Cormyr and the Dalelands
General Category => Art & Stories => Topic started by: Silveryfeather on Dec 16, 2013, 05:00 PM
The hills around Arabel. On one of the highest, a young bard with a violin in his hands.
His raven hair windswept and wet, his eyes sad and unbelieving.
His bow moves slowly over the strings,the melody slow and ..lonely.
,,Tulir – I need you to know that we can – always – go back to being just friends"
,,Oh my gods. You dont ....feel it. I dont think i can be with you like this if you dont...feel it"
Somewhen between these two sentences he had fallen for the Sunite. His heart ached and he played on.
It had been too good. With Lyah showering him with love and devotion and Alexia who ...well, with her it had only just begun. He was curious about the tall mysterious woman.
And Flair. The day they had spent at the falls had been so – special. He had watched her blossom under his hands. He missed the beautiful bard.
Couldnt he just love Lyah and be content with it?
,,Musicians, they're all pigs!" a girl in Waterdeep once said to him – two nights before she had shared his bed with him. What was her name again? Julietta – that was it. She had been sweet, like a strawberry. They had laughed a lot together, she was an amazing girl. Why hadnt he even said goodbye to her? Should he ever meet her again, she'd be furious. Nonetheless – the memory made him smile again.
He ended the song, carefully dried his beloved violin and put it back in its case. Dar sighed, sat down and stared at the horizon. His soft leather boots were ruined by now – along with his suit. He smirked.
The rain would stop eventually
Dar'ethar practically flew through the training room. His torso completely straight, his legs moving swiftly, his arms accenting his movements. Sweat ran down his bare torso – his achilles tendon started to ache. When did he start exercising? Two..three..four hours ago? The repetetive motion sequences didnt have the effect he thought they would. His mind was still restless – un focussed.
He had hurt her. She didnt deserve that. She was the sweetest girl he knew, and he didnt know any better then to break her heart.
How could he?
Maybe his mother knew why he was deliberatly hurting those close to him. He had to talk to her. And soon. Afterall she had always known him better then he did know himself.
Flair....she had rejected him. This time. And with good reason. She didnt want it to be shallow and ...meaningless.
,,Did you have a duet with Miss Flair?" Tulir had asked and he remembered his disapproving tone all too well.
,,No..we just talked"
Well they wouldnt have, if she had let him.
And what about Vierelle? His mind wandered back to her - how she had felt so close to him and...
..."BAM" he crashed into one of the dummies at the edge of the doormat. He quickly looked around . Luckily no one had seen his little accident. He straightened the puppet and dusted some imaginary dirt from its shoulders. ,,Sorry mate, I'll be more careful next time"
Tiredly he picked up his silken shirt and put it back on. Only now he realized that the sun was already up.
With hanging shoulders and his hood drawn deeply into his face he trotted back to the seraph to take a bath and to get some rest.
He closed the door behind him and leaned against it. A sigh escaped his lips, he shut his eyes and just stood there for a moment, recovering...he did that a lot lately.
The last days had been tiring. He hated being weak and well...helpless. He opened his eyes again. The guest room of the plume was hers in his mind. It had felt wrong to lay next to him in her bed. The bed they had shared not only once.
He realized that he missed her.
And what about him? He acted strangely since Dar'ethar had told him about them. Was he afraid to be only one of many?
He leaned on his cane and limped towards the fireplace, lit a fire and slumped into an armchair.
The flames had an enthralling effect on him as usual and his mind started to wander. The sounds of his beloved violin on the graveyard – spine chilling – scary and ...wonderful.
He had been one with the melody, one with the mood of the song. While the others were scared he had enjoyed it. Only as long as he had played of course.....until she appeared.
The thought of her clawed hand on his silky hair ..and even worse ..her mouth with the half-rotten teeth so close to his...made him shudder.
Then – the weakness. The cold.
Iyanna's sweet voice somewhere distant calling him back...
And then Dwear – worried sick, feeding him, taking care of him. The memory made him smile. Who else knew the thoughtful, gentle Dwaerhedd? Tenebre..maybe...oh Tenebre, the way she had looked at him when she saw them holding hands. There had been blame in her eyes.
Maybe she was right
,,Musicians, they're all pigs"
A dream:
Darkness and snowflakes, the sound of something sniffing- behind not something - someone. Dwaerhedd. He was close, he had been close before of course - but this time his presence was...threatening. A growl, low and rumbling " I dont want you here"
He turned and started to the giants, towards sanctuary..Iyanna's voice rang in his ears, almost pleadingly as if she wanted him to stop:
"He loves you"
Then he stumbled into the circle of trees. And there -she- was, the young moonelf with the light hair and eyes like crystal lakes. So pure - so innocent, bathed in light. Sweet laughter in the trees. Her laughter.
"Dance with me Dar - that's your name isnt it?"
He woke. Dawn hadnt even coloured the skies yet. He rubbed his eyes and frowned. What was she doing in his dreams? He hadnt told anyone about her and the night admidst the trees - well there wasnt much to tell anyways. They just talked and danced.He had restrained himself just in time, hadnt he?
He got dressed quietly and walked down the stairs. Maybe he could help making breakfast for Tenebre and the kids.
"You're really talented" The woman with the extraordinary eyes said to him. Her smile was radiant, warm and charming. She toyed with one of her earrings - a loop depicting a snake that bit its tail. "Thank you! I have been dancing for some years so - a lot of it is technique.." Dar answered modestly "Still - the way you move - it's just enthralling.." her gestures were fluid - even unnaturally so. "Uh..thank you..again" Dar gave a somewhat embaressed smile. He forced his thoughts back to Beryl - his sweet cherry blossom. A dreamy smile tugged up the corner of his mouth and his mind drifted away to her smile, her laughter, the woman she was becoming, since they had started going out.
"...maybe the dancing dragon?" her pleasant voice finally reached his mind. "Huh? Sorry, what did you just say?.." He asked her with an apologetic smile. The woman gave him a bit of a surprised and somewhat intruiged smile. "I just asked you if you'd like to have a drink with me, maybe at the dancing dragon?"
Dar paused a moment and then he replied . "Ah i am sorry, but i really can't. I'm glad you enjoyed the show though, I'd be happy to see you again at the Rosewood theatre. I wish you a pleasant day." And with that the bard strolled off a quite content grin on his face.