to see a side of Voss no one else really has. I'm so honored you felt that way, and that's exactly what I intended. Thanks for rping Cassiatine the way you do because the interplay between Voss and her was just that perfect little bit of extra icing on the top of a big rp cake that sweetened it up. Cassiatine's interest in Voss and her art of him couldn't have been timed better (though you didn't know it at the time) considering what he'd just been through. The stars aligned, the cards were right, and Voss was actually in a good mood...for once.

grayelf spellslinger: You kinda came in at the end of things, but thanks for the fun little interplay between Bass and Anastasia that Voss got to witness. Also, thanks for all the great rp that Ridley has done with Voss, Mouse, and Max so far. Ridley seems a lot like Voss, and it's cool to see how the two interact so smoothly with one another. I'm looking forward to things to come when Voss starts working for/with Ridley. :)

If anyone has the opportunity to rp with any character played by one of these players I highly recommend you do so. You won't regret it!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dom101 on Aug 24, 2014, 02:23 PM
I've never really been one accustomed to positive feed back or compliments for the way I play Bass.  Generally it's a lot of negativity and hatred. Which I'm okay with ooc'ly because that's expected.

It's a rare treat to be so appreciated and complimented with such class. I appreciate everything people are saying about both Bass and myself. Thank you so much.

I try not to play favorites but those that I log on and seek out immediately tend to be my favorite victims. And you all know whom you are. Thanks for making nwn fun again.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Aug 25, 2014, 01:18 PM
As a new entity dipping in - I must vaguely kudos every interaction I have had so far. Everyone has been friendly IC and OOC and it has just been a pleasant experience. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Colin Mack on Aug 30, 2014, 08:46 AM
dom101 Avatar
I've never really been one accustomed to positive feed back or compliments for the way I play Bass.  Generally it's a lot of negativity and hatred. Which I'm okay with ooc'ly because that's expected.

It's a rare treat to be so appreciated and complimented with such class. I appreciate everything people are saying about both Bass and myself. Thank you so much.

I try not to play favorites but those that I log on and seek out immediately tend to be my favorite victims. And you all know whom you are. Thanks for making nwn fun again.

Well he is supposed to be played that way right we do all love him you know you do a great job Dom he is two of my three pc's favorite person to hate.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Sep 24, 2014, 06:41 AM
Thanks to Bushy, Sorn, FMD, Gork and thorien for helping me bring my ladies to life and joining me in the unfolding tales I attempt to weave. Also, thanks for your supportive words when I really needed to take a step back. I eagerly look forward to more mischief!

Thanks to the group who welcomed Aaliya into battle once more! Aelie, Max, Silvia, Teldrath and Zevarion ushered in a new tale, whether you know it or not. I enjoy having the opportunity to toss Aaliya into the mix and make a difference. We all worked really well together and I await the next adventure. : )
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Sep 24, 2014, 01:32 PM
Your welcome Shobit.  Take a step back and it leaves you wanting more.  Also, cookies.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Sep 27, 2014, 04:51 AM
Major kudos and thanks to Amalgrim for her roleplay as Velenya Tevlyn tonight with Voss. That was intense, horrific, and powerful for both of them, and I'm really impressed with how smoothly it went and how it affected both characters. Please don't ever stop, and I look forward to continuing to see how the apprentice/teacher relationship between them will evolve.

Also big kudos to Jared's player Remmy for his roleplay. The tension between Voss and Jared has never been thicker, but with Velenya insistent that Voss continue instructing her, how will Jared and he come to terms without constantly being at one another's throats? It's going to be a blast and it wouldn't even be possible if not for your patience and skill in the way you portray Jared as a character.

And kudos to the Stonehaven crew: Logarti (kip), Bass (dom), and Mouse (clockwork) for really pushing and pulling at Voss to help him grow into the character he's becoming. Roleplay with you three is always organic and forces me to adapt, and I'd have nowhere near the grasp of Voss's personality without your help.

Thanks to you all!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Sep 27, 2014, 12:04 PM
Thanks for the welcome-back from the Stonehaven gang last night =)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: thorien on Sep 27, 2014, 01:54 PM
I would like to thank Shobit for stunning RP and even more astonishing performance after! It was absolutely unrivaled!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Oct 04, 2014, 01:07 PM
Want to thank everyone who has been investing in RP at Deepingdale lately...Especially those that play...

Rhea: Daeatria and Rhea have became quite the formidable allies here, and see eye-to-eye far more than they used to back when Rhea first started.  I suppose that comes with the territory of both being outcasts and yet, of important status and protectors of the Elven People.

Celithrareng: Seeing her exposure to a more elvish settlement, even in disguise, has been a wonderful thing. And it is always endearing to see someone willing to learn more.

Calruil: It is good to see that little (I mean, big) brother is starting to figure out what he wants to do with his life a bit more! Daeatria was worried for him, truly. ;-)  Suffice to say, I imagine some influences were helping there (and no, not Dae).

Rashan: Though it was not done directly in Deepingdale, per se, he and Priya have been interesting for Daeatria to see. Almost like an idea of what her and Sumest could be like. She was hoping to make a trip to elsewhere to visit other friends at the time, but they were not on and she became exhausted after the last interaction!

Priya: It is fascinating to see how both her and Daeatria are hurt in similar ways, yet both have a slight difference in how they react to the hurt (albeit having less trust in men).  

Sumest: I hate seeming all weird to keep commending the RP, but he really has done a lot to develop Daeatria.  In some, eerie way, both were separate from their people in one way or another, and now both seem to be on their own paths of reconciling with them.  Seeing the two with each other always makes me want to go "aww," too. >.<

Aaliya: It is good to finally have time to roleplay with this character.  It is fascinating to see two women of power come together and...along with Rhea, might actually get something done in Deepingdale after the recent fallout in Velethuil.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dom101 on Oct 04, 2014, 02:37 PM
Edge Avatar
Thanks for the welcome-back from the Stonehaven gang last night =)
Welcomed back so hard!  Glad to play together again :P

I don't like making this thread into a popularity contest or a who's who of all that voodoo that you do (I've been up for 35 hours; ignore the quirks), so I'm just going to say I've really been enjoying myself with all the peeps I RP with.  Thank you all for being the reason I play this vidya game.

And especially Remmy; thanks for putting up with the Aggression of being Bass' current punching bag.  I really am glad you're around, even if my character does what he can to make Jared hate it so much.

Stonehaven Luv
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Oct 09, 2014, 03:55 AM
Stonehaven gang: Thank you for the roleplay, and dealing with a Daeatria responding to people being on constant edge.

Logarti: Finally good to RP with him again and for some constructive development to come from it. Speaking of which...

Lena: It was nice to see Lena talk more about her backstory, and help make sense for the priestess who is not sure of herself yet!  And then to see her and Arti working through their IC awkwardness.

Ceya: Thank you for bringing roleplay to the Highmoon area.  While Daeatria certainly tries to avoid the typical adventurers in Arabel while going there, it is nice for her to find some people there!

Vivian: This girl has grown past some of her comfort zones. I look forward to her and Daeatria finally catching up sometime, and having a double-date with her and Ra'ziel! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: nightmother on Oct 13, 2014, 04:00 PM
Guess I'll give a shout out to anyone that has been rping with Revanous of the late, it's been fun, interesting, dramatic, all in one. Kind of nice to feel the character starting to settle in, but still needs to decide on goals for himself.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Oct 15, 2014, 12:14 AM
Thanks to Elvalenia, Sumest and Daetria for the awesome role play time. It was a refreshing experience, more so since I'm not on CD as much as I'd like to be, much appreciated folk!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Oct 15, 2014, 11:05 AM
Thanks to the same people and party, especially for putting up with Daeatria being on the edge before the trip to a historical site.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Oct 26, 2014, 01:55 AM
Thank you to the group that participated in the elven debate.  I enjoyed seeing everyone participating in their own ways, and displaying seldom-seen facets of their characters!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: The Red Mage on Oct 26, 2014, 10:26 AM
Yes, kudos to everyone there, and the DM.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Oct 27, 2014, 06:56 PM
I'd like to toss out two shout-outs:
1) The group in Velethuil on Saturday night.  It was truly enjoyable to see how each person tried to convince the councilors.
2) Sorn, for the mentor rp between Sophia and Galas.  This has given him a goal to work toward as well as learning a little something more about himself and his mentor.

And then a general shout-out to everyone that I've rp'd with over the last little while.  Thanks for the fun, folks!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Oct 27, 2014, 10:59 PM

Hydaro - those rare date night moments where they can talk about those deep subjects that drive each of them. Made for another great play night!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Oct 28, 2014, 01:48 AM
i have to admit, Galas and Sophia actually fit well together.  I didn't think it was possible, so kudos.  Rj, this actually is really bad your Galas, he just doesn't realize it yet :o

Annnyway!!  Much fun everyone.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: misfit on Oct 30, 2014, 06:26 AM
Thanks, clockworkmayhem, for the small bit of RP yesterday between Mouse and Gonk. I'm perpetually on the fringes of the game due to a limited schedule and a complete inability to focus on any one of my half-dozen alts, and it's always nice to be able to actually connect with someone. And I like Mouse - an interesting concept and you meet the challenge of playing a mute character very well.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Oct 30, 2014, 06:39 AM
Thanks! I was impressed with Gonk, too - not the typical way I've seen a half-orc played, and that was very refreshing! I had a lot of fun, and look forward to playing with you, again!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Nov 10, 2014, 10:04 AM
I'd like to thank SOC_Tessa and Vaesi for the wonderful rp with Galas.  Rin is a constant source of confusion for the poor elf, and Vaesi is nothing short of incredibly patient and understanding with him.  Even if she both confuses and terrifies him at times.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: vaesi on Nov 10, 2014, 09:40 PM
Back atcha, Galas is a fun toon to interact with and gives Vaesi outlet for a quieter more introspective side at times.  Its appriciated.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Nov 12, 2014, 09:18 AM
Quite a lot of people of late, but especially...

Kevendithas: It is nice to see how this character has been, from both playerside and topside.  His interaction with Countess Ravenshadow was quite suprising, and seeing the two have some small things in common definitely was entertaining.

Kelendel: Good to see this friendly priest and mage, as usual.  Especially when he gets himself in trouble with Logarti, and being too flirtatious for his own good!  

Piyale: It has been fun seeing her develop over the years, and how she has mildly different priorities from when I first encountered her. 

Logarti: Introducing Daeatria to Lotus in the Underdark.  That was a very interesting moment where Dae saw a mirror of herself, in an older time - a darker place. The talk afterward was very thought provoking, too!

Lotus: Same reasons for above, but also for being willing to bring her out. Daeatria was always interested in learning more about her.

Celi: It is nice to see how this girl's character development is coming along. I am curious to see what more awaits - without giving too much information to the public. ;-)

Hydaro: Funny enough, I think one of the major traits keeping him and Daeatria from being alike is the fact Daeatria is wholly devoted to the Seldarine.  And well...I do not think Hydaro has breasts (as far as I know - Dae will have to ask Lena :-D). 

: Good to see Lena finally becoming more comfortable with herself! 

Eilira: It was good to have these two catch up again.  And I hope that you will show up more often so that people can see more of this plucky Ravenshadow! It was also impressive, on DMside, seeing how she is handling all the political good and flack for being a Ravenshadow.  Having a family name has a price, after all. >.> And the restraint she has shown in these situations just proves how her character development is coming along.

Sumest: Almost feel guilty for giving these out, but still. This crude sailor, potentially future family privateer, has been a big part of Daeatria's character development.  He has been one of the catalysts for why she is getting out of a darker place.  And instead of becoming less adorable together in time, they just seem to become more disgustingly adorable. ;-) 
(It was also hilarious to see how they handle others flirting with the other. One punching the dude in the face, the other flirting with the girls. Such foils!) 

Last but not least, a huge thanks to everyone who participated in the elven debate and the court stuff!  It was nice to see the rarely seen aspects of those characters, like Bella said. 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edwardfalcona on Nov 15, 2014, 09:46 AM
I don't think I've posted in this thread before, I've always thought about it just got lazy or something. I wanted to thank all of you folk for the wonderful times I've been having since I came back I didn't realize that. I missed it so much till I jumped back into the thick of it so to speak. I actually broke an old rule last night by moving to my recliner. Which can cause the awkward time of being role playing and then blinking two hours later. Apologies for those who maybe poked me and received nothing but thank you for giving me so much wonderful story and role play and plot to sink my teeth into.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Nov 15, 2014, 12:13 PM
Edwardfalcona Avatar
I don't think I've posted in this thread before, I've always thought about it just got lazy or something. I wanted to thank all of you folk for the wonderful times I've been having since I came back I didn't realize that. I missed it so much till I jumped back into the thick of it so to speak. I actually broke an old rule last night by moving to my recliner. Which can cause the awkward time of being role playing and then blinking two hours later. Apologies for those who maybe poked me and received nothing but thank you for giving me so much wonderful story and role play and plot to sink my teeth into.
We've all been there, man. ;) I'm really happy to hear you're enjoying yourself to such an extent. Voss' interactions with Kelendel have been amazing. I really enjoy how Kel at first appears to be a pretty open, cut-and-dry character, but as I'm seeing more and more of him I'm realizing there's a lot more going on with him than he lets on. Voss was -really- surprised by what he whispered to him the other day, and there will definitely be some more rp in that line in the near future. ;)

Thanks for being awesome, and I'm glad you're having so much fun.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Nov 17, 2014, 01:59 PM
For all those involved in Celi's quest, a big thank you! We're not done yet!

Hyde, you're an ass and the devil knows it ;) Ha!
Jim, you have options for us! She has referred Kel to "Mr. Jim"
Alia, sorry your student is a nut job!
Bethra, thank you for the complication! It's added another element. Can't wait to see how the girl's interact in the coming days!
Zaeth (I mean Sal :P ), the knockdown drag out fight was amazing. The convoluted relationship of these siblings is always tumultuous and interesting.
Alton, she's not dead yet! And she added a wrinkle!
Logarti, she's never forgotten what he did for her. It's why she tried to keep this from him. ;) She has no idea how to fix things with him.
Dae, let's hope she doesn't bring the house down!
Kel, your smooth tongue got us further than anyone to date!

And anyone else I missed! This is a complicated quest full of moral issues. It's certainly helping to shape Celi! Thank you all for coming along on this one.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Nov 17, 2014, 02:25 PM
Big shout-out to Vaesi for her character...Vaesi. :P Very few bother to try and delve into Voss like she did. He was surprised, and I was as well. Excellent rp all around.

Also a big thank you and shout out to darth kirin for the rp between Voss and Alexia. She seems like a very deep character, and I'm sorry I'd forgotten they'd already met! Still, I feel like their interaction had a lot of subtlety to it, and I look forward to more.

Thanks to you both for helping me bring Voss to life!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Nov 17, 2014, 04:10 PM
Always glad to play the good guy that everyone hates. :)

Big thanks to Red Mage's character, Keven, he's a refreshing and more laid back character. Hydaro can kind of relate to that character because they both seem to tiredly accept that they're a flawed mess and don't really care.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: vaesi on Nov 17, 2014, 10:51 PM
Was fun to get to interact with some toons I've not before now.  Tend to keep to my wall a lot and not start rp without others connecting first, its a bad lazy habit... trying to shake it off and get her back to just pestering the heck out of folks.  Thanks for helping with that.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: The Red Mage on Nov 19, 2014, 11:03 AM
I also want to give a shout out to everyone who has been interacting with Keven playerside and topside lately. And a special shoutout to the player of Jack Flannigan for the RP last night. Welcome to the server, and I'm glad you managed to survive our strangeness.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: RockSolid on Nov 19, 2014, 06:41 PM
On that note, I'd like to thank the players of Logarti, Vaesi, Keven, Kel and Raindra, who made an effort to include Jack the lowbie in their RP. I had a bundle of fun!

Thanks also to darkpurpose and Amalgrim, who have also given me and Jack a hand adjusting to the server.  :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Nov 22, 2014, 09:48 PM
You're welcome!   *hugs* And thanks to you for being a good sport with fey mischief!

Additionally to RockSolid, thanks to TheotherKip, SornDuskryn, onivel1, Nevermore, FirstManDeparted, edwardfalcona, Sinister_Omnibus, and ClockworkMayhem, and others that my poor foggy head can't think of... for the fun role play. I love learning more about your characters as you get to know mine better. : ) Thanks for making me feel included.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Nov 23, 2014, 12:14 AM
To ... Caprice, Bella, Sinister, Clockwork, LB7, Autumn, Ummmma, and Remmy... What an awesome Saturday. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Nov 23, 2014, 01:25 AM
Big thanks for awesome rp from all the characters involved in the Dance of Pales pt. 2 tonight! Everyone did a really great job of playing their characters and bringing out those minor little details that so rarely get to seen in day-to-day rp. Thanks for being awesome, guys and gals!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Nov 23, 2014, 01:31 AM
Definitely had an amazing time tonight. Thanks to everyone in that event! LB7, Autumn, Remmy, Ummma, and Amalgrim (and yes, even Sinister. :P ). And the DMs, too, but they get their own shout-out on the other thread. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Nov 24, 2014, 11:37 AM
Nevermore - it's been some time since I was SO involved in the RP I lost track of the time! Thanks for the amazing visit between Bethra and Celi on Saturday night! Both girls have a lot to think about!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Nevermore on Nov 24, 2014, 06:46 PM
I have been having the best times playing Bethra and I wanted to thank you all for the wonderfull rp she has been getting into.

RJ -I agree.. and I really am so proud of both of them. Priya has made her feel the closest to be normal ever. I can't wait to see more. 

Kip - Jarlyn and her continue to confuse, impress, and then just crack me up.

Onivel- Seldon has been a great stability to her and has been more patient then a saint. 

Silverfeather - No one can challenge that girl like Sal. 

Shob - Bethra biggest goal to recreate the family she feels she is missing, and she is finally getting to do that with her new Big Sis.

Masque - Raikel had made do so much introspection and tought on her her closest held ideal that she is getting so much stronger for it.

Edwardfalcona -Kel has sat and listend to some things that make me blink. And he just unjudingly got about helping.. such a Moradin send!

Redmage - Keven.. she will never stop trying to feed you at every opertunity. I am sorry.. Seriously...never.

I so know I am forgetting so many of you but know I thank you all for such great times!  
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Dec 10, 2014, 06:30 AM
Thank you, thorien, for the fun and touching role play between Zevarion and Ruvanna. I know how busy you are and it meant a lot to me to share that with you despite your hectic schedule.

Thanks to Night Mother, always a good time when I get the chance to role play with you. : )

Kip, Nevermore, SornDuskryn, and onivel, I have a great time even if we don't role play and simply share our character's thoughts and laugh.

Nevermore, I'm looking forward to seeing how these unlikely new besties will face challenges together.

Kip, be prepared to give Rue LOTS to do while Zevarion's off taking care of business.

Sorn, I'm glad we found a way to connect and role play, again. Missed the fun we've had and I look forward to more!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Dec 11, 2014, 09:10 PM
Edwardfalcona, thank you for the amazing ceremony with Kel to induct Celi the other night. It was beautifully done and very memorable!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Dec 11, 2014, 09:44 PM
realityjumper Avatar
Edwardfalcona, thank you for the amazing ceremony with Kel to induct Celi the other night. It was beautifully done and very memorable!
Agreed!  It was very nicely  done.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Voice of Kerensky on Dec 12, 2014, 05:30 PM
Arti's player--I'm sorry, I never remember your handle--the RP with Erynivren the other day was very much appreciated and I hope we can pick up on/conclude it soon.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Dec 12, 2014, 06:23 PM
Kip is the bee's knees, the cat's pajamas, and other old-timey forms of praise. No doubt.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ladybug on Dec 13, 2014, 01:46 AM
realityjumper Avatar
Edwardfalcona, thank you for the amazing ceremony with Kel to induct Celi the other night. It was beautifully done and very memorable!
+1 to this. I was not expecting to be involved with it, but it was a neat experience for a newbie like me to get involved with something.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Dec 22, 2014, 12:28 AM
Thank you to the following!...And for the following...

Logarti - Having that very sad scene with Daeatria where she had the impression he threw their friendship away.  It might not have happened, but Dae took it as such! Been a while since something hurt her this much. Thank you for the roleplay!

Bethra - Giving Daeatria another to watch over, and playing the uncertainty about her so well!  Her idealism is almost endearing to Daeatria, even while she worries it might get her hurt.

Voss - Voss's and Sumest's banters are wonderful, and make my Ravenshadow wonder if she needs to leave Voss and Sumest alone for 'bromance time.' :-D  

Mouse - It is interesting to see her speak, and struggling with it.  Also am curious to see how her and Daeatria interact in the future, with Rhea insisting on it. >.>

Rhea - Her and Dae are always foils of each other.  One the idealist, the other the realist.  It is like they need the quality of the other!  

Celi - It is good to see this girl grow so much!  Sure she made some fatal mistakes, but it seems she is starting to grow faster as a result of them.  Look forward to more.

Velenya - It is always nice to share elven stuff with Daeatria.  I do not get to play her role as a diplomat/consultant as often as I would like! 

Kelendel - As always the helpful friend and bro-like figure for Daeatria.  Having the traits she wished her brother would eventually internalize, himself!  Speaking of which...

Calruil - It is nice to see how different these two (Dae and him, even) fight each other now, and how far they had come along.  Hopefully he will grow more into what he hopes to be for his little sister!

Sumest - Dammit, needs stated.  This one and Daeatria only keep strengthening their relationship.  It is amazing to see how being a parent already has changed them (and the etrielle is not even pregnant with -hers- yet!).  

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Dec 22, 2014, 01:17 AM
Had a great time tonight with Daea and Sumest. You guys need to not be a stranger so much and hang out more. ;) Sumest and Voss seem to mesh well, and Daea is fun to pick on. I'm glad you managed to find the time to do a bit of dungeoneering as well. Let me know whenever you want to do it again.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Dec 22, 2014, 08:10 AM
Ditto. Despite Kestal spending most of the dungeon just kind of shaking her head at the antics it was a fun run. =)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Dec 22, 2014, 01:40 PM
Celi was one of those characters that was going to be a bit player, trotted out when the House needed her, but she seemed to have a mind of her own! She's become one I look forward to playing because:

Alton - She's only slightly less scared of him than she is of Francis!
Zaeth - that convoluted relationship... wow. Love and hate are closely meshed in their interactions!
Dae - taking her under her wing and encouraging her.
Arti - yeah, she was scared of him, but his "freeing" her has shaped her immensely.
Fish - she's looking to model behaviors you and Dae have
Hydaro - I think she's affected him as much as he has affected her!
Mute - that spider incident. yeah.
Alia - keep "mentoring the crap" out of her :P
Kel - she's absolutely blossomed under his care! Being allowed to become "Oghma's Rose" has been liberating for her!
Cal - from that first "you're handsome" she uttered without thought, their rocky road forward, both learning what relationships are supposed to be, and dealing with the troubles she's brought into the House... I'm looking forward to more.

All the people that have been meeting her lately - thanks!

And Francis - rock to the head, dude. ;)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Dec 30, 2014, 02:26 AM
Tonight was one of the funnest nights I had on the server.  The fish-slapping scene involving Vyilea and Voss helped introduce some lightheartedness that was desperately needed.  Thank you everyone who was involved!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Dec 30, 2014, 02:02 PM
Arya Kalarathri Avatar
Tonight was one of the funnest nights I had on the server.  The fish-slapping scene involving Vyilea and Voss helped introduce some lightheartedness that was desperately needed.  Thank you everyone who was involved!

Glad we could get you to laugh and you could be there. ;) Sometimes we all just need those funny little scenes.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Jan 07, 2015, 09:46 AM
I'd like to thank RockSolid for the last several nights of engaging rp between Jack and Tisha.  I'd enjoyed the few other interactions I've had with him in the past, which seemed too short.  He's such a fun character to interact with!

I'd also like to thank Kip and darkpurpose for the other night in the Seraph.  It was a good character development night for Tisha. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: RockSolid on Jan 08, 2015, 05:12 AM
Back at ya, VD. Tisha's a fun character with some good banter, and I enjoy RPing with her!

And while I'm here, I'd like to thank Nevermore, Aazonis, RJ, darkpurpose, Amalgrim, Remmy and threeguesses, who I've had some entertaining RP with over the past few days, plus Sinister Omnibus for the event today.  :D

And lastly, Kip! My partner in late-night RP.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: disapprovingmother on Jan 20, 2015, 07:12 PM

Just want to say hi and thank you to everyone who's RP'ed  put up with my PC, Alexandra Hohlenberg. I've enjoyed the RP and the diverse array of welcomes she's received--and the very welcoming attitude I've personally received from many of you.

In particular, a shout-out to Estara (Amalgrim) for some great RP and being VERY helpful OOC, to Annael (lazycat) for agreeing to the thankless task of being Alexandra's assistant (score!) and Alexander (RockSolid) for....well, basically, not wanting to strangle least not yet. As well as to everyone who greeted her on her first night in town with the Rat King. Good times, good times....

Look forward to meeting everyone!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Jan 20, 2015, 07:19 PM
disapprovingmother Avatar

Just want to say hi and thank you to everyone who's RP'ed  put up with my PC, Alexandra Hohlenberg. I've enjoyed the RP and the diverse array of welcomes she's received--and the very welcoming attitude I've personally received from many of you.

In particular, a shout-out to Estara (Amalgrim) for some great RP and being VERY helpful OOC, to Annael (lazycat) for agreeing to the thankless task of being Alexandra's assistant (score!) and Alexander (RockSolid) for....well, basically, not wanting to strangle least not yet. As well as to everyone who greeted her on her first night in town with the Rat King. Good times, good times....

Look forward to meeting everyone!

Hah! Your Role-Play has been great and welcome to the server!

Remember, exercise is for peasants. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Jan 21, 2015, 06:26 PM
Thanks to TheotherKip, Bushy-Fro, Nevermore, onivel1, -Aazonis, & SornDuskryn for all the fun role play!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Mystic Warden on Feb 02, 2015, 09:00 AM
Thanks for Bushy-Fro for the ono-on-one yesterday! It was challanging and empowering, giving insight into Amaiss' troubled soul. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Feb 03, 2015, 10:09 AM
To Modron, with love: Siris may not ever warm up to Mirabell, but he may at least grow to tolerate her. ;)
To Kip, for Logarti and his continuing visits with Tisha.
And lastly, to SOC for Jace and Rin.  It was good for Galas to actually talk to another guy.  He doesn't have all that many guys to pal around with, and its good for him to bond with another one.  Rin, for constantly pushing at him.  Believe it or not, she's been the one to get him to be more actively goody goody.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Feb 13, 2015, 02:56 PM
Thank you everyone for rping with me yesterday, my evening was wonderful :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: invictus on Feb 16, 2015, 07:21 PM
Today I'd just like to thank my clique of toxic problem players for the wonderful circlejerk we've kept alive over the years.

Here's to you North, Tseti, Aazonis, Kheal, and of course my lovely self.

PS: We'll yiff, ok?


Actually in all seriousness I'd just like to say that it's good to see some familiar faces doing well. Sidhe, Guesses, you're still pretty cool.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Feb 20, 2015, 10:42 AM
Major props last night to Edward, Bella, and White Spirit for nearly three hours of intense medical RP. It's not often you get to see healer characters actually being healers.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Feb 21, 2015, 01:57 AM
Just wanted to thank everyone in my event tonight. You guys all did an amazing job rping, and I know things got a bit hectic, but thanks for your patience with me. I hope the ending didn't leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth, but if it did just remember there's only one more Hells' Song event to go. :) Time to face the big bad boss. Thank you all again for the amazing rp. Truly, without you guys and your characters I wouldn't have so much to work with for my events.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Feb 27, 2015, 10:50 AM
Thank you to  and  for performing the ceremony last night.  I know I didn't give you nearly enough preparation time, and you did beautifully!

Also, thank you to everyone who came and participated.  I'm sorry for the delay getting started (RL kept interfering!), but I had a blast RPing with everyone.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Mar 10, 2015, 02:26 AM
For recent rp, I would like to thank...

Rhea: For the rp and opportunities to interact with a half celestial. I always enjoyed her wisdom and outlook on life, she comes across as a true artist. Sometimes playful like a melody, sometimes mysterious as the mystery of music itself. She has many facettes and one could watch them like the facettes of a diamond in the daylight. And sometimes your rp is like music, or a song.

Daeatria Ravenshadow: You are *the* address for elven lore and you have often helped me when I had questions about elven history or lore on the crownwars (And I still didn't get some of it despite your patience with me. >.>). I enjoy rping with you and I have great admiration for how intricately you weave and design your stories, your events or your rp so that it forms a beautiful and hamronic resonance between lore, personal history and the setting we play in. I also enjoy reading your story entries, you have a way of narrating that is involving but tactful. I have one intense combat scene in mind where Daeatria fought off attackers.

Kelendel: For a very interesting even if mysterious elf. I have only recently *met* Kelendel but I found the rp and the meeting very interesting. One could think Kelendel was just an elf, but while he *is* an elf, one could not be further from the truth. There are things about his personality and heart, just like his face, are concealed ust not by a hood but, for the same effect, not for everyone to see.

Voss: For a very interesting character and a very interesting way of rping him. Voss seems like an emerald but one that intentionally seems smudgey and crusted with molten stone, through and through. Emeralds have always been both mysterious but also dangerous in many ways. Greed has lead adventurers into lethal traps on the chase for one. Others have been shaped into a weapon both fascinating but also deadly. Some were symbols and some change color depending on whether or not they are heated.
But whatever the color, or even smudgey or no. At the end of the day, an emerald is still a gem. And so is Voss in his own way in our collection of gems that are our characters.

Vyliea: For the many alts this supposed patient of altitis has, I have barely met any of them. Something I regret but something that was also remedied. Tonight ^.^ Thank you for introducing me to Vyliea, and although I have only interacted briefly with her I could see that both time and care refined her into a character that like a dark precious stone only grows more worthwhile with time. I look forward to future rp with her!

Sumest: For a representative of a rarely played subrace. Rarely played but played well in many ways! I like how skillful you play in all regards be it rp, descriptions, comments, humor, teamwork or storytelling. I have never before rped with a sea-elf but in the rp with Sumest I had the rare opportunity to make these experiences and I wanted to thank you for those.

Silence: For being counter intuitive to your name. I have enjoyed to rp with you or watch your rp sometimes when I was the one who spoke little or not at all. Silence speaks, and louder than words more often than not.

Mouse/Rat: For promising interactions. I don't know her very well yet but I could see that she is an involving character, through her rp with those around her. I met her mostly together with Rhea and Voss and I think we have not interacted much yet both in and out of the game but I like what you add to the rp that I have witnessed and I think that it would have been less without your character present.

Ceya Benes: Mother of a well known Sophia Benes I liked our recent rp, especialyl the way you played Ceya. I found it nice how her age showed in a way that I would imagine to be very elven, her outlook on life, her hindsight. Her thoughts, her hopes, her regrets. It all had a very elven feeling to it and I enjoyed that.

Vivian/Hepzabethra: Although both characters are very different, one is a human, one a drow, I like both of them and also how you play them. They are unassuming on the outside but deeply thought out on the inside. I enjoyed the depth of both characters in our recent interactions, each in their own history, personality and background and I look forward to chances to rp more with either of them.

