Religion in Shou LungThe Celestial EmpireIt is written that the Earth is the Mirror of Heaven in all things. It is therefore correct that if we Shou have an Emperor, court and officials, it must be this way in the Celestial Empire as well. And so it is. The Empire of Heaven includes both all of the Sky and all of the Land, organized under the government of the all powerful and wise Celestial One. Even the Emperors of the Earth below are merely his subjects, while all the myriad immortals, demigods, spirits, dragons and powers of the Earth serve as his officials.
Each Officer of the Empire of Heaven is responsible to the will of the Celestial One. They receive and carry out his orders, punish the wicked, reward the good, and file reports yearly of their activities. As Heaven is a mirror of Earth, these officials are usually loyal and trustworthy, but it is not unheard of for a corrupt, disobedient or incompetent official to turn up now and again. But with the all-seeing eye of the Celestial One upon them, even these rogues can be stripped of their power and position and sent packing off to the Underworld.
The Celestial EmperorRuling from his throne in the Center of All Heaven, the Celestial One charts the path of What Has Been and Will Be. There is only one Celestial Emperor, and he has ruled since the beginning of the Great Cycle. His appearance is that of a tall, aristocratic lord, dressed in shimmering robes of many colors, and wearing the high crown of the Emperors of Shou Lung. His eyes glow white with the Inner fires of Karma, and his visage is stern, yet compassionate. In his right hand, he holds a mighty rod of intricately worked silver, called Kun P'ing Shen p'an, the word for justice. In his left, he holds a golden chalice, filled with the Essence of Life, and known as Lien Min, or Compassion.
The Celestial Emperor is the architect of the Path, and it is his will that both Heaven and Earth mirror each other in achieving perfection. For this reason, he sent the Nine Immortals among men to teach by example. It is also why he caused red lightning to inscribe his will in the granite of the Hungtse, so that men would be reminded throughout time.
At the start of each New Year, the Celestial One calls his Great Court of Heaven before the Jade Throne, to hear the reports of each of his subjects. Whether great or low, each of his Million Officials tells of his deeds and duties of the year before. Misdeeds are also reported, for the all seeing eyes of the Celestial Emperor know even the hidden things. Upon each report, the Center of Heaven passes his judgement, rewarding the good and punishing the wicked as he deems fit. As it is written in the Book of Heaven:
"If a land is ruled with justice, righteousness becomes the shield of the ruler. Appeal your case then to Heaven, for this is the font of all justice"The Nine Immortals
At the beginning of the world, the Celestial Emperor decided to make the Will of Heaven clear to all by sending emissaries to the lands below, each to teach one aspect of the True Path. These emissaries were the first emperors of Shou Lung, and are known by legend as the Nine Immortals. While there are many, many lesser immortals throughout the lands of Shou Lung, these are the ones most often meant when the immortals are called upon. The Nine Immortals stand at the side of the Celestial One's throne, ready at all times to do his bidding. They have been there throughout the Great Cycle, and will still be there when the worlds end and pass into fire.
In the Celestial Bureaucracy, the Immortals are the agents of the Celestial Emperor's will. At his command, they administer and direct all other of the lesser immortals in their appointed tasks. Each of the Nine Immortals is responsible for one aspect of the Path, as reflected in his or her title. According to their responsibilities, they can be called upon to reward the just and punish the wicked. The Nine Immortals represent the nine cardinal virtues of the Path; Scholarship, Respect for Tradition, Honor, Compassion, Love, Fidelity, Karma, Artistry, and Courage. As immortals, they may take any form they wish, but are commonly seen in two aspects' that of men or women as given in each's description, and that of Nine Great Dragons which hold up the world and move all things by their thoughts. As the Celestial One sent these Nine Immortals into the lands of men, this is why the lands they went into are known as Shou Lung, or Receiver of the Dragon.
The Shou people constantly call upon the immortals, not really expecting them to appear but mostly for the good luck such calling brings to an endeavour But it is ill fortune indeed to call upon the immortals' aid when evil or mischief is planned, for that is when they will most certainly come to mete out their stern justice!
Here then, are the names and aspects of the Nine Immortal Ones.
