Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Blackheart on Dec 23, 2022, 07:58 PM

Title: Call for Information - Noble PCs
Post by: Blackheart on Dec 23, 2022, 07:58 PM
Good evening CD!

With staff permission, I'll be compiling a list of information regarding the noble families played by PCs on CD. This list is meant to be a resource for DMs to reference in plots so that when a PC's noble lineage is brought up in roleplay, we're able to have NPCs act more consistently. 

There have been a few times where PCs have been confused that in one plot they're received one way, and in another plot, they're received another way. Sometimes there are things operating behind the scenes that the PCs aren't necessarily aware of (regional difference, opinion of the family, inherent distaste of nobility, etc), but sometimes, there's a gap in information that we as DMs have access to (achievements in plots, relation to family, etc). This list is meant to remedy both of those issues, and help create a more meaningful experience for those who wish to wield (for better or worse) their family's reputation in an event. 

What I would ask from those of you who play noble PCs is to PM me on the FORUMS a list of information, to include:

  • Your PCs Name (include the last name please)
  • If your family is a canonical Faerun house or homebrew for CD
  • PCs homeland
  • Name of the head of the house
  • PCs relation to the head of the house
  • A link to your approved CD app for your noble PC
  • Any noteworthy deeds/failures accomplished via plots on CD

I may ask for more information as needed.

This information will not be posted publicly, and is only meant to be used as DM reference. So please, don't feel the need to hide anything, as the more information we have, the better we can roleplay our interactions. 

While this information will be used as a DM reference, some of it will also be available to the PCs in question. Once the information has been received from you, the player, we will organize it, run it through a committee of staff members, and then push out what's applicable/known to you, so that you also have a reference for what you believe your family's standing is.

If you have any questions, please PM them to me via discord or forums. But again, if you'll be providing information, do so via FORUM MESSAGE.

- Blackheart