since the last module update (January 24th) players cannot see the challenge rating of other players anymore.
From the perspective of a player who likes to explore and adventure about: Please bring that feature back. Of course it is meta, but I daresay it is just as meta as seeing the challenge rating of any npc or beast (and much less meta and comfortable than using /listpcs, which gives away more meta information and details than that harmless challenge rating info).
It is just so much more fun to travel, explore and adventure in a group of roughly similar might (level), than to hobble along as a level 3 with a group of level 23's or vice versa.
Other than that: Cheers to the creators, scripters and nice community of the beautiful Cormyr and Dalelands!
Hello! The feature won't be brought back, but you can use the /listpcs command to see everyone's exact level. Players in your area will all be listed together.
While it was useful to guesstimate people's level at a range, it also led to multiple instances of players mistakenly thinking they shouldn't interact with others because they looked "Impossible" and so on. RP-speaking, it's not like every powerful character displays strength outwardly either.