Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: kriegeternal on May 14, 2022, 02:06 AM

Title: New item. Tome Of Shadows
Post by: kriegeternal on May 14, 2022, 02:06 AM
So the concept for this is pretty simple. This is another summoning tome. This specific tome summons shadow related creatures.

lesser Planar summon being the nighthaunt
This creature is a much weaker relative to the night walker.

Planar Summons being the Nightwing
This creature is another relative to the night walker. More powerful than the Nighthaunt but not a ton.

Greater planar summon being Nightwalker (YES the dreaded night walker.) (Suggestion use the huge varriant which is a bit weaker.)

Finally Gate The NightCrawler

These creatures are little used honestly and quite deadly in each of their own rights. I would guess this items would suffer similar issues to the demons and Devils books and be burned considering the creatures called within are of evil nature.


ALIGNMENT non umd Bypass

Spell required for summons not to be hostile. 
Protection from evil/Circle against evil/ Aura vs Evil or something of this nature. OR summons turn on summoner similar to pitfiends and balors. 


Honestly fairly niche but quite useful for certain builds. (IE necromancers since these are considered undead and would be protected from negetive energy. Perfect for evil spellcasters who don't want to use devils or demons. Honestly could potentially require shadow weave to make use of. 

I fully realize the last two creatures are powerful and  would likely be turned down some. This is just a spitball to kinda get the ball rolling.