VlaakithVlaakith CLVII, The Lich-QueenLesser Deity (Proxy for Tiamat)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Home Plane: Astral Plane
Portfolio: Githyanki, conquest, raiding, destruction of illithids, eternal rulership
Worshipers: Githyanki, red dragon mounts
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Trickery
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: "Silver Sword" (greatsword)
Vlaakith CLVII, the reigning sovereign of the githyanki race, is the legitimate descendant of the original Vlaakith, and her word is law. Unlike her predecessors, however, she is a lich, has no heirs, and in her undead state is now unable to produce them. Vlaakith demands unswerving loyalty and obedience from her people, and few dare question her resolve or her wisdom. She sequesters herself in her forlorn palace and is rarely seen by her subjects. She views undeath merely as a transitional state and strives to become a true god, attaining true immortality and power as vast as the Astral Plane itself.
History/Relationships:Eons ago, the forerunners of the githyanki rebelled against the mind flayers. After winning their freedom with the aid of the legendary Gith, they established a hereditary monarchy, naming Gith their ruler. Gith declined the honor. Civil strife ravaged the forerunner race of the githyanki and githzerai, and the two became vicious rivals.
Eventually, the githyanki settled on the Astral Plane. The husk of the dead god that became the important githyanki city of Tu'narath was ancient even then. A family claiming a blood relationship to Gith took power and established Tu'narath as its capital. Years after the githyanki claimed the Astral Plane as their home, Vlaakith I began advising Gith, the githyanki liberator and ruler, in matters of state. In pursuit of pwoerful allies, Vlaakith advised Gith to descend into the Nine Hells and met with the legendary Tiamat, queen of evil dragons. Gith agreed, and soon thereafter an eternal pact was forged between the githyanki and red dragons.
Ephelomon, Tiamat's red dragon consort, visited the Astral Plane and informed Vlaakith I of the pact. He also reported that Gith would remain in Baator and that she had chosen Vlaakith I as her successor. Gith's last command was that her people continue their legacy of conquest. Whenever the githyanki ventured to the Material Plane, they would find staunch allies among red dragons lairing there. Vlaakith I and her descendants have maintained this pact in the years since, carving lairs for numerous dragons in the rocky hillsides near the githyanki capital city of Tu'narath, luring red dragons to the Astral Plane with promises of long lives and vast troves.
Unable to sire children of her own, Vlaakith the Lich-Queen has taken her people's pact with red dragons to a new level by creating the duthka'giths, fearless and brutal githyanki with red dragon blood. Originally created by an arcane spell of Vlaakith's devising, the duthka'gith can now create progeny of their own. Duthka'gith hatcheries can be found in many secret locations on the Material Plane. Duthka'giths that survive to adulthood often return to the Astral Plane to serve as elite shock troops and palace guards. Most githyanki barely tolerate and secretly detest the duthka'giths. Some believe the lich-queen has perverted the pact with the red dragons and strayed from the wishes of Gith; others fear that the duthka'giths are the mad queen's attempt to "perfect" the githyanki race--a grim harbinger of worse things to come.
The Vlaakith line provided much-needed leadership and constancy. The large degree of stability of government in Tu'narath is rare in the multiverse, even among the gods. The Vlaakith line has ruled the githyanki for countless millennia.
The current ruler, Queen Vlaakith CLVII, has reigned for well over a thousand years. Unlike all her predecessors, this Vlaakith is a lich. She has no heirs, and her elimination would lead to great turmoil among the githyanki.
The Palace of Whispers:Vlaakith the lich-queen dwells in Susurrus, the Palace of Whispers. Its polished obsidian walls are supported by flying buttresses and carved with narrow windows set with opaque panes of crimson glass. Entrance is gained through the 100-foot-tall statue of Gith that "guards" the palace and watches over the city below. A vast necropolis surrounds the palace on all sides, the graves and mausoleums of fallen githyanki heroes eerily silent. As one nears Susurrus, the whispers of the dead trapped within its walls can be heard. These whispers become louder as one enters the forlorn edifice, and even more intense in the presence of Vlaakith.