Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Ask the Staff Anything => Topic started by: JadeDragon on Dec 26, 2019, 01:36 PM

Title: Request for information on an NPC
Post by: JadeDragon on Dec 26, 2019, 01:36 PM
There is a person named Iphegor Nath. He is a human male and he is the High FlameLord of Kossuth in the Temple of Flaming Brazier in Thay, Eltabbar.

I have tried to research him but there's nothing I can find.

For the purpose of Serinas future goals, it would be nice if I had a little information made up about him. It doesn't have to be much. I'm just having her try and research the religion as much as possible.

Things I'd like to know.

Is he evil? Other than the obvious mannerisms a Kossuthian devotee might have, a little of his personality. Is he old? Does he still run the temple? Does he accept audiences or is he willing to travel to meet? Is he acceptable to donations to provide favor?

Anything that might help with a meeting, if you'd be willing to grant it for Serina.

Thank you.
Title: Request for information on an NPC
Post by: Edge on Dec 26, 2019, 10:45 PM
A quick Google search reveals that the character is sourced originally from a novel titled Unclean. Having not read it, I can't really comment on its contents or if it's been incorporated into sourcebook lore since.

I also found this in a WOTC web article about Warlocks, dated 2007 so I think it's in 3.5 material:
Thay also has at least a few genasi warlocks in the service of the Firelord. High Flamelord Iphegor Nath (UnA) employs several fire genasi warlocks to defend his temple and, on occasion, perform special missions in the name of Kossuth. It is believed that Nath brokered a deal between the genasi and the primal fire elemental known as Sthes'kthes. In return for serving the primal and his master Kossuth, the genasi were granted warlock powers. The four warlocks -- Arthek, Duron, Canthel, and Dzivir -- are known for their fire-related invocations and equally fiery tempers.

This website lists him as "High Flamelord Iphegor Nath, LN male human Clr 13/Dis4 of Kossuth (leader of Kossuth's faith in Thay)" in a statblock of details for the city of Eltabbar, but I can't find where they sourced their information from.

FRWiki describes him as "Iphegor was tall, [sic] man with a burly build. His eyes burned with an orange, fiery light. At times, small flames would dance upon his silhouette, without harming his robes or skin. Iphegor had a presence of sardonic composure that accompanied him, which was readily noticeable by others." So he doesn't sound elderly, though I could be mistaken.

That's about all I could scrounge up in a quick search before heading to bed. Maybe someone else will have more info for you. =)
Title: Request for information on an NPC
Post by: JadeDragon on Dec 28, 2019, 02:05 PM
Thank you. I guess my google search didn't come up with the same things.