I have made it known to DM's that I have a few....stumbling blocks when it comes to my own personal life...Something though part of me never understood was why. Recently I was suggested to try out a personality test that can tell you so much about a person. Here is the test site, takes about 10-12 minutes, and it can REALLY tell you a lot about yourself. For those interested, I am also adding my own results. Something that may even help the DM's and Admin understand me a bit better.
Link to the site:
www.16personalities.com/free-personality-testMy results:
Myers Briggs test... I've taken one before. So long as you answer true then the result shouldn't be too surprising. That said, it is usually harder for us to see ourselves for what we are than it is for an outside observer.
My result:
www.16personalities.com/intj-personalityI've taken this test several times over the years for various classes and again just a couple weeks ago. Always INTJ. Not entirely sure how to feel about this, given most of the examples are fictional villains and real-world politicians...
INFJ-AWho would have guessed. *Snerk*
Hehe, I always take this before creating a character. Trying to give me an idea of what the personalty of my characters will be like.