Rashan: A windwalker if there ever was one. I remember you from the past and at first I was not certain what to think of Rashan. But time and care from both yourself as well as his friends had an influence on Rashan and changed him. He is a very different person now, but in a sense that he is more now than he was before, in other words: he grew. It was amazing to watch and our recent rp is enjoyable, because these tendencies, they continue. He continues to evolve and change and I find these dynamics not only well played but also pleasantly harmonic. He seems very alive.

Priya: I still remember how I learned the first bits about her story, I was on the dm client and the scene was immerflow vineyards. Priya has become a prominent character who shares many aspects with my own character but is also very different in many ways. Both had to recover from some nasty stuff in their past and this process was something I am grateful to have been allowed to participate in. I enjoyed our rp and the harmony always found within, and your artistic mind and writer's skill have brought joy to my heart when I read the forum story posts or the rp. I look forward to rping with Priya again.

Ice: The recent interaction with Ice was truly remarkable, I was amazed at how well you play Ice her being very different from other characters I knew you from. You say Ice is a challenge to rp, but if it is so, that is not noticable, you seem like you master the challenge. I saw this in the interaction in arabel central in the former fountain area. Ice reminds me of a fact that the eskimos utilize: one would think that one would freeze to death in an eskimo housing amde of ice? But one doesn't, this is housing is actually what protects from the cold outside despite being made of ice.

Elf: Another character I know for long. Elf is one of those people who Nayu knows longest other than Thedran. You were also part of my introductory quest and we have rped scarcely here and there over time. I wanted to thank you for being a constant and for the continueing interactions between him and Nayu. Although may not speak much but I find that he is still communicative. Maybe something he picked up from the forests where its denizens oft not speak but communicate no less. I enjoy our interactions and both Nayu and I are glad when Elf appears.

Thedran: Another person I know for long and you too were part of my introductory quest. Thedran has been, like Elf, around since and I wish to thank you as well for being a constant in the same sense. As a paladin, Nayu always admired Thedran's work, his discipline, his sense of duty and his unyielding efforts for the causes of good. I enjoyed rping with Thedran whenever he met Nayu and despite it being scarce just as rp with Elf, I enjoyed it no less. And still do. Thank you!

Kendaku: For allowing me to meet this interesting character on a quest where she got wounded. We did not rp for long, but I still got a glimpse to her character and to you. Up to now I mostly knew you from events I participated in and I admired them for complex, well crafted and masterful way you ran them. I had the impression that your events were artworks in and of themselves. This sense of art is what brought me to the track of enjoying your rp, I first discovered it in music you posted on the forum but I recognized it in Kendaku's rp (and in hindsight in your events). It amazes how you operate and I wanted to thank you for this recent chance to enjoy more of your artwork.

Mista: For a recent but no less enjyoable acquaintance in rp. Mista is a mystery (no pun intended). I love how her and Nayu can relate, the harmony of both being interested in causes of good, in having wings, enjoying flight but at the same time how easily Mista can make me blink and go "*blink, blink*", not by her own choice, mind and I have yet to figure out what the deal with it all is. Those random surges of wild magic, the perpetual misfortune... these are things that are, in my opinino, incredibly difficult to pull off in a way that they are enjoyable. But somehow, you make that walk on the thin line. I look forward to the coming rp and I wonder when or if I will learn just what the story of this aspiring aasimar is.

Belarthrae: For a unique approach on the latest quest we participated in. Belarthrae was quiet, hiding and generally showed little interest in socialising. However she was very helpful and made critical contributions to the quest's solution. And at the end she just left without a word leaving us to wonder what was going on in her head, what she thought, felt and what her motivations were. It was mysterious but still involving, thank you for showing us the glimpse of your character.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Mar 12, 2015, 12:39 PM
There's a lot of awesomeness out there that I interact with every week, but I wanted to mention three in particular.

I don't usually make mention of all the crappy medical stuff I've been through, but due to the relevance to this, I wanted to note that I suffer from PTSD due to medical issues. I can't even watch something like the show Scrubs on TV. And this after growing up with a paramedic and EMT in the house!

Anyways, I wanted to give a special shout out to to three that have unknowingly been allowing me to cross into this uncharted water and do RP with Lena and her surgical skill (which requires me to rely on past knowledge and quick searches to be accurate).

Thank you:

Sorn, Silence and Hydaro.

You have no idea how much this has meant to me and my healing process.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Mar 12, 2015, 02:17 PM
Welcome!  We did stuff.  Lena looked like she had a lot of fun.

And I want to shout out to White Spirit for the wonderful chats we've had.  You've been able to pierce through what many do not.  I don't know how but well done.  

I look forward to what we do in the future.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on Mar 12, 2015, 02:25 PM
Seconding that. Kestal and Nayu had a rather engaging evening last night. Thoroughly enjoyed. And like I said, sometime when I have a longer night to take the time, storytime needs to happen. =)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: modronlove on Mar 18, 2015, 08:58 AM
Thank you to all the players last night (especially Ra'ziel, seeing as it was your personal quest) who were gracious enough to include Mirabell after she accidentally wandered into the start of your event.  I had a lot of fun and I was sad that I had to leave early.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Mar 19, 2015, 08:07 PM

Rashan and Nayu - you've been so SO good for Priya over the last few years. I'm always amazed by the rp. Her life is changing again, and these two are right there with her. (And Siris - damn mountain sees everything. :P )

Jodri - you're an amazing roleplayer and I love the story you've created around this character. I'm looking forward to more interactions.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: suddenperihelion on Mar 20, 2015, 12:36 AM
Right back at you, RJ! I'm having a blast with this line of RP! I also figured I'd give a shout out to (in no particular order):

Vesh - because he and Jodri are interesting foils to each other
Vladislak - You're a cool roleplayer, and you've obviously put effort into developing the character and understanding his culture. And despite all of his story, you never overact it. Much kudos.
Rashan - For including me, and even finding a way for Jodri to be useful, despite having a noncombat build
Hapzabethra - This character has been consistently interesting and fun, I look forward to learning more about her
Zhira - Because she has a sad story, but she's strong enough to to not lose her spirit over it. I like characters like that!
Nayu - A lot of attention to detail in this characterization. Even in the short time I've interacted with her, it's clear that the little things she does are part of a much larger arc of her character development.

I've also had interactions with Erliza, Kimbell, Galen, Ceya, Mista, Evelyn, Thavain, Morghan and Elf that have made me smile. Actually, pretty much everyone I've RP'd with so far has been cool.

I'd also like to shout out to all the people I haven't RP'd with much yet. I hope to get a chance to get to know better!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on May 11, 2015, 10:38 AM
To the OhNo! Trigger group:  thank you for providing moving RP.  These characters are clearly very different in background and goals, yet they are rather united in this quest.

Thank you to Dais.  I nearly cried. (Yeah, yeah, I get overly invested in my characters at times.)

Thank you to Angelina for keeping character conflict IC, and reacting as your character would (even in difficult circumstances).

Thank you to Aidraug, for playing both the straight man for some jokes and the comic relief in other situations.

Thank you to Tentz crew for keeping the FUN in dysfunctional.  (Family drama is so much easier in game!)

Thank you to Vruuk, for trying to keep the group sane (and for playing the moral compass at times).

Thank you to Caoilainn, who in spite of having -no- reason to try and help the group STILL understood the importance of everything... and contributed until the end.

Thank you to Sylwyn, whose insights at times may have seemed overlooked... but still influenced the direction of the group.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: nightmother on May 11, 2015, 11:20 AM
I would like to give a shout out too all whom participated within the Nevermore event last eve.
Calabask-your new character is intriguing, witty and funny.
Caoilainn- Don't know much about your character, but so far she seems too have an in depth story, with lots of mystery around her, looking forward too more rp.
Angelina- She seems down too earth, and unfortunately I don't know too much about this character either! But looking forward too more interaction.
Vlad- Other than the foreign, lovey doveyness, haven't had too much interaction as well, but knowing the player, it's going too be a fun character to have around.
Sergel- Steadfast, and thick headed, ugly too a boot, yet has a moralistic compass. I'm sure Rev and him will have interesting times.
Thorien666 (I can't remember how too spell the character's name.) I've enjoyed the friendly bickering, bumps and raises with the two, and looking forward too further interaction as more of the story unfolds.

Too anyone that I had missed, it was not my intent. Too everyone else that I have rped with outside this event, you've been great, and making the return of Rev fun too play again. It's great too feel that inspiration for your character brought on by those around.

And! I know there's another forum for it, but props too Nevermore! The Capts were awesome, and some of the villains as well. You hosted a great, adaptable scene, that seemed opened, and not restricted too a one way path.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: thorien on May 11, 2015, 12:49 PM
Character's name is Naaliah. I also really enjoy it ( note that it's my second character that is currently not very fond of Revanous :D ) and looking forward to see what happens next!

Also I'd like to thank Trylobyte, Valiea, TheLastOf... (Vesh's player),Tarriel, Mystic Warden, Atomic Twinkie, Notaturk (Piyale) and all others I failed to mention here for RP. When I created Naaliah I was not so sure whether she will be fun to play and, more important, will she be fun to play with. Thanks to you it's all possible.

The Shobit, I'd like to thank you for your support, inspiration and all answers you gave me, about dragonkin and all else. :)

Special thanks for Nevermore, both as player (Bethra and Micah) and DM who constantly feeds us with fancy adventures. I admire it and also, as a member of our little EU community I'd like to express our gratitude for events tailored for us. You basically eliminated the worst drawback of CD for me - lack of time to be available late at night.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dark Dreams on May 14, 2015, 08:15 PM
A huge thank you to the old and new faces I saw in my brief return to CD... I enjoyed RPing with you, and if you want to find me I'll be on the Ravenloft PotM server. Enjoy yourselves! Vale me amici et semper spero...
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Nokteronoth on May 22, 2015, 11:14 PM
Thanks to people for putting up with Chara today. Know that must have been frustrating and annoying! Made CM's event likely much less productive than it might have been otherwise.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: tarriel on Jun 06, 2015, 04:39 PM
Thank you to  for introducing Galen to the fun and interesting Rooks  :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Voice of Kerensky on Jun 21, 2015, 10:09 PM
A quick shoutout to ThatGuyT.. whatever, the dude that plays James, Darvins and any of those coincidentally (perhaps unfortunately) involved in the lengthy RP regarding the topic of coats. It's been an amusing diversion from a lot of the more serious stuff I've been involved in lately!

Uhhh-huhuhuh... she said "lengthy."
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames on Jun 21, 2015, 11:54 PM
The story of the coat, the trunk, and the very large closet will be one that is passed down through the ages.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Voice of Kerensky on Jun 22, 2015, 02:07 AM
TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
The story of the coat, the trunk, and the very large closet will be one that is passed down through the ages.
And let us not forget the hat or the rack upon which it sits!

(Ye gods, now we're doing it here...)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Jun 23, 2015, 12:44 AM
The Coats, what fine Coats those two have, they have broken poor Erliza she can no longer hear the word Coat without thinking of those racks and hats
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Jun 23, 2015, 05:09 AM
Thanks to Sergel / SuddenPrehelion for the role play. It has been enjoyable to get to know Sergel a bit better. I love that there's so much more to discover. : )

Thanks to Wangdoodle for the challenging role play... and for being a good sport about Sefra's annoyances. I look forward to more role play and I still want you to shorten your GSID. : ( *knows you won't*

I have not had the chance to catch you for RP, lately; however, I still want to thank Sorn for our role play and I await more.

Nevermore, I miss you, and I can barely wait until you are free for more role play. You're in my thoughts as you juggle and solve all the things you are sorting out. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Jun 23, 2015, 09:30 AM
Can I join the Nevermore we miss you shout out? Because Nevermore we miss you!

Also adding to what I posted earlier the following, to Minervas player, the interactions between Erliza and Minerva recently have been really good, it's nice to see under Minervas cold exterior is a well softer side of someone who really seems to care for folks. Firstman Val and Cass are always fun even if she drives Valar insane at times. Sorn for well Sophia and Neisha Vals two oddest friends well no second and third oddest the oddest will always be Bav.

Puller, I still love 100% of your chars always, especially Rooks, who always has me wondering which way the crazy elf will go next. (And Talah but you know the Awesome that is Talah must only ever be released in small doses to prevent server meltdown)

Hmm who else Krix and Vesh for the Vineyard drinkfest.

Perilion not just for Jodri, but frankly for the Forum post of Saeleth and her 'Lessons of Galdern' I know it was a repost and I said this last time as well but it bears repeating, you made Galdern look wise, when I am pretty sure at the time he was just giving a gut reaction as Saeleth was the first person who he had even started trying to teach.

I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting people who will if I suddenly go 'Oh feck' get a post later in my next list!

Oh wait LB7 Threeguesses and so many more!

I can't believe I forgot to actually mention Stormy! In fairness I was thinking it honest just forgot to write it down, Stormy! For T'amber and Ashera and yeah there would be more names there because little known fact Stormy has a worse case of Altitis than Vince, it's just it takes her about five months to make each char up as she changes her mind on every detail about 26 times, then starts the process again.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Jun 25, 2015, 05:00 AM
Yes yes!  Thanks to Rooks (Puller), Erliza (Darvins) and Vesh for the drinkfest at the Vineyard!  Because Jim bailed on us. : (

Also, thanks to FirstMan for the role play last night. It was nice to role play Casia with a 'familiar face' rather than just watch from afar like a TV nature channel host. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames on Jun 25, 2015, 10:12 AM
theshobit Avatar
Yes yes!  Thanks to Rooks (Puller), Erliza (Darvins) and Vesh for the drinkfest at the Vineyard!  Because Jim bailed on us. : (
I felt super bad about that, too, especially because I totally intended on going AFK for only a second, and ended up passing out for a few hours. Whoops. <_< Sleep well before you RP, folks!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Jun 25, 2015, 01:12 PM
TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
theshobit Avatar
Yes yes!  Thanks to Rooks (Puller), Erliza (Darvins) and Vesh for the drinkfest at the Vineyard!  Because Jim bailed on us. : (
I felt super bad about that, too, especially because I totally intended on going AFK for only a second, and ended up passing out for a few hours. Whoops. <_< Sleep well before you RP, folks!
No forgiveness thats the right answer right *shadowy whisper* oh right I've been informed it actually happens to us all
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Jun 27, 2015, 05:12 PM
TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
theshobit Avatar
Yes yes!  Thanks to Rooks (Puller), Erliza (Darvins) and Vesh for the drinkfest at the Vineyard!  Because Jim bailed on us. : (
I felt super bad about that, too, especially because I totally intended on going AFK for only a second, and ended up passing out for a few hours. Whoops. <_< Sleep well before you RP, folks!


No worries. I am confident you will make it up to us!! >: )
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Jul 01, 2015, 01:05 PM
Thanks to Hydaro, Lena, Galas, Vicarious, Hasib, and Bastion for a fun time the other night.  Some of the most fun I've had in a while!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Wittle Dreamer on Jul 03, 2015, 07:12 PM
So... this has to be said after all this time. Thank you:

You are a wonderful, ever loveable person who has given me the time of my life here on CD and have made this server ever so extroadinairy for me. You've took my hand from the start, guided me to every wonderful bit this server has to offer and introduced me to a variety of amazing people here. Thank you so much and thank you for everything you did.

Angelina (Vally!!!):
You... you magnificent little ounce of! The RP with you has been extroadinairy. I love your character so much. Every moment spent with Angel is simply a reward and brightens the day for me already. Your character helped me develope mine just from her personality alone, let alone the things they went through together. I thank you for the time you invested RPing with me. I can say for certain that I cherished every minute of it.

It's a first for me that anyone has ever went the lengths you did to get someone to join a personal story. I was touched and am still moved by that. The way you always tried to make it possible for me to join, even with our timezone difference... I really have no words but thank you. Thank you so much for making me feel this welcome.

You are someone I really want to get into RP more with. Your characters are fruitful (even if you have an army of them as you claim!) and always keep me hooked. I am sorry for that one time I had to cut the RP short for the event. It's usually something I would not do but my time management has been poor lately. Also thank you so much for the one time you jumped on as a DM adhock to setup Angelina's Birthday Party. Won't forget that and also ment alot to me!

First off, sorry if I mispelled your name. Get a simpler one please! Get inspired by Ogretime! XD Anyways, thank you for taking Kaya as an apprentice and filling her apprenticeship ever so fruitfully with amazing lessons. Each one of them has rubbed off on my character in the things she witnesses and goes through and also have shaped the character a lot as to what she is and becoming to be. I do hope we get to go through the other ones soon! Damn timezones!

Sinister Omnibus:
It's very rare that I have seen someone manage to pull off horror that creeps out people beyond the veils of a computer screen. You've really made it. Got me on edge the last event we went through to the point you had me partially raging at the screen of how tough everything was. Still it was an awesome experience and I am eager to see where the campaign is going. Believe it or not, my character has grown a lot from every event you've done, for better and worse. Afterall, things like this can't ever be forgotten.

To you too, thank you so much for making it possible to include me in Kiris' personal story. I had a blast both times and I would love to see those npcs put to more use in future plots! Especially Nightshade. After the last event I got even more excited to know things about her.

The event I partook that one time was amazing! I loved it and still desire the continuation of it. I wished I were in the same timezone as the lot of you so I could go through the event with a more clear, less tired mind, but still I enjoyed every bit of it. Sorry for leaving in a dash after, once again!

We've sadly only met once and such was in an event you hosted, but it was enough for me to get to know of how awesome you can make events. That one, single event had made such dramatic view changes onto my character that it still has effects on her to this day. It was plain and simply awesome and I hope your RL troubles will soon settle. You are highly missed on CD.

All in all, thank you to the entirety of the community. You are a loveable bunch and this is by far the best server I have ever been on. The DMs are amazing in their event ideas and execution. The staff is doing a great job keeping the place about and I am surprised that there has not been an ounce of drama at all! This is deffinately a first for me to witness.

Love you guys,
Yer Zillykins
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Jul 06, 2015, 11:30 PM

Jim, Alex, Andi, Illix, Silence and Galas and Kerynar - thanks for the fun in the square tonight. It's been awhile since I had time for rp and this had me laughing more than once. I appreciate all of you!

Best line: *andi.exe has encountered a fatal error and needs to reboot*

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames on Jul 07, 2015, 12:14 AM
That line is honestly going down in history.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Jul 07, 2015, 08:23 AM
Yes, yes it is.  And I second the fun last night!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Aug 13, 2015, 01:42 PM
Huge thanks to the player of Fargul Bernadotte, who has been an amazing source of interaction and food for thought in Sylwyn's regard, lately - she's actually very keen on the challenge he's posed her, even if she's not sure where to begin with it!

Also, a shout out to the player of Thralia Silverhair, who provided a sounding board for Sylwyn, however unknowingly, for the transmission of some of the wisdom she'd gained from her conversations with Fargul.

Good to see new blood on the server, as well as returning players! Looking forward to more!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Aug 16, 2015, 06:47 PM
To the folks on the last few quests I did that Nevermore ran the High Hunt and the Eyes and ears series as well as Euro-Fridays they have all been awesome from DM to players and been heck of a lot of fun. thanks guys!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 30, 2015, 10:44 PM
I just wanted to thank everyone for some of the roleplay that's gone on of late. I feel really good about the different players and DMs we have around of late, new and old, and it's been really fun for me in playing in the past month or so. Of course, any list is going to inevitably leave some people out, so let me just say that everyone in character has been great, and I hope we can all have a lot more fun going forward. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dismus on Sep 07, 2015, 10:20 PM
I wanted to say thank you all new people to the server that aren't really new but, new to me and made me feel welcome again! The RP has been great and entertaining.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Atomic Twinkie on Sep 10, 2015, 04:36 PM
Alright, so I suppose I'm overdue.

I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone on this server that's made my RP feel worthwhile, and has made my time here fun. The list is pretty long, so it's difficult for me to cover everyone, but I would hope that the persons that have engaged with me know that I truly appreciate it. I know I can sometimes be tough to get along with, or my characters can be difficult to RP with, but some people make a special effort - and that to me is something I truly do value quite immensely.

Amongst the group of people are a few shining jewels:

ClockworkMayhem, and Sinister Omnibus - You two have been good friends to me, out of character, and always provided me with roleplay in character. Lord knows that some of my characters just weren't the sort of people most would approach, but you two made a special effort and I hope that you've found your time roleplaying with me as great as I've found my time with you.

SurrieSoul - You've been a lot of fun to RP with and talk to in general, and I've come to consider you as one of the few people that make me consistently want to return to the server for more RP. I sincerely thank you.

EdwardFalcona - Our love goes deeper than words. Put butter on a pop tart, it's so friggin' good.

WickedFae - I know you're no longer around, but you were the one constantly badgered me to join - without you I'd have had basically no source of RP at all.

SilverFeather - We've known each other for a long long time, and you've always been friendly to me, and you've always given me RP. You've been handling my madness across servers, and for that I am sorry. :P

To those unmentioned:

Thank you for our time together, it's been a great journey so far.

>initialize bukkake

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ClockworkMayhem on Sep 10, 2015, 10:12 PM
Atomic Twinkie Avatar
Alright, so I suppose I'm overdue.

I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone on this server that's made my RP feel worthwhile, and has made my time here fun. The list is pretty long, so it's difficult for me to cover everyone, but I would hope that the persons that have engaged with me know that I truly appreciate it. I know I can sometimes be tough to get along with, or my characters can be difficult to RP with, but some people make a special effort - and that to me is something I truly do value quite immensely.

Amongst the group of people are a few shining jewels:

ClockworkMayhem, and Sinister Omnibus - You two have been good friends to me, out of character, and always provided me with roleplay in character. Lord knows that some of my characters just weren't the sort of people most would approach, but you two made a special effort and I hope that you've found your time roleplaying with me as great as I've found my time with you.

SurrieSoul - You've been a lot of fun to RP with and talk to in general, and I've come to consider you as one of the few people that make me consistently want to return to the server for more RP. I sincerely thank you.

EdwardFalcona - Our love goes deeper than words. Put butter on a pop tart, it's so friggin' good.

WickedFae - I know you're no longer around, but you were the one constantly badgered me to join - without you I'd have had basically no source of RP at all.

SilverFeather - We've known each other for a long long time, and you've always been friendly to me, and you've always given me RP. You've been handling my madness across servers, and for that I am sorry. :P

To those unmentioned:

Thank you for our time together, it's been a great journey so far.

>initialize bukkake

You're a punk and we love you.

P.S. I read the fine print, you know.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Oct 20, 2015, 02:57 PM
Its been a while since I've done one of these, so I will probably miss people.

- A hearty thank you for 'buying' a date with Tisha, which has been a fun experience in taking the street rat out of her comfort zone.
- I've missed playing with you!  Tisha and Jarlyn always seem to hit it off, and she seems to be a good sounding board for Jarlyn's myriad problems.
- For Shield RP and dinner parties.  Always a treat no matter who I have in.

And more people, I'm sure!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: foo on Oct 22, 2015, 09:29 AM
I just wanted to give a shout out to all the people who've helped make Thira an interesting and diverse character to play, hoping for even more fun times ahead!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Oct 28, 2015, 05:03 AM
Thanks to carp, Dismus, foo, wangdoodle, onivel, Nevermore; Harbinger, and the other recently active players during my evening playtime for all the fun interactions, be them minor or major. Each of you add to the world, making it more rich and enjoyable, regardless of whether our characters see eye to eye or not. Thank you and I look forward to more.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: spamtastic1979 on Oct 28, 2015, 06:06 PM
I know i'm still pretty new and haven't even talked to half of the playerbase yet since I play at such sporadic times... but all the RP I see going on definintely inspires me to up my game daily as best as I can!!! This server is so awesome!

Paythin Aldaran
Simple Swordsman
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: twilightvixen on Oct 30, 2015, 10:09 PM
Thank you to those have rped with so far as well as those talked to ooc! Been an amazing welcome to the server. Love this place!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Atomic Twinkie on Oct 30, 2015, 10:24 PM
Glad to see you new people, and old people. You're all great. Except that one guy. ¬¬
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: onivel on Oct 31, 2015, 05:48 AM
theshobit Avatar
Thanks to carp, Dismus, foo, wangdoodle, onivel, Nevermore; Harbinger, and the other recently active players during my evening playtime for all the fun interactions, be them minor or major. Each of you add to the world, making it more rich and enjoyable, regardless of whether our characters see eye to eye or not. Thank you and I look forward to more.
Much lurve back at you Shobit
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: foo on Oct 31, 2015, 10:14 AM
theshobit Avatar
Thanks to carp, Dismus, foo, wangdoodle, onivel, Nevermore; Harbinger, and the other recently active players during my evening playtime for all the fun interactions, be them minor or major. Each of you add to the world, making it more rich and enjoyable, regardless of whether our characters see eye to eye or not. Thank you and I look forward to more.
right back at you Shob! I swear I'll get on Dayre again soon after i've gotten some more resolution on Thria :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Nov 03, 2015, 06:42 PM
I made it back to playing the other day and I wanted to thank everyone for the amazing evening I had on cd... thank you :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Nov 06, 2015, 10:17 AM
As a DM (and admin ;) ) I really don't post in this thread often.  That said, I want to send some special thanks out to the following.

To the Skyraven group:  Your RP and development has been a joy to watch.  You've inspired something greater than the original plotline I had imagined, something that is developing into a larger plot.  Your teamwork (both in and out of character) is a welcome change from prior experiences.  You are working together on a story, rather than demanding the lead role.  Though the quest started as Timothy's, every member has become invested in the results.  It's inspiring!

To Timothy in particular:  Thank you for playing a paladin, and one that emphasizes the "unusual" paladin traits.  I say that in quotations because (to me) Timothy demonstrates the characteristics of an Ilmateri paladin.  His humility, and ability to forgive, amazed me from the first event I ran for you.  I look forward to seeing how these characteristics develop as his own strength grows.

To EdwardFalcona:  Thanks for the RP, and the friendship.  You help me stay sane, and keep things in perspective.  The roleplay has taken my characters in surprising directions!

To the server in general:  Thank you for making it such a pleasure to DM for you.  Though I haven't run into everyone when in the DM Client, what I observe from the rest of the staff tells me plenty.  Keep having fun!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Nov 11, 2015, 01:28 AM

Just a shout out to for the role play Priya and Nayu had the other night. I love the way these two interact and the things that come to light as they both grow and change. They're so good for each other! I look forward to each encounter and seeing what will happen to or by whom. Thank you for letting Nayu share some of her story with Priya and Rashan!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Nov 16, 2015, 06:43 AM
~ Thank you for all the fun. It has been a blast getting to know you and your characters. You challenge me, help me, and sometimes save me from small talk in Arabel Square. Thank you, my hero!! You've breathed extra life and purpose into my newest addition, Nicolette (Colette). You don't always go for the obvious joke, which is refreshing. Tytus is not an easy man to get to know without the right approach; this makes their bond all the more important to me. It has definitely been worth digging beneath the surface of a seemingly grumpy man. After all, there's nothing wrong with being a private sort of character. I look forward to more. : )

~ You've been a busy bee, lately; but I definitely await more time with you. I get whisked off; so, we'll need to make a play date! A quiet chat with Hepzabethra or Micah is always as much fun as braving dangerous dungeons. It is a delight to interact with you. I love when we bounce ideas off each other.... magic and fun happens. We'll have our guild! We will!!

~ Thank you for being my sounding board, a partner in crime, and a blast to join in role play and adventures, whether it is a soldier drow, a mischievous halfling, or a certain lethal elf. Also, it has been far too long since I've last been in one of your events. We should fix that!! <3

~ Soril, Sophia & Sorn are my favorites, mostly due to interaction. I don't get to see your other characters as often. Soril has become and intricate part of Ice's life; I can't imagine her without him. He's the perfect balance for her and quite enjoyable to interact with, every bit as much as Sorn & the ever playful Sophia. <3

@wangdoodle (Not typing the full name) ~ I love the role play and interaction between Krix, Grey (Lotus) and Vesh... up until he tore them apart. I wish he could have just been happy and let love in; but, then that would not have been Vesh. It was lovely while it lasted. Thank you for the opportunity to know Vesh, and you, better. <3

@everyone else ~ This is an amazing community. I don't always get to interact with all of you at length or often; yet, when I do get the chance, you remind me why I love CD so much and why it has become home. Thank you for all of your dedication and inspiration. Each character enriches the world and has become part of what makes this server special.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: twilightfox on Nov 16, 2015, 05:55 PM
I want to say thanks to everyone who's interacted with Aolis (Fox), Cala (Vixen), Bemossed (Fox) and Bree (Vixen, be that in direct contact or just in passing or through stories told by others.  Regardless of how close the interaction is or how antisocial a character is, everyone that keeps to IC makes the server what we all want from a RP server.

On a completely unrelated note but I wanted to post a kudo's to the dev team, because the area design on the server is amazing.  It's been a long time since I've seen area's so well done that creep me out and immerse me so well that I want to just continuously explore with Vixen while RPing adventurers who just want to adventure and explore.

So again, Kudo's to all of you for making this place what it is.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: spamtastic1979 on Nov 19, 2015, 08:35 PM
I just want to throw out another huge thank you to all the players and DMs/aDMs on this server!! I remember not much longer than a month ago, I would only get a hello or any kind of interaction from 1 person... and now when I login, I have soo many people I can rp with and people who say hello to me when I hop on that it truly makes playing here such an amazing experience. The DMs that I have been lucky to go on events with have been spectacular and everyone in some way makes me want to rp better and better everytime I play.

Paythin Aldaran aka Paythin the Brave
10 Fighter / 3 Weaponmaster (Greatsword)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dismus on Nov 25, 2015, 12:38 AM
Just wanted to say I have played on this server for almost ten years and I think this is the best group of people we have ever had. The last 3 months since my return have been some of the most pleasurable in a long time of just pure RP interactions.  :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Nov 30, 2015, 12:20 AM
I wish to thank everyone, I had an amazing time in the recent days :) I had the chance to rp with people both new and veteran and I enjoyed everyone moment of it. Thank you all so much!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ryoko Honda on Nov 30, 2015, 08:03 AM
Dear CD Staff,

I wanted to write to you this morning about my experience. Though I want to introduce myself first. My name is Ryoko Honda and I have played NWN on Amia for close to 10 years now. It has been dreadfully painful to see such wonderful server turn into what it is today. In some ways I am ashamed about it. This admin team, the DM's here? They get it. They know which mistakes they aren't going to make. The pleasure has been absolute these past few days. My RP partner during our reflecting before bed we decided that we couldn't have been luckier in find this server. It truly is a dimonid among the rough. The Server is beautiful, the content is amazingly done, the areas are wonderful, the dungeons are epic and worth exploring every corner, and the staff is in my opinion the Ritz Carlton of NWN Service.

Fire Wraith, You have put something absolutely beautiful where it's so casual it's cool, but so immersive that the characters here are Role Players, not Power Levelers. I can't get over the amount of time DMs spend with players. I've said it to you, and to white you guys have it together! I am ALL IN. This is where I intend to be 100%!
I mean really I've sent e-mails to everyone I know that plays NWN about this server.

This wouldn't be good review if there wasn't one minor criticism...

