I was scanning along some of the older threads, and landed on Vincent's old "RPing Conduct" thread from back in 2013. It gives a link to a wonderful read called "The Role-Player's Guide to Multiplayer Neverwinter Nights," but sadly the link is to NWVault, and we all know that place gave up the ghost a while ago.
I recommend this to anyone, whether you are new to our little scene (and if you're reading this, welcome!) or have been doing this for years, this is a fantastic resource to look over if you plan on touching up your immersion game.
I love some of the points in this. Many of them are pretty much basic, but there are a few things that are not practiced enough (namely under the respecting DMs and players part).
Is there a way we can have this stickied somewhere? I say +2 Likes/Loves for this one!
I think it'd be cool if this were stickied, yeah. Definitely an awesome read and wonderful source, since I've seen basically everything suggested in the guide to be openly encouraged by the-powers-that-be.