Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Ask the Staff Anything => Topic started by: L30 on Jun 08, 2017, 03:58 PM

Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: L30 on Jun 08, 2017, 03:58 PM
Hi I've played on this server a few times...
I just found that grinding money was a bit easy with every single creature giving gold.
I didn't find the magic items to be that expensive.Why is that?High power,high magic?

If you allow me I'll talk about the FRC a bit...There it's much harder to get large sums of money and magic items are more rare.
Now I don't believe FRC is better than CD...In fact there the horse riding is much more limited and the rules are completely 3.0 and outdated.
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: Edge on Jun 08, 2017, 04:06 PM
FRC also has a rule where you may only do a dungeon once a week, I've been informed by players who have been there. CD does not punish people for going out and adventuring or limiting their ability to visit dungeons, which makes money and items more common.

Mid- and high-level dungeons are designed with this better spread of equipment in mind, so yes, this is what you might consider a higher-power server as far as treasure and equipment go. This is not going to be changing, and if that's not the sort of game you enjoy then CD is probably not the place for you.

Furthermore, to be quite blunt, you've made a very small amount of posts and ALL of them have been complaining about or requesting changes about something. This is not giving us a very positive impression of you and has started to become excessively annoying. I highly recommend you take a break from making "suggestions" for a while.
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jun 08, 2017, 04:13 PM
To add a bit about the design philosophy:

CD isn't meant to force you to grind a bunch of dungeons at a set pace to be an active player that can take part in the full range of things.
So, if you're the sort of player that doesn't like grinding dungeons a lot, you're fine.
It also isn't meant to force you NOT to grind dungeons. So if you happen to really like grinding dungeons? Have at it.
One side affect of this is that, yes, gold isn't quite as meaningful as it might otherwise be, because it's possibly to hit ridiculous numbers. There's really no way to prevent that though, short of heavy handed measures, due to the nature of a lot of factors dealing with MMOs. We don't see it as a problem, once people realize and accept that fact (that there's no massive advantage on CD to having millions and millions of gold).
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: L30 on Jun 08, 2017, 04:15 PM
Edge Avatar
FRC also has a rule where you may only do a dungeon once a week, I've been informed by players who have been there. CD does not punish people for going out and adventuring or limiting their ability to visit dungeons, which makes money and items more common.

Mid- and high-level dungeons are designed with this better spread of equipment in mind, so yes, this is what you might consider a higher-power server as far as treasure and equipment go. This is not going to be changing, and if that's not the sort of game you enjoy then CD is probably not the place for you.

Furthermore, to be quite blunt, you've made a very small amount of posts and ALL of them have been complaining about or requesting changes about something. This is not giving us a very positive impression of you and has started to become excessively annoying. I highly recommend you take a break from making "suggestions" for a while.
Wow!This hit me hard...I'm so sorry.
See CD is a bit low populated and I've not found many friends yet.
However,I believe I may still give it a chance,I promise to let up with the suggestions now.
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Jun 08, 2017, 05:01 PM
I use to play on FRC, I'm well aware of the dungeon a week policy. It's generally a good server, but it's also part of the reason I left.
That said, at no point in CD, during my time wandering the sewers of Arabel by myself, hunting rats for hours and having flashbacks to Vietnam, did I find myself saying "Boy oh boy! This sure is a breeze! I wish this process was LONGER! :D"

Sometimes it's nice to push a character's story forward, and not remain level 5 for a year while watching the upper class high level players wander in from Suzail every now and then, going "lol they still live in Greatgaunt."
My point is that I don't have a point, and I'm merely sitting here patiently, awaiting my next mission in life from Satan.

Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: L30 on Jun 08, 2017, 05:31 PM
Maybe I was misunderstood.With my only complaint being rats in sewers giving gold after kill.
I was talking about money grinding not xp grinding so...
Forgive me guys.
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Jun 08, 2017, 05:36 PM
There is no forgiveness, only Zuul.
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: Misty on Jun 08, 2017, 08:15 PM
Honestly, the gold from kills becomes a very small portion of the gold you'll be making from selling loot later on anyway. It's helpful early on, a bonus later on.
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames on Jun 08, 2017, 08:35 PM
L30 Avatar
Maybe I was misunderstood.With my only complaint being rats in sewers giving gold after kill.
I was talking about money grinding not xp grinding so...
Forgive me guys.
Don't worry about it. :) What character(s) do you play? I can try to have my big dude run into one of your characters sometime for RP.
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: Arya on Jun 08, 2017, 08:54 PM
Please keep in mind also that on this topic particular, many people here have sporadic schedules. Some of us do not get to play much at all and so slowing the leveling process can actually really make it hard for us to keep up, while others may have a little more time. No matter what you do to adjust the gold, XP, etc, there will always be those people who will be a step ahead due to pure time on their hands. For me, there are times my character's XP, gold, and -story- even is going to be expedited within months versus a year or two due to time and activity.

Then they will have a point where there will be months where nothing moves at all.

It is just the nature of the game and in the interest of the community here to have a little flexibility on how quickly characters' development can progress.

And really, in the grand scheme of things, if you do intend to try it out and try to find the good things and focus on that (versus the negative, which Edge noted as a concern), this is a small issue. As JamesDude said, do not worry about it.

Yes. Many of us are usually willing to RP if reached out, if we have a moment. ^.^

Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: Nokteronoth on Jun 09, 2017, 02:29 PM
Prices on gear from character merchants is also inflated to match what you'll get from dungeons as a result. My characters will sell high-end items for anywhere from 1-200,000 coins. Epic gear goes for a lot more, but even mid-tier, 'blue' weaponry will often go from 40-70k, and I've spent multiple millions on outfitting a single character with a well-stocked healing box.

Eventually the gold means little, but the dungeoning is fun with people. Once you hit level 8, every level after has an incrementally longer period of RP XP, so you are encouraged to do both dungeons and XP/events. It's a good balance, in my opinion.

You have progress, through either just RP, or RP & dungeoning, or RP & dungeoning & questing. It's not so slow as to not feel like any kind of progression, though nor can you just grindfest your way into being a strong presence in anything. You'll likely be spending a year or more on a character if you want them to get 20 or above.

Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: trylobyte on Jun 10, 2017, 01:04 AM
The gold thing you've noticed is also a side effect of the fact that grinding for XP is actually really hard, especially at the low levels.  It takes hours of grind to get out of rats/ants/goblins and by then you probably have a nice pile of cash, it seems like a lot.  Later on though gold becomes much more fluid - I know epic-level characters with gold problems.  Essentially, how much gold you have depends on how safe your character is and how much they rely on self-buffing and magic - Less-safe characters will spend a lot of money on heal potions (they don't have time to disengage and use kits) and characters who rely on self-buffing will spend fortunes on scrolls (due to dispels being more common at higher levels).  I've seen people run a dungeon and lose money on it because they got in a tight spot or got dispelled too much.  Everyone else is right, too, in that having a lot of gold doesn't actually mean anything in roleplay terms.

As for being seen as a complainer, just take the time to integrate with folks and hang around with them.  Once you have some stuff to do and some people to pal around with the more positive posts will come naturally and that will do a lot to diffuse the reputation as someone who complains a lot.  Unless you're like me, in which case that reputation never quite goes away altogether, but I'm a special case because I've been at it far longer.  :P  So yeah, you're fine.  It's actually nice to see people making suggestions, at least to me.
Title: Grinding so easy?
Post by: Ballistic_Dummy on Jul 02, 2017, 09:43 AM
I don't think grinding is easy, the xp drip requires you to be active and then it stops after a set amount based on character/ECl. I've been on the server since 2011 and still don't have a single character over level 20 and never have held more than 200k gold at any given time.