Why don't we have that Elf Head in the hak!!!! <3

But in seriousness! You guys have been blast! Thank you so much!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: silentsteps on Dec 05, 2015, 04:48 AM
To a wood elf, somewhat of an illusionist, who came to an interesting conversation with sun elf diviner. When two world's clash, who will survive? Kidding aside, I loved the fact that such a different views  debated and maintained cordiality, at least for now... :D

Your name started with an R... Lord of Tales.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: adelsmannensmod on Dec 07, 2015, 04:26 PM
Big thanks to Elzevir and Mari'asha for taking the time to show my character Clive Royston around a bit. I also enjoyed the RP with the elves(Cas'rathia and Thaedras). It was a great first experience here and I'm looking forward to more!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Dec 09, 2015, 02:54 PM
I wanted to thank everyone who participated in RP with me in the square the other night when I logged in Daeatria. I wanted to post this sooner, but the moment I tried to get a little more RP was the time my internet connection went nuts. This includes but is not just Eilonna's player, Laurina Taure, and many of the old faces (you know who you are). It was nice to see that people are RPing and keeping it all awesome!

Much thanks!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Dec 09, 2015, 04:16 PM
Glad to offer rp, and I am glad to have met you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ladybug on Dec 10, 2015, 07:59 AM
Thanks to everyone in the square last night for the bad jokes - Morghan, Emari, Cymone, Lena, Grigor, Sarah. It's been a rough week here, and that brought some much needed laughs.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Dec 20, 2015, 04:37 PM
I'd like to say welcome welcome to all the new Elves. The undead elven faction lives again!

@wangdoodle (still not typing the whole name out) Thanks for all the twists, turns, drama (the good kind), and role play. Vesh is always keeping me on my toes. Thanks.

@bracetyself I've really enjoyed the interactions between Thalanil and Sefra and I look forward to more.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Dec 28, 2015, 01:55 AM
Many thanks to the drinking game crew tonight!  It was a blast!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jan 01, 2016, 07:33 AM
Thanks to the Laurina Taure family for the wonderful RP! I also want to thank all the old timers who played with me on New Years Eve when I showed up. You have all made me love CD more, and it will be difficult once life picks up again for sure!

Thank you so much - let the good times roll!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Jan 01, 2016, 10:01 AM
Thanks to...

» Kip: I love learning with what Arti is currently fascinated. I kept giggling about Yander. <3 Thanks for the entertainment *is still giggling*

» Onivel: We haven't role played as much, recently, but when we do I thoroughly enjoy it regardless of how extended or brief.

» SornDuskryn: We keep missing each other at year's end; fortunately, we've got more time! I anticipate more mischief in the coming year!! Thanks for always being there for me. <3

» Korlash: I cannot tell you how badly I want to give Elzevir the Care Bear Stare to shove some love and sunshine into that asshole's life!! <3 Thanks for being the town grump. He just needs a porch, a rocking chair, some moonshine, and a hound dog to complete the look.

» Harbinger: I've enjoyed getting to know you as a person and the role play we've shared, this year. I just wish Tytus was a little less distant. I don't know where you've gone; but I hope you are still having fun.

» Wangdoodle: It has been quite a year for us. There were rough patches, twists & turns, and long discussions but I enjoyed it; because in the end, you were willing to stick through it and work things out for the story, for the plot and for the sheer fun. Thank you for being such a wonderful role play partner.

» Nevermore: Miss you!! Even when we don't role play, it brightens my day when we talk. I hope you are well. And, remember I have the hard loaf of Italian bread ready should someone give you grief.

» EE (Everyone Else): Through shut-downs, updates, patches, bug fixes, crazy plots, stressful character relations, ungodly lag and fun, we've survived. I believe we have a great community of players, even if I don't get to role play with everyone often. I feel lucky to have found CD; (Torch abducted me and dropped me here). I cannot imagine playing anywhere else so long as Fire keeps the server plugged in, and the Admins continually work to repair and improve the world. We all have stock in CD; we all invest every time we log in and fill it with our drama, our stories, and even our OOC angst. Some family, friends and co-workers simply don't understand this hobby and passion of our's; I am so grateful all of you do.

Love you guys! <3

*server-wide huggles from the Shobit*
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jan 03, 2016, 11:06 PM
Thanks to Anen for the fun run with goblins, and the banter between the two characters! It is definitely helping me develop Fade more.


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jan 11, 2016, 02:17 AM
Thanks to everyone who has been getting Daeatria involved in my winter intercession, and for helping me develop Korian "Silver." I will miss the RP when I start losing time again.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dismus on Jan 26, 2016, 11:25 AM
A big thank you to @belladonna    for being a hilarious group to DM. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I woke up today and my abs hurt.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Jan 31, 2016, 07:55 PM
The ceremony between Priya and Rashan Croy was outstanding - thank you for inviting me, and allowing me to share such a wonderful moment for the characters! The conversations held among the guests were also great. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Jan 31, 2016, 08:03 PM
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Feb 01, 2016, 01:22 AM
Ok, it must be said. Since I came here about a month ago, I've been pleasantly overwhelmed with such great people and their RP!! I've been able to delve into a new chapter with my character, and it's flourishing!!! Thank you to everyone that has pulled me in so completely to this new server, it's fantastic!!!

Here are a few names that are of immediate relevance to the RP I've had. Upto, but not limited to of course!!!

Vaesi - Such a warm welcome, and intriguing RP!! You're showing me things about my character...that I've played for over 6 years mind you!! ....that I have yet to explore!!! Thanks!!
TheotherKip - Again, a very warm welcome! The various characters I've had the chance to meet are very colorful, and engaging! Awesome!!
Arion's player - A great welcome to the server as well. I look forward to learning more about your character too >:)
Arya Kalarathri - Very very intriguing RP from Daetria so far. More more!!!!
Theorem Of Neutrality - Yander is such a bundle of complexities!! Love it!!! Also a great welcome to the server by the player!!!

....there are more!! You know who you are!!

Thank you!!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Feb 02, 2016, 11:53 PM

Thank you to all the awesome that came to the Croy wedding. Most of you have seen their journey; it ain't over yet!

Everyone had fun comments and great discussions. Glad others enjoyed it!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Myv on Feb 07, 2016, 02:20 PM
So I had a lot of fun with the whole descent in to the underwater tower place... yesterday? I lost track of time. The bath house adventures were fun, too, and I ended up staying awake until 7:30 AM - almost 24 straight hours - and I was on my second 8 oz glass of scotch by Bathhouse time. So great fun all around!

I don't remember who all was there, username-wise. I know   was there, and   and Elzevir who's username I don't know. :(

And  !
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Feb 24, 2016, 01:27 PM
Hydaro, Tarah and Trent. The last few nights have pushed Lena in her abilities and Gifts. Either Sehanine is going to reward her handsomely... or the Dy'neis are going to kill her :)

The ongoing relationship between Hyde and Lena has amazing dynamics. How two messed up people found each other and make it work has been a blast to play. Looking forward to more!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Feb 24, 2016, 01:31 PM
Honestly, I second this except removing my name and putting yours in RJ, you guys are awesome RP that I just cannot get enough of!!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Feb 24, 2016, 01:53 PM
Yes! I would also like to thank people, and things all over the world.

RJ and Val, for being, like... I dunno... Totally awesome, and joining me in exploring the minds of poor bastards who live in a brutal medieval fantasy world, with multiple characters.
And the players of Paythin, Trent, Tarah, Kel, Shade, Ash and Timothy: For actually taking the time to invite someone (myself) to an RP Quest that hasn't been apart of one for a looooooooong, long time.

And lastly, I'd like to thank Varyxia... ((The Red Dragon enemy, not a player))
... For fuckin' dispelling me, and making me use all of my expensive as hell potions,
And totally making the trip not worth it financially,
But totally making it worth it after allowing me to beat the ever lovin' fuck outta her.
You sonova bitch.

To everyone else,
I love you,
Be free.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Feb 24, 2016, 02:02 PM
Right back at you Hydaro, you are awesome to RP with!!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dismus on Feb 29, 2016, 04:37 PM
First I wanted to give a shout out to    for keeping Zander on his toes and making him fun to play again.

To all the new Purple Dragon and War Wizard recruits and the Vets for making the faction fun to be apart of again.

To all the people who have participated in the Sky Rock plot and are pushing it to its closing you have done awesome!


To the Shazzelurt crew. I need to make sure I do not do any ab workouts that day because I am almost die laughing every time.

To  for finally bringing closure to a question with an old pc. It was thrilling and exciting to learn about the events that had happened with the various Ravenshadows since 2007 when he ran across them last!

To everybody on here. You guys are all great and I really love the playerbase right now!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Feb 29, 2016, 05:11 PM
I should probably post another one of these.

Naleeah's player (too many GSIDs :P) and Thorien - For making Fade fun to play again with all of your PCs involved with her. She had been a difficult one for me to start and now we have all the people who can support her role as the wild card she truly is in Cormyr and the Dalelands. 

Vincent - for letting me make Fade to start. And having us do it in a way where the twins are still getting to know each other. I miss seeing Anora around more, but look forward to the day she makes an appearance and confuses everyone else in the mix. :-D 

Yander, Teldrath, Velenya, Florian, and Jared - Thank you for acting as non-elves who have sincere interest in learning about elven lore for differing reasons, or at the least have connected with Daeatria and helped her continue being more than just her namesake and her mission. It has been a nice venue and yet natural for my main, considering her stance on what constitutes the "Elven Ways." I am happy you guys try to include me in the stories your PCs make to one degree or another. Even sometimes, if it is to remind her that she has other aspirations not involving just her people.

The Moonshadows, the Lyre Society, and the Taures, and those affiliated (you know who you are) - Thank you for giving Daeatria some work to do in the Semberholme. ;-) We all know there are not many things she holds above her 'mission,' even if she may not be just that.  And all of the familial-like bonds she is making with some of the characters in these factions is rather endearing. It has added a layer to her that I never planned on being there when I made her.

Valimar - For being a good sport with the romance between the privateer and his 'princess.' We all know she is not an easy one to catch, and much harder to keep up with! Their current development has arguably been a risky one, but also yet seems to only strengthen their relationship more than challenge it. Sumest knew what he signed up for and has stuck with it all the way. Two independent souls, that somehow are in love each other regardless of what lives they lead. All the more reason they have chosen each other. People who know being best friends is the most important priority in their romantic (yet strange) love life! 

Ravenshadows - It seems I am kind of being redundant here as some of the other groups are now mixed in with this one, but thank you for having developed your personalities and been part of the roleplay - and for making it more than just about the Ravenshadows, as well. I never thought things would go as they did, and they are much funner for it, too. Personal roleplay yet roleplay that can end up including more versus few is very awesome to me! 

Erelrae's player - Your character and Daeatria seem to have a lot in common, and some similar bloodline insecurities. It is interesting to see Daeatria finding herself less and less alone and that there is some support to keep her internal struggles from getting too much of her. Despite the characters having a few superficial differences, it feels as if their lives are going to lead them being less able to retire before their loved ones do. With parallel dangers. And both seem prepared (or are preparing) to deal with the consequences of such! 

Dismus - Are you kidding me?! The PC you previously mentioned was there for the start of the Ravenshadow saga, from the time Alyssana was Spymaster of Deepingdale, to going after the Vyshaan who began his emnity with the Branded King and the Daemonfey...and, to finally seeing that Daeatria's bloodline connections might have been where that terrible night in the Moonwood and Silverymoon began. Almost a decade of political and psychological thrillers in Cormyr's Elven History, and I am excited to see more of his story develop! It is always a gift to play with you.

And everyone else who is here, and those who left: thank you for gifting me with your roleplay and talent. Thank you all for having made this place a better and fun place to develop stories. Finally: thank you for trying to be kind and considerate of each other. What makes this community is the people, and we know that ultimately is what enriches our time here.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Feb 29, 2016, 05:22 PM
You are awesome to have around, always tons of fun be it with the PDK or with your events, your always willing to help too be it IG or on Skype!! You rule, keep up the great work!!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: drakaden on Mar 01, 2016, 04:16 PM
The community i hang with as Keldray already know i appreciate them a lot, but i want to make it more official on the forum, at least once, it is not purely an RP thank you, it also include DM and OOC thanks:

The admins:
Thank you   for your welcoming when i was on my first day of playing, it helped me greatly and it was a warm receiving, for that i will always appreciate you.

Thank you @belladonna   for all the great events you have hosted so far and for being patient with me at times, i know we haven't met eye to eye recently due to specific circumstance but you do your job without predjudice and i respect you for that, you always answered me on the forum and in-game with a certain "neutral judge" stance, and that somewhat help me when i am feeling distressed, thank you, i look forward to play in your future events.

Thank you   for what you do in general, you're a busy man so you are very often in the background, but you pour a lot of energy into the module and you are a patient individual, despite your own limits your efforts are positively seen among the community and it is sometimes important to note it, so thank you for what you do.

The DMs and aDMs:
There is so many DMs that i just love to interact with, both OOCly and ICly, a lot of you are really awesome, i greatly like a lot of you.

  you are easily among my favorites, such a charming personality, always very caring and attentive and always trying to do your best, you are admirable, and your events are so majestic, you were also the DM to have hosted my first event ever on the server, thank you, very much so.

  you are pretty awesome, your events are very good to attend to, as a player you are easy to hang with and your characters does not conflict with my main character, which is a huge plus, thank you for everything you do, it is reflecting as very positive to me, this short thank you does you no justice, but it comes from the deepest heartwarming intentions.

  thank you for what you did for me in the short length of time we had so far, i look forward to your events, if our time lines ever allow it.

  some of your events were very epic and great, i personally loved your events with the pirates in Immersea for the comedic aspect, and your epic event with the Maze, keep inspiring yourself to such events, it really pour a lot of essence and immersion into your work, and thank you for having stopped Arion in your maze event when things were getting out of hand, it was honestly very distressing so it was a great relief when he started getting a leash on his attitude, thank you for doing what you can to keep the community serene and positive.

  we haven't gotten to talk a lot OOCly, but every times i needed to you were always positive on your answers, and you helped me whenever i needed help, i sadly only gotten to attend to one of your event, but i loved it (Paythin the Silent clothing up ravens with shirts), thank you for being overall a great person.

  thank you for your epic lost eyes event, that was such a great event, i am actually a bit bummed that this is the only event i gotten to attend in your efforts, but it was really good!

  sorry for completely twisting Tarah's loss of innocence event into something that completely made you scrap your future event sheets *chuckles* but i loved the event, thank you for the great time!

The players:

  Paythin the holder of many titles proclaimed by Keldray who is the sister he never wanted, always fun when our characters tease each others mercilessly!

  who would've thought Trent would turn from seeing Keldray as the most undesirable person in the world to one of his most trusted friend and ally? I love playing with you, and you are a sweet person OOCly, keep being who you are, you are a dear.

@misplacedmaskarran   you been with Keldray over 3 servers in an amount of time that can be considerated as a couple years in real time now, despite the busy schedules, the oopsies at times and the drama we went through yer still around and taking some time every so often to play with my character, thank you for even considerating that, i honestly wish more time would be invested, but you have choices to make and we have to live with them, thank you for the great RP experiences whenever we can afford to have them, it is always very appreciated!

  &   &   thank you Nyacelil, Faelon and Nim Elen, i greatly enjoy playing and interacting with you three when the situation afford it, keep Keldray in mind as she always keep you all in hers!

Thank you to all the other players who started to acquaint my character, i look forward for progressing relationships.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: AngelsCry on Mar 03, 2016, 04:24 AM
I would to thank the three players who ran with Astraea-Celes and the RP, it was awesome! You were a great welcome to the server! I'm sorry I don't exactly recall the player loggins but you know who you are :D   Also my apologies for crashing heh system decided to shut down, so catch you Ig next time ;)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Mar 03, 2016, 06:05 AM
To the players with whom I've had the opportunity to role play, be it briefly or at length, thank you!!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Mar 09, 2016, 11:34 AM
My usual suspects of course get a thank you, Firstman, Sorn, Arya and Stormy and co.

Autumn I want to thank you for giving Iyanna something to kidnap every visit to Arabel she makes, and show just how kitten obsessed she is.
Misplaced I've enjoyed Erliza and Naleeiahs times together recently.
The Taures in general for helping to bring the Dales to life recently...
And Ryoko especially for a funny little moment that really showed how freaky Galdern has become in regards to certain subjects, due to the plot of Matron Zaurev, until seeing her reaction to the concept of Fey'ri I had not thought about just how much that plot line changed him.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ryoko Honda on Mar 09, 2016, 01:03 PM
Hehe, yeah nya has yet to see Fey'ri so she has no idea what to make of those stories. Even worst she might have one hanging in her family tree xD

But I appreciate your RP Effort. I really like the idea we've come up with for new direction in storyline!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Mar 09, 2016, 02:21 PM
I wanna send a big thanks to all the Players, DMs and aDMs involved in Trents event. It was epic even if it ran a bit long. You guys all made the story worth telling and the end result was a major success.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: MyOwnDestiny on Mar 09, 2016, 03:47 PM
Thanks to TheOtherKip for various characters that Walker has had the pleasure to meet! Also Theorem of Neutrality, fantastic fellow Shaundy lover. Great job to everyone that I/Walker has interacted with even a small bit. Each of you is helping to shape who she is on this server, even in the small things that you might not think matter. Much gratitude.

V.I.P. SilverGhost as Adrian (Aa'D'Rine...feckin elven names): You know the story. You are the other half of the story. Thank you greatly, my friend, for the continued excellence in your ability to roleplay your character consistantly and yet evolving constantly all while dealing with the myriad emotions of Walker, for years. I can never adequately express how much of an integral part he has played in her life to a degree that would satisfy my desire to lavish you in praise. I will simply say, thank you. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Mar 18, 2016, 12:36 PM
I just wanna take the time to thank Uncle Ben...
For teaching me the values of life, and letting me know that with all great power comes great abilities... Or was it utilities... Both very handy to know.
Thanks Uncle Ben.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Mar 21, 2016, 11:46 PM
Hey, . Welcome to the server! Your character Celedith Dana is quite fun!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: booksarefun666 on Mar 22, 2016, 07:47 AM
FaeFae Avatar
Hey, . Welcome to the server! Your character Celedith Dana is quite fun!
Thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: jamaisvu on Mar 22, 2016, 07:14 PM
I didn't actually get to post this the other day, but I was very impressed of what I saw of Myv Rodale and Brigur. Keep it up, friends!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Mar 23, 2016, 12:29 AM
Back at you. Please bring us more Aunra and Silas.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dismus on Mar 23, 2016, 11:47 AM
A huge thank you to all off you for helping me bring the Skyrock plot to a close these last few days. I know there where a lot of you but, you guys did amazing! Your emotes for everything all around where amazing. I could feel your characters coming to life with all the fights of the dragons ,the frustration and then overcoming the frustration of the underwater traps, the ambushes and the personality clashes people put aside to accomplish it all was amazing. The last two quests and the the rp from you guys made my love for dming even stronger!

Nim Elen 
Brigur @vronsky  
Rhea @belladonna      
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Mar 23, 2016, 12:30 PM
Right back at you , the event was amazing and well drawn out!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Mar 23, 2016, 01:35 PM
Dismus Avatar
A huge thank you to all off you for helping me bring the Skyrock plot to a close these last few days. I know there where a lot of you but, you guys did amazing! Your emotes for everything all around where amazing. I could feel your characters coming to life with all the fights of the dragons ,the frustration and then overcoming the frustration of the underwater traps, the ambushes and the personality clashes people put aside to accomplish it all was amazing. The last two quests and the the rp from you guys made my love for dming even stronger!

Nim Elen 
Brigur @vronsky  
Rhea @belladonna        
I echo your sentiment. I only wish I had the opportunity to have participated from the beginning. Thank you for the inclusion. It was wonderful to see so many band together without killing the server in the process! I definitely look forward to more epic tales like this one. <3

I will become a greater presence in the world. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Mar 23, 2016, 03:58 PM
Right back. :-) You know I was having fun and am looking forward to what the mysterious arrival has to "say" in the future.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ryoko Honda on Mar 23, 2016, 05:04 PM
We were very pleased with the Skyrock Event! Thank you for taking time to run it for us!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jolena Ogden on Mar 23, 2016, 09:50 PM
This was so fun, in all parts of it!  Thank you Dismus and DMs who supported you :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: onivel on Mar 23, 2016, 11:23 PM
Dismus Avatar
A huge thank you to all off you for helping me bring the Skyrock plot to a close these last few days. I know there where a lot of you but, you guys did amazing! Your emotes for everything all around where amazing. I could feel your characters coming to life with all the fights of the dragons ,the frustration and then overcoming the frustration of the underwater traps, the ambushes and the personality clashes people put aside to accomplish it all was amazing. The last two quests and the the rp from you guys made my love for dming even stronger!

Nim Elen 
Brigur @vronsky  
Rhea @belladonna        
I had a blast and just happy to have been a part of it. Thanks much there Dismus for a great event series.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Mar 26, 2016, 09:36 PM
I want to thank everyone who came to the Budding tonight. There was a moment when bad luck was striking and everyone who turned up had to go. And I was starting to feel... yeah then folks started showing up, and then more and... by the end we had more people show up than I think have in previous years and you where all awesome. I went from feeling like it was a disaster, to having a blast, and it was all you guys.

Others have said it but we really do have some amazing folks around right now.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Hand_of_Banath on Mar 27, 2016, 08:24 AM
Silence/Autumn for the tour of Arabel and Naleeah/Misplaced for making friends. Loving the server so far, you folk are swell.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Mar 31, 2016, 08:04 AM
Thanks to players of Slim Jim Bell, The Lenanator, Vesh in the Flesh, Silence of the Cats, Buffalo Wings Mista, and the DayTree That Harbors All of Those Psycho Flesh Eating Ravens (so metal).

I don't end up going to the more challenging dungeons often (anymore), was refreshing and fun.
Love you all, be free.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whangdoodle on Mar 31, 2016, 08:17 PM
Ogre Time Yay Avatar
Thanks to players of Slim Jim Bell, The Lenanator, Vesh in the Flesh, Silence of the Cats, Buffalo Wings Mista, and the DayTree That Harbors All of Those Psycho Flesh Eating Ravens (so metal).

I don't end up going to the more challenging dungeons often (anymore), was refreshing and fun.
Love you all, be free.

Thank you, if not for the dungeon run. Then for this post.

~The Player of "Vesh in the Flesh"
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Apr 09, 2016, 12:58 PM
Thank you to everyone that was at the opening Springrite festival last night!  It was a lot of fun hearing the other songs.  And an especially big thank you to Arya for arranging all this!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Myv on Apr 09, 2016, 01:08 PM
I'd like to give a special shout out to ME for being AMAZING.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 24, 2016, 05:48 PM
Props to bracethyself, ShOB, and carp6 for dealing with a failed will save on Daeatria's part. Now the characters involved know there is no joking with one topic!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ladybug on May 25, 2016, 10:10 AM
Thanks to Bella, RJ, Aldabirth, and Arya for a fun conversation last night.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jun 14, 2016, 09:49 PM
Thank you to everyone part of the Endkindlers quest. I saw some good IC conflict without it getting too out of hand and into other unpleasant realms. And it was a good example of how to handle IC conflict during a quest.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Jun 14, 2016, 09:50 PM
Right back to you, you were awesome too!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jun 26, 2016, 03:42 AM
Thanks FaeFae, James, and Remmy for the fun truth/dare night!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Jun 26, 2016, 04:31 AM
Truth, it was a fun night. I dare you to do it again! :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: daughterofaesop on Jun 29, 2016, 12:39 PM
Hope this is the right place for this.
I wanted to thank everyone last evening who was there for the stories and songs outside the inn in the Hullack. I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did too. Sorry for not naming specific names, but there were a bunch of people, and I was sleepy. :(
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jul 01, 2016, 08:35 PM
Thank -you- for sharing your character's song with us! Looking forward to more in the future.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Jul 09, 2016, 11:02 AM
A quick appreciation to that James-guy and his recent alt endeavors. It has made establishing my new character much more enjoyable!

Honorable mention to Daea who plays hilarious drinking games and Remmy for being Remmy. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Jul 23, 2016, 02:45 AM
Had a lot of fun tonight with folks!
Oni, Dominique is really brash and fun. I enjoyed listening to her observations.
Nim Elen, your emotes are like poetry and you should feel awesome for the depth of character you convey.
RJ, I'll never be able to spell the character name you played but excellent work on painting the image of her demeanor.
Blackhair should take a class on wine lore. Sheesh.
Mista and Sophia were lovely to have around and made for great company.
Daea, for completing the Elvening with fantastic, reliable character and eloquence.

Really, just positive sentiments all around. You made an evening worthwhile.
Next time they should all play a drinking game.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Jul 23, 2016, 08:09 AM
Just wanted to thank all those I've had the chance to interact with since coming back and starting playing again. In particular, I'd like to thank for the way Galen has really been digging into Voss as a character and trying to uncover the answers to some difficult questions about what makes him tick.

Thanks for reminding me how great rp here can be.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Jul 29, 2016, 05:19 AM
Thanks to onivel and carp for the longest walk ever!! We need to get together and role play more.

Also, thanks to wangdoodle for keeping me company. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Jul 29, 2016, 09:13 AM
Way delayed, but many thanks to , , for your awesome RP during the "Sottle" events for Stonehaven.  It's truly refreshing to see characters who consider carefully their actions and possible consequences.

I love DMing rogue stuff, and you've helped remind me of why.  :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Jul 29, 2016, 11:02 AM
Want to thank    for the rp last night between Voss and Serrin. It's refreshing to see and interact with a character who was able to offer so many insights into Voss' situation and mindset despite only a handful of interactions while at the same time staying true to his faith, calling, and family.

Anyone who has not rped with this player or interacted with Serrin in game, you should try to cross paths with him if you get the chance.

Also, before I forget, I wanted to thank  . I've only had a few interactions with Hilda, but they've left a lasting impression on both myself and my character. I really like how Hilda is at once a competent, seasoned warrior but still never comes off as 'knowing everything' or 'having seen too much'. I hope you had as much fun at the Serpent as we all did,  , and I look forward to interacting with your characters and getting to know them more in the future.

  deserves praise and baked goods of deliciousness for the portrayal of Frana Hardhands as a grandmotherly, wizened forest gnome. Every interaction with this character has reminded me of my own grandmother, rest her soul, and has taken me back to childhood memories of baked pies, sun coming in through the window, and -everything- being homemade.   is a sweetheart to interact with both IC and OOC, and Frana is one of those special characters who just make the gameworld a little brighter every time you see her, whether your character is good, evil, or neutral. Thanks so much for bringing that to CD.

Lastly, I want to thank for the always fun interactions with Vyi and the way he plays Elisha. These characters have both been around on the server since way before I even knew CD existed and in my interactions with them display a constant, consistent character that really makes the world feel like a living, persistent one. Don't let the fact that Vince is an admin or the fact that he designs all the nasty dungeons that keep killing everyone turn you away from any opportunity you get to interact with his characters. I can guarantee it will be a memorable experience for you as a player and have lots of potential to be a defining one for your characters.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kothoses on Jul 29, 2016, 11:25 PM
sinisteromnibus Avatar
Want to thank     for the rp last night between Voss and Serrin. It's refreshing to see and interact with a character who was able to offer so many insights into Voss' situation and mindset despite only a handful of interactions while at the same time staying true to his faith, calling, and family.

Back at you mate.   Was a very interesting exchange and nice to get back to flexing the RP muscles of the brain.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Jul 30, 2016, 09:28 PM
, Thedran's player (can't find your forum name, sorry!),  all deserve major props for the awesome rp tonight in 's Darker Churches event. This was one of the first times I've been able to have an extended rp session with some of you, and I was really impressed. I look forward to more in the future, and I hope you guys all had as much fun as I did. See you all for the next part when puts it up!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sinisteromnibus on Aug 03, 2016, 08:38 AM
 has been doing an awesome job lately with Alestra. This is a character that came out of nowhere for both myself as a player and Voss as a character with her openness and serenity. The two characters have interacted a few times now, and I have found each interaction more enjoyable and more intriguing than the last. Truly a great character piloted by an excellent roleplayer, and I encourage anyone who has not yet to go out of your way to meet Alestra.

Also, just wanted to thank all those players who have been going out of their way lately to rp with me despite issues they had with me in the past. I know for a lot of you it's not something easy to do, and I truly do appreciate you taking the chance on me again. In particular, thanks to , , , , and  for all the rp over the last few days.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Aug 03, 2016, 09:16 AM
I must say the RP between us and Mouse has been interesting, also kudos to Silence and Sophia, couldn't pull myself away till 2:30 in the morning as I was enjoying it far too much!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ironmaid on Aug 04, 2016, 12:16 AM
sinisteromnibus Avatar
Also, before I forget, I wanted to thank   . I've only had a few interactions with Hilda, but they've left a lasting impression on both myself and my character. I really like how Hilda is at once a competent, seasoned warrior but still never comes off as 'knowing everything' or 'having seen too much'. I hope you had as much fun at the Serpent as we all did,   , and I look forward to interacting with your characters and getting to know them more in the future.

Thank you! It has been super fun playing here and everyone I've met and RP'd with has been so wonderful. Thank you again. ^.^

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Aug 04, 2016, 12:22 AM
Long time coming...

For the roleplay with my main Daeatria, which has recently been increasingly picking up again. 

Nayu (        ): It has been interesting to see how Alyssana was once the one who counseled Nayu through her roughest times. Now it is the other way around, where Daeatria is often speaking with Nayu about things she could not trust to many other elves. Daeatria seems to always approach her now for some of her burdens of the soul, knowing that Nayu is not one who would think less of her for being on a conflated binary regarding her kind, yet all the more torn because of it. Speaking of which...

Rhea (@belladonna        ): I know that Rhea and Daeatria are often having to do separate things and not always working as much together as they used to (in part because of my DMing too), but Rhea still holds a special place in Daeatria's heart. Rhea used to be someone Daeatria both envied and was not sure to trust because of different social considerations when they were new characters, and now Rhea is one of the few Daeatria trusts. It has been an interesting evolution over the years, seeing that there might be one other that Daeatria would certainly kill for or die for, no matter where her path takes her. Thank you for giving her that roleplay, especially with how dark the character is thematically. 

Sumest (        ): It has been a long time since Daeatria has been able to speak with Sumest on heart to heart matters, but it is a gift when they can. The roleplay with him and his seeking family has given her more children to look after as her own, even if they may not come from her womb. Even though the two are no longer the princess and the pirate as they once were, Daeatria still loves Sumest (in her own way). Thank you for having been around to still influence her even after what was naturally best for them ended up making them more apart spatially. 

(        ): I am amazed at how much Celi has grown over the years I have played with her. It has also been interesting to see how the estrangement between Daeatria and her brother had affected her relationship to Celi some. Now they are seeing sides of each other they had not seen before, which has been a long time coming. Celi got to see just how insecure, and flawed her sister-in-law is in the end, despite all the masks she wears to indicate otherwise! Somehow, Celi having a lot of those insecurities herself has led to the moment of understanding, something I will not forget! 

Zaeth (        ): Thank you so, so much for having been with Daeatria's story since her return to Cormyr and the Dalelands three years ago. It has been amazing to see how Zaeth has grown over the years, and how he had went from an utterly cruel and vicious elfish outcast to one who started to embrace some subdued elven tendencies - in his own way, and still a bit selfish. His cold rage has become much akin to Elaith Craulnober, and how he struggles with the ability to care yet unable to word it has also been amazing to see. When his noble qualities come out, it definitely makes one who knew him go, "Who is this guy?" While he still struggles with his more familiar ways. Anyone who has not had the chance to roleplay with Silverfeather with any of her toons (Zaeth or otherwise), please do so! Speaking of which...

Silence (        ): Sometimes histrionic in the way she conveys her thoughts and feelings, I like how well this character's lack of charisma is played through her social awkwardness. It is hard to take Silence seriously for some, but those who do see just how much of a gem she is to interact with, especially with what she has to fight with on a daily basis (having lost a mate, etc). I recommend anyone who has not tried to do any layer peeling with Silence to try with her when given the chance.

