Hi all,
I realize I've only joined recently. But! I still have a suggestion which would improve the overal experience of all classes whom summon creatures to help them out.
Here goes;
One thing I've personally always enjoyed on (other) servers is the following:
- Being able to control this summon using a simple player tool. (https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/script/balkoths-minion-control)
The control companion tool is a very nice add-on which allows to independantly control minions and possibly speak through them using chat commands.
It's also relatively easy to implement and compitable with nearly all systems most NWN servers use.
- Being able to summon more than 1 summon at once. This is usually dependant on SF: Conjuration or GSF: Conjurationn)
- Being able to switch from summoning "themes" using set reagents (1 use) and/or books (permanent). In this way one could portray different types of summoners (Fire elementals, ghosts, celestials, nature, insects etc.)
List item 2
I understand these last suggestions are a lot of work in the way of balancing etc, but it adds so much to portraying arcane and/or divine classes.
Anyway! Just a idea I had. Hope you all like it as much as I do

We have been looking at implementing a "choose your summons" system for some time, but it's lower in priority than other things at the moment to it's still in the works.
However, We will not ever be implementing the multiple summons per character function. As CD is designed around group play, a single character being able to control multiple minions of at-level power (compared to the few henchmen based spells we currently have, which summon a small crowd of weaker monsters) basically removes the need for finding other PCs to accompany the caster thru dungeons. As this is antithetical to our intended server design and expectation of play, it will not be implemented here.
Alright. Thank you for the quick reply.
What of the proposed tool, however? It's very clean, neat and more importantly -not- another usuable item.
It's pretty sweet!
That's something someone with more scripting knowledge than I will have to look at.