Kwan Ying(pronounced: koo-wann ying)
Compassionate Kwan Ying
Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Joy
Chan Cheng(pronounced: chan ching)
Mighty Lord of Heroes
God of war, the martial arts, combat and bravery
Ch'en Hsiang(pronounced: chee-enn hoo-sang)
Inspiration of Poets, God of poetry, music and literature
Chih Shih(pronounced: chee shee)
Lord of the Sages, God of History, Lore and Tradition
Nung Chiang(pronounced: nung chee-ang)
Teacher of the Plow; Master of the Red Earth; God of
Agriculture and Fertility
Ai Ch'ing(pronounced: eye chee-ing)
Mistress of Love and Fidelity, Goddess of Love and
Fa Kuan(pronounced: faah koo-wann)
One Who Walks in Righteousness; The Lawgiver; God
of Justice
Hsing Yong(pronounced: hiss-ing yoong)
The Lucky One; Most Fortunate One; God of Fortune
and Prosperity
Shu Chia(pronounced: shoo chi-ah)
Hands of Shu Chia; Hands of the Master; God of Artificers and the Arts
The Lesser Immortals
The servants and assistants of the Nine Immortals, the Lesser Immortals are descended from sages who have been particularly holy in their lives. As a reward, the Celestial One has granted them the boon of immortality and limited godlike powers. The Lesser Immortals each have specific tasks that they perform in Heaven and upon the Red Earth, and are directed in these by the appropriate Greater Immortals
Faiths of Shou LungIn the lands of the realms, there are separate religions, each organized around the worship of a particular god. Elminster has spoken of such as Lathander and Azuth and the temples and clericies that surround them. Here in Shou Lung there are fewer gods, as such, and many more forces, spirits and entities. In addition, we are also ruled by a faith which has no god; that of custom. We honor things that have gone before even as much as we worship the gods, and this has done more to shape our faiths than any proclamation or creed
The man of Shou Lung worships not just one faith, but all faiths, as well as some things closer to superstition than religion. He is a supreme generalist; who recognizes that survival in the spiritual world depends on knowing what god controls what thing, and which spirit to appease when. He will rise in the morning to burn incense to Kwan Ying, the Shou-ling Immortal of Compassion, invoke the name of the great Chung-Tao sages when he is frightened or amazed, and pray to the nature spirits of air and water for a good catch when he is fishing in his boat. He is not entirely cavalier to his gods-he believes fervently in them, and well he should. But he has a tendency to be more familiar with them than seems respectful, calling to them with nicknames even! He is not above bribing his gods either, making them rich offerings of sandalwood incense, gold, silver, or tall red candles, if they will only do this one thing for him. Sing-song girls burn incense to Ai Ching for good husbands, then hedge their bets with candles to Kwan Ying, so that the husbands will be handsome too.
And so it goes
The Shou prays to no one god, because he knows that in his infinite wisdom, the Celestial One has given every deity in Heaven a job to do, and you must, of course, talk to the right Immortal for the right task! And woe upon the one who directly calls upon the Celestial Emperor himself. Such impudence will surely be rewarded with lightning and thunder, for if the Master of Heaven wanted to talk to men, he would not have appointed his Celestial Court to deal with such trivial matters.
Where the Shou is more devoted are in things of the Earth, which is fitting, as Heaven has called upon him to attend to these things. It is important for him to show proper respect for his ancestors, living or dead, because this is written in the edicts of the Path. He calls upon the spirits of field and stream for good harvests and fortune, using all the proper rituals as proscribed by the monks and wu jen. On festival days, he burns paper money, paper clothing and offerings of food at his ancestors graves so that they might enjoy these in the spirit world.
Thus, the people of Shou do not actually worship any one god, but a pantheon of many. Each god has a certain sphere which is his territory, and a smart man knows which Immortal is which. He may even try to play several Immortals off of each other, appealing to Chih Shih, lord of sages, for the answer to an examination question, and then to Kwan Ying for mercy if Chih Shih does not hear him. The Shou think anyone who belives that all the work of Heaven can be done by one god is an idiot.
There are two religions in the land of Shou Lung; the Path of Enlightenment, and the Way. In addition, there is a faith of custom; a philosophy of the Nine Travelers, which, through the years, has become the guiding principle behind the mandarinate scholars
More lore on Shou Lung religion can be found in the
Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms boxed set.