Paythin (        ): I know we have not had a ton of RP interactions lately, but the several times Paythin and Daeatria had worked together has proven quite a gift. His lack of knowing regarding the way a jaded, shady existence is has been endearing, and a reminder for rogue sorts that they live a world separate from others who can take on more direct methods. 

Ceriwynne (        ): It has been fascinating exploring this character and her layers. It is amazing to see how Ceriwynne and Daeatria had some common areas in their background, and not just the fact they come from the same general region of the Realms, only a forest or so apart. Further amazing is how their lives had also led them to different paths, especially with how much the father influences had...well, influenced them. Thank you so much for playing with my toon - especially during the times she does not always feel "in commune." 

Tuilelaith (        ): Your toon has been played very well and is always a delight to interact with. Lately Daeatria and her have been finding common grounds and goals, and ones not involving their current interest - that is, beyond simply both loving Eilira in their own way. I am looking forward to future roleplay between the two to see how they have common areas and foil each other. 

Valar (        ): This has been an interesting advance in their storyline. It is amazing to see the two starting to work more in the gray areas again and how they often end up supporting each other and keeping each other from losing themselves completely in the darkness. It will be interesting to see what happens when they have to deal with more rocks and hard places, and in betweens. 

Elf (        ): It has been interesting seeing how Elf and Daeatria interact of late. Namely and especially when they decide to talk more than just about business. The two still do not know everything there is to each other and their secret trading has become quite a delightful game! I look forward to having more RP interactions with the two, especially since it is not always an easy path they walk when in the Dalelands. 

Taures (       ,        ,  , ): Thank you for your roleplay and for giving Daeatria some interactions with the elves. I know it is always an interesting relationship between our PCs, as we have a family of Bladesingers or Bladesingers-at-heart who sometimes have to contend with the antics of an ex-assassin. It is clear they had all lived different lives, and trust is different for all of them. They also serve a reminder to Daeatria of her discrepancies with other elves. It is like part of them want to be friends and understand each other, yet they know that they are of different worlds, and often end up sticking with business relations regarding each other (with occasional hair-down moments). 

Teldrath (   ): Thank you for those times when Daeatria and Teldrath meet in the woods and engage each other. He has been an interesting character to interact with, especially as he is a half-elf who clearly values his elven side and is a right and proper Dalesfolk. Yet his place as a half-elf has afforded him to take liberties on his way of living and thinking that often cost an elf to do so. In kind, it has made him a lot more accepting of some of my toon's personality quirks and flaws (not to mention dark past), and he has grown into one of the few she trusts now. I look forward to the chance to roleplay with this character in the future. It is always a gift. Truly it is. 

And, even though she has not been around the past weeks...

Eilira (        ): Eilira has been the apple in Daeatria's eye, even when she started as a bratty younger cousin in her eyes. You play an innocent theurge and seer very well, and one who had grown over the years to understand just how evil the world can be - and the cost of being the people she once looked up to (e.g., some of her other family members). Seeing her face some evil unknown and how it had shaken her brings an interesting new story, one I look forward to learning as time goes by! 

Nazakra and Blackhair (         and        ): For occasionally entertaining Daeatria as she struggles with her existing crossroads in her life. It has definitely been a test with her!

Voss and Mouse (         and        ): For perhaps the only time these two and Daeatria really had any talks beyond going out and adventuring. There were drinks and a little layer peeling that I do not always get to experience with my toon. Thank you for the RP and for giving my toon things to think about in terms of her internal conflicts with who she is, what she is, and what she wants to be. It is a gift to have these sort of interactions with people! 

(   ): This character is always interesting when I interact with him with my main. The two are always having intellectual discussions and even debating strategy, yet there is this strange thing they deal with when they both are wild cards (in their own way) and are practically stuck in a cold-war like scenario at times. I want to see what happens next whenever we have a chance to RP with each other! 

For roleplay with Taly'siana, who I almost retired but now have been finding opportunities to bring into the scene again...

Iyashu: It has been amazing how he and Taly'siana had interacted over the six years of them being characters. They had off and on spoke with each other and had moments of resonating, only to not pursue any conversation further than that. Then one day, Iyashu became bold and brought up the serious talk with her! This certainly was a "about time" moment with these two, and they had both been amazingly well for each other and have both common and complementary quirks! I look forward to seeing more roleplay in the future! 

Sywyn (        ): Thank you for the meaningful conversations that he and Taly'siana had been engaged with, even if she may not always agree with how sporadic and eccentric he comes across to her! It is a good example of how these two are clearly of different ways of supporting the greater cause! 

Naleeah (@misplacedmaskarran): I know this player is not around anymore, but I wanted to mention that Naleeah was certainly an influence on Taly'siana and had made her more confident in herself and her ability to relate to others with romance. This was something that never evolved with the toon, and because of Naleeah, she had become less of a passive force when it comes to love (even while keeping innocent about it). 

And though I cannot find her of late, she deserves mention...

Rose (        ): Taly'siana had a BFF at some point, and shared her pain in being tricked by an erinyes with white wings to thwart an evil demonic force - but the erinyes obviously not doing it for the best reasons. The two did not find out until too late, and now both face something they have not anticipated facing. That is, evils that are not against sending the most noble souls against their foes. Seeing the two both somehow maintain their idealism afterward was endearing (even if they were less naive for it). 

Terus Shaelara and Kanitae Ravenshadow...And their interactions

Tebryn (@carp): Your toon has provided a third 'brother' figure to Triandal and Terus Shaelara when they are up to no good, sometimes escalating their already rowdy behavior with his own! It is hilarious when these guys feed off each other and go into playful competitions on who either can win the most ladies over or act the most stupidly heroic. Tebryn has also been a good person to have around Kanitae Ravenshadow, who has taken to seeing him a lot as a son to her.  Thank you for the roleplay! 

Triandal Shaelara (        ): Kanitae wants to punch him often enough, but I laugh every time they clash. I know Triandal is just out to chase girls who will beat him up - and it is funny and blatant, versus tastelessly indirect and creepy! His interactions with his older brother are just awesome and a recipe for disaster. Both are competitive over machismo things while also quite ready to defend each other against others who have a bone to pick with one or the other. It is a true bro-relationship (not to be confused with 'bromance', which Terus is apparently playing both of them for!). 

The Tentaziones (        ,        ,    , bella): Thank you for putting up with Kanitae Ravenshadow and her stiffness during the quest. It was amazing to see how she was so serious and everyone else was full of chaos. Yet they all found common ground to work together during FaeFae's events. I am hoping to have some more roleplay with this family, whether as Kanitae or as Taly'siana, who had interacted with Cara a few times before.

Mirabell: Your character is always a gift. If no one has roleplayed with this light hearted gnome before, I recommend it! She is funny and she is certainly a ball of chaos - even if she is not making inventions that explode the entire square. It is also amazing to see just how dedicated she is to fighting the good fight despite her comical endeavors. 

Everyone else...

(       ): Your barbarian was a treat when I saw her in my adhoc involving Dalelands stuff.
Your Silver Marches characters have been very well played and they clearly know and respect how the elves are from their area, without blindly bowing to the whims of the more nose-up ones. It is a very refreshing roleplay to experience and makes me feel like I have not just made things up with my elf-er toons! Thank you (and yours) for the treat. 

For those I have not mentioned yet, please accept this gesture of gratitude: Thank you for making this place my home. I had left a few times in the past for one reason or another, and it is this community that brings me back again and again. Please keep it going awesome! I look forward to roleplaying with you in the near future more, and seeing what stories unfold!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Aug 16, 2016, 02:32 AM
Blackhair (), Atarkus (), and Nazakra () for a fun let-hair-down moment. 10/10 would do it again!


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Aug 24, 2016, 05:32 AM
Thanks to for all the great advice and role play since my playing times have picked up, again. You're always fun to interact with and I've been enjoying getting to know some of your characters better.

I have to say I have been very surprised by Ilcil. He isn't one to reveal too much of himself and I look forward to getting to know him better. Thanks, , for the in depth role play. We haven't had many chances to role play over the years. I'm glad I've had the opportunity, lately, to have fun with ya.

Thanks to the CD Community for helping to fill the world with so many interesting personalities with whom to converse and adventure. There are few NWN communities; but fewer whom have the talent and support found here. Thanks for giving me a place to dive into to forget the RL bullshit I face each day.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Sep 11, 2016, 10:50 AM
Recently, I want to thank    ,    ,    , @belladonna    and     for all the roleplay with Daeatria recently. Character development and her quest for finding herself again has been a work in progress, and all of you have helped make that roleplay fun.

I also want to thank    ,    ,    ,    ,    , , and     for having been around her of late as well. And thank everyone else who has been regularly going with me on dungeon crawls.


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Sep 15, 2016, 03:05 AM
: Your sun elf has been a very witty interaction with Daeatria, and I really find the RP very fun and rewarding. It is not often people play an elven planeswalker, and being a big Planescape fan, I am sold! I hope to see more in the near future! Thank you for your awesome RP here!


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Oct 27, 2016, 08:44 PM
I want to thank someone that I do not think I have thanked enough in this thread (though if I had not did so at least once already, someone please shoot me)...


I have known you for practically eight years of my time on Cormyr Dalelands (pretty much my active years). Our current plots for character concepts and the amount of energy you put into keeping up with my roleplay is more than appreciated (I know I can be intimidating sometimes!). Current collaboration both on DM side and player side just makes me realize I have not conveyed enough gratitude to you. All of our back and forth these past few weeks has been truly a gift. So, thank you for that.

The same goes for , , and for .

I also wish to give this thanks to...


You had been missed, are missed, and will be missed for however long you are gone. I know life comes first, but you had been one of the more memorable RP partners I had. Eilira still has a place in Daeatria's heart, and perhaps one reason why she had not truly fallen into darkness.


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Nov 08, 2016, 11:18 AM
Thank you all for the RP during the Tenebrous Hill! It was amazing teamwork, and people of different motivations working on the same goal.

I also look forward to more roleplay with you all! <3 


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Nov 24, 2016, 03:36 AM
I really enjoyed the character interactions between the folks on the Burnt Offerings quest. It was engaging as the plot itself, which was awesome all around. I'm really glad I could take part in it. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Dec 14, 2016, 12:56 PM
For the players during the first part of the Closure Plotline:

Awesome teamwork and I look forward to more! It was fun seeing everyone interact, and also react to environmental dangers as much as actual harmful creatures.

Everyone else:

Ciraeth (  ). A lot of the roleplay recently has thrown Daeatria off her groove, and had serious long-term character development consequences for her. Thank you for that! It has been fun and I look forward to more!

The Taures ( , , , ). Thank you for the roleplay lately. Especially as there was an estranged relationship between some of our toons for a while, only recently having been worked on.

Jezra ( ). Thank you very much for the roleplay between Daeatria and Jezra. They are not as often as I would like due to our conflicts, but they are memorable and have had their impact. 

Sarah Anvilsmasher ( ). It was fun seeing little Sarah all grown up and interacting with Alyssana! She is such a well played eighteen year old, haha!

Cylanduril Miritar. I will say I am actually happy that you are playing him, Ryoko! Everyone gets to see a different style of doing things with him, and I find it nice when someone can play an elven male. Even if he sometimes seems such a romantic. ;-) 

Eroths. It has been interesting seeing them mother some of the other elves about. 

Zaeth ( ). It has been fun seeing how Zaeth and Daeatria have evolved as characters, and how they are often switching roles from frenemies to occasional needed alliances against a greater evil - to cold war intrigue dialogues. 

Rhea and Kelendel (@belladonna and ). I miss you guys a lot. These two were major anchors to Daeatria in all of her growth and development. When we play together, it is certainly a gift. 

Nayu (). As with Rhea and Kelendel, Nayu has kept a beacon of light for Daeatria. Even in her worse moments. Thank you for having contributed so much to her story! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: ladybug on Dec 18, 2016, 10:17 AM

I really enjoyed watching the group's interactions on the investigation last night. There was a lot of good lateral thinking and handling of NPCs, and you worked very well together. It's a pleasure to DM for you guys.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Prism on Dec 20, 2016, 07:24 PM
Cheers to all who RPed with me in the Wharbling Seraph tonight. First real RP i've gotten involved in, and it was nice to be able to tell stories and roleplay again.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Mystic Warden on Dec 20, 2016, 08:01 PM
Joining to that a big thank you to the players of Fenix, Blackhair, Mista, Jerika, Roarke, and Amaiss! It was a while since I had such a great fun RPing! :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: FaeFae on Dec 31, 2016, 10:23 PM
Thank you everyone who roleplayed with me tonight - I haven't been feeling the best, and it pretty much wrapped up the year on a nice note. I had fun. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: bknuckles on Feb 04, 2017, 06:30 PM
A small thanks to those that have been interacting with Ptolema these past couple'f weeks. It's been plenty enjoyable.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Eredruie on Feb 05, 2017, 04:59 PM
Shout out to those who have interacted with my newest elfer Veryn Daeryllar today. She's one of those "I always fancied trying this concept" kind of characters that I wasn't sure was going to work, but she's just come alive this afternoon/evening thanks to some lovely chats, meetings, and ventures. Looking forward to more :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Feb 09, 2017, 07:36 PM
Thanks to those who have interacted with Paislyn. It has been a blast!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Eredruie on Feb 11, 2017, 08:14 PM
Shoutout to  and  from Veryn and Shaan respectively for delicious character development. You are great <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Feb 22, 2017, 06:46 PM
I want to give a shout out for all the players who participated in my Euro-friendly storyline thus far. It is nice to be able to not only give life to the daytime hours once a month, but also to give another chance for those with weird schedules time to chill.

Thank you for your energy!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Mar 27, 2017, 12:21 PM
So I want to thank everyone who came to the naked fun time party last night, otherwise known as the Budding, especially Eredruie who managed to bring three chars in the course of several hours. *snicker* but everyone who attended thank you, this was by the far the wildest wild elf party Iyanna has led. I blame the Dark Desires I think the Fey slipped it into everyones drink
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Mar 27, 2017, 12:33 PM
This is why Iyanna should not trust fey,   . ;-) Careful what you ask for in your quest requests! Mwahahahahaha.

On that note: thank you everyone who has been roleplaying with me lately. It really has been a treat.       with Ciraeth, and       via Shaan and       with Kaleandruil especially. Daeatria's had some curve balls thrown at her recently and it has been a blast seeing how she develops as a result.

I also want to thank the Ravenshadows (      , especially; then Celithrareng [played by      ] and Solferathal [      ]). It has been fun seeing how Daeatria adjusts to still being a family member while transitioning away from being the heiress. It is especially interesting seeing how her role has developed as a result, and her influences still there but in a slightly different way now! Also want to thank the Taures for trying to include the Ravenshadows a little more in their family roleplay, as difficult as it is for the two elven families to have such sometimes! (  ,  ,   - talking to you!)

I also want to thank       (playing Harmon) for some of the recent roleplay with Daeatria and Kaleandruil. It feels as if they are about to get to an action stage of their own pertaining to some stray fey'ri threats happening away from the Dalelands scene. Suffice to say, it is nice Daeatria is helping her kin away from elven territories - in her own way.

Last but not least, thank you all folks for the mercenary activity your characters involved with one of mine (      ,     ,      ,      ,      ,      ,      , and more). I look forward to more development!

Of course, I want to thank everyone for being awesome and good to each other. I cannot tell you how much everyone's awesomeness has contributed to me sticking with Cormyr Dalelands, and keeping life in the place.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Eredruie on Mar 27, 2017, 03:59 PM
Darvins Avatar
So I want to thank everyone who came to the naked fun time party last night, otherwise known as the Budding, especially Eredruie who managed to bring three chars in the course of several hours. *snicker* but everyone who attended thank you, this was by the far the wildest wild elf party Iyanna has led. I blame the Dark Desires I think the Fey slipped it into everyones drink
I'm still wondering exactly how a human Sunite managed to get Veryn to dance with him. But yes, three very different chars stopped by. I could have brought more but that would've been greedy!  (rofl)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on Mar 27, 2017, 09:11 PM
Thanks to for the rp with our Ravenshadows - I love the dynamic they've been develping (Hopefully Cal is done throwing up now! ha!). and for the dragon rp. The siblings are a blast. And (I think that's your forum name?) for the rp with Tindra and Kyle.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Mar 29, 2017, 09:40 AM
Although I have not been part of the roleplay and initiative, I saw some of the incredible work with the Red Briar recently. Thank you for doing this for the server!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Eredruie on May 12, 2017, 04:25 AM
Love to  especially, and also to and possibly others who I have forgotten about (sorry! Love to you as well!) in the long and tiring saga that has just unfolded in Elfdom.

You are lovely people, all, and your characters have been wonderful to interact with. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: realityjumper on May 27, 2017, 12:23 AM
Thank you to everyone for Celi's baby shower tonight. It was really meaningful for her to see all the people that truly care about her, and the gifts you all put thought into.

The one that made me laugh the hardest was the chainmail onesie! I loved them all and Celi will treasure them. Thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: acleverpun on Jul 03, 2017, 06:35 PM
My thanks to Alexandra (disapprovingmother), Rossel (JolenaOgden) and Shaan (Eredrule) for making my first foray onto this server very enjoyable!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Eredruie on Jul 04, 2017, 01:10 AM
acleverpun Avatar
My thanks to Alexandra (disapprovingmother), Rossel (JolenaOgden) and Shaan (Eredrule) for making my first foray onto this server very enjoyable!

Thanks! It was a pleasure, glad you enjoyed it :) hopefully will catch you again to get to know Sariana better :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: disapprovingmother on Jul 07, 2017, 09:00 PM
acleverpun Avatar
My thanks to Alexandra (disapprovingmother), Rossel (JolenaOgden) and Shaan (Eredrule) for making my first foray onto this server very enjoyable!

It was fun, and actually that was my first time back on the server in a long while, so thanks to everyone who has RP'ed with Alexandra Hohlenberg and her triumphant return back to Arabel *crickets*
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jul 07, 2017, 10:25 PM
Want to thank    for her awesome character and her interactions with Daeatria. They have been challenging for her character development especially with the recent past year or so regarding her story. Looking forward to seeing more of the young Evereskan explorer! 

Especially want to thank   for Kaleandruil and what he has been for her. What started as me asking him to play a very vague concept turned into a rich history, and an off-CD history session of us seeing how their interaction in Evereska would be like while waiting for his application...

...Then some awesome and sweet story in-game. I am attached. Will not lie. <3 

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jolena Ogden on Jul 10, 2017, 12:56 PM
acleverpun Avatar
My thanks to Alexandra (disapprovingmother), Rossel (JolenaOgden) and Shaan (Eredrule) for making my first foray onto this server very enjoyable!
Thank you and everyone involved, as well.  Wonderful portrayals by everyone, and it was fun to have Rossel meet each.   :)

Alexandra when in the park under the cherry tree a few nights ago also still has me laughing every time I think about it.  I am not sure, though, whether she is Arabel's woman most in need of a girls' night out, or if we should be hiding every reachable bottle of body oil when bare chested barbarians are about.  (Yes, ebon haired barbarian of literary fame, that means you ...) :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on Sep 22, 2017, 03:18 PM
Thank you those who rped with Pylia last night in Arabel. I am looking forward to more interaction and exploring the server. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on Sep 28, 2017, 09:35 PM
Big thank you to Faeramin and Lalvon for the great elven time! I had a blast! :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on Nov 19, 2017, 02:01 AM
I want to thank everyone I have had the pleasure of interacting with since I have arrived to the server. I appreciate the role play and kindness afforded to me. *huggles to all* :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: acleverpun on Dec 02, 2017, 08:29 PM
for todays interactions with Jelena! <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Mystic Warden on Dec 04, 2017, 12:55 PM
acleverpun Avatar
 for todays interactions with Jelena! <3

And right back at ya! It is always fun to RP with you. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on Jan 08, 2018, 10:25 PM
Some nice group role play the last few days!  Thank you everyone!! :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: whitespirit on Jan 14, 2018, 09:09 PM
Today was an enormous day on CD for me :) Thank you for rping everyone and for making our wonderful and lovely server so much richer and amazing with your characters, your stories and everything. It might not always seem like it but every individual story, every action does touch and influence people's characters and their stories, lives and feelings.

I would have list everyone so I will just thank you *everyone* for a wonderful and lovely day on CD :) and hopefully many more to come!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: lurkerabove on Jan 21, 2018, 12:14 AM
Thank you all who have stopped by to see and give a welcome to Erliza and Serra's tea house in Highmoon the last few days! Sindel, Nim'Elen, Pylia, Red, Shaan/Ciry and others have made the presence of their new home even more satisfying!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theshobit on Feb 03, 2018, 12:06 PM
Thank you to , , , , and , whom have been adventuring with my ladies, lately, and bringing a smile to my evenings. I look forward to logging in each night to have fun with you lot!

Also, I wish to spread some appreciation on and . You've made Cinder and Syraviel feel more anchored in the world.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Colin Mack on Feb 04, 2018, 09:09 PM
I'd like to thank Tindra (Reality Jumper) for putting up with me :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on Feb 06, 2018, 10:46 PM
Special thanks to Faeramin (Jolens Odgen) for pumping up a defeated and depleted feeling moon elf. :) :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on Mar 03, 2018, 02:55 PM
Thank you to everyone that has role played with one of my characters the last couple of weeks. I have been trying to work on some character development and appreciate the interactions! :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: lurkerabove on Mar 04, 2018, 02:59 AM
Sorry it took me a few days to get around to this but...

Thank you so much to everyone who came to celebrate SerraLiza's grand opening at their teahouse last weekend, and helped make it enjoyable. And double kudos to everyone who performed on stage! It was a blast.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Calabask on Mar 24, 2018, 09:39 AM
Special thanks to Carp6, Jolena, Embra, Dismus, and Modron for the amazing quest last night. It was hilarious, especially when the party was trying to sneak about and bluff to talk to Tolbin. Had a ton of fun last night!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: lurkerabove on Mar 24, 2018, 03:09 PM
To those who gave their talents to SerraLiza's bard competition today, thank you!

for Quirin's tale
for Ashera's song
for Kali's performance
and for Heirike and Asyae getting the place hopping with their upbeat, irreverent numbers! :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 05, 2018, 11:51 PM
Been a while since I contributed.

  ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   . Thank you all for contributing significantly to the development of my new character with your multiple toons, some interacting more than others. She has been very surprisingly fun, and all thanks to you all. Though I did plan on a nice girl, she had turned out far more innocent than even planned, with that in mind. Something that has been endearing in the roleplay, even as she struggles with adapting to the mainland ways.


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ryoko Honda on Apr 06, 2018, 07:11 AM
<3 Back at you Deary.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: theotherkip on Apr 06, 2018, 07:12 AM
I'd like to thank everyone who has been dealing with Logarti, but an extra special shout out to Thane. Poor, poor Thane.

I really should be listing more people here. But thank you all.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: DubiousScroll on Sep 13, 2018, 09:50 AM
Thank you to everybody in the square last night who put up with me (Ezra, Xen, Cora, Meribo)!

Hope you had at least half the fun I did!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: lurkerabove on Sep 15, 2018, 07:11 PM
Thanks to everyone who attended SerraLiza's wedding, be it part of the wedding party or just to witness it. Hope everyone enjoyed the RP and the feels!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dysmetria on Jan 15, 2019, 02:38 PM
4 months without a single positive RP or DM experience seems well, bad. I'm sure there have been many, lets hear about em!

I want to take the time to thank whichever female character who's name I didn't catch that left the trade house just now for simply shutting the door behind her like she had obviously done after entering. I may never find out who you were, but I'm glad just to know my bard isn't the only one that wasn't born in a barn. Seriously, just shutting that door twice made my whole day.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: dysmetria on Jan 18, 2019, 05:08 AM
Thanks to the elven rogue that took me to the bandits.

It was a great RP experience up until a runtime error crashed both NWN and my craptop.

By the time I rebooted and logged in you were gone but I hope you found your mirror.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: eieku on Jan 22, 2019, 03:19 AM
I want to say thank to everyone who's been making my stay on the server positive. This has lightened my mood up everyday. To anyone who's been interacting with Sheh or Sigille the past few days, thank you.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: JollyJumper on Jan 22, 2019, 08:27 AM
Has been fun yeah Eieku. Plenty more to come I hope
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: DubiousScroll on Jan 22, 2019, 01:23 PM
eieku Avatar
I want to say thank to everyone who's been making my stay on the server positive. This has lightened my mood up everyday. To anyone who's been interacting with Sheh or Sigille the past few days, thank you.
Your halfling is cute!  Was nice getting to meet the Slum-Crew (her and Mr. Norquist) last night with Nhil.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: jamaisvu on Jan 23, 2019, 03:16 AM
A quick thank you to Nokteronoth, A Dance to Remember, and ironmaid. Adventuring with you guys is excellent fun. <3

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: vindflickan on Jan 26, 2019, 09:25 PM
I would like to thank the player of Nathan for giving Calperyenna (and me, obviously) a hand up and a bit of guidance in getting underway in Arabel. My little grinning hin had the best day and now just has to find a bit of apple pie to finish off her really good day.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Jan 27, 2019, 06:52 PM
I would like to thank for his recent rp with my characters.  Very fun, glad you came on!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: The Red Mage on Jan 28, 2019, 11:03 PM
Thanks to the 8 person party we had tonight for the Bugbears! I had a great time RPing with you all.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Feb 21, 2019, 08:28 AM
I want to thank a load of people here!

WhiskeyDingo, you're an absolute blast to RP with and it amuses me greatly that we independently developed a similar clothing style.

Sheh, you've been fantastic to RP with even with the disagreements about orcs. Know that I love and adore you!

EtherealVanity, Leo has been some of the most entertaining RP I've had in a while. His and Melody's interactions are so amusing.

Allatum, thanks for taking Melody around and showing stuff off. It's been fun!

To all the Talon Company I've met, you're all a blast. Thanks for tolerating Melody's personality on patrol!

RedMage, thanks for sitting down and discussing your character's homeland with Melody. I enjoyed their interaction immensely.

Fire Wraith, thank you for having Eve explain the Far Realm to Melody a bit and joining us in the Dragon. That was grand.

And there are a whole bunch more people whose names I can't remember right now. Thanks for all the RP everyone, CD's such a joy and you're the reason why it is for me.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: bandito on Apr 16, 2019, 06:31 PM
Hi, I play Hondo Uwe, and I just want to thank everyone who was part of the random blob the other night. Lots of fun, great rp, and awesome dialog.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on May 27, 2019, 02:57 PM
To the folks Auroa adventurered with yesterday in Edge and Ladys thing. It was fn and so weird to think back to the first part of that adventure, and how they argued and the part last night where they actually seemed to be a team with mutual respect for each other. That was a fun little growth for the party, that took place over the course of three adventures, so thank you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: DubiousScroll on Jun 01, 2019, 02:24 AM
Huge shout out to Azure and Vindflickan.  Tonight's RP was some of my favorite ever playing NWN.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Sidhe on Jun 09, 2019, 05:20 PM
Per Istiele:

Shout-out to Alessia and Doe for a great round of conversation that could lead to some good story development!

Also to Skald and Vic for a 90% effective dungeon romp! Definitely needed that, as well as the patience for the rusty missteps. :D 

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: azure on Jun 09, 2019, 10:42 PM
RJ's personal quest for Azalea was amazing and I'd like to thank her for the amazing story!

And more generally, this whole community is fantastic and amazing and so many times better than many others in terms of general friendliness and kindness, inclusivity, and etc. I could probably word that better and/or go on, if I wasn't mildly fatigued mentally from the (fantastic!) quest RJ ran, but I want to post this while I'm actually thinking about it or I never will. XD
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Jun 10, 2019, 09:08 AM
I want to second this! Thank you for the plot last night, RJ!

And thank you to Azalea, Dove, Siniy, and Mista of course!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kaiosprey on Jun 12, 2019, 04:41 PM
I am new to the server, and I play Drak'anon Uth-Shagoth. I wanted to thank everyone for being so welcoming to a new player on the server, going out of their way to make me feel welcomed, and taking care to include me in RP opportunities. I have never felt alone here, or like I needed to break into a clique, or beat out the DM pet favorites, or anything like that. Its really refreshing, considering I know how yucky people can be, and how quickly servers can become toxic. Thanks to everyone I've met for being cool people. Hope I can contribute back the way its been given to me.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: azure on Jun 12, 2019, 09:40 PM
Glad you feel the same way I've come to about CD, ! Thank -you- for playing a well thought-out faithful of Eldath! Always great to see. (I play Azalea! ^^ )
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: vindflickan on Jun 12, 2019, 10:03 PM
And I'll chime in with my partner and say thank you for the same reasons. Doe's just a little bit less lonely with Drak around helping prove Eldath is too a thing...even if people forget her a lot.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jazzmyra on Jun 13, 2019, 07:08 AM
A little late, but I want to join in and thank you all for the rp the last days / weeks with Siniy. I always thought the server is amazing and am very much on your page there, kaiosprey, but the last weeks have been a little more than just nice for me. Be it tête-à-tête, groups to go and slay demons at peaks, or well thought out plots, I love being part of it and am looking forward to so much more!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kaiosprey on Jul 11, 2019, 08:48 AM
So, there are to many to list, but I wanted to thank the folks who RP with Drak in the square, and those who put up with his antics during adventures. I don't know how much fun ya'll are having, but I spend most of my time giggling like an idiot both in the square and knee deep in a fight somewhere.

Super special shout out to all of Inkish's characters, because they are all so completely different. Sometimes I click conversations from one of his/her characters, and I am like, "NO WAY its INKISH AGAIN?"  That is such an amazing surprise to see someone who can play such different roles to perfection. *bows formally before Inkish*

Also, Nallah Del Rose is so well played, that it makes me want to convert to Red Knight. Wish I had a shield to polish.

Elulduil is another character that really helps set the pace for immersion for me, as his quietness speaks volumes in a crowd.

Shassra is so much fun to RP with, and her history lessons have been amazing.

Lady Evelyn Truesilver, had made Drak rethink his stance on the nobility.

Ceya has been a ton of fun to "train" with, and makes Drak wants to rethink his life choices.

The Starglows are amazing with their children, and I laughed out loud to Grim's reaction to the children. Grim is so well played, and that shovel, oh boy.

And then their is the chocolate addicted, gnome speaking, nut, Cori, who is the only person that laughs at all of Drak's dumb jokes, mostly because she is high on sugar.

And Sam, the fellow Blue Man...he is really, really funny, but deep at the same time.

And The Ranger of the Sea, Ollie...who is Drak's Piratical Performance Instructor, (PPI TM)

And the lady dwarf with the axe and sniffing,

And Thayne the frosty half-dragon of Torm, and, and, and, many to mention....

So stinking cool to have such a talented pool of Rpers, and hardly any drama.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: bleuception on Jul 30, 2019, 02:40 PM
Roem incited Roggrim and Leilatha into a friendly drinking competition, which was a delightful and very funny scene. I was grinning almost the entire time.

Roggrim won! Leilatha, on the other hand, found that doors needed to be hugged and walls needed to be comforted with gentle patting. Thankfully, her drunk self was dropped off in an inn room at the Seraph, thanks to Roggrim being mindful of doing so.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jazzmyra on Jul 30, 2019, 03:15 PM
I have to and want to voice a special thank you to the members of yesterday's FTT. It was a very nice and funny experience and helped a lot to give Siniy some much needed depth without even realizing it up until it was over. I had a blast, so thank you  and Agrumol (sorry, I don't remember the login name there). Especially thank you  for the setting and quest, it was truly amazing. 

