Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Races of the Realms => Topic started by: Fire Wraith on Jun 16, 2023, 02:55 AM

Title: People of the Heartlands - A brief overview of the populace
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jun 16, 2023, 02:55 AM
As a way to help get an idea of the lay of the server, below is a brief explanation of the 'typical' sorts of people and attitudes one would expect to find in the four major lands in or bordering the server's main region. These are not hard and fast, and there are certainly exceptions, but expect that the vast majority of people in the given nation/region are that way or close to it. This is also just a basic introduction, and there are far more materials available that can give better and more in-depth examples, as well.

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Title: People of the Heartlands - A brief overview of the populace
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jun 16, 2023, 02:55 AM
Cormyr: Hereditary Monarchy

Aka the Forest Kingdom, the Land of the Purple Dragon
Location: West of Sembia, West and Southwest of the Dalelands
Alignment: LG/NG/LN

Cormyrians (or Cormytes) are by and large honest, peace-loving, content folk with a staunch loyalty to their homeland and their monarch, and tend to be law-abiding. Cormyr is a civilized kingdom, and its inhabitants take great pride in their ways. They tend to be gregarious and love to gossip, but may quickly turn suspicious of outsiders with certain questionable allegiance or ties. Cormyrians tend to be an even mix of farm and city dwelling folk.
Title: People of the Heartlands - A brief overview of the populace
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jun 16, 2023, 02:56 AM
The Dalelands: Informal Confederation of Independent Regions

Location: North of Sembia, East and Northeast of Cormyr, South of the Moonsea Region
Alignment: NG/CG/N

Dalesfolk tend to be quiet folk who often come off as reserved or suspicious of strangers, preferring to remain civil and deliberate until they've taken the measure of someone. Once their trust is earned however, they tend to be staunch friends and allies, open and generous. Honest and hearty, they believe strongly in industriousness, preferring deeds over words. Dalesfolk tend towards farm rather than city life, although there are towns of modest size in the region as well. The Dales also tend to fall into three categories: the Trading Dales, more urbane and densely populated with large towns that deal more regularly with outsiders (Archendale, Scardale, Tasseldale), the Rustic Dales, quiet and pastoral that feature large farms, small hamlets, and rural villages, comprising all the remaining Dales save the two "Transitional" Dales of Deepingdale and Harrowdale, who fell somewhere between the other two extremes.
Title: People of the Heartlands - A brief overview of the populace
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jun 16, 2023, 02:56 AM
Sembia: Merchant Republic

Aka the Land of Merchants
Location: East of Cormyr, South of the Dalelands
Alignment: LN/NG/LE

Sembites (or Sembians) tend to be natural traders, haughty and sometimes cutthroat, enjoying any opportunity to make deals. They religiously observe contract law and pay their debts with interest, and prone to tolerating corruption so long as it doesn't interfere with business. They tend to take an aggressive attitude to foreign relations, even if often disagreeing what direction that should take. Primarily dominated by city-dwellers, they see themselves as more civilized and superior to other cities and realms. While some Sembites (especially among the nobility) hold negative views of outsiders, thinking them lesser, it remains a popular place to seek one's fortune.
Title: People of the Heartlands - A brief overview of the populace
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jun 16, 2023, 02:56 AM
The Moonsea Region: Independent City-States

Location: North of the Dalelands
Alignment: LE/LN/N

Although there are differences from city to city, the people of the Moonsea region are usually a hard and unforgiving sort, who tend to see the world as a cruel place that allows only the strong-willed to survive. They tend to distrust strangers, hold tight to private matters, and avoid revealing anything that might be seen as weakness. These traits come from living in a harsh and unforgiving land that are beset by tyrannical rulers as well as raiding humanoid tribes and monsters as well.