Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Art & Stories => Topic started by: Pele Leekpai on Mar 31, 2022, 11:40 AM

Title: Drawing by Drahg
Post by: Pele Leekpai on Mar 31, 2022, 11:40 AM
Either found on Drahg's person, or handed out as drawn, there are several pictures drawn by Drahg. They are often characteractures of people, rather cartoonish in appearance, but still drawn with a stead hand.

Picture of Darsio Oppen

This is a picture of Darsio Oppen. It is more a characterature of him, however, then an actual portrait. the picture was done in various colors of chalk, with a pale blue for his sapphire eyes, and white wide strokes for hair, his horns peeking out. It only shows his head and shoulders, as well as chibi wings.

Darsio Oppen
Title: Drawing by Drahg
Post by: peleleekpai on Apr 03, 2022, 09:14 PM
Another Portrait by Drahg is found, this time of a young woman.

Portrait of Tonya.

This characterture portrait of Tonya Bleak was partially done in white chalk, partially done with paints. Her silver white hair and pale blueish skin were in start contrast to her dark golden orbs.

Her black lips were plump and curled into a smile, and her black stone necklace laid upon her neck. Only her puffy shoulder cloak was visible besides that.
Title: Drawing by Drahg
Post by: Edge on Apr 03, 2022, 09:16 PM
Tonya thinks it's adorable and is going to hang up her copy in her room.
Title: Drawing by Drahg
Post by: peleleekpai on Apr 16, 2022, 02:19 PM
Another portrait is revealed, with time of a cloaked and hooded figure playing the violin.

This was a characterture of Rhyx, a woman with a dark hood covering her face and expression, while she played on the violin. Her clothes were black or near black, while the vilin was a bright reddish brown, the lively part of the portrait. Everything was a bit out of proportion, but it was clear the woman was striking a tune on the violin.