All in all, the experience helped me get out of a hole with Siniy and you all played a big part in me becoming comfortable with her once again, and develop her in a way I think I like. It was nice to feel like a member of a group truthfully and every moment was fun.  :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: inkish on Jul 31, 2019, 01:58 AM
First, special shoutout to the Eidolon 'family' (Drak, Fade, Arhana, and Joy!), as well as any other shadowdancers Wing has come across. Whether you join the family or not (you should!), the engaging talks and thoughts put behind and against the troupe are fun to play. It really makes it feel like Wing belongs to something greater... and it's just beginning!

Tarie, RPing with you is quite a treat. There are layers to Tarie that intrigue me as a player, and your ability to hold engaging and meaningful conversation with Kaylee is a thrill.

Camthalion, while I'm sure the grating RP can take it's toll, I find it kind of refreshing as a player watching that there are characters who exhibit racism and elitism. It's a very prevalent thing in the lore, and it's a rather grounding when it's represented ICly. 

Shassra, whether it is putting up with Wing's nonsense, or being a bit of a guiding and supporting figure for Kaylee, time spent RPing with you is quite enjoyable. I love the interactions we've had so far!

Darkfang, Cairora... or however it is spelled. The verbal duel that she and Persephone had was delightful, and the little date after was a lovely twist, darling.

Cookie, best for last right?~ She is just so darn adorable and really helps bring out the human that often gets forgotten beneath the shadow that is Wing. I'm greatly anticipating how the relationship will blossom!~
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Jul 31, 2019, 12:41 PM
No specific shout outs, but just a general kudos to the people I've had the chance to interact with in my twoish months here so far. I've enjoyed my time here and I look forward to continuing to do so. :)

Good to know 15 years after I started playing this game there's still fun places to be.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kaiosprey on Aug 02, 2019, 02:44 PM
Feeling the love over the last few days. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Aug 02, 2019, 02:59 PM
I want to shoutout to Blackheart (Celebrithrade) for the wonderful RP yesterday. Who knew she and Melody would've clicked so well! You're an amazing, amazing RPer!

And shoutout to Thayne for being such a gentleman and a sweetheart to Melody. It's sincerely appreciated!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Shantis on Aug 02, 2019, 03:13 PM
I said it once, but it doesn't hurt to repeat, my only regret is not having found this server before.

I have friends here from the old server I was playing almost a year ago, and I made great good new friends here. Thanks for everything! :)

Thanks to all the players I've had contact for their fun and great roleplay.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Shantis on Aug 13, 2019, 07:44 AM
Thanks for Joy, Falkir, Thayne, Grim, Melody and Blane for the roleplay and fun we had yesterday in the quest with RJ. It was a lot of fun, thanks. :D

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Shantis on Aug 17, 2019, 08:03 AM
Thanks Blane, Grungnir, Kaia, Mista, Ceya by yesterday's roleplay during the quest. It was very funny and good. And I hope to see Blane and Grungnir's ship happening... :P
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jerrick on Aug 25, 2019, 06:04 PM
Thanks to a few folks, since over these past few weeks I've been here, I've met some excellent ones, and I'm sure to miss a few! (I'm gonna list player name when I know it, otherwise, you're your PC. Sorry!)

Kai - Drak especially makes me smile every time I see them on
Myv's - the unexpected RP with Myv was awesome, and I can't wait to do it again! A hard left from Rhia's usually scattered storytelling
Songsinger - Marentin is SO damn welcoming, and I loved that Rhia just being Rhia was seen as such a positive thing for someone
Faeramin's - You have done a LOT to give Rhia a better sense of purpose, and I feel like she has a much more focused view of her goals and ambitions now! Thanks for the growth!
Ashlin - Rhia's WCW. The OG "Wow I wanna be like her" of Arabel for Rhia, your encouragement early on gave Rhia so much life for me, and helped shape who she is
Revhin - The ultimate guide and example of preparedness that makes Rhia's tendencies seem wholly justified! The silence to her snickering, the shadow behind her smile! Those two make a fun team, with how different they are!
Necrofai & Inkish - Thanks for bringing me over here (Yes, I'm their fault, blame them!) I'm having a great time with you and Andelas (Thanks to you too for the RP and adventures!) and Scio.
Zangeen - You bringing Korra over and making up our backstory on the fly with me, was a riot, and I can't wait to do more of it. Missed you my friend!

I'm sure there's going to be more of these to come, I'm just awful at remembering names!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Shantis on Aug 25, 2019, 06:21 PM
Thanks Nathaniel, Thular, Sin, Helil, Rhiannon,  Cairora, Friede for today's fun roleplay! :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Aug 25, 2019, 06:37 PM
I want to thank Xeneize for the roleplay with Camthalion last night. It was really meaningful and it showed Melody a very different side to Camthalion!

I also want to thank Blackheart for being utterly cool, chill, and a fun person to RP with. Celebrithrade is awesome and it's fun to have those two run around!

To Bushy for playing Grim and being an ear for Melody. It helped her quite a lot and it was so funny to hear his opinions on things.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: vindflickan on Aug 28, 2019, 12:15 AM
I just remembered this thread existed again! So I would, on whole, love to thank the community in general as you are all lovely and all my characters continue to have fun, thought provoking, and amusing interactions with one another. Today though I would like to thank the players of Shassra and Celebrithrade for the second deal at the Forest Falls for their parts in the small arc surrounding Dove's notes on blood magic and riding out the effects of various choices the characters made. I look forward to playing out the continual results of today's events with you and with others. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jazzmyra on Aug 31, 2019, 11:14 AM
A special thank you for the amazing event yesterday that  and  organized. Both the fashion show and the auction were very fun to watch and participate and brightened my day or rather night a lot. 

Also thank you at , I really liked the interaction between Siniy and Kelendel before the show, and in a way it helped me stay interested in my own character - thanks for that! :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Shantis on Aug 31, 2019, 11:32 AM
Jazzmyra Avatar
A special thank you for the amazing event yesterday that   and   organized. Both the fashion show and the auction were very fun to watch and participate and brightened my day or rather night a lot. 

Also thank you at  , I really liked the interaction between Siniy and Kelendel before the show, and in a way it helped me stay interested in my own character - thanks for that! :D

I reinforce this. The whole event was fun, interesting and with fun characters and situations, icly and oocly. Thanks to all involved!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edwardfalcona on Sep 01, 2019, 08:40 AM
Jazzmyra Avatar
A special thank you for the amazing event yesterday that   and   organized. Both the fashion show and the auction were very fun to watch and participate and brightened my day or rather night a lot. 

Also thank you at  , I really liked the interaction between Siniy and Kelendel before the show, and in a way it helped me stay interested in my own character - thanks for that! :D


It was a wonderful time I enjoyed the to alot as well thank you for as well !
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jerec on Sep 01, 2019, 08:47 AM
Jazzmyra Avatar
A special thank you for the amazing event yesterday that    and    organized. Both the fashion show and the auction were very fun to watch and participate and brightened my day or rather night a lot. 

Also thank you at   , I really liked the interaction between Siniy and Kelendel before the show, and in a way it helped me stay interested in my own character - thanks for that! :D

I have to join in on the thanks for the event. Also, a special mention and thanks to Cybille's player for the RP that stemmed from the conversation they had at the event, and the following day.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Shantis on Sep 03, 2019, 08:35 AM
Thanks Celeb, grungnir, drak, joy, Siniy for yesterday's quest, it was a lot of fun =]
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jazzmyra on Sep 03, 2019, 09:04 AM
Shantis Avatar
Thanks Celeb, grungnir, drak, joy, Siniy for yesterday's quest, it was a lot of fun =]
I second that, it was very fun and amazing to do! :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kaiosprey on Sep 03, 2019, 09:47 AM
Jazzmyra Avatar
Shantis Avatar
Thanks Celeb, grungnir, drak, joy, Siniy for yesterday's quest, it was a lot of fun =]
I second that, it was very fun and amazing to do! :D

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Reecie on Sep 03, 2019, 04:27 PM
Just a quick thank you to everyone I've interacted with as Reecie over the last few days. Melody, Celeb and Tindra have likely been the few she's opened up to the most but I've enjoyed meeting several people. It's been a while trying to get back into NWN and for the first time in years the RP with all of you has snake bit me and got me hooked in the best possible way again, so thank you! <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Sep 04, 2019, 09:46 PM
Been a while since I posted one of these up! I'd like to thank the folks that debated the philosophy of the Order of the Long Death tonight NoRagrets (Tyrath), Bushy_Fro (Grim), and Arnk!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: MBD on Sep 09, 2019, 01:43 AM
A shout to Runaiwem, Zander, Ilmryn, Thayne, Draasaria, Camthalion, Sil'ilos, Alameth, Caine/Valar, Drak and all others Luexena's been interacting with ever since her return. Thank you for making the time on the server enjoyable. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jerrick on Sep 09, 2019, 09:26 AM
Kudos to Melody and Celeb throughout this weekend, the shenanigans with Rhia often made me laugh out loud, especially mid-adventure!

Also kudos to the various adventuring buddies I had this weekend, even when we got our butts kicked around. Fun was had by all, with RP throughout!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Rei Jin on Sep 12, 2019, 12:59 AM
Kudos to the player of Nallah, for welcoming a new player to the server (me!)

Definitely looking to stick around; many of my friends have migrated here already
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Sep 30, 2019, 01:42 AM
I want to thank Rhia for being absolutely wonderful, the interaction that Rhia and Melody had the other night had me in stitches it was so adorable. Jerrick, you are so much fun.

Celebrithrade, for being an absolutely wonderful partner in crime with Melody, I cannot thank you enough for all the wonderful times we've had to RP together. Blackheart, you're truly wonderful.

Marak, for stepping up and being brave in applying to the Rosewood - you did such a fantastic job on those original lyrics and you blew us out of the water!

Grim, for being Grim, because he's an amazing character and I enjoy interacting with him. And Bushy, you're amazing.

Myv, for being so sweet to me IC and OOC. It's a genuine breath of fresh air and I cherish you for being so kind.

And to everyone else I've had the chance to interact with but didn't name, I love you all.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jerrick on Oct 02, 2019, 11:12 AM
Ashlin, Doe, Myv, and of course, Korra !Thanks to each of you that came along to "Family Issues", esp Singer (Ashlin) who had real 'family issues' of the timing variety but stuck around anyway! <3 

That was such a cool character building experience, and I'm glad I got to share it with people that have been instrumental with my character's growth! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: goldheart on Oct 03, 2019, 03:53 PM
Thanks to Areusa for warm welcome and making me smile. You have just made what started off as a very nervous experience turn in to a good laugh and great time, thank you so much <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dismus on Oct 08, 2019, 10:46 PM
    It was great rping with you guys this evening. Some of you I had never interacted with before and I really enjoyed the quest with you.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Galena on Oct 08, 2019, 11:18 PM
Yes, thank you all for coming along once again!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Shantis on Oct 18, 2019, 07:22 PM
Thayne, Talisa, Drak, Melodi and Blane with Nallah in the square, and of course, the whole epic scene of punching the rain cloud. It was very funny and awesome;
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jazzmyra on Oct 18, 2019, 07:37 PM
I want to thank everyone for their interactions with Nolyth so far, she is an amazing character and very fun to play for me because of the great RP. Special thanks to  and  for the very well developing friendship between Javen, Vie and Nolyth as well as  for Kyi's appearance. Looking forward to more fun adventures for this group and further development down the line! <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Fox² on Oct 20, 2019, 12:55 AM
Jazzmyra Avatar
I want to thank everyone for their interactions with Nolyth so far, she is an amazing character and very fun to play for me because of the great RP. Special thanks to  and  for the very well developing friendship between Javen, Vie and Nolyth as well as  for Kyi's appearance. Looking forward to more fun adventures for this group and further development down the line! <3

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jerrick on Oct 22, 2019, 09:24 AM
@melody Thanks for the late night RP last night, in regards to not just the quest, but the cumulative toll of loss I've been working through with Rhia.

You give Melody a ton of life and empathy, and it takes someone who has those traits themselves to portray it so fully. Thank you for sharing it with me and my character!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: VVish on Oct 22, 2019, 10:50 AM
Wanted to thank everyone my PC had the privilege to interact with the last month. It was a blast, many positive emotions, from each conversation, even the brief ones.

Thank you,

Galactor, for being the first one to show liking towards PCs presence, as well as handling her humour and tense demeanour;
Avlida "Downy", for opening a new purpose to the character, even if the interaction was a very brief period;
Azalea, for allowing a specific something to develop, and the readiness to help with character's personal complication;
Mari, for being the first one to answer the peculiar questions, giving several rather solid leads and being compassionate, all at the same time;
Maria, for being the first official to make a good impression and provide necessary leads to develop the personal story;
Nallah, for being the most influential on character's daily routines and searches, with the only few dialogues between;
Mista, for providing informational guidance and being willing to assist with a specific problem, and giving good advice;
Victorian, for being the turning point of one character's personal quests and development;
Kamon, for unexpected, but welcomed support and conversations;
Nolyth, for all the dialogues, and for being the first character to strike deep into the cold heart;
Rugal, for being the dwarf friend you would never know you needed;
Celebrithrade and Kaladin - for being open to blunt questions;

... and all others, who were maybe not as influential so far, as aforementioned, but pleasant to interact with nonetheless.

Sincerely appreciate the time spent together and roleplay! Looking forward for more interactions and hoping to deliver an enjoyable experience, too.

Special thanks:
2cwldys for inviting to play the NWN in general, C&D in particular.
Shalvenay, SongSinger and Jazzmyra, for the help with the lore questions, and reading the character's background story before it became a sealed canon. Thanks a ton, ladies and gentleman, for your help in shaping the character's past and make it lore-friendly.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: 2cwldys on Oct 22, 2019, 06:45 PM
No problem!

When you told me you were playing NWN, I usually always refer friends and company to C&D as of late!

After my time being here, I've found some really nostalgic company that I've met in other games; that remembered me before I could do arbitrarily, the same.

I am an apparent altoholic, so apologies I did not get to interact with you as much as I had originally wanted. Sure as hell enjoyed the time we had with Rugal over a drink!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: JadeDragon on Oct 23, 2019, 08:49 PM
Everyone has been wonderful here to me. I've greatly enjoyed rping with you all.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Shantis on Oct 27, 2019, 09:11 PM
Thanks Eden, Myv and kaladin. Today's adventure was a lot of fun!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: tessara on Nov 02, 2019, 09:27 PM
I never do this as much as I should;

Thank you everyone at Clockwork for all the general shenanigans, rp and adventures, you know who you are and what you're guilty of.

Thanks for Rhia and Kamon for adventure and general mischief, and Kamon, Mari and Blackheart for the fun RP today.

And thank you to everyone else who's interacted with Tess on adventures big and small or just talking there and there, Nallah Camthalion/Javen, Nola, Nula, Diana and Handsome, Kor, Andelas in some of his many guises, and many others who I shouldn't miss but I'm awful remembering names.  Players are the core of every good server and I've really enjoyed meeting so many fun and interesting characters.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kingofaquilonia on Nov 03, 2019, 04:56 PM
I'd also like to take this time to thank everyone that I've had meaningful interactions with on Kamon since my return but in particular Melody, Rhia, Tess and Rayel for being responsible for most of Kamon's growth and my entertainment. Looking forward to interacting more with Thayne, Vierryna and Nolyth, Celebrithrade, Nallah, Blane and Kiriku among others
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sciolist on Dec 01, 2019, 05:33 AM
Thank you to for Mista's linking of the entirely new bit of Team Morally-Misguided's naughtiness into the wider and older troubles of the Churches of Sune/Shar , and their historic disagreements.

Really fun set of thoughts to weave into our character's activities.

(Also to all the other people taking time out of their adventuring lives to call Joy an idiot, or worse for some poor life choices)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: 2cwldys on Dec 03, 2019, 01:26 PM
For my stay here I'd like to thank my consecutive months of NWN time playing to all of the Starglows, Whiskey Dingo, Nekohime, Melody, VVish, Shyshy, Kiwi, AzureMage and Vindflickan.

I quickly found myself to be frustrated at some things, left out of many things- but some of the things I could appreciate the most from this server is it's amazing community and mixed amount of PCs to enjoy RPing with on the fly, to involve with, and to learn about. I was really early-on concerned by the time taken for DMs to reply to Exotic Race Requests- from accounts on both me, other individuals, and my friends regards to simply wanting to play something out of the ordinary. On which the wait times have rationally and logically upset them. Large amounts of time, (namely almost a month) for a simple minute-long construed 29 word reply.

I never involved myself into any DM quests, never really knew how actually- and when Melody became a DM I showed to her the desire I had to deeply involve myself. I pondered how some of those DM events could have gone if I were actually in some of them. I quickly found myself pacing around Arabel a tonnes, eventually placing myself to sit in the center due to many not being much of anywhere else, interacting at most times with little to no return- excluded and awfully dissatisfied, with popular namesake individuals in the scenario to handle and take over dialogue. When DM events would begin, from some of them I would be excluded- because I was not initially a part of them.

I had fun little encounters on the server that I will always think fondly of, a few times being brought off to sit elsewhere and RP, clear a dungeon- sing and dance.. but those were incredibly short lived.

I strongly and HEAVILY disliked the soft cap on the server, finding myself hardly able to experience the full extent of my builds, to capably role play to the fullest extent of my abilities. Finding myself quick to create new characters, "being an altaholic" .. so that I could "fit" within said cap, to where I could role play comfortably within the mechanics, and amicably with others.

Not sure if it was noticeable at all, but I have taken respite away from Cormyr and the Dalelands as of late- and I will likely return in the future as my attention has been brought elsewhere. I invited many friends to this server, some remain, and some have came and gone. I thank all of you for the (mostly) positive experience, but I really do wish there was some way I could have made it better, for myself- so I could reflect it better onto others and their experience. I felt like in some of my closest friends Private Messages on C&D, I have possibly upset the constituency with my dissatisfaction at every turn.. to only make it worse, and to them I am deeply sorry if I have upset them. Cheers.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: The Red Mage on Dec 03, 2019, 05:24 PM
2cwldys Avatar
For my stay here I'd like to thank my consecutive months of NWN time playing to all of the Starglows, Whiskey Dingo, Nekohime, Melody, VVish, Shyshy, Kiwi, AzureMage and Vindflickan.

I quickly found myself to be frustrated at some things, left out of many things- but some of the things I could appreciate the most from this server is it's amazing community and mixed amount of PCs to enjoy RPing with on the fly, to involve with, and to learn about. I was really early-on concerned by the time taken for DMs to reply to Exotic Race Requests- from accounts on both me, other individuals, and my friends regards to simply wanting to play something out of the ordinary. On which the wait times have rationally and logically upset them. Large amounts of time, (namely almost a month) for a simple minute-long construed 29 word reply.

I never involved myself into any DM quests, never really knew how actually- and when Melody became a DM I showed to her the desire I had to deeply involve myself. I pondered how some of those DM events could have gone if I were actually in some of them. I quickly found myself pacing around Arabel a tonnes, eventually placing myself to sit in the center due to many not being much of anywhere else, interacting at most times with little to no return- excluded and awfully dissatisfied, with popular namesake individuals in the scenario to handle and take over dialogue. When DM events would begin, from some of them I would be excluded- because I was not initially a part of them.

I had fun little encounters on the server that I will always think fondly of, a few times being brought off to sit elsewhere and RP, clear a dungeon- sing and dance.. but those were incredibly short lived.

I strongly and HEAVILY disliked the soft cap on the server, finding myself hardly able to experience the full extent of my builds, to capably role play to the fullest extent of my abilities. Finding myself quick to create new characters, "being an altaholic" .. so that I could "fit" within said cap, to where I could role play comfortably within the mechanics, and amicably with others.

Not sure if it was noticeable at all, but I have taken respite away from Cormyr and the Dalelands as of late- and I will likely return in the future as my attention has been brought elsewhere. I invited many friends to this server, some remain, and some have came and gone. I thank all of you for the (mostly) positive experience, but I really do wish there was some way I could have made it better, for myself- so I could reflect it better onto others and their experience. I felt like in some of my closest friends Private Messages on C&D, I have possibly upset the constituency with my dissatisfaction at every turn.. to only make it worse, and to them I am deeply sorry if I have upset them. Cheers.

Thank you for your insight and time invested into building the community with your characters and writing. I'm sorry you have had negative experiences, but I'm glad you shared them in a responsible manner. I'm not sure who your characters are, but if you decide to come back, you're welcome to message me on discord to meet and RP or go on a dungeon. As far as DM quests or server mechanics such as the soft locks, those are there for many reasons and staff can give you a better explanation over the long history of the server as to why they feel its the best system set up for this particular sandbox. 

We all feel burn out or feelings after a while, and it's good to get some fresh air. You're always welcome and thanks again. 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Dec 03, 2019, 05:37 PM
2cwldys, if I in any way made you feel excluded, I want to apologize for that. It was never my intent to do so. I hope that things get better for you and you come back someday. If you do, I'll do my best to make sure that you're included in both plots and RP. Many blessings, and if you need to talk, I'm here.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Nibbles on Dec 04, 2019, 12:00 AM
Alright, I haven't done this in a very very (very) long time and it's past due that I did.

You're one of my oldest friends and it's been my absolute pleasure to be able to play with you. You've inspired me to make different characters, and push the boundaries and I never cease to have fun when you're around. Your friendship and RP has been one of the most valuable experiences in my life and I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything - and am glad for the many years of RP we've been able to have together. Amaiss would quite literally not be the character he is today without Kelendel, and he wouldn't have deviated from the path of self destruction he was on without that help. If not for you the character may well have been perma'd a very long time ago, and I'm grateful that the RP and effort was put in to help him. Also, I've stolen Susan. She's being held hostage, but she sends her love.

Your characters and DMing has been a hell of a lot of fun over the years. You always put a lot of thought into the characters and they develop very well, and very naturally. Bernie is always a delight to see in action on (and off) the battlefield. Your events have literally shaped the server and have (for better or worse) affected my characters as well. Thank you for your hard word.

Git good.

It's been a joy watching you start on this server and grow to become (quite quickly) one of the most positive and influencial people on the server. Your RP has always been wonderful, and while I wish we got to RP more, I'm sure that everyone on the server feels the same way. There's just not enough of you to go around. We've had an RP history prior, but you've shone more here than I had seen of you before. Thanks for all the great times.

You're a delight. Don't stop being one. Hope we get to RP more in future!

You're neat, keep being neat. I've seen you RP a fair few characters and I hope to keep seeing you.

As one of my longest RP friends on the server, and the person who my oldest main character repeatedly goes back to (not that he ever leaves) you have been a pleasure to RP with. You've given me tons of great memories, and I hope to continue to see you for a long time yet. Life has often gotten in the way of things but we always find a way to find some time together every now and then. You're a great friend, and a great roleplayer too.

Keep being a grumpy red dragon. Keep fighting. You've been a ton of fun!

You and I have been RPing together for a heck of a long time now. I've been grateful to see you play in different ways, and it's always been a hoot. You're one of the few people that actually take interest in new characters, and I've always felt pretty welcomed by you. Thank you very much for some great times and some great memories.

You already know I love you. You're a great friend, let's never stop hanging out. SILVERY!
P.S. I also fully expect you to end up anywhere where I end up playing games, because that seems to be the way things are fated to go.

Azuremage & Vindiflicken:
You've welcomed me, and been a wonderful pair of friends. I was going to do you separately but honestly you've both been such a welcoming pair together that it feels right to put you together. The starglows might be the new Ravenshadows, but it's nice to see a big lump of friendly happy characters that want to welcome people into their family and take care of them.

I'll likely do others and sorry if I missed anyone out, but I'm not particularly good at this.
Thank you to everyone! Please keep the community awesome, and thank you for all the great RP.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Blackheart on Dec 07, 2019, 02:33 PM
Thank you for everyone who came out to enjoy Yeartide/Winterfest at Celeb's mansion! I had a really great time RPing with you all and spreading some holiday cheer!

Some interesting facts from the event:

- From start to finish, there were 41 attendees! It really was a full house.
- Chauncey Edgar Leonardo Emmanual Bosowski Ignatius, the Fourth (Also referred to as "CELEBI") and Celebme'a (Silverlight) were tied as the name for the Elf on the Shelf!
- And of course, in a close third, was the name "Camthalion"
- There were 36 gifts (or gift groups) given from player to player, not counting the RP item that was given to every attendee! It was very heartwarming to see such creative gifts given to one another.
- 12,690,000 gold was raised at the auction (half of the coin was contributed by Melody, who matched the amount raised from her own pocket!)

I am looking forward to similar events in the future, everyone. Have a great holiday season! - Blackheart
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jerrick on Dec 30, 2019, 04:35 PM
Thank you to for the tour of the shield and a fun experience for my new PC. ^_^ It was pleasant and informative all at once, and helped me make some more concrete ideas and feelings for him, too!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Dec 31, 2019, 06:25 AM
Thank you for all the wonderful people on CD who make it utterly wonderful to play here. You're the lifeblood of the server, and without you, it simply wouldn't be.

- To Bushy/Grim, for always being a dear friend and having one of the most interesting characters I've run across in a long time. You're a joy to spend time with and I need to do it much, much more often. Grim is introspective and fun to be around, with a depth that I crave to see in RP.

- To Rhiannon/Jerrick, for being supremely positive even in the face of difficult RP and IRL times. You're an amazingly positive influence on CD and you always make me smile. Rhiannon is like a sister to Melody and she's so fond of her that she can't help but brightening in Rhia's presence.

- To Red Mage/Ramald, for being such a calm and reassuring presence on CD. I can't tell you how much it means that you remain steady and seem to exude a stillness that sets my spirit to do the same. I'll be praying for you and yours, always. I love the RP that we have regardless of the character you choose, and you have an extraordinarily diverse set of RP skills that I've come to admire.

- To Blackheart/Celeb, for being my ride or die. You are, above all others, my light here. You work hard, you're forever positive, you're a very dear and true friend. You go above and beyond to do everything you can for others, and for that, I can't help but genuinely admire you ICly and OOCly.

- To LegionDraconis/Thayne, for always putting up with me. You know what I mean and I adore you for it. Thank you for being good-hearted and kind, even when I have moments of weakness, doubt, fear, or anger. Thayne is a strong protector to Melody and she wouldn't know what to do without him.

- To Thrymskvitha/Areúsa, for always having so many puns and being a very positive influence who demands that others around be the same. While I may fall flat on that, you're an inspiration and I'm grateful for you, and for Areúsa's RP.

- To RJ/Tindra, for always being so sweet and kind to me, even when I don't deserve it. Thank you for giving Melody a chance with the Rosewood. She (and I) are forever grateful.

- To JadeDragon/Serina, for having such a consistently fun personality and for playing a character I've always been fond of. Serina is a joy, wherever you play her, and you always make he someone I enjoy being around.

- To Myv, for being so sweet and kind to me. I'm sorry that I haven't been a better friend at times. I aim to fix that, and just know I cherish and adore you.

- To Trylo/Mista, for being so patient with me. You've been around so long that I've come to rely on you for a great deal of knowledge about CD, and it shows that you know it. Thank you for being such a fun RPer. I've always felt honored to be included in your plots, it means a great deal to me.

- To Bleuception, I've been overjoyed to know that you're doing better, and the RP we had recently was extremely fun. I look forward to more!

- To Darkfangs/Cairora, for being such an amazingly sweet person IRL, and a fantastic RPer ICly. I'm grateful to have you around and all you do.

- To Pawposterous/Vierryna, for being such a joy of a person and having a very fun character that can be very silly and very sweet.

- To Jazzmyra, for being a consistent friend almost since I arrived on CD. Thank you for putting up with me and my many, many flaws.

- To KoA/Kamon, for making one of the most fun barbarians I've ever met on NWN. Thank you for being a friend and for always offering to help me should I need it. I do remember that, and I'm grateful for all the times we've had to RP together.

- To Liriel, for making the house. OMG you are so sweet and so amazingly talented! I adore you!

- To Nok, for being one of the most amazing RPers on CD, period. Your ability to weave words into emotes is truly impressive, and on the rare occasions we've been able to RP, I've been amazed.

- To Xeneize/Camthalion, for playing a very unique Tel'Quessir who makes Melody simultaneously fond and angry. I think very highly of you, despite what you might expect, and I'm grateful for the RP we've had together.

- To Edwardfalcona/Kelendel, for being one of the genuinely nicest, kindest people on all of CD, both ICly and OOCly. Whenever Kelendel is around, Melody/I feel better, and I know that everything is going to be okay.

- And to everyone else that I've missed. I love you all. You're a blessing to be around, and I'm grateful to RP with you on CD. Thank you for making this place my home, for loving me despite my flaws, and for all the amazing, wonderful, spectacular roleplay we've had over this last (getting on a) year.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kingofaquilonia on Dec 31, 2019, 05:18 PM
Well damn thank you Melody! I think I'm overdue for one of these so let's give this a go... If I fail to mention anyone specifically don't feel slighted !

Jerrick/Rhia- For being my go to adventure buddy  and having a no bullshit RP relationship with Kamon and Rhia. It's feel good positive vibes always. We seem to be very similar in alot of things with our OOC chats and I've enjoyed becoming friends over the last few months.

Bushy and Sheh- Miss you both alot , very much fondly remember our time on the server together towards the beginning of this year when we were pretty much together all the time.

Trylobyte- I honestly have always gotten the feeling you don't like me but recently I feel like that's changing idk! But even as much as we might disagree with one another I do enjoy our interactions however brief they may be at times. I am a big fan of your barbarian drow if thats surprising at all : P

Blackheart- For CONSTANTLY putting out plots and keeping the server fresh and always something to talk about even if I'm not in them!

Melody-  Oh man Melody , I adore our interactions especially as one of the people who might have actually spent enough time around Kamon to at least start to see Kamon as more than just a generic barbarian. My only regret is the sudden disappearance I had earlier this year because I feel like Kamon and Melody would have had such a more developed relationship between one another if not for that. I adore ya and I am 100% sincere in all of my offers of council and being an ear to vent to as you have listened to me vent about some of my frustrations plenty of times!

VVish- I haven't seen you around much lately but I definitely enjoyed our interactions and hearing about the background of your character

Tess- I haven't seen you much around lately either but I miss ya and hope to see my other adventure buddy come back soon

Andelas/Blane- I look forward to more time together as we've only recently started to BS with one another in tells and what not . I have a feeling we are quite similar in tastes and I look forward to hanging out more

DA(Demonic_angel)- Good to see you back buddy, we haven't really RPed at all yet honestly since you came back but its good to see some of the old hats

Redmage- For bein a chill dude to talk mechanics with and run dungeons with. Always a relaxed , no drama , fun time

Dizzy- Another one I haven't had the chance to RP with much but just glad to see you around. Miss the good ol' days!

Xeneize- Wtf why you keep followin me to servers bro? : P but naawww, good to see you around even if I think your elves being tall is weird

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Jan 06, 2020, 10:50 AM
I don't think I've ever posted in this thread, and if I have, it was certainly longer ago than I can remember.

I want to give a huge shout-out to those who have been helping with Nikolai's development lately. What I thought had become a stale character with nowhere to go, he's been given new life through the self-reflection he's being forced to face.

