Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Throg on Sep 22, 2023, 12:30 PM

Title: Suggestion of PrC: Divine Seeker
Post by: Throg on Sep 22, 2023, 12:30 PM
Hi! I will put this here as it's the only place I think it could go.

Now, I perfectly and fully understand, and agree, that there is some "selfishness" in this suggestion since as far as I know, I am the only one that used this PrC, but I was thinking how an ability is pretty useless and me being the OCD person I am, OCDed a thought of a way to make it not useless.  heh

It is the ability: Sacred Stealth: +10 to Hide and Move Silently for 1 hour + 1 hour/cha mod 3/day.  The ability counts toward the skill cap, so it becomes useless when you get items that add the +50, which is pretty easy to do as I learned when I gathered them.  The obvious solution would be to remove it and add Bonus Feats: Epic Skill Focus: Hide & Epic Skill Focus: Move Silently, as it would do the same thing, but honestly that seems too much as its two epic feats at first level of a PrC as well as the ability is a 3xDay use.

So, my thought/suggestion would be to change it to Bonus Feats: Skill Focus: Hide & Skill Focus: Move Silently instead of the 3xDay ability.  This way it only adds +3, rather than +10, to Hide & Move Silently to balance out the change, but doesn't make the ability useless as the +3 to each won't be subject to the skill cap of +50.  Honestly, I am not sure how easy of a change this would be too.

I know it is kind of anticlimactic of a suggestion, but I thought I would bring it up.  :)


And as always, thank you for all you do!


Title: Suggestion of PrC: Divine Seeker
Post by: aliirielle on Sep 23, 2023, 08:04 AM
I think there are a few other Divine Seekers, (My Vivienne is!)
I will say, I've run into the same issue, Sacred Stealth does absolutely nothing for Vivienne at this point. I've considered dropping the class but I love the flavor of it too much.
I know nothing about balancing or anything but from my angle your suggestion sounds good!
Title: Suggestion of PrC: Divine Seeker
Post by: Throg on Sep 23, 2023, 11:14 AM
aliirielle Avatar
I think there are a few other Divine Seekers, (My Vivienne is!)
I will say, I've run into the same issue, Sacred Stealth does absolutely nothing for Vivienne at this point. I've considered dropping the class but I love the flavor of it too much.
I know nothing about balancing or anything but from my angle your suggestion sounds good!
I considered dropping the class too.  heh
Title: Suggestion of PrC: Divine Seeker
Post by: Jonathan Bonathan Jovial on Sep 26, 2023, 09:33 AM
Divine Seeker is a very cool class idea with a lot of stuff to it. But it has pretty undeniable issues with it. It's been mentioned before that there's discussions, but I don't think the answer will be as simple as adjusting the stealth bonus unfortunately.