This world we live in is a cruel and harsh place... It hides in the shadows waiting like a crouched predator... Waiting to engulf its newest victim whole drowning them is despair. some days this is a bandit attack... Some times its really a predator... Sometimes its what lurks just outside our world waiting to prey on our weakness... In this world of Cruelty we often sing of the paladins and soldiers of nations... The knights in shining armor who play the role of Savior and hero. Rarely do we speak of those dark few who play a different role. Those rare few that live in the darkness to hunt the vile creatures that live within... they may not be the best people... Hell they may not be good people. But in many cases they stand between a slumbering world and the gnashing fangs of the abyss beyond. sometimes... These hunters are drawn to the most unlikely places in their ravenous pursuit. We all crave safety and certainty though some of weakest among us reach for it in the worst places... Much like the Mayor of a small hamlet.
The Hunter arrived at mid day, The heavy crunching of his sabatons announcing him. an Adamantine armored knight was a rare sight in these parts and he garnered many looks and quite a bit of fear from his imposing stature... though he walked with purpose he knew why he was there even if they didn't... He was making his way to the mayor's abode at the top of the village. His intel was indisputable the Mayor had been consorting with demons to ensure his continued election and well being of the village weather he knew the terrible fate he was damning his people to or not was irrelevant The damage was done and it simply could not be allowed.
The guards at the front of the house barred his path refusing to allow him further stating he was an unwelcome traveler and should leave... Unfortunately for them he could practically smell the abyssal taint on their soul. Before they could move the slaughter had begun and villagers were screaming... The man had grabbed the halberd from one guard and run the other through with it before beating the disarmed one with his gauntlets so violently his skull was practically missing... Blood dripping from his visor he kicked the gate in sending it off its hinges into the yard.
There was no mercy on this mans mind he was the executioner and the time had come the stage was set and judgement was to be rendered. His hand rising to the massive sword on his back he began pulling it free, the volcanic flames roaring to life as a swift blow split the double doors in half and the frame ablaze. Within a small number of servants screamed in surprise and again as a hezrou came smashing through a wall to defend its master. The hunter sighed at the creature as it swung its massive clawed hand it his body only to backstep out of reach and begin his deadly dance with the hulking creature. His flaming blade was a blur as much as he was as the hezrou and the hunter traded catastrophic blows that would have killed normal men practically taking turns lobbing each other through walls or doors the flames spreading around them but neither bother... The admantine armor scuffed and the hezrou bleeding heavily the hunter had the edge. Their next exchange was fatal, a feint, the hezrou being a simple creature fell for it and the hunter ducked low shifting his grip and driving the point of his sword in under the armor like ribcage of the hezrou much to the creatures surprise it cut deep, finding its home in vital organs. A blood curdling screech leaving its froglike face as the hunter ripped the blade free sending a spray of vile ichor across the room. The Hezrou flailing in its death throes trying to take the assailent with it found a series of mercilessly blows lopping off its arm and then driving the blade through the creatures skull. With that the Hezrou was kicked aside with a huff. This was by no means the first hezrou he'd slain but they were strong and durable opponents even for a monster of a hunter like himself.
Scuffling came from the upper floor of the house the master had watched the hunter fell its last line of defense and was looking for a way to flee. Though from this fate there was no escape death was inevitable from the moment that deal was struck with a demon the hunter would bound to show. Each step each creak of a burning board... the mayor began pleading and bargaining for his life, Gold... Reputation... women... anything the hunter could ever want name their price... The Mayors patron would grant it... But ever offer, every bit of pleading fell on deaf ears as the hunter sheathed their sword the mayor relaxed only to scream in surprise as he hunter grabbed their skull and hauled them from the ground. Slowly but surely straightening all of his fingers the talons on the end of his gauntlets becoming more like a spear than individual talons... The only words he spoke to the may were to make peace with whatever creature you worship... and then drove his hand through the mayors chest and out their back, before dropping their now lifeless body to the floor.
Walking through the flames of the burning manor he reemerged... The villagers some praised him for killing a monster the servants had talked... others called him a murderer and a monster... But these praises and admonishments fell on deaf ears as the man was returning to his unending hunt.
In the darkness dwell heros who are covered in the mud and blood of the vilest beings... They may not be rightous or pious people... They may not even be good people... But they provide a service to the world that we truly cannot live without... They are the Ravenous blade in the darkness that hunts that which preys on the innocent and the guilty alike