JadeDragon - Serina has really subverted expectations for me and is providing to be a valuable source of making Nikolai question himself, while never asking him to change who he is.

The Red Mage - Ramald is a great Lawful foil to Nikolai's Chaos. His direct honesty has more impact than he might think.

Reality Jumper - Tindra's kindness and generosity is a strong contrast to his own inner demeanor, and I see her being a strong influence on him in the future.

I also want to show some appreciation for all the newer and returning members of our community. It's amazing seeing how some of you have been here less than a year, but not you're so memorable as a pillar of our community. I've only been back a few weeks, but it would literally not be the same without all of you and being a strong force of positivity and acceptance for us. I really hope I get a chance to see more of your characters and interact with them. It motivates me to better in my own roleplay and tell a compelling story with my characters.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: The Red Mage on Jan 06, 2020, 04:27 PM
I don't do this often enough for all the great RP I experience, whether it's just pleasant company or more serious, character rewarding roleplay. And I know I'm going to miss someone, so please don't be upset if I leave off your name. 

Bloodsword: Tarie is one of the most exceptionally played and consistent paladins I've seen in my long tenure on NWN, and I am constantly enamored with your dialogue and description. I appreciate how helpful she is, how she can be, and it's always a pleasure to get more personal time with the character. 

Areusa: I haven't had much overall time played with Areusa, but she is a well put-together and well written character. She's wise, smart, and fallable, and I like characters who can take hardship in strife and prosper. 

Melody: You have given much to our community ICly and OOCly by being a persistent fountain of warmth and posistivity, and even when it may be tiring for you, it is deeply appreciated by myself and many others. Thank you.

Terallis and Hyrulee: I was very impressed by both of your quick-witted and well-written descriptions and dialogues, and you both continue to impress me daily with how well manufactured and well cared for your characters are. 

Demonic Angel: I've been extremely proud of you taking the initiative and risk on reimagining some of your older characters. It's a brave thing to do, and I'll support you and your characters how I can. As my oldest friend here, let's cause a riot. 

Nok and Misty: Thank you both for constantly indulging my testing and questions. While our playtime hours often conflict, you've both been more than welcoming to my less-than-optimal builds on your way to victory(even if it's stated often it's not needed :P). I'm glad you're both here striving for sensible changes and all the work you've put into making information more transparent. I understand how beneficial that is to a community where everyone wants to play and build for their best. 

KOA- Thank you for always being willing to just do /something/ when I'm stagnant. It helps keep the juices moving if we're actually moving, sometimes. When you're around, we're rarely in a rut, and I appreciate that.

Bleuception: Syrianne has impressed me a lot as a character. I've enjoyed your other characters as well, and I'm glad you're sticking around to share your storytelling ability with us. 

Graveman: While I've only gotten the chance to RP with you briefly, Kevran's initiative as a character to get a plot rolling on his backstory is something I will always applaude, and let me know if there's anything I can do to assist you.

Bella/ Edge/ Ladybug: I enjoyed the Far realm plots very much even if I was a little afraid to participate. I was very impressed by your prose and ability to design monsters. Thanks for accepting my apology and letting me rejoin this community I grew up in. 

To everyone I may have missed, I hope we can RP more soon in game. Feel free to message me on discord if you'd like to meet up to RP or just dungeon or just talk. 

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Jan 08, 2020, 08:03 PM
Thank you so so so much to Soley's player for today you are awesome, and my new favourite person nuff said
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Jan 08, 2020, 10:32 PM
Thank you to everyone who participated in the first session of the Lecture Series tonight. ESPECIALLY our speakers: Mista, Syrianne, and Erliza.

And Nok for adding a dragon to the mix unexpectedly.

Stya tuned for the next one. :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hyrulee on Jan 15, 2020, 09:23 PM
I didn't realise this existed until a few pointed it out to me! So I wanna thank a few people for the RP in a dungeon recently, when we all got accidentally locked in. :')

Inkish, Red Mage, Terallis, and Xaerin! That was really fun, and super funny to be a part of. I'm glad everyone made the best of a really silly situation, instead of just using crystals to escape.

I also want to thank a lot more people for being so kind to me OOC and really making me feel so at home here, but the list would be way too long. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Jan 20, 2020, 07:22 AM
A shout out to all my fellow party goers yesterday for a fun time.

On the Miriam side - a particular shout to Areusa and Melody for separately trying to teach Miriam a bit of (two very different styles of) dancing and ensuring Miriam has a good time despite being out of her element

A shout out to Syrianne as well for the cute dance with Satiah that was long coming.

And of course Auroa for being Auroa XD
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hyrulee on Feb 01, 2020, 05:25 AM
Thanks to Inkish, Xaerien, and Davorin for becoming one with the sea. :') <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: littleblueman on Feb 01, 2020, 07:12 PM
Would like to thank anyone who has been interacting with Nasir Al'muharib since my start at Cormyr Dalelands. He's had awesome adventures, valuable lessons and interesting conversations, and I'm looking forward to what comes next, hoping I can add to everyone's stories as much as has been added to his already.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Feb 02, 2020, 01:09 PM
I want to very much thank for all of her RP on the server. Only been a few days, but holy crap you're good at RPing and story telling. Heavily enjoying all the conversations her and Aedan have. :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: littleblueman on Feb 04, 2020, 03:58 PM
Still having a lot of fun and feeling welcome in CD, but I need to thank Bleuception specifically for some awesome RP. While playing Syrianne Vendeghast they were patient, flexible and understanding of a small retcon that lead to some important development for my character.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: JadeDragon on Feb 28, 2020, 11:23 PM
I have not made a post here before, but I felt like I should say something.

I don't point out good rp on here, but, all the rp I have had so far here has been good role play. I have not met anyone, not one person I have interacted with, where I can honestly say it was negative. I have had 0 grievances ooc either. Not one person have I argued with or fought with.

I am not the kind of guy who initiates ooc chatting. It's just me. Though I'd be happy to talk to anyone.

You've all been good to me and for that, I thank you and appreciate it.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Mar 06, 2020, 10:24 PM
Shout out to Melody for her performance show this evening. Equal parts funny and moving as it went from one act to the next. :)

Also a side kudos to Edylind for a fine job hosting.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Galena on Mar 10, 2020, 05:29 AM
Thank you so much to , , and for accompanying Nola on her quest yesterday. I really enjoyed getting to know Rose, and getting to have Nola ride with a fellow Helmite in Katarina. I also really enjoyed the slight tension with Sir Javen; Paladins are basically jocks, so some minor, enjoyable headbutting tends to be inevitable!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: littleblueman on Mar 15, 2020, 07:23 PM
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who showed up to my first player event in CD, Syl'eir's Midnight Gambol. I had a lot of fun planning and preparing for it, and if at all possible I intend to make it a regular event. The people who came and how they all added so much for my modest plan definitely motivate me to keep it going. You all rock!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Mar 16, 2020, 12:29 AM
Had fun with the Gambol, myself, as well! Also, had fun with the bit of RP in Lightning Peaks this evening, and the fun bit of RP that followed. :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on Mar 27, 2020, 10:41 PM
I would like to thanks all those that have role played with Silia recently. :)

Special thanks to Tahlran. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Mar 28, 2020, 11:38 AM
Would like to thank for the touching rp between Voss and Melody, all the Sins of the Father for being awesome both IC and OOC, and all those who have interacted with Lily lately. The RP has been great.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Mar 29, 2020, 11:37 PM
Want to thank , , , , and everyone else for the awesome in-character altercation roleplay and everyone being an awesome sport about it. <3 It was an opportunity for me to really get into the element of my own toon in the process, while also showing how complicated character relationships are!

Thank you again!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Apr 03, 2020, 08:33 AM
I'd like to thank , , and those others who interacted with Lily last night. I enjoyed the long conversation between Leane and Lily about faith and had fun with the reactions Lily got from her requests. I look forward to more of the same as she grows and develops as a character.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: DubiousScroll on Apr 03, 2020, 11:04 AM
It was a pleasure getting to interact with one of your characters outside of surface level, finally!

Aislinn's still going to keep saluting Voss.  :P
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Apr 03, 2020, 12:47 PM
I would also like to thank for the great interaction between Voss and Arawinla last night. Was good getting in touch with a part of the character that doesn't get a lot of focus and learning a bit about Ara.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: inkish on Apr 05, 2020, 09:13 PM
Been a while since I've done this, so let's get going!

Canticle & Luidaeg: You two are awesome. Your characters are lively, engaging, and offer depth to each one that I absolutely love seeing. Be it Mouse chatting with Wing about Sembia, Ara baking sweets for Suvi/Mouse and getting tentacle knowledge from Tahl, or Ara speaking with Voss about the deep stuff and eating raw onion, I'm eager to have my characters interact with your's for the sheer enjoyment you two bring. You acknowledge some of the grittier parts of the fantasy and setting, and that, in my mind, is very refreshing. Also, loot.

Terallis: While Wing and Aedan's rivalry can be a drain at times, it's still a good reminder that even though they're both adventurers who want to see their common friends succeed, friends of friends are not always friends! The deep devotion you show with your characters, and the detail of your emotes is tantalizing. You breathe life into everywhere you go with your characters.

Hyrulee: The king edgelord. I have terrorized Rin with most of my active characters, be it Wing and his ways, Tali knocking him out cold with a gem (or drowning him!), or Ara having him hand out baked goods. Your characters are endearing, and you take any RP that comes your way in great stride.

Necrofai: While we haven't done a whole lot lately together, I really enjoyed the hunting night we did with Ara and Shash and co. It was a fun trip, even though Shash is a sassy lil lady :P

Jarvik: Charter. I absolutely love Charter and the thoughtful sweetness he brings. Plus I'm a little biased with there being a Sunite wearing pink! While we haven't gotten to interact too much yet, I've enjoyed the small chats and adventures we've had together.

Buurag: I forget your login name, but Buu is a wonderful recent addition to the server. Another prime example of a player who can go with the flow, you are engaging and a delight to RP with. Plus, Buu eats all of Ara's baking she gives him, which is very much a treat!

Lionheart: Edy's cheerfulness is quite appreciated. I'm a bit sad that it gets spoiled by Tali's rowdy ways when she stomps and yells around the commons, but the interactions between Edy and Ara have been delightful.

Trylobyte: Whether it's Kaylee hanging out with Mista, Ara feeding forty-four or your hin arguably too many treats, or whatever interactions we may have, you are relaxing and easy to RP with again and again. I greatly enjoy the time we get to pal around together, even if our timing isn't always the best! <3

Project Iroh: You are simply delightful to RP with. I'm glad I get to keep bumping into you over the years, and you're still refreshingly fun every time we get to play together.

onivel1: You're a wonderful person to RP and hunt with. I really want to be able to play with you more, and I enjoyed the bit of mischief Dani and Ara have gotten into.

Melody: The RP between Shyla and Tali was great. It's really enjoyable to me when Tali's softer and more protective side can be expressed, just gotta get through the thick-skulled, loud-mouth she is!

Silvery: Where to start. Be it mischief and fun with Wing and Deryn or Ara and Saffron, or just interacting with any of your other characters, you are certainly one of my favorite people to RP with. You're awesome! <3

Of course, there are many more of you who are great! Just these are the people who have stuck out to me with recent RP from my own failing memory! <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: luidaeg on Apr 06, 2020, 04:01 AM
Whew. Been a few years since I've done one of these, so here we go!

First, to all the Sins, you've made our time back on the server absolutely amazing, and it's been a real pleasure having Voss and Mouse build up a family with all of you. The roleplay has been at times lighthearted, others serious, and often compelling, and I'm overjoyed that I get to interact with you all everyday on the server and in our Discord.

Breaking things down a bit:

@davorin — Not only have you been great fun to tease with a variety of my characters (many of them seem to have an unshakable mischievous streak — sorrynotsorry), but it's also been wonderful exploring with your character the idea that despite the things that make us different from others, we don't need to fix what's "wrong" with us all the time; this has been particularly poignant for Mouse, even if it's a lesson learned a little too late.

— I've truly loved the more tender moments I've gotten to experience with your characters - Mouse with Rin and Soley both, and Suvina with Ohzra. Giving Mouse people to care about again has been crucial for her growth here, and that's only made greater by seeing how much they care in return. Ohzra's friendship with Suvina was really unexpected, but no less fantastic for it. I can't wait until your quest happens for him so I can learn more about where he's come from and where he's going!

— Unicorn Friend, Rith always makes me laugh, and Charter is just too fabulous to be allowed. It's always so fun playing with both of them. I also love that you let me play Nerd Barbie with Rithy. It's amazing.

— Justina and her ever-growing harem are a source of endless amusement to Mouse, and Justina's ego boosts to her Rat Queen never go unnoticed or unappreciated. Getting to go on the quest to meet Justina's "other family" was a ton of fun, and I look forward to more!

- Cookie's energy and enthusiasm are infectious, and I love playing with her. When she asked to join the Sins, Mouse, who usually takes a hands-off approach and sends people to Voss to join, jumped at the chance, insisting they had to have her. I'm so glad she did!

- Kevran's given Mouse and Suvi both things to reflect on more than once, and I like the dynamic between he and Suvi — friends despite her goddess' opposition to his.

— You've been a great friend these past few years, and I'm glad to be playing with your characters again. I love them all — you know I do — but I think Axxton has been one of the most surprising of late, and it's been awesome learning more about him.

— Though Nai doesn't always feel like she fits, the night she and Mouse hunted together and bonded was actually pretty magical. I can't wait to do it again!

— one of the latest additions to the Sins, the Big Lad has been one of the most interesting half-orcs I've ever seen played. His interactions with all of my characters have been so much fun. Thanks for giving the Sins a chance and hanging out with a bunch of loonies like us all day. You've made playing Dwinna fun again, too.

And now, outside the Sins:

— I've always enjoyed playing with Wing, and it's only gotten better since we've been back. Ara's baking is going to make Mouse chubby at this rate, and she's not even sorry about it, and Suvi loves having her as a gal pal. And Kaylee? Adorable.

— Drak is super sweet, and Mouse is finding she likes him more than she expected to, and is glad he's got her back. There's a war on out there, after all. And Alaric is an absolute charmer. Voss better watch out.  ;)  And Kai regularly gives me giggle fits. 

— What can I say? Aislinn's charmingly confusing use of planar cant on poor Dwinna makes her dizzy, and I love every moment of it. Makes me miss the days I used to play on a planar server. Which brings me to . . . 

— I really missed playing with you, buddy, and I'm glad I get the chance again. I'm finding I love Ezrabird as much as I did that big old softie, Grod. <3

— It's been great playing with Kel and Til both again, and rediscovering what I loved about both characters way back when!

— What can I say about Father Lewis? He's full of surprises. Suvina, as a paladin, of course likes him, but I hadn't expected such a deep conversation between him and Dwinna, or for her to get such incredible insight from him. I started the interaction on a whim, just wanting to be polite when she found him at the gate, but got so much more out of it than I expected. I hope we can do it again, soon.

I'm sure I missed a ton of people, and so I'll likely do another one of these again soon, but thank you, everyone, for all the great experiences I've had since I've been back!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: DubiousScroll on Apr 06, 2020, 12:06 PM

What would Aislinn do without someone reminding her she needs to eat more than bar food and ale?

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: luidaeg on Apr 06, 2020, 02:42 PM
DubiousScroll Avatar

What would Aislinn do without someone reminding her she needs to eat more than bar food and ale?

Probably just confuse all the other tavern drunks instead of Dwinna.  :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Apr 07, 2020, 12:44 AM
I wanted to thank  for the interaction with Neisha last night. Neisha did something that hit a sore spot for Alyssana and the conversation became rather interesting once the two and Jaylithel were in a space for dialogue.

I also want to thank  for the roleplay with the Ravenshadows over the years, but especially Alyssana. An unplanned curveball hit and there were so many things that despite having known each other a long time, Jay and Alyss both did not know happened and in parts of their story that had fit perfectly together. Such as the priestess and chosen of Shar having tried to mess with them both at the same time!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: onivel on Apr 07, 2020, 06:53 AM
Always fun to RPL with you Arya... and yeah... kind of funny the things you find out 10+ years later!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Apr 07, 2020, 08:43 AM
 Because, even after all these years, Felix and Alyssana's interactions are so genuine. The unshatterable familial bond they share is so endearing, and it feels great to have something my character cares about so strongly even after years of me being a grumpy cynic.

 I'm glad I dragged your ragged ass back here. It's good to shoot the shit and just have shenanigans with you again

 It's been like a literal decade since I got to RP with you, thanks for the fun on Sunday

I haven't gotten some real RP with you in oh-so-very many years. Sam's cheerful confidence was fun to play off of Halonya's stoicness.

 I wish we got to RP more, but you're my eternal dungeon buddy and power-level partner. You even forced me to play on non-CD servers recently. How dare you.

 our non-stop meme-ing breathes life into me and is one of the reasons I haven't completely burned out yet. Every conversation with you is a riot.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Apr 07, 2020, 09:23 AM
I want to thank Arya for Alyss'ana, Daeatria and whoever else I Rp'd with over the course of my time here.  They've woven a very intricate story, and It's mind boggling how deep it goes.  Many kudos for you.

Onivel, well, why wouldn't I mention you?  Badhbh is epic.  Jay is awesome.  Nuff said.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: eieku on Apr 08, 2020, 12:00 PM
Hi, I dont do these often. I think the last one I did was when I joined the server. But this one is mostly general if anything.

Even with all the breaks I've taken, etc. CD has been a home base for me in more than one way. It was an escape, it has been a way for me to get away from whatever was bothering me.

And also, it saved my life.

I wont get into gritty, but just know- if you took the time to talk to me, RP with any of my characters or have me along for events? You kept me in mind, and you kept me alive.

Thank you CD, thank you everyone. And I hope to be here for ages to come. Love you all.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Apr 09, 2020, 08:26 AM
It has been awesome getting to play with your characters as well - particularly Shan and I absolutely love Cookie. She's adorable!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on Apr 19, 2020, 06:19 PM
Shout out to Team Shield for all the fun last night!!  :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kaiosprey on Apr 19, 2020, 09:06 PM
It was fun!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Apr 19, 2020, 10:17 PM
Wanted to very quickly thank all the players in the Sins of the Father Mercenary company for all the awesome and fun rp we've had! You guys are the best. Too many to list here, but you know who you are!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: winterhawk99 on Apr 24, 2020, 07:54 PM
Want to thank everyone that has shaped Lauriella's life in Cormyr so far. they've done some fantastically outstanding rp with her to get her where she is. Alyssana plays a big part of that along with Neisha, Aedan, Theodure, Azaela, Dove, Ezra, Buurag  and the many other people she has met and associated with at one time or another. They have all influenced her.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on May 03, 2020, 02:48 AM
Meant to post this last night, but I just wanna give a huge shout-out to   and @lionheart for the RP last night. Was a lot of fun to go through more of an RP venture and focus on much needed training on Aedan's part. Especially  , though, as I enjoy every bit of RP we have, especially lately between Aedan and Kiriku. So much fun to come up with all these fun and interesting bits of RP to keep everything engaging. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on May 07, 2020, 11:30 PM
For everyone who showed up to the Lunar Hallowing: thank you! I was dreading whether anyone would be interested because I picked some less intense activities compared to other events. I counted nineteen people who showed at some point, considering even that we had a guild meeting going on I found late in the game!  I did not expect for it to go as long as five hours straight, and everyone's participation made it worthwhile! Soley () did a wonderful job with the visuals of the religious rituals, too! 

Much thank you! I am reminded why I returned to CD! 


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on May 08, 2020, 02:17 AM
Arya, Soley, and everyone who was there, you all made this event a totally awesome Player driven Rp.  Well done everyone.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Embra on May 08, 2020, 06:34 AM
Thanks to everyone attending the Lunar Hallowing, especially Arya. Sorry for having to leave early, was great fun.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on May 10, 2020, 09:01 AM
    ,     , and     for lately dealing with an increasingly unstable Daeatria who is trying to push people close to her away (again) and trying to convince everyone that the "good-er" version of herself is dead. And will not be coming back. Also dealing with her hatred for House Starym and House Dlardrageth last night (and snarked about "sun elf" elitism as a result), some same and some different reasons. ;-) Over all just dealing with how tortured she is for things she witnessed, experienced, and done. 


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kaiosprey on May 12, 2020, 05:01 PM
Aria, Rith/Charter, Voss, Mouse, Edylind, Peg Leg Vicky, for helping my new Calishite feel welcomed. Starting new PC's that I want to invest time playing is always a burden for me. I hate having to make a new circle of friends. These players always make that easier.

Also, RJ and Val for always being my RP battle buddies.

Xaerien because he is funny and quick with the screenshots.  

Nibbles and Fox just because they are awesome.

Melody and Blackheart because they are Drak's "people."

Those pesky Starglows, because they are also my people.

I know I've missed some, I love you too, and you know it.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: jarvik on May 18, 2020, 12:39 AM
I know I am missing people with this, but I wanted to give some kudos:

 /   (and the rest of the sins) - For being such a good staging ground for (comparatively) new players to the server, and for providing your OOC thoughts about styles of roleplaying - thank you! CD has been my first real experience with online RP and you lot made me much more comfortable with it.

 /  /  - One of the interesting things about playing romantic relationships between characters is getting a great view on how others see your character. Sometimes (I think) it helped shape your characters and make them second guess themselves, which was always interesting. My thanks.

 - For playing a variety of male characters that are sweet, layered and interesting to interact with.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: luidaeg on May 18, 2020, 08:37 AM
The Sins all love you back, Jarvik! <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Jun 08, 2020, 11:44 PM
Thank you to everyone who came to the Grand Opening of the Sins' bar this evening. I had a wonderful time, and I hope you all did as well. Stay tuned for future events to take place there!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: luidaeg on Jun 09, 2020, 12:12 AM
Echoing this. It was a grand time, and I'm so glad everyone came out!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jun 09, 2020, 09:25 PM
Thank everyone who did the Grand Opening and facilitated it. It was a nice moment for me to show just how vicious Daeatria can be in games of wit and insult. She does not get to show that side of her often these days. :-)


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hera on Jun 22, 2020, 01:16 AM
thank you for the positive rp  in helping Nimpheil along, same with  and  over the last week you have really impacted on her rp to get her moving along in positive ways through the rp encounters that have been massively helpful thanks
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Jun 22, 2020, 01:20 AM
Right back at you,  ! RP has always been absolutely fantastic, whether between Aedan and Kiri or Ulrik and Nim. Always some form of development, small or large, with their conversations and adventures. Never a dull moment and a great deal of fun!  :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: legiondraconis on Jun 25, 2020, 11:57 PM
It's an absolute pleasure to get to know and explore both Nimphiel's character and Thayne's character through Nimphiel's own questioning.  It's always an amazing time with you and I'm happy to play with you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jun 26, 2020, 08:25 AM
Wanted to thank Hera for letting me play with Nimphiel lately, while we have this ball rolling. ;-) There were times I was unsure if y'all were interested and I am grateful to have had the interaction I did before I needed to head to bed. ^^


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: bleuception on Jun 28, 2020, 12:21 PM
  -- Thank you so very much for your patience. You've endured my whiny butt more than I care to admit. Mouse is always fun to be around, and the times I've seen Suvina around have put a smile on my face. But most of all, Syrianne has been going to Mouse for counsel more than any other characters on CD. Despite the fact that Mouse is younger, she recognized a lot of experience in her which she doesn't have. Her mischievous streak and fierceness in a small package is always fun to behold. If there was a show or animated series of some kind, just of Mouse interacting with people, I'd watch it. So, if you ever wonder why I'm sitting in-game, quiet, that's what I'm doing. Having a blast.

  -- Voss is insufferable/delightful. Syrianne respects/makes fun of him in equal parts, and he somehow manages to be both a decent guy and a horrible person at the same time. I've been looking only into a fraction of the duality of his character, between his demon/human heritage, and it's been a fun experience. Syrianne definitely enjoys his presence and is quite glad here's here to say some of the things she thinks, but isn't willing to tell. I look forward to RPing more with you.

-- Ezra. What a fun character. I always enjoy curious characters that ask a lot of questions; Ezra the Archmage of Friendliness always feels genuinely interested in those he talks with, each conversation feels very engaging. Interacting with this guy feels very natural and fun.

  -- HEADPATTING AND BRAIDING OF HAIR INTENSIFIES. Cairora may one day cause Syrianne to die of embarrassment, and I love it.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Sir Ven on Jun 29, 2020, 06:37 AM
Not going to name specific individuals,but I do want to make a general 'thank you' to everyone who has created and opportunities for Maldan to engage and take part in the current-day stories since I logged in on Saturday.   It's heart warming that folks have gone out of their way to include an unknown character (and player) into general conversation.   It makes a huge difference.

There's nothing worse, either as a new player or a returning one than trying to pry your way into existing social circles and groups.   So thank you, from me, for making it easy.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: gooch on Jul 01, 2020, 11:06 PM
Just wanted to give a general thank you to everyone I've been roleplaying with lately.  It's been fun to hop back into Ezra's character and interact with so many people again.  We all go through creative burnout and need breaks, but it's been great to be back with such inviting and interesting people.

Special shout outs: Marion- Ezra was an only child so he likes being called brother and their fun yin-yang relationship feels a lot like interacting with my real brothers.

                            Mouse- Always fun to roleplay with you!  I've never had a time when I didn't enjoy roleplaying with your characters.  Youse da best, buddy! (She'll get the reference)

                            Minami- I've enjoyed Ezra's conversations with Minami.  She's a fun combination of serious and playful at the same time.  Ezra is never sure how to take her.

                            Syrianne- I've quite enjoyed roleplaying with you as well.  Syrianne is fun for Ezra to observe with equal parts curiosity and infatuation.  He likewise enjoys her contrast of                                                       super serious magister to master kitty petter in more comfortable settings.

Thanks again, everyone.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: luidaeg on Jul 02, 2020, 12:11 AM
gooch Avatar
                     Mouse- Always fun to roleplay with you!  I've never had a time when I didn't enjoy roleplaying with your characters.  Youse da best, buddy! (She'll get the reference)
I DO! <3 Ezra's wonderful fun. As much as a certain big softie that I still miss, sometimes! Glad you're around to play with again.

Been having a great time with Syrianne, Minami, and Marion, too, and everyone that's been coming to hang out at the bar while Mouse is "convalescing." You guys are awesome!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Jul 11, 2020, 07:20 PM
I want to toss out some shout-outs to three particular people, especially over the last few days of playing. Super enjoyable and exceptional RP had.

Marion () - While Aedan may have poked fun at his clothing, at first, the development has been quick but also extremely enjoyable between the two of them. It's been some fantastic RP all the way, and it's been awesome to see how the trust has grown between him and Aedan and Kiri. The similar focuses and everything, while still being different enough from them that it remains interesting. Even the RP having kept me up last night until after 5 AM because I was just enjoying it far too much. Haha! I'm heavily looking forward to seeing how things continue to progress.

Tyree () - You haven't been around the server long, but I can't stress enough how enjoyable the RP has been between our characters. Whether with Aedan helping her out and training her a bit, to the growing relationship between her and Ux. I absolutely love how you play her, being a Heartwarder. It's really good to have you around the server!

Kiriku () - You know full well how much I love RPing with you, as I've said it plenty. The antics between Aedan and Kiri, and even the friendship between Aedan and Nim, are just always so amazing. Always feels very real and grounded in how their conversations go. The continuing relationship between Aedan and Kiri is honestly the most fun I've had with that sort of thing. Every bit of development that happens between the two of them, and especially how huge of an impact she has had, and continues to have, on Aedan as a whole. And how for Kiri herself has come along since her return, especially. It's always so much fun and I can't say enough how much I continue to look forward to everything going forward.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Jul 13, 2020, 04:32 PM
*tap taps the microphone* This thing on? *tap tap ear-splitting sound*  Okay...

First, I would like to thank SDM Dizzy for the warm welcome. Next, I would like to thank Alys'anna for her advice, Alexeika for her help with a mage exasperated in finding scrolls she needs, Melody for amazing Tea Time and everyone who has endured Daisy Mae (and Blaze) with a shout out to Ekarath, Marion, and Aedan for helping me around the server and for role playing with a nub. It is all appreciated so much.

And, of course, thanks to Turtle for joining me on this journey.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Sir Ven on Jul 18, 2020, 05:58 PM
I usually avoid listing specific names of people on things like this, because invariably I forget someone who is incredibly deserving - and either do them an injustice by forgetting them or risk offending them.   Please know this isn't supposed to be an exclusive list, there have been dozens of people I have enjoyed RPing with.  These are just the ones my poor frail brain can remember off the top of my head.

Ladybug - The variety and depth of your characters is amusing and impressive.   Mine may not cross paths with yours at length often - but good job.
Arya - Always enjoy the RP interactions, but in particularly Mal's encounter with her and Fareeha at the Drunken Badger was interesting and helped to develop Mal's character
"Oh my god JC it's a bomb" -  Fareeha is brilliant.  She's a rare character in Cormyr and you play her brilliantly.   She really comes across as a bit of an exotic mystery and her (very) different views/cultural norms have come across well
Kirin - You know what you did.
Xeneize - Like Lady, you have (at least) two *very* different characters.  It's entertaining and rewarding to see how well you pull off the different personalities of each

Blaze & Daisy (sorry, I missed your player/account names!) - you guys are brilliantly cute and dynamic.   Again, I may not interact with you directly much (Sorry, Mal's sort've an introvert), but I hope you know how enjoyable it is to see Arabel's own Dynamic Duo running about.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jerrick on Jul 19, 2020, 10:32 PM
A quest began today, and it was heavy stuff. There was tension in the group, a terrifying possibility for the quest, a standoff beforehand, all of the makings of a major story about to come to life, or explode prematurely, but this isn't a DM Kudos.

: Cam's reaction today was shattering. Of all the hate the character may get, I feel like every moment led up to this in a display of RP that made me take my hands off of my keyboard entirely, sit back, and just stare at the screen, floored. You got me, sir. That was amazing, and I'm thrilled that I got to be there for such a raw, frankly epic moment.

Can't wait to see more!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kingofaquilonia on Jul 19, 2020, 10:37 PM
I'd like to echo the props for Xeneize at the tail end of that event. I was quite surprised by that. It was a highlight of the event
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Jul 20, 2020, 01:43 AM
Another bulk shout out to some players!

and - You both have been so awesome to RP with since joining the server. I have a blast with RPing with Daisy and Blazanar every time you guys are around, whether I'm on Aedan or my newly made halfling, Haldak! It's been great fun getting to know you guys and playing with you! Especially fun with the new hin crew and the antics they get up to! Looking forward to the future of all this RP as well!

@epiril - Only had a couple days so far to really get into RP with you, on Dore, but it's been a lot of fun with all the adventuring and chatting. Especially with the bit of antics just earlier with Haldak lifting her over his head and then her tossing him. Seeing this budding friendship between Haldak and Dore has been a ton of fun to go through. Likewise, the mischief that Aedan got up to with giving her that wondrous wine. Good laughs all around, and I hope you stick around!

- We didn't get too much time to RP back when you were on previously, in my earlier time on the server. A bit of RP between Aedan and Areusa that was some good fun. But more recently, also connected with Dore's stuff, I've been having great fun with the RP and adventures between Haldak, Fareeha, and Dore over the last couple days. Been some hilarious contrast between the characters, while still being really great with the forming friendship between them. Super excited to see where things continue to go!

