Hi everyone.
Back in 2003 I created a race and played them on several NWN servers. My two current Novels feature the race since they became somewhat popular on some of the old servers I played and dmed on. I'm looking to create a player resource for the race, but I'm not that good at the sitting down and doing it right. I have a good idea and can write all the stories in the world but when it comes for coming up with playable stats and descriptions I usually trip all over my toes.
Looking for someone that can lay down a players resource guide for the race and the hybrids that will eventually evolve from the race. You would need to read my novels to get a feel for them and why there will be hybrids in the future which is one of the big plots of the two novels so far. And then sit down with me and knock it out. probably no more than a couple thousand words needed for each. The original race, the elven/race hybrid and the human/race hybrid.
You can download the books here for free if your interested. Each book is about 250,000 words: harvestmoonconsortium.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=137
I don't think I will attempt to make a character on this server of one of these critters. The elves would quickly destroy them on sight.
Original race: Elder fey'ri Abishai/Ilythiir cross That bred true just before the 1rst crown wars. Dying out due to the thinning of genes
Elven/Elder Fey'ri cross
Human/Elder Fey'ri cross These two variations are beginning to be bred in Anchorome to try to save what's left of the families of the original race.
If anyone is interested in this small project let me know.