General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Phaesporia on Jun 17, 2023, 12:08 AM
Title: C_D Server Lore Change Guide
Post by: Phaesporia on Jun 17, 2023, 12:08 AM
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Navigating the forums, or even the lore channel history in discord, can be pretty difficult when looking for certain information. Sometimes there's hearsay, sometimes you don't find out about something until after you've already made your concept. For anyone struggling to find the changes, or even those just curious, I've compiled this list of all the lore changes and homebrew additions made on the server for ease in the following format of the summary of the change and then the link to the post/where the detailed information is. Changes to the lore are things that are more functional towards the setting itself while changes due to the story are things that have drastically changed since the server's break after the canon year of 1372 DR.
I'll try to keep this as updated as I can so please feel free to bring stuff to my attention here or on discord if I get something wrong/miss something!
A majority of lore changes can be found here as well and the story changes from plotlines have all been added here.
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Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. Taken from the world of Eberron, Changelings in C_D are the descendants of humans and doppelgängers.
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. Elves mature at the age of 100 years old instead of 110. Rather than spending the first century in adolescence as earlier lore suggests, elves mature physically the same as humans and mentally mature at 100.
For Drow, the Silence of Lolth only lasted a few months. The nobility follow this homebrewed guideline in function.
Taken from Pathfinder is the term and idea of 'Forlorn.' It was taken as a way to explain 'non-elfy' elves in character while being lore friendly and more welcoming to new players.
The soul mate bond known as 'thiramin' has also been homebrewed for C_D to better fit contrasting sources. It requires an admin application and connects the lives and deaths of both characters bonded.
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. On C_D, a Favored Soul is someone with a 'divine spark' that allows them to channel the power of a deity, much like a cleric but through Charisma. A patron may favor one and give them their spells, but gods don't pick random people to 'make' them Favored Souls, the people who are this already have this 'divine spark.' Every Favored Soul must give faith to the god giving them their powers or else risk falling.
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. Angels of Decay -- Taken from 4e, Angels of Decay originated from a "celestial host" that was sent to slay Orcus while he was on the Prime. Failing in their task, he turned them into undead. (Source -- Me getting it approved by admins)
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. The Fey on C_D have been completely homebrewed and the following lorepost will be needed for anything regarding them. Instead of the Seelie and Unseelie distinction, the fey have been divided into the Summer Court, the Winter Court, and the Wyld Court. There are only three gods of the fey, Titania of the Summer Court (favored weapon - dagger), Mab of the Winter Court (favored weapon - spear), and The Stag Lord of the Wyld Court (favored weapon - longbow)
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. Taken from Pathfinder, this is a knight dedicated to a nature deity and/or a fey court.
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. On C_D, Half-Dragons are born however their mother naturally gives birth in regards to hatched from an egg vs live births. They must consume water and normal food.
Admin Edge has said that the suggested formula for half-dragon lifespans is the age of the max parent dragon age / 10, then add to max age of base race parent
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. Taken from the lore of Libris Mortis, Half-Vampires, also known as Dhampyr or Dhampir, are living creatures with the same lifespan as their normal race. They can have normal eyes or red eyes, permanent fangs or retractable, or even no fangs at all!
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. Lycanthropy, on C_D, is limited compared to FR canon. Only humans and half-giants can contract it while elves die from it. The only exception is the elven 'Lythari.'
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. Taken from the Libris Mortis sourcebook, this PrC is for necromancers that want to balance between life and death.
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More. Taken from the lore of Eberron, Warforged on C_D were first created just before 1378 DR as a pact with Mechanus to fight off the Far Realm's invasions. While the first Warforged were taken from voluntary Purple Dragons and such, Warforged are not tied to Cormyr or any one country/faction.