Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kymus on Jul 20, 2018, 06:51 AM

Title: Remaking my Spellsword
Post by: Kymus on Jul 20, 2018, 06:51 AM
So given that Vincent has taken the Spellsword class out to the pasture and (heartlessly and mercilessly!) shot it dead, I'm trying to figure out how best to rework my Spellsword. The Arcane Warrior sounds cool and I'd like to try it out, but that build is rather different from what I had for my Spellsword.

The basics (as they are now):

Lvl 13:

Fighter 1/ Wizard 11/ Spellsword 1

Str 16
Dex: 8
Con: 14
Int: 20
Wis: 8
Cha: 8

He is presently wearing (Drow) chainmail and uses a longsword and shield

As I understand it, the Arcane Warrior's abilities require no armor or shield and it's charisma based. This means it would be considerably reworked and would require different stats and likely a Dex-based weapon.

I have no idea where even to begin! Suggestions, please?

Title: Remaking my Spellsword
Post by: ladybug on Jul 20, 2018, 11:57 AM
That's swordmage. AW is just a tweaked Spellsword. You should have no problem remaking your Spellsword into the new class as-is; mine made the change just fine.
More info from the changelog:

--Mandatory Class Change, old version disabled.
--Renamed to Arcane Warrior
--Gains Toughness at level 6.
--Channel Spell used increased to 3/6/9.
--New Ability Progression:
--1: Automatic Still Spell I
--2: Channel Spell I
--3: Brew Potion
--4: Channel SPell II
--5: Automatic Still Spell II
--6: Toughness
--8: Bonus Feat
--9: Channel Spell III
--10: Automatic Still Spell III

Title: Remaking my Spellsword
Post by: Edge on Jul 20, 2018, 11:58 AM
Arcane Warrior IS Spellsword, just with its abilities tweaked and code changed to be less server breaking.

The CHA-based no-armor class is Swordmage, which is a base class, not a Prestige Class.

EDIT: ninja'd by ladyghost.

Note that the progression is slightly glitches, and you may not receive the Auto Still feats automatically; if not, you can get them added by requesting a leto.
Title: Remaking my Spellsword
Post by: Kymus on Jul 20, 2018, 02:15 PM
Whew, thanks guys. That makes much more sense. I couldn't wrap my head around how a no-armor no-shield CHA-based class was a replacement and now I realize that I was just being a dummy. Oops?  :D

I'll take more time to look it over and figure this out ^^

Title: Remaking my Spellsword
Post by: Misty on Jul 20, 2018, 02:46 PM
Edge Avatar
Note that the progression is slightly glitches, and you may not receive the Auto Still feats automatically; if not, you can get them added by requesting a leto.
I had to get Toughness leto'd in as well, Kymus. With the feats the class works very well!
Title: Remaking my Spellsword
Post by: Kymus on Jul 20, 2018, 02:56 PM
So as I understand it the biggest difference is that there is no arcane spell failure reduction but instead you get auto still spell?
Title: Remaking my Spellsword
Post by: Kymus on Jul 20, 2018, 02:57 PM
Misty Avatar
Edge Avatar
Note that the progression is slightly glitches, and you may not receive the Auto Still feats automatically; if not, you can get them added by requesting a leto.
I had to get Toughness leto'd in as well, Kymus. With the feats the class works very well!

Eeek! Good to know that I need to pay attention. I may or may not be bad at that :D :D
Title: Remaking my Spellsword
Post by: Edge on Jul 20, 2018, 05:20 PM
Kymus Avatar
So as I understand it the biggest difference is that there is no arcane spell failure reduction but instead you get auto still spell?
Basically yes.

Long story short, the old version did its spell failure reduction via scripts and on-equip flags and other such things. Unfortunately due to a variety of factors, this version of the class started doing bad things like destroying all the magical properties on affected items.

When he did the hak updates, Vincent thus remade the class to not use those scripts (as for some reason simply changing the scripts or other attempts at fixes never seemed to do the job, or it wouldn't stick, or other problems) and to just use the built-in NWN Auto Still feats instead.