- Have had some hilarious back and forth reactions between Celia and Haldak over the last days. The bit of dynamic forming there, being his hin self reacting to her choice of clothing and dancing and all that. I've been really enjoying all that RP and hope to see things continue to develop.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Nymera on Jul 20, 2020, 07:32 AM
This is sort of late because I don't check the forums often enough, but I want to give shout-outs to Sir Ven and canticleofcocytus, for my recent RP interactions with you both.  Things your characters have done have created enough character development to shift the trajectory of where I thought Alexia was headed, and that's no small feat for a pretty long-running PC.  I loved every minute of it and look forward to the next!

I also want to shout out some of the characters (because I keep forgetting GSIDs) that I've enjoyed interacting with since I returned a few weeks ago, you guys and gals have made me feel so welcome again:  Alyss'ana, Tarie, Fareeha, Cecilia, Dore, Serina

I know I'm going to have forgotten to mention some people, so thank you everyone for rekindling my love for NWN and this server.  <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Jul 20, 2020, 08:35 AM
I would also like to echo this. Camthalion did an absolutely superb job with his character development in last night's plot!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Epi on Jul 20, 2020, 10:19 PM
I can't name only a few people, but thank you to everyone who has made a super-newb who hasn't picked up this game in more than five years, feel welcome. <3 xo
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: jthepurefire on Aug 22, 2020, 08:58 PM
It is great coming back to this game after 14 or 15 years.  I have brought some old nwn players back with me as well.  They didn't think they could get back into it.  But the interactions they have had with people on the server has been positive and they are enjoying it.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Sep 14, 2020, 12:44 PM
Wanted to thank all those players who have made St. Kale's your characters' choice for socializing. I've enjoyed - on multiple characters - getting to meet and know your characters at the bar.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Sep 14, 2020, 04:23 PM
I want to thank Bird, Eilwyn, Tenedra, Zephlar, Will, and Celebrithrade for the fun RP we had earlier at the Conservatory! I really, really enjoyed it and it made me smile. :-) You're all wonderful!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Sep 14, 2020, 06:09 PM
Wanted to give some mad praise to the RP with Alena Frostwater () these past couple days! Simple dungeons have felt so much more fun with all the detailed RP, learning new things, teaching, etc!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hyrulee on Sep 18, 2020, 02:13 PM
I wanted to take the time to thank a few people for offering me Roleplay recently that has helped me greatly. I know I took a long break from the server, and that's due to some really hard times for myself IRL. When I returned I expected to have to push myself to get back into Roleplay, but there are a few players who went out of their way to make me feel welcomed and as if I had never left. These players made Cormyr feel like home, something that I can't express how much it means to me.

Terallis (Aedan) - You've always been a good friend to me, and I can't thank you enough for that. The roleplay between Aedan and Rin has always been brotherly. I appreciate the care you put into their bond, and I don't know if I would be here without your help. Thank you.

Poe (Alakton) - Getting to know you and your characters has been a joy I've not experienced in a long time. Your roleplay is interesting, and the depth that I've yet to explore that is your backstories is interesting to me. Your thoughtfulness and genuine kindness to me OOCly and IC has been something I didn't think I needed until it was provided. So thank you so much for letting me get to know you.

Venny (Bird) - Your characters have been an absolute treat to interact with. They always brighten my day, be it with teasing or genuinely heartfelt RP. I'm thankful that I've gotten to know you, even as brief as it may be. I love your character's quirky and odd behaviors, and it's always a surprise when Bird comes side-shuffling up to Rin. Thank you so much for giving me some great laughs.

Red Mage (Keven) - You have always been kind to me, ever since I first joined the server. Keven has been an important mentor to Rin, and guided him through the hardest parts of his history. His wisdom, sass, and genuine care has always been something I've appreciated. Words can't describe how thankful I am for that.

Demonic Angel (Halonya) - The paladin who is stoic and wants to grump, but is in reality fairly kind and wholesome. Our little back and forth between Hal and Rin have been enjoyable and simple. The friendship that Ohzra and Nikolai share is odd, and hilarious. I genuinely appreciate and enjoy each time I get to roleplay with you. Your characters have always been interesting and dynamic. I'd only hope that someday you could see how amazing you can be when you put your heart into a character. I look forward to getting to know Halonya more.

Necrofai (Oleander/Sin) - Rin and Oleander's friendship has been interesting and genuinely one of the most incredible roleplaying experiences I've had in a while. Getting to know the grim-dark edgelord started as an enjoyable and playful experience, and as Rin slowly got closer to Ole the two formed a bond that I enjoy greatly. Sin (more-so Dori) is an adorable character that always likes to poke at Rin (literally) for fun. It forces him to open up from his usually nervous and distant personality, which has always been interesting to experience. You have so many characters, and each one is a unique experience to roleplay with. Thank you so much for your consistently interesting roleplay.

Melody (Rose) - Our roleplay recently has been extremely meaningful to me. The closeness that Rin and Melody have formed is something I've never experienced before, and I can't find the words to express how appreciative I am for your endless care and kindness. Getting to know Melody behind the mask of the 'Pink Bard' has been such an amazing experience. Thank you so much for taking time to roleplay with me. Your skill in RP has been incredible to witness, and I look forward to getting to know Rose Elise.

Blackheart (Celebrithrade) - We haven't roleplay together in quite some time, but I haven't forgotten the kindness and care that Celebrithrade has shown Rin on his journey. She has always gone out of her way to give Rin as much wisdom as she can, and guided him to a place where he can truly find peace and happiness. She taught Rin that though there is pain that follows him, it is up to him to find a reason to love those close to him. That he doesn't have to be alone. I look forward to roleplaying with Celebrithrade more, and even if they do not speak much currently- Rin will always look up to her. Thank you so much for your beautiful roleplay. It inspires me to work harder on my own.

There are many more people I wish to thank. But to the server in general, thank you for welcoming me so warmly. This is the first server I have ever visited that truly felt this comfy.

Stay safe. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Oct 18, 2020, 12:11 PM
I want to thank a few people for their RP and actions recently.

 for the riveting RP in the square. I know this might surprise you, but I found it incredibly entertaining, and OOCly I don't want you to think I harbor any ill feelings -- I don't! It's all IC, and it was fun.

 For being an absolute joy to RP with in any circumstance. You have such a kind heart, and it shows through your characters. Each one is lovingly crafted and I genuinely enjoy seeing Rin find himself!

 For Zephlar giving Melody a place at the Conservatory. You're so generous and so thoughtful to others. I'm proud that Melody is part of the Conservatory and can't wait to see where it goes next!

@belladonna  and   for including Celebrithrade and Melody in their latest endeavor. It means so much, and I can't thank you enough. You didn't have to include us, but you thought of us, and it really touched me.

 for playing Tyrath as one of the most impressionable do-gooders I've yet seen. It's a joy to watch you RP him, and I really, thoroughly love RPing with him!

 for playing a "big brother" type to Melody who is always there for her, no matter what. You're a light to her and she will always be thankful.

 for the meaningful RP that Kelendel and Melody have had over the many months. You always make her feel better with his presence.

 For Celebrithrade being Melody's best friend, her confidante, and her beloved. This is the most fun RP I've ever had on NWN, and I love how committed you are to playing an aloof but wise elven noble who has such rich, deep, meaningful layers.

To FMD (can't tag you for some reason) for taking a chance on Melody with Rosalyn, and also for your character Lillian. You are such an incredibly diverse RPer and I hope to RP with you more! @

And to Alena Frostwater's player (I don't know your tag, sorry)! You play such completely different and compelling characters that I would not have even known it was you had I not clicked on your nametag! Wow! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Oct 28, 2020, 11:36 AM
I'd like to thank...

You are an amazing partner, in all things. : ) You are my greatest adventure and favorite time spent in all we do and share. Thank you so much for all the fun and challenging role play. You enrich the world in many ways, and any who get the opportunity to role play with you likely see it too!

Always enjoy the interactions between our characters and the unexpected development that ensues. I look forward to the moments we get to share when others haven't snagged you!

It has been a lot of fun getting to know Thayne. His insights, advice and guidance have become more crucial to Lith's understanding of the world around her than I expected. I look forward to more and whatever else they can learn from each other's perspectives.

I feel a great amount of gratitude for the Old Man's friendship and advice. It will be so much fun to develop their unique friendship and see how much they can shape one another. <3

Every opportunity I get to interact with your characters, especially Zeph with little Daisy, is a blast. Thank you for always being so patient with my wise, loving, flower-loving and energetic sweetheart.

@ Everyone else - each character I get to interact with enhances the world. Thank you to all of you who've take the time to create a PC whom adds a little more chaos, a little more love, a little more conflict and a little more unique oddities into the world.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Nov 12, 2020, 10:25 PM
Thank you to everyone who came out to Mouse's and Ezra's birthday bash this evening. I hope everyone had fun! I know I sure did.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: JuJuBeez on Nov 13, 2020, 03:17 AM
Thank you  for the wonderful event tonight! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ten Pidgeons in a Trenchoat on Nov 18, 2020, 06:24 AM
Just want to take a few moments to do a bit of an appreciation moment for the players so far that have genuinely had a strong impression on my characters (and me) while roleplaying with them!

- From the chance encounter in the ruins to the history lesson and loresharing of bardic talents and where they came from, Melody is great to interact with on a bard who doesn't really understand anything other than that he can sing and he can hit things.

- A few fun characters, notably Calen I've had the most interaction with over the witnessing of your three mains I've seen. Lot of great and interesting personalities, and fun takes on Neutral

Nuclear Nibbles - Roscoe specifically has been a great fun character to meet with, and Ardor is another that I enjoy seeing about

Isandra - The pretty wallflower of the square, while we never really interact much (even on Elvin), you've always seemed to be watching carefully or up to some sort of teasing in the corner with whoever sits with you.

- Had a lot of fun talking with Eve, and you've been a fantastic help with information regarding the server in an IC manner (the best kind)

Morticia/Others - Your characters are always fun and I'm always eager to see more of them whenever they pop up. Elvin especially with Morticia is really fun to do some apprentice/teacher RP and hopefully we can manage more stuff in the future!

Zilvai - Your character is really fun to interact with and their enthusiasm when being offered some scrolls or items is exciting and contagious.

There are plenty of others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head so I will probably edit this particular post in a bit when i remember names (and find out forum names where relevant!)
To those of you who have endured (suffered) the memes that are sometimes built into my characters (sometimes intentionally, sometimes by accident, sometimes both), and really appreciate both the serious RP and the laughter that everyone at C&D offers.
Will be looking forward to more.

 - Ten Pidgeons in a Trenchcoat
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: bknuckles on Jan 16, 2021, 11:58 PM
Thank you Aun for the fireside chat and Stonetongue for the hunt and RP!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Jan 17, 2021, 01:36 AM
Thanks so much for all the amazing RP lately. It's been a huge amount of fun, especially developing Eirik's character even further through various struggles and so on. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Jan 23, 2021, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the Hotter Springs Games! The competition was intense and fun. I look forward to more character-run events!!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: autokilla on Jan 31, 2021, 08:42 PM
 Thanks for the lovely rp! i love the interactions between hazel and demi :) 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: JadeDragon on Feb 02, 2021, 09:46 PM
I never mention anyone in here because I typically don't like to puts names of some and not others and make people feel like their rp wasn't good for me. Truth is. if any of you take the time to rp with me, I thank you for it. No one person has better or worse rp than anyone else. Just different.

I'm not part of any groups here, despite the fact that as far as I know, no one has issues with me.

I'll rp with anyone, any time. It's all in fun. So thank you -everyone- that has interactions with me in game. You're all worth a mention.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Noctrune Savings Time on Feb 04, 2021, 12:56 AM
Sharina for a nice little scene between Alena and Alex where she finally got him to break out of his shell a little, and to Terallis, for the interruption and mentoring sort of role you had Eirik adopt with Alex. Was a nice little scene and one that made me realise what I'd been missing. Thank you both.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: JadeDragon on Feb 05, 2021, 12:43 PM
belladonna Avatar
Feb 4, 2021 14:58:45 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
Many thanks to   and   for the roleplay the other evening!  It's little interactions like those that make logging in so much fun.  :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: There Is A Light on Feb 07, 2021, 08:27 AM
Thank you to everyone I have interacted with thus far, but a particular thank you to the players of Isobel and Ehrys for the deep, yet fun discussion in game.  May we have much more RP!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Feb 07, 2021, 04:21 PM
There Is A Light Avatar
Thank you to everyone I have interacted with thus far, but a particular thank you to the players of Isobel and Ehrys for the deep, yet fun discussion in game.  May we have much more RP!
Thank you so much for that wonderful little tale and the role play. I definitely look forward to more.

The role play between Isobel and Jack has been fun. He's challenged her and been an amazing friend. You've done a lot to help develop the character, more than you know.

I am glad you returned to CD. Getting to know you and Alex has been a lot of fun. Alex has also done a lot in so little time to help Isobel sort through things. I look forward to more role play!!

Dude... just... dude... the curve ball Thayne tossed at poor Lith still has her struggling to cope.  <3  The future role play will continue to be enriching, challenging and a blast. And, I love the 'big brother' RP he's got going with Isobel.  >.>

Well, Nate broke poor Isobel's heart; but, being a big brother to her, instead, has also been an interesting twist to things. Thank you so much for being there for her.

I can never thank you enough for all you've done to help me develop my leading ladies and lad, level and navigate Cormyr and the Dalelands. Love getting lost and found with you! <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Feb 07, 2021, 04:39 PM
Thank you to @belladonna and  for the RP with Celeb and Melody as well, it was very sweet!

Thank you to  for the RP last night with Kelendel, it's always a treat to RP with you!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sirnathan on Feb 10, 2021, 10:47 PM
Thank you for melody and lady celeb for hosting a lovely party!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Feb 11, 2021, 12:52 AM

Once again, I have to toss out huge praise. Every bit of RP with you is such incredible fun. I can't express enough how much I enjoy all of the RP between our characters, whether good or bad IC. Especially with the emotional overload with recent RP. Seriously engaging and I look forward to every bit of our RP going forward. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Silveryfeather on Feb 11, 2021, 11:35 AM
It's been too long since i posted here, so:

: thank you for many wonderful roleplay hours, your characters are always so alive and well-portrayed
: I catch you online too rarely, be it hunting or roleplay your characters always brighten my day
: I don't rp enough with you, it's always been a blast. I need to change that. Let's write another awesome story together :D
: Eina really influenced Ylaethas to want to heal and become a better elf, thank you.
: Be it Ohzra or Rin your characters always seem to save or heal mine :) Thank you for being awesome.
: Thank your for so much awesome, funny, tragic, romantic rp. And thank you for being patient with my sometimes difficult characters haha
: So glad we're rping together again. I've had a blast with our two honorable miscreants
: Your Mebriel really helped bring Ylaethas come out of his shell and overcome some of his issues, thank you.
: Had such a blast with Eilwyn's and Melody's friendship and the lessons
: Thank you for going along with Eilwyn's background story and enabling her to become a bardess! Have to meet more of your characters!

To those I haven't mentioned by name, that's probably only because we haven't rped enough together yet! CD is really helping keeping me sane in these trying times <3

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Feb 11, 2021, 12:50 PM
Silveryfeather Avatar
  : Thank your for so much awesome, funny, tragic, romantic rp. And thank you for being patient with my sometimes difficult characters haha

Right back at you, Silvery! It's been a huge amount of fun, as it always had been in the past. Really happy to be RPing with you again so much. I've been thoroughly enjoying every interaction our characters have, especially with Ulrik and Jinx lately. Such a fun and adorable ride, yet equally amazing with their more serious conversations and character development. Been loving all of it. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: sharina on Feb 11, 2021, 01:59 PM
I'd like to give a couple of shoutouts as well:

  • To for the great RP between Alena and Eirik. I love the depth of the character and all the scenes that have been building upon each other, both the fun and positive ones and the heavier, dramatic ones! It's been a lot of fun to see the character evolve, twist and change.
  • To for the fun little interactions, the generally friendly and positive mindset and the fun scenes we had (mostly the chats at the square, Lystra helping Alena figure out magic, but also for saving Clover! :D )
  • To for the Bard lessons and the very nice guidance! I really like Melody and the vibe she brings into the RP as well as her empathy. I've enjoyed all my interactions with the char and it's great to see the glimpses of the real person under the facade of the pink bard.
  • To for the RP with Isandra. From traumatizing Alena to becoming a sort-of mentor, I've greatly enjoyed the scenes :)
  • To for the fun RP and lessons in dealing with bears between Demi and Hazel ;)
  • Rapid-shot shoutouts also to for the scenes between Alena and Alex, to for the fun interactions with Reinhardt, for the meditation session, to for the cute and very fun shifter presentation yesterday, to for the interactions between Hazel and Sylvaris, to for the druid mentoring of both Thorod and Hazel, and to all the other great players on this server as well! Thank you :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Feb 13, 2021, 07:18 PM
(And other's whose player names I don't reacall, so sorry!)
Thanks to all the DMs and volunteers involved with Soley's Beauty & Grace Fashion Show Charity Event! It was a lovely setting and the role play was fun. I'm glad I was able to take part, donate and partake in the festivities.

Nice place, Kel, thanks for letting us visit!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hyrulee on Feb 14, 2021, 01:29 PM
I just wanted to thank everyone involved in the Beauty & Grace charity event last night. I hope it was as fun for everyone as it was for me.

Special thanks to;  for doing so much work client-side for the event! As well as  for lending his backyard as well! I genuinely appreciate your kindness.

I'd also like to thank the volunteers for putting so much time and effort into making the event itself possible! (I won't be tagging everyone, since I don't know everyone's name!)

Illy, Alybryn, Isandra, Eirzara, Eina, Serina, Samdyrion, Julian, Aedan, Craven and Roscoe!

It was an absolute blast, and I'm very thankful to everyone to attended.

Thanks so much everyone. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: erikmalkavian on Feb 28, 2021, 04:11 AM
I'm new and I want to just say THANK YOU to Fire Wraith (Evelyn Truesilver) for greeting me when I first arrived on the server Really Appreciated that.

I also want to give a BIG Shoutout to Player Character's Rose and Volana for being very helpful and friendly in my attempt to slay the Rats in the Basement!  (DEFINITELY not a "Kill 10 Rats" mission :)

I will be posting to Youtube my Character Creation video and Inn and Rat slaying video later today for your perusal.

Thanks Guyz!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Mar 02, 2021, 01:19 PM
- I just wanted to say that you both have been an incredible joy to play with. Had some interactions that were just a whole lot of fun on other characters, but I especially enjoyed the hours long adventure and RP last night, on Loto. Made the character with a concept in mind that I wanted to play, but have found getting into a new character to be rather difficult at times. But I feel the character itself has already been so grounded and fun to play, with these interactions and especially after last night. Helped greatly to not just flesh out more of the character's backstory on the fly, but likewise lead to actual development of the character itself. The chance situation of nearly dying to those ogres was especially great (and I entirely expected Loto to die as well, as that got really close.) So much fun to play and chat with you both, already, and excited to see what more RP we get into in the future! ^_^

- You've always been a great friend since the early days of me joining the server. Always been a ton of fun to RP with across characters, getting into all sorts of situations and deeply touching moments. As of late, the most obvious being things between Ulrik and Jinx. Been so incredibly fun and sweet to see things progress between the two of them, and how well they work together as well. And how they've also helped each other in many ways already. Absolutely loving how all of it's been going, and very much looking forward to things as they continue forward. It's likewise been a lot of fun with some of the various interactions between my other characters and yours, lately.

- Been greatly enjoying all the interactions and amusing situations between our characters. Haven't interacted a great deal with Sammon at all, but there's the obvious things between Eirik and Mouse that have just been so fun and interesting, with their development. Both being rather wild in their own ways, yet somehow still compliment each other so well. To see how everything has progressed has just felt very natural, and admittedly even a bit unexpected, in a good way! Seeing sides not really shown by the character, and finding also a lot of amusement in the more openly curious and loud demeanour of the character.

@aplayerlover - Can't seem to find your actual tag on the forums. Had an admittedly short bit of conversation and adventure between Loto and Verestina, but it was so enjoyable as well. A lot of fun with their conversation around everyone and then alone, in the Seraph, and the tragic feeling of the character likewise not seeing each other again after that first meeting and conversation. Then for the two to bump into each other later and have a fun adventure through the ant tunnels and sewers! Hoping very much we get to RP more in the future, even as RL may keep you fairly busy. :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Avariel on Mar 02, 2021, 08:01 PM
Terallis Avatar
  - I just wanted to say that you both have been an incredible joy to play with. Had some interactions that were just a whole lot of fun on other characters, but I especially enjoyed the hours long adventure and RP last night, on Loto. Made the character with a concept in mind that I wanted to play, but have found getting into a new character to be rather difficult at times. But I feel the character itself has already been so grounded and fun to play, with these interactions and especially after last night. Helped greatly to not just flesh out more of the character's backstory on the fly, but likewise lead to actual development of the character itself. The chance situation of nearly dying to those ogres was especially great (and I entirely expected Loto to die as well, as that got really close.) So much fun to play and chat with you both, already, and excited to see what more RP we get into in the future! ^_^

Thank you, ! We had a great time adventuring with, and getting to know Loto. That save from the ogres was absolutely epic! Three cheers for Loto Ogresbane! :D <3

And while I'm here, I'd just like to say thank you to everyone on this server. I've played NWN for a very long time, mostly on one specific PW, and I thought it was the best thing out there. Joining a new server is difficult and I'd never actually managed it before. But you are all so friendly and welcoming. It feels like home already. So thanks and I look forward to RP'ing with more of you in the future!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Mar 02, 2021, 09:08 PM
Avariel Avatar
Terallis Avatar
   - I just wanted to say that you both have been an incredible joy to play with. Had some interactions that were just a whole lot of fun on other characters, but I especially enjoyed the hours long adventure and RP last night, on Loto. Made the character with a concept in mind that I wanted to play, but have found getting into a new character to be rather difficult at times. But I feel the character itself has already been so grounded and fun to play, with these interactions and especially after last night. Helped greatly to not just flesh out more of the character's backstory on the fly, but likewise lead to actual development of the character itself. The chance situation of nearly dying to those ogres was especially great (and I entirely expected Loto to die as well, as that got really close.) So much fun to play and chat with you both, already, and excited to see what more RP we get into in the future! ^_^
Thank you,  ! We had a great time adventuring with, and getting to know Loto. That save from the ogres was absolutely epic! Three cheers for Loto Ogresbane! :D <3

And while I'm here, I'd just like to say thank you to everyone on this server. I've played NWN for a very long time, mostly on one specific PW, and I thought it was the best thing out there. Joining a new server is difficult and I'd never actually managed it before. But you are all so friendly and welcoming. It feels like home already. So thanks and I look forward to RP'ing with more of you in the future!
Happy to have you with us! I've enjoyed tormenting Pru on Farra.  :D

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: bknuckles on Mar 02, 2021, 10:41 PM
I'd again like to thank anyone who's interacted with Ptolema in the past few weeks, particular to the players of Aunzanara & Servillah, but also so many others in smaller yet distinct ways.

Appreciate the fun! Hope for more.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Apr 02, 2021, 09:17 PM
, , , and Thank you so very much for role play, lately, with Jocelyn. it's really helped me get a greater feel for the character, flesh her out a bit more, and develop other goals I'd not anticipated. So much fun has been had and I definitely look forward to more interactions with your characters to see how the relationships progress & grow.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Apr 03, 2021, 01:31 AM
I want to thank for the wonderful RP today with Charity. You're such an amazing RPer and I enjoyed it so, so much. Wow, you're so good!  :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Apr 03, 2021, 11:33 AM
I'd just like to give a shout out to since I've been back. You immediately reached out to me to set up multiple RP opportunities, help me get involved, and Servillah has been absolutely fascinating.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Avariel on Apr 04, 2021, 10:39 PM
Melody Avatar
I want to thank  for the wonderful RP today with Charity. You're such an amazing RPer and I enjoyed it so, so much. Wow, you're so good!  :D
Thank you,  ! It was so much fun, and you're an absolute joy and inspiration to play with!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: autokilla on Apr 06, 2021, 10:06 AM
I've really enjoyed our rp lately. Especially with Demi and Tasia :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Raysiel on Apr 06, 2021, 06:55 PM
platinum01 Avatar
, , , and Thank you so very much for role play, lately, with Jocelyn. it's really helped me get a greater feel for the character, flesh her out a bit more, and develop other goals I'd not anticipated. So much fun has been had and I definitely look forward to more interactions with your characters to see how the relationships progress & grow.

Aww!  It's been great developing Quar alongside Jocelyn. Finally we have characters that interact!  You're a great roleplayer, and your characters are always so unique.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Avariel on May 01, 2021, 01:30 PM
Thank you  for your welcoming attitude, wonderful roleplay, and meaningful engagement on Thayne. In addition to just being a blast to talk to, and be silly with, you have given my little bard incredible opportunities to grow and develop, on multiple occasions. Thank you. You rock <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Remus Prime on May 01, 2021, 06:09 PM
Thank you to Shalvenay for being so welcoming to the server, and giving some fun interaction so far!  
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: littleblueman on May 05, 2021, 03:44 PM
Shoutout to the players of Wolfgang, Thayne, Amethyst, Skye, Sin-Ra and Joyzael for putting up with Theo earlier today in a particularly pedantic episode of the usually pedantic bard :) I hope you all had as much fun as I had!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Wolfgar on May 05, 2021, 09:00 PM
I certainly had! As for myself I'd also like to thank the Sunite ambush commando and everyone else involved in that particular roleplay, the Arabelan standoff had definitely been one the most amusing experiences I had on CD so far since my return.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: LichKnight on May 10, 2021, 02:31 PM
I've had a blast here since i've been back these past 2-3 weeks. I just wanted to thank Shrike (Thorien), Aunzanara (Pilgrim), Rin (hyrulee) and finally Celdor (Shalvenay). I've had some amazing RP with you all over the past week, and you have given Kron's arc a suprising twist. Thank you guys <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: thorien on May 11, 2021, 06:59 AM
Thank you! It was a pleasure to chase Kron down. I admire your adult and composed approach to PVP, using it as a plot tool to enhance the story and make both parties enjoy it thoroughly in the process! :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hyrulee on May 14, 2021, 12:25 PM
It's been a while since I've thanked people for RP, so I'm doing it now! I'd like to thank a lot of people truth be told, but alas. Can't tag the whole server! So thank you to everyone who has given me a chance to roleplay with them, no matter how brief. I truly appreciate it, and I hope that I've made roleplaying with me a decent enough experience. ^^

Eina/Shrike ( ), Ilmryn ( ), Isandra ( ), Feredir, Reverence, and Kron - I'd like to thank you all for the wonderful meeting of the Eilistraeens. Even with different opinions being tossed into the pot, everyone stayed very polite and took time to truly listen to everyone's points and thoughts. It was one of the first times I've ever been in RP with that many people, without any OOC or IC bitterness being left behind by any member of the party. I really loved the care and thought put into the roleplay by everyone there. The fact that we had so many different opinions with no fighting what-so-ever was a real treat! Thank you so much for that. 

 (Kron) - It's been a genuine pleasure getting to know and learn about Kron! His unique and interesting take on a Drow following the Spider Queen has been fun to explore. It was a surprise when he showed interest in the Lone Wolf, but a welcome one! I really do look forward to uncovering more about his history and views of the world. Thank you so much for including me in your roleplay. 

 (Feredir/Julian) - We've roleplayed a lot together the last few months, and I wanted to give a genuine thank you! It's been an absolute pleasure getting to know Julian and Feredir, and getting a chance to explore their history and different views of the world. Both completely unique to one another, and both offering something new and fresh to roleplay about. You switch between the two very different personalities extremely well, and in such a easily believable way. Well done. I look forward to getting to know them better over time! 

 (Reecie) - Be it with Ohzra or Sylvesi, roleplaying with Reecie has been an absolute delight. Such an interesting character, and you play her so well. The very first interaction that Ohzra and Reecie had together was both interesting and fun to experience. Getting a chance to show Ohzra's more gentle nature has been a blast to experience. On top of that, the roleplay that Sylvesi and Reecie had recently was one of the most engaging experiences I've had on the server. So thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to roleplay with you!

 (Kelendel) - It was a little while back, but I wanted to thank you for the roleplay in Kelendel's home between Soley, Kel, and Julian. Getting to learn more about Kelendel, and in turn teach him more about Soley was a lot of fun and very emotional. It's always such a blast hanging out with you both IC and OOC. Thanks for being such a great guy, and an interesting roleplayer!

 (Halonya/Nikolai) - Though it was brief, the roleplay between Halonya and Rin whilst she's recovering was both very sweet and calming to experience. I don't get many chances to hang out with you or your characters, but when I do (be it on Ohzra or Rin) it's always a good laugh, or a good spot of emotional exploration! Ohzra and Nikolai are huuuugely grumpy bitches together, and I adore it. Their banter back and forth may seem hateful and cruel on the outside. But their friendship and unique way of showing how they care has been a genuine blast to explore. Thanks so much for hanging out, and roleplaying with me. 

 (Bud/W.M. Lewis/Literallyallyourcharacters.jpg) - No matter which character you choose to log in as, getting a chance to roleplay with any one of them is a unique and engaging experience. You are one of the best roleplayers I have ever had the pleasure of rolplaying with. Whenever I get the chance to hang out with you in game, I always find myself inspired to work harder on my emotes and how I separate each of my characters with their personalities. There's not much else for me to say, just a fantastic RPer. Thanks for the inspiration, and the great fun Mage..!

 (Jocelyn/Amethyst) - Though we don't get much of a chance to bump into one another, roleplaying with both of your PC's on Ohzra has been interesting! Jocelyn, for managing to bring out a calmer side of Ohzra. Amethyst with her cheery back-and-forth with Oz as well. No matter which character, it's always a blast getting to RP with you! Thanks so much for that.

(Roscoe/Reverence) - Getting to RP with Roscoe has always been such a blast. But recently, getting to know him a bit better with Ohzra was a real treat! He's such an interesting and well thought out character, and I can't wait to learn more about him! The very same goes for Reverence. The contrast between the two is night and day, and I love how well you switch between such different characters. Above all that, I really appreciate what an amazingly kind, and caring friend you have been to me. Thanks so much Bushy. <3

(Isandra) - Be it on Rin, Ohzra, Sylvesi, or Soley; Getting to know Isandra, and learn more about her deep and well thought out history has been interesting! I can tell you've put a lot of time and effort behind the character and that you truly care about her a lot. I look forward to pursuing not only the Devil plot with Ohz and Issy, but pursuing the interesting RP we've had between one another with Sylvesi and Issy! No matter who it is, I'm sure I will enjoy spending time with her IC. Thanks so much for spending so much time RPing with me.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on May 14, 2021, 08:01 PM
 While there hasn't been as much in depth interaction with Rin or Soley, due to timing, presence of other characters, what-have-you, I also thoroughly enjoyed the role play between Oz and Jocelyn & Amethyst. Seeing his calmer side felt like an infrequent gift; it was well conveyed that the evoked response was a bit of a surprise to Ohzra. <3 I plan to play Amethyst more often than I have so there will be more opportunities for cheeky back-and-forth wordplay!

