Graz'ztThe Dark Prince, The Ebon Lord of the Abat-DolorDemon Lord
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: A black, six-fingered hand
Home Plane: The Abyss
Realm: Azzagrat
Portfolio: Tyrants, despot, guile, debauchery
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Evil, [Demonic], [Temptation]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
Of the demon princes, none appears more human than Graz'zt, the Dark Prince, patron of tyrants, despots, and all those who would rule by force.
Graz'zt's war with the other demon lords of the Abyss is legendary. He controls the largest kingdom--his realm covers three adjacent layers of the Abyss. Unfortunately, control of a larger realm doesn't exactly translate into an advantage to a demon lord.
Graz'zt's goal is nothing less than total conquest of the Abyss. He despises the fact that Demogorgon is known as the Prince of Demons--he covets that title more than anything else. His crusade to dominate the Abyss proceeds apace. His most recent triumph was the deposing of the Demon Prince of Madness, Adimarchus. With the aid of his son, Athux, Graz'zt was able to engineer Adimarchus's imprisonment on Carceri. Unfortunately, Graz'zt was unable to conquer Adimarchus's realm, Occipitus. The Dark Prince's cold war of intrigue, sabotage, and slander against Malcanthet has also been consuming much of his time of late, and Abyssal rumor holds that an all-out war between their realms is drawing nigh.
Although a master tactician and accomplished swordfighter, Graz'zt's true strengths lie in seduction and guile. It is not by force alone, he realizes, that one can win control, but by controlling those who think they are in control. He enjoys the notion that he is the most intelligent, cunning creature in the Abyss; certainly, there are few who can match him in this arena (with the possible exceptions of Malcanthet and Pazuzu).
Unlike many other Demon Princes, Graz'zt pays a great deal of attention (through spies, mostly) to what goes on in the Material Plane. He is fond of trading favors with mortals, giving aid or information now for services to be demanded later. His most infamous alliance with a mortal is his relationship with the witch-queen Iggwilv.
Using lore stolen from the mad archmage Zagig, Iggwilv managed the audacious and shocking feats of conjuring Graz'zt and imprisoning him on the Material Plane. The two became unlikely lovers, and before long a child was born. But as time wore on, Graz'zt began to suspect Iggwilv had no intention of ever releasing him. He could see how his aid had elevated her power significantly, and the time finally came when he could use some of what she had taught him to increase his own power, if only he could escape.
Eventually, Iggwilv faltered in her control, and Graz'zt turned on her. An epic battle ensued, forcing Iggwilv to expend every spell, artifact, and ally she could, and although she managed to banish Graz'zt back to the Abyss, consigning him to a century of imprisonment, she was herself weakened to the point where she was forced to go into hiding. Eventually, Graz'zt had his revenge and managed to lure her into the Abyss where he imprisoned her for a time and was finally able to regain his stolen power, and then some. Iggwilv eventually escaped back to the Material Plane, and today she and Graz'zt maintain a love-hate relationship, each seeking to use the other to gain power in their own domains.
Graz'zt's cult is small except among certain monstrous races such as the lamias. Most of his priests, known as the Chosen, are female--a testament to his insatiable libido, although the Dark Prince has been known to take on male priests as well. His temples are dark, secluded places often guarded by lamias, harpies, or succubi with class levels.
Graz'zt enjoys contrasts, oppositions, and mismatches others find jarring or disgusting. Despite his fantastic wealth and love of the grotesque, he lives fairly simply. Wily and cunning, he keeps his mind clear from distractions so he can focus on claiming more land and minions by defeating his enemies, one at a time.