Forum ReorganizationOur custom content/mechanics and player resources forums have had some minor reshuffling in an effort to better increase the visibility of these topics and organize some types of content better.
- Haks & Custom Content forum is no longer a subforum hidden under another forum, now it stands out proudly on the home page under the "Server Mechanics and Information" board category.
- Server Mechanics and Systems now houses individual threads for all our mechanical information which was previously all bundled in a single thread buried in a subforum.
- Server Updates & Public Roadmap now houses our changelog threads and public update preview/proposal threads such as our PRC classes that are in the works that were previously buried under our builder forum.
- Player Resources which held information such as our server timeline and lore have been moved into a new board category, Server Setting and Lore Resources. In this new category you'll also find new threads for lore information on our deities and origin regions, which segues into our next announcement...
Deity ExpansionWe are expanding our list of supported deities on the server to now include a subset of 2e Forgotten Realms elven deities available to elven characters. Our expanded Seldarine pantheon now includes:
Our domains and favored weapon posts have been updated to include these new deities.
Tarsellis Meunniduin is a valid nature deity.
Naralis Analor and Tethrin Veraldé, being Neutral Good, support elven paladins.
We have also added domains, favored weapons, and details to the following deities/powers so that they can support divine characters: