Mff. You know the saying about best laid plans? Well, mine got shot to **** this past month. I don't normally post away/arrival messages but I thought I'd do one in this case.
I had plans to get back into the regular swing of NWN after a long series of "moments of sporadic awayness," to quote another thread title that would have been totally fitting for this one if it had not already been taken! Ahem.
To put it simply, and without going into depressing, or stressing detail, my sister-in-law's alcohol abuse has destroyed her marriage to my older brother and has left the care of their son to the rest of our family while my brother has to work to replenish depleted coffers. Because our area is a major metropolitan one and all our homes are spread out this has required a lot of driving, compromising of sleep, and other plans, such as my return to NWN on the regular.
It is my hope that August will be more stable with school starting and him filing for divorce along with a protective order. One month of this has been nerve-wracking, two would be absolutely miserable. I look forward to being able to invest more time into this community and appreciate the support I've received from those aware of this issue.
Sucks to hear, man. Hope things get better soon.
Hope for the best, duder.

Juggling familial issues with personal life stuff is never fun. Looking forward to seeing you more often, and hope things end up for the better.
Yeah. Family drama like that is never fun. :-( Hope things work out for the best sooner than later!
You know my sentiments, bromigo. There'll be more hugs upon your return.

Ouch, that bites. Here's hoping things clear up for you soon.

Take care of yourself and your family! We'll still be here when your time frees back up.
That really, really sucks. I'm sending positive energy and thoughts your way, man.
That hurts, and I'm so sorry, if there's anything I can do, I really would love to. Having lived with alcohol abuse before myself.
*hugs* Much love.
Sorry to hear man. Family first. I hope things get better for both yourself, your brother, and the rest of your fam. I hope the sister-in-law gets the wake up call and the help she needs.