 I appreciated Skye's warmth and inclusion with Amethyst, today. You cannot fathom how much that meant to an elf who feels like an outsider in a lot of ways. She was dropped from a plot, last year; to date, I have no idea why. As a result, it's definitely chipped away at her confidence (and mine, a little), which I am working on remedying as she begins the next chapter of her tale. : )

, , , , , and Turtle. I've loved forming the Green Wardens and getting to know all your characters; BUT, we seriously need to meet up for adventure, event, or just gather for HINfectious role play and cause chaos the way only Halfings can!! Mama Bear will bring the cookies, Gilly will bring the pie, Dani's got the booze, Blaze, Orvil & Diggum will be the entertainment and Silversheen's got the cheese! <3

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Edge on May 14, 2021, 09:17 PM
Tatya will be the brooding contrast for all the others, and also the bouncer since Diggum's on stage. ;)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Tigerlily on May 18, 2021, 10:01 PM
Thank you to a bunch of people today for great roleplay in the Seraph and Duchess, was nice to have relaxed roleplay that felt both casual and and yet more personal than typical Square RP:

@singerfromthemist (Ingrid)

and of course,  (Melody) for some great one on one rp that helped Skye sort out (ha!) her personal life a bit.

Hopefully I did not forget anyone, and if I did I'm sorry!

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on May 19, 2021, 06:52 AM
It was a delight. I hope we can all do it again soon. :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on May 23, 2021, 07:22 AM
General shout out to all the folks who turned up at the Dancing Duchess last night and managed to keep Ingrid busy during her stint subbing in behind the counter. It was a surprisingly enjoyably enjoyable little evening of colorful characters all around. From the elf who thinks she's a dwarf to Thayne falling spellbound to Wolfgang's cooking. :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Etanu on May 23, 2021, 09:18 AM
singerfromthemist Avatar
May 23, 2021 7:22:16 GMT -5  @singerfromthemist said:
General shout out to all the folks who turned up at the Dancing Duchess last night and managed to keep Ingrid busy during her stint subbing in behind the counter. It was a surprisingly enjoyably enjoyable little evening of colorful characters all around. From the elf who thinks she's a dwarf to Thayne falling spellbound to Wolfgang's cooking. :D
This.  Right here.  I can't thank people enough.  I wish I could list every name that was there, but there were just too many.  I'd be practically listing the entire server.  Thank you so much, everyone.  It really made my night to have everyone in there.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on May 23, 2021, 09:21 PM
It was pretty fun, thanks everyone.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: shalvenay on May 26, 2021, 08:40 PM
singerfromthemist Avatar
May 23, 2021 7:22:16 GMT -5  @singerfromthemist said:
General shout out to all the folks who turned up at the Dancing Duchess last night and managed to keep Ingrid busy during her stint subbing in behind the counter. It was a surprisingly enjoyably enjoyable little evening of colorful characters all around. From the elf who thinks she's a dwarf to Thayne falling spellbound to Wolfgang's cooking. :D
Yes, thank you for the chance to have Argratha do it like old times and break out her tavern-bard side :) Don't get to do things like that on her all that often since she's ICly tied down a bunch by the littles at the orphanage, after all...
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Jun 18, 2021, 09:43 AM
I just want to thank @belladonna again for the HWC RP we had yesterday. I liked that our characters didn't immediately agree on everything and that we had to work through it, and overall was a great scene that I really enjoyed. Thank you.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Jun 19, 2021, 01:37 PM
Though it was brief, I enjoyed the interaction between Kron and Lith and look forward to more. It will be interesting to see where their interactions and conversations may go. : )
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: LichKnight on Jun 20, 2021, 05:02 PM
platinum01 Avatar
  Though it was brief, I enjoyed the interaction between Kron and Lith and look forward to more. It will be interesting to see where their interactions and conversations may go. : )
So did I! Hopefully they can meet again sometime soon :-)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Jul 19, 2021, 03:27 AM
I just wanted to thank , @belladonna, , and  for the wonderful RP today. It was so lovely to meet Ava and such a sweet RP session. You're all wonderful!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Jul 19, 2021, 01:24 PM
I wanna give a massive shout out to , , , , , and everyone else of the Duchess crew I've been RPing with on Eirik. It has been absolutely phenomenal for character development, motivations, and just all around a fantastic fun time. Havent had so much playing Eirik as I have with all you lovely people lately. ^_^
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: rohuli on Jul 19, 2021, 08:35 PM
Same to that pile along with thorien, zazie, Lordi, Finrael, and all the members of the shield for making my first few weeks on the server a great time.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Jul 20, 2021, 01:56 AM

I wanna give a huge shoutout to you all for the RP this evening. Absolutely fantastic bit of fun in the Velethuil Treetops, throughout the hours spent up there. Had a huge blast, especially with that surprise! Especially with Ava and Sariel, you both are great and a ton of fun. Hoping you stick with the server so we can keep having fun! ^_^
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Jul 20, 2021, 10:05 PM
rohuli Avatar
Same to that pile along with thorien, zazie, Lordi, Finrael, and all the members of the shield for making my first few weeks on the server a great time.
Thanks! It's been great getting to know Luca!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hyrulee on Oct 31, 2021, 07:57 AM
I just wanted to take the time to thank a few players!

- Thank you for RPing with me on Kron with multiple characters. Be it Soley, Rin, Yarrow, Nym or Kyzirach. It's been interesting getting to interact with the same character on so many different personalities. You've always been chill about their reactions to your character, and I appreciate that. But you better stop using that crawling animation or I'm gunna gank you! :P

- I think I've interacted with all of your PC's at some point with all of mine. I appreciate how great you've been as a friend, and as a roleplayer. You're a genuinely kind and caring person, and I'm very grateful to be friends! I've adored our RP together, be it on Rin, Yarrow, Nym, or Kyzirach and many more!.. Thanks for creating such interesting stories with me!

- Of course I can't make an appreciation post without mentioning the Copper Conqueror! Thank you so much for the RP between Soley and Julian, as well as the RP between Feredir and Rin/Sylvesi/Soley. Though we don't get to RP together much anymore, I appreciate the time that we do get to hang out. Soley and Julian are such an odd couple together, but their story works so well! I hope I get the chance to RP with you more often, and thank you for all the RP we've had together so far!

- I'm going to keep this vague, but I just wanted to praise you for your roleplay in a recent event. Though it was a group effort, your PC really stood out to me as an absolute badass. I really appreciate how you handled the situation, as it didn't feel like you were overtaking the plot at all. It was absolutely awesome to see and I genuinely gasped IRL when 'that thing' happened. It was really cool, and I love how hard the character fought for her companions. Such a wonderful moment, and very well played. Great job.

- I know I literally just thanked you in the DM Experience thread but I have to thank you once more as a player. Melody and Rin have a unique friendship that I absolutely adore. Each time the two interact I feel like they've a brief history with one another. Each time they open up to one another feels so genuine and heartfelt. I have always enjoyed what time we've had to RP with one another, and I hope I get to pester you even more. Thank you so much for being such a good person. 

- You've been so awesome to RP with, and I am so grateful to have met you. I love getting to interact with your characters, and genuinely look forward to hanging out whenever we do. There's been some silly times together In-game, and some heartfelt moments. Thank you so much for being such a great friend.

- Like I said for Rohuli, I'm very grateful to have met you on this server. You've been a genuine blast to RP with, and I've found myself dying of laughter when we hang out- or having some genuinely heartfelt and amazing moments together IC. You've made this server so much fun to play, and I'm so grateful to be your friend. I hope we get to hang out more in the future, and I'll always look forward to RPing together. 

- I have appreciated every interaction with you IC or OOC! You're such a wonderful and kind person, and I am so glad to have met you! Be it on Eilanis and Eiran, Rin and Eina/Shrike, or Soley and Eina. Each time we RP together I've enjoyed it, and absolutely adored the stories you have told. I look forward to seeing how Eiran and Eilanis get along in Radiance, it's given me a good laugh and greater appreciation of the plot with their stories. Eina has helped Soley and Rin so much, and I adore both of their friendships with your character. Both of them feel unique, and I can't thank you enough for that.

- Be it the bard who wants to seduce the Black Knight, teasing Ohzra about his eyes to make him blush, helping Soley with a charity auction, or getting to know my new characters such as Lith interacting with Kyzirach.. I've genuinely appreciate you as a person, and as a player. You always manage to get a good laugh out of me, and hit me with the feels when characters we adore die in plots. Thank you so much for the RP we've had together, and I really hope we get to interact with one another more!

- I just wanted to say that every interaction I've had with you has given me a really good laugh. Njal in the Radiance plot has been an absolute treat to get to know. You've made some genuinely interesting characters that I've always enjoyed interacting with. We don't get to chat too much, but I really look forward to getting to know more of your characters! Thank you so much for being so welcoming and kind to me on this server. I really appreciate it.

There are so many more I want to thank, but this post will be massive if I do. So I'm going to give a shout-out to a few players! Such as; Sol'mer, Ava Ester, Vega, Gareth, MEAT (Rest in peace), Reverence/Roscoe/etc, I could go on forever but thank you to everyone who has RP'd with me! I really appreciate it.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: aliirielle on Nov 08, 2021, 04:31 PM
New to the server (and the discord and the forum). Just wanted to put out some appreciation for Melody Sigers and Fire Wraith for the amazing tales and time taken to tell them tonight. As well as just a general message of appreciation on the whole for the amazing RP I've seen and interacted with so far on the server. This seemed the place to do it?
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: mrgrumble on Nov 15, 2021, 05:58 AM
Thanks to Lyenia, Mathias and Ajmal for the fun and dangerous adventure and the great RP tonight.  Glad to have some others around the same level to party up with.  Hope Ronin doesn't lag behind too much XD
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Nov 21, 2021, 01:50 PM
There are so many names to list. With regards to the HWC plot "All The World's A Stage: Old Grievances" on November 19th, thank you to everyone who was involved and keeping us alive. It was so laggy. I am so glad I had the opportunity to take part in this arching plot with all of you. We all contributed and it made the difference!!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Malefic on Nov 24, 2021, 03:41 PM
Big thank you to everyone who has been interacting with Yrlisa in my short time on the server. It is really heartwarming to meet so many nice people on a server!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dreamwalker on Dec 03, 2021, 12:45 AM
Wanted to quickly thank everyone I've roleplayed with so far on any of my characters but most recently everyone who joined Rinhian this evening. It was a lot of fun!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Dorca on Dec 03, 2021, 11:04 AM
The current crop of drow players running around the Underdark has been a real joy to interact with. The scheming, social maneuvering, and thinly veiled hostility always brings joy to my day, whether I'm conversing with all of you or just in a one on one scene. Thank you for giving Trisstyrr such a delightful group to fit into. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hyrulee on Dec 03, 2021, 02:17 PM
Dorca Avatar
The current crop of drow players running around the Underdark has been a real joy to interact with. The scheming, social maneuvering, and thinly veiled hostility always brings joy to my day, whether I'm conversing with all of you or just in a one on one scene. Thank you for giving Trisstyrr such a delightful group to fit into. <3
I wanna hop on this and thank everyone in Drow gang too! It's been such a genuine pleasure getting to know you all. Thank you so much for including me. <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: darkwyvern on Dec 09, 2021, 09:23 AM
I don't usually post in these because everyone I RP with is so phenomenal and I can't make a post without naming everyone and that'd be a very long post. HOWEVER, there is one person in particular that I want to say thank you to, and that is Wolfgar. Though we don't RP a lot together, its in those brief moments that we do, that I cannot help but smile. I love the Grumbling Giant who is a softy within and last night at the handfasting I don't think I could have smiled any bigger. So, Thank you for the wonderful RP everytime we get that chance. 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: There Is A Light on Dec 09, 2021, 11:04 AM
Thank you all so much.  From the first time I logged in, to my finally getting some active play time now, everyone I have interacted with has been great.  Special thanks to the players of Shaynah, Rinhian, Yrlisa Rhea, Edward, Serena, for the lovely roleplay and conversations with Zara.  A big thank you to the Yulash crew, Bell, Alma, and Raelis for an amazing RP with my new guy, Baleron.  You're all the best!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Jan 08, 2022, 08:14 PM
I posted this in Discord and wanted to post in here, as well.

Thank you everyone who attended the wedding of Alyssana and Jaylithel!!!

It was very meaningful and I am glad that everyone could come together, have some time after the reception, and wrap up a character's story on a good note. If you need to speak with her in the next week or two I'll hold off on having her archived until then (if permitted of course), but otherwise we can come up with something off-screen.

This character was made in 2008~ (give or take) and I had her out of action for a few years due to some IC, and she was allowed to come back on a better note per admin gracious permission (with stipulation, naturally!). I am glad I made the decision because of stories needing closure, and importantly she could help do something to fix that which she had much regret over happening . It has been wholesome to see it all happen. And she had an ending I did not expect her to have!

Thank you again for being part of it. It was very emotional for it all to happen for me, and in a good way! I had moments I was about to tear up because I can finally bring the end of a chapter. And a book with a happy ending!


Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: onivel on Jan 08, 2022, 09:05 PM
Agreed... was a great ending to this chapter of these character's lives and a perfect send off for their next stages. Thank you very much to all who came out to be a part of this for them.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Terallis on Jan 14, 2022, 08:06 PM
Wanna thank everyone who came to the grand opening of the Bistryu! Was a lot of fun to just gather and socialize with everyone! Hoping everyone enjoyed!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: marigold on Jan 28, 2022, 10:26 AM
Thanks to everyone who has made Uth's first couple of weeks in Arabel so memorable... Charlotte and the Morninglordians... Tallulah, Val, Ness and Lucy... Anastasia, Olga, Eha, Serena, Inky and Ari! (and everyone else!)

The young Paladin will never be the same.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: on Jan 28, 2022, 07:35 PM
I want to thank Ariadne, Serena, Onivel1, Alice, RJ and anyone who's been with me for Rp in the last month or so, You've all made this wonderful, thank you.

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Melody on Jan 29, 2022, 11:03 PM
I want to thank Olias, Vivienne, and Celebrithrade for the fun dinner date RP tonight. It was very enjoyable and seeing your home was so lovely!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: aliirielle on Jan 29, 2022, 11:38 PM
Melody Avatar
I want to thank Olias, Vivienne, and Celebrithrade for the fun dinner date RP tonight. It was very enjoyable and seeing your home was so lovely!
We had such a great time with you and Celebrithrade both! Thanks for the RP!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: DubiousScroll on Feb 01, 2022, 12:46 AM
is a goddamn saint and deserves a medal.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: pilgrim on Feb 01, 2022, 12:48 AM
Seriously, the rp tonight was FANTASTIC, absolutely blown away. So much fun and so appreciate you! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Feb 06, 2022, 05:43 PM
@thorien@edwardfalcona@necrofai@pilgrim@anthonyjj87@turtle Fellow Radiance Storyline players! Thank you so much for all the fun and role play in this custom setting. I know the DM was ready for things to come to close... but I wish it was later rather than sooner. Oh well, it happens. I enjoyed sharing the "stage" with you lot and look forward to more RP amongst our various characters. See you in game!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: hyrulee on Feb 06, 2022, 06:41 PM
platinum01 Avatar
@edwardfalcona@necrofai@pilgrim@anthonyjj87@turtle Fellow Radiance Storyline players! Thank you so much for all the fun and role play in this custom setting. I know the DM was ready for things to come to close... but I wish it was later rather than sooner. Oh well, it happens. I enjoyed sharing the "stage" with you lot and look forward to more RP amongst our various characters. See you in game!
F for Radiance. I'm glad I got to be there, and that I got to play with all of you. It was a genuine blast while it lasted, and I'll miss Radiance! <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: legofsalmon on Feb 13, 2022, 06:26 AM
Thankyou very much to the player of Gaieus (sp sorry) for giving me an IC and OOC introduction to the server by giving me a tour around Arabelle.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: snorriht on Feb 14, 2022, 12:09 AM
I (and Benito the Black) wish to thank the players of Charlotte, Elzevir, Ness, Zhubzob, Ghorin and Nemora, for some fun roleplay over the last few weeks. I feel I have forgotten a few other names, for which I apologise, on behalf of my poor memory.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Caerylia Durothil on Feb 27, 2022, 04:38 PM
I thank the Elves of Deepingdale for the aelou! I was happy to attend my first one.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Spiritbox on Mar 01, 2022, 09:52 AM
I wanted to say thank you to the players that have made my return most enjoyable. Thank you to , , ,  for their marvelous characters and interactions!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Diestormlie on Mar 02, 2022, 09:19 AM
Thank you to the wonderful WhiskeyDingo! I really enjoyed Wrenn's and Ness' talk!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: kingofaquilonia on Mar 04, 2022, 11:33 AM
This is a few weeks past due but thank you to those I've interacted with on Anok since my return a few weeks/a month ago. A special thanks is in order for SpacePope and Throg as I believe the majority of my interactions have been with them and our various dungeon runs. I also had a great deal of fun with Anok's brief interactions with Cassyra Argen(Afraid I don't know the acct name). It was a few weeks ago but I also had a great interaction with Vallora on Anok where there was a moment of tension that devolved into private giggles between them as the rest of the square continued to get fired up. And most recently I had some fun RP with Ness Bana's player and the player of Igorivich( I might have terribly mis-spelled  that). Anok has been alot of fun since my return. Definitely alot different than my typical Uthgardt barbarian flavor. Still developing him and looking forward to see where it all goes.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Eruheran on Mar 04, 2022, 06:07 PM
Firstly my thanks go to    for all the top tier rp since we began together on the server.

Thanks to    for the hosted history recounting. That was a lot of typing to do, and it felt very fluent and well-constructed. Thank you also to those in the elves of Deepingdale for being so welcoming to us. Especially  .

Also to many others, including but not limited to, Elzevir, Yrlisa, Vilaatha, Vilaraal, Dietrich, Grimlock, Daniel and those who were present at the Aelou and the history meet for the added experience.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Eruheran on Mar 12, 2022, 04:09 PM
I enjoyed the rp today with Melody, Celebrithrade and Caerylia.

The philosophical angles challenged me a bit, but it was an enjoyable mental run-around, and I look forward to the next time - after some history revision.

More not named were involved and helped flesh out the experience with their add-ins.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: snorriht on Mar 13, 2022, 01:28 AM
I want to thank the players of Marcus (Greycastle), Nit, Imzy, Iris, Edy and Isolde over the last few days for some great, and fun RP  :)
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Running With Razors on Mar 16, 2022, 03:29 PM
I usually don't post in these threads, though I must absolutely thank for being one of the best partners a person can have for conversations and the occasional idle chat. She also dresses pretty well.
- From the guy who plays Daniel.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Mar 16, 2022, 06:45 PM
snorriht Avatar
I want to thank the players of Marcus (Greycastle), Nit, Imzy, Iris, Edy and Isolde over the last few days for some great, and fun RP  :)

Thanks! I've been having a blast with Benito!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Diestormlie on Mar 25, 2022, 06:58 PM
I would like to thank Onivel for all the amazing RP that I've had with them and their characters over these months, with special mention for Vilrath.

I would also like to thank Is This Thing On for their amazing Scenes today. They were perfect; incredibly moving.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: onivel on Mar 26, 2022, 04:25 PM
Diestormlie Avatar
I would like to thank Onivel for all the amazing RP that I've had with them and their characters over these months, with special mention for Vilrath.

I would also like to thank Is This Thing On for their amazing Scenes today. They were perfect; incredibly moving.

I've loved every minute of the ups and downs.. joys and tragedies they have gone through together. Thank you.. its been a tremendous ride with them. 

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Malefic on Mar 27, 2022, 08:11 PM
Really want to thank Whisper, Meridian, Alastriona, Rowna and Aravilar for making my first extended plot just fantastic. You all were invested and had some great RP moments. I hope you all had as much fun as I did running for you all.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: haroshia on Mar 27, 2022, 08:12 PM
Eidolon Avatar
Really want to thank Whisper, Meridian, Alastriona, Rowna and Aravilar for making my first extended plot just fantastic. You all were invested and had some great RP moments. I hope you all had as much fun as I did running for you all.
Thank you very much for running it.  I'm really glad I was fortunate enough to be able to get in on it, and had a great time.  
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Muzz on Mar 27, 2022, 08:19 PM
Eidolon Avatar
Really want to thank Whisper, Meridian, Alastriona, Rowna and Aravilar for making my first extended plot just fantastic. You all were invested and had some great RP moments. I hope you all had as much fun as I did running for you all.
It was a delightful first quest for me on Cormyr, and really well done; thank you for the experience! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Diestormlie on Mar 31, 2022, 06:33 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for Melody (in her Player Capacity) as, err, Melody. Ness and her have had some excellent and very enjoyable scenes in the past few days.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: snorriht on Apr 01, 2022, 12:00 AM
I want to thank Lena, Solf and Marcus (Greycastle) for some very enjoyable roleplay at the Immerflow and beyond.  
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Valimar Dragonbane on Apr 01, 2022, 09:02 AM
snorriht Avatar
I want to thank Lena, Solf and Marcus (Greycastle) for some very enjoyable roleplay at the Immerflow and beyond.  
Awww, thanks! Benito is a fun character to get to know!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: fluffyduck on Apr 19, 2022, 01:29 PM
Wanted to personally thank over here to people like and  for some really amazing RP experiences that I had the option to experience during the last couple of weeks!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Jazzmyra on May 04, 2022, 08:40 AM
Shout out to  and  for the fun interactions and meaningful roleplay during Anyai's quest. Glad you all stuck with her for it! 

And in general, thanks @ basically everyone I RP with. The server does help me a lot through my day to day troubles which 2020's seem intent to make as taxing as possible for me :D
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Silveryfeather on Jul 07, 2022, 05:04 PM
My turn:

Thank you for the awesome rp between Castellos and Holly it's been a fun journey so far and i can't wait to see where it leads. Also thank you for your patience when real snags me away from CD as it sometimes does

Tevna and Draven, such an intruiging story we are weaving between them. It has only begun but i'm sure there will many interesting twists and turns in their path

Thank you for being a good friend and great person to rp with! I do care as well :D

The trio of Castellos, Holly and Kallo ( sometimes quartett with Van ) is always a joy to watch and rp. Also thank you so much for the beautiful drawings you did. You're awesome!

  We need to rp again! But thank you for the many ideas we shared and developed!

always enjoy rping with you. I don't do it enough

love your sense of humor and your rp! Stay awesome ( also glad that you're back <3 )

thanks for including Eilwyn in your personal quest it was a blast

  Be it as a DM or player you're a joy to have around <3

Everyone else i've rped with and haven't mentioned here, you're glorious too! Thank you everyone for making CD a great place to feel safe at and have fun <3

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: KAObserver on Aug 19, 2022, 09:31 AM
So I'd like to thank for all the great RP we've had in the past three and a half months.  It's been pretty mind blowing and just the RP experience I've needed and been looking for.  So thank you!  

Also more recently all the Players in my Current Nobles Bodyguard Plot.  I recently ran them through some IC interviews and everyone seems a fantastic RP'er so thank you!  And they are!

Lilith Mendar - aliceofthevoid

Geard Boldyr - Power Word Caffeine

Hargand - Uberbadger

Isilya - Tarostar

Valdis - TheNibbles

Saviska 'Savvy' Lasvtera - awakeninfinity

Selina Carter - Throg

Akira Mifuni - moongazer

Look forward to more fun as we get this ball rolling!
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Ashlyn Wild on Aug 19, 2022, 03:00 PM
kaobserver Avatar
So I'd like to thank for all the great RP we've had in the past three and a half months.  It's been pretty mind blowing and just the RP experience I've needed and been looking for.  So thank you!  
Aww, this made my day!  Exact same, back at ya!  <3
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Deleted on Oct 24, 2022, 03:31 PM
This thread is getting too few replies!

Thank you  for your amazing roleplay, and taking time to include everyone in it! 
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: fluffyduck on Nov 04, 2022, 03:39 AM
A huge thanks to and everyone who attended yesterday at the fun silly drinking hangout we had yesterday at shores of lake Eredruid. It was a nice change of pace from usual RP at CD and it was a rather wonderful experience.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Darvins on Dec 15, 2022, 09:02 PM
To Serena's player thank you for tonight, you know we can write stuff in our chars biographies that sound good, but it's not till we play them that what we wrote really gells, so thank you for making so much of my new char gell tonight
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Arya on Sep 10, 2023, 04:37 PM
It has been a while since I did one of these, and so many of you have been wonderful, so please forgive me if I do not mention you by name because I have only had spectacular RP from all I have encountered.

         and         - I miss roleplaying with you, a lot. You had been some of my best people to roleplay with for many years on the server. You are also some of the few I can trust with collaborative roleplay and concepts. It means a lot. 

          and           - It has been nice to get a little more roleplay time with our characters here and there, and I appreciate it because I worry about my own standards and quality of roleplay. Thank you for both going out of your way to let me take initiative during events as DMs, and then encouraging some in-game initiatives for social events!

          - Long time friend and it has been good roleplaying with you, as always. Daeatria does not have many people who can relate to her broken background despite what some might expect of her being noble. It also has been great to have some small social gatherings. RP has always been a gift. <3

          - For a while we lost touch and it is nice to see you around, but also our characters to hang out a little more than they did. The event with the springs and playing truth or dare dice is a very memorable time and brought interesting character developments with another dynamic going on at the scene.

          - Thank you for playing with me more lately! With you, and then          ,          , @wookery01, and others who I do not know their forum tags for, I have been able to show a side of Daeatria she is not always going to show, especially in the dungeon runs. It has just been nice to branch out a bit when I took a break from the document I was working on and I look forward to future encounters! Also appreciate the kindness to me. I sometimes struggle seeing good in my roleplay. Also       , I really appreciate the roleplay you are facilitating with Arilyquess, and look forward to the in-character interactions there and also with Dessielle. One day, Daeatria will have the two have dances!

   , ,    ,     - I know we have not had a ton of time to interact much but this has been a great time when we have. The collaboration during DoM plus the recent roleplays and interactions have been a gift to me and I look forward to doing more of it in the future. Daeatria definitely, I hope, will have more reasons to interact more in the future!

  - Just want to say I appreciate you taking the time to build up on knowledge and immerse yourself in this server. I know you jumped into some very difficult lore. I also know that my own character has particular boundaries, and that might not always go well with others. It is appreciated when you are taking it in-character!

          and @ogden, as well as    - Thank you all for some of the more regular roleplay and interactions I did not initially have. The dream beach party was rather fantastic fun! It was also hilarious to see Daniel tell Daeatria to visit him in his dream anytime and her retort to that, and the fun with @goosebolton as well with it all. I am curious to see further interactions with them all!

         ,          ,           - Thank you for all the roleplay with the Durothil characters between all of my own. I also have been enjoying the roleplay between Kanitae, Kallo, and Vanael. I know that some events had led to them not talking to eachother as much lately but I look forward to it all again. She has been a good person to bring out to help people immerse in the setting's history and lore, especially as she had lived through some of the events and has the knowledge to back. Thorien has been a long time friend of mine and I appreciate maintaining the friendship and continued friendship with everyone else.

      ,       , and      and     - Everytime we roleplay is a gift. I wish we could do it more but I know timezones and player groups shift with an ebb and flow. Either way, I look forward to when we can play again.  I especially appreciate the interactions with Alyrae and co even when Daeatria sometimes facepalms over the pineapple dropping!

      ,       ,        ...many more I am not tagging to protect confidentiality, but you belong in the Zhentarim or the drow group that I had interacted with so if you fit here, this means you, too - I have many more I want to tag here but can only feel safe to tag you three on this because you are the only three I know people out-of-characterly know have Zhentarim characters for sure. I had hoped to tag everyone else, too, in the faction (you know who you are). Either way, I wanted to thank you for several things. First, thank you for reaching out to me and helping me get over some fear that I was not liked or wanted in the faction, something that I internalized over the past years over events I cannot disclose. Second, I want to thank you all for making it easier for me to be in the faction, being patient with me, and for ensuring that everyone is having fun over anything else. This has not only helped me enjoy some of the roleplay when I feel up to playing evil, but it also has helped me handle in-character conflict in a healthy manner that was not historically common to this server. When I have some projects done, I really want to bring my Zhentarim agent out and connect again soon. Otherwise, I will treat every IC and OOC interaction as a gift. You all have been wholesome. I also appreciate you all having welcomed me as you have. It truly means a lot. 

          and           - You have all been a delight to the elf faction and are some of the big reasons why I came back to it. I was originally afraid of my lore ability and the chance to contribute, and through talking with you all, I was able to get back into things. I am going to try not to be discouraged from here. It has also been a pleasure just talking to you all outside of the game in addition to seeing your wonderful roleplay.

         - I know you have not been around lately and it has been years since we really were able to have any meaningful roleplay, short of one or two scenes, but I still remember the awesome times that we had whether you were playing Jezra or Kaleandruil. I know it has been a time of sort, and the situation has made it hard if not impossible for our characters' arcs to align, but know that you are one of my favorite people on Neverwinter Nights. You are also one of my best online friends and I hope one day you can return, even if another character or with Kaleandruil having gotten some progress on what challenges he had before his departure from Daeatria's life. Your roleplay and storytelling is splendid, and I appreciate more importantly your ability to put up with me even when I am not my best. 

         - Thank you for the surprise, but meaningful interaction with Jakinindar. Daeatria does not say it all the time, but she does often find herself feeling a lack of connection with some of the elves, and somehow her interactions with him have given her that connection. There was a lot of unplanned twists and turns, and now it feels like her story needs a bit more time to finish for final chapter, especially as she only just gotten to the point of not being too close to the line of evil. I remember playing with you when I played Mai via Rettsu, and I have been able to explore a depth to my oldest toon that I have not been able to in a long time. I appreciate it. 

Also, dare I mention you besides the Zhentarim group have been one of the first in years to have me have an in-character conflict that feels fun and substantial to a story, versus based on a pure conflict-driven style? That first few days between Daeatria and Jakinindar was awesome and I was laughing at how mean she was at some points because of her feeling offended by his goading. :-D Really appreciate the fun. 

Best wishes,

Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Jan 17, 2024, 10:03 AM
Thank you Bonetree, Darth Jimmi, and AshylnOne for the adventuring last night. I do enjoy slower runs with good RP as we do them, and it was good banter both IC and OOC the whole time.
Title: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: destinysdesire on Feb 02, 2024, 11:02 AM
Thank you to everyone that has made the effort to welcome Trent back to Arabel and RP with the strange guy lacking memories. It can be hard to get your foot back in the door after so long, and while it may seem so minor to rp with the new guy in the square, its honestly very helpful and appreciated!

Looking forward to more!
Title: Re: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: platinum01 on Sep 11, 2024, 11:40 AM
@The Blue Dragons!  @Edge @AnOldFriend @azule @Eidolon (and everyone I forgot!)
RE: Blue Dragon Open House Night (

Thank you for the eye-opening role play about the Blue Dragon's branch of the Cormyr Military. I had hoped to collect more information for Rosalind and Evendur while we were there; but there was so much going on, it made that a bit difficult. You have a lovely guild house, of which you have every reason to be proud. Whomever built it did an amazing job. You've put together a pretty nice group and I hope you obtain the DM attention you need and deserve to continue to grow, flourish and have fun.

I also appreciated your patience with Rosalind. She is a curious sort and persistent, especially with things that spark her interest. She will remember you all in her prayers to Tymora that you all train well, sail on great voyages and always return victorious!

Thank you, again, for opening your "home" to us and giving us a peek into your guild hall! And, also, for the interesting role play! I will never engage in a pillow fight with Sandy!
Title: Re: Thank you for the positive RP experience.
Post by: snorriht on Dec 25, 2024, 12:29 AM
Thank you to the DM (as a South Arabellan guard) who talked to Alahaster the Half-face, about his...face

A wonderful character development opportunity in a 2-minute discussion - it was rp gold ;)