Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Dec 13, 2013, 05:44 PM

Title: Cormyrean Law
Post by: Vincent07 on Dec 13, 2013, 05:44 PM
Note: These listed punishments are the guidelines we use. They are not set in stone and serve only as a benchmark for the staff.

The Law of Cormyr

The local lords sit in judgment over cases. They can empower others to act as Magistrates if there are too many cases for the lord to hear, or if the lord does not wish to hear a particular case (conflict of interest, etc). Any member of the court (lawyers, lords, magistrates, accused) can request to have witnesses/defendants give testimony under the influence of a Truth spell. The requester is responsible for paying the cost of hiring the spellcaster, but the spellcaster is always chosen by the court. Only questions pertaining to the current crime are allowed under a truth spell. Question to be asked under a truth spell must be provided to the court before hand and are asked by the court. Any "outburst" during such questioning is considered to be Excessive noise (Minor – Fourth Plaint). Defendants charged with any Severe crime is allowed one appeal of the judgment: The Regent. The Regent must sit in judgment over every appeal. Appeals are handled as quickly as possible, but are subject to the Regents schedule. All appeals are overseen by the Royal Truthsayer. During an appeal both sides are allowed to make one statement (maximum time 10 minutes) and the Regent is the only one allowed to ask questions.

Lawyers are used in Cormyr, but not required for any case. Most cases are tried within a day of the crime, with the arresting agent, witnesses, and defendant present. Defendants and accusers can hire lawyers but the lawyers job is to ensure that the laws of the Kingdom are being obeyed or that the case is worth perusing. Lawyers are licensed by the Crown and required to submit to annual questioning under a compulsion of truth to ensure that they have not broken or misused the law. Lawyers primarily work on or with legal documents (land sales, leases, wills, etc).

Lying to the court, giving false witness, or attempting to pervert justice is considered Fraud (Serious – Second Plaint).

The First Plaint: Crimes Against the King
Treason (Including Assault Upon the King or Royalty): Death (Instant)

Assault upon a Lord: Death (Instant)

Impersonation of the King or a Royalty: Death (Instant)

Impersonation of a Lord: Death (Instant)

Impersonation of a War Wizard:  Death (Upon conviction) after flogging

Forgery of an Official Document:  Death (Upon conviction) or Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (permanent) + Mutilation (Loss of offending extremities, branding.

Theft, Vandalism, or Arson against the Palace or Official building: Enforced Hard Labor(as justice demands) + Fine (Payable to the King)(cost of repairs + 2,000 GP)

Impersonation of a Guardsman (Purple Dragons, Blue Dragons, Militia, etc) : Imprisonment (Dungeon)(as justice demands) + Fine (Payable to the King)(5,000 GP)

Repetition of any Lesser or Minor offense against this plaint: Enforced Hard Labor Imprisonment (Dungeon)(1 month) and/or Fine (Payable to the King)(up to 1,000 GP)

Willful disobedience of any edict uttered against one by the King, Royalty or Lord: Fine (Payable to the King)(up to 1,000 GP) and/or Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 5 years)

Unlawful observation or copying of any Official document: Imprisonment (Dungeon) (3weeks) + Fine (Payable to the King)(300GP)

Assault upon any Official or Officer who is acting in the line of duty: Imprisonment (Dungeon)(1 week) + Fine (Payable to the King)(as justice demands)

Blasphemy against the King, Royalty, Lord, War Wizard or Official: Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(4 days) + Fine (Payable to the King)(20 GP)

The Second Plaint: Crimes Against the Kingdom


Poisoning of water (City Wells; includes attempted blockage or attempts to control public access, or charge fees for such access): Death (Instant)

Murder: Death (Upon conviction) or Enforced Hard Labor (10-15 years)

Spying, sabotage: Death (Upon conviction) or Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (permanent) + Fine (Payable to the King)(cost of repairs + 2,000 - 5,000 GP) or Imprisonment (Dungeon)(20 years) + Fine (Payable to the King)

Fraud: Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (permanent) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(as justice demands) or Imprisonment (Dungeon)(up to 10 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party) + Edict Against Convicted*

Fencing stolen goods: Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(up to 2 years) and Fine (Payable to the King)(typically twice the price the goods were sold for ) and Edict Against Convicted*

Unlawful dueling (manslaughter): Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 5 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(to family; typically 1,000 GP) or Enforced Hard Labor(up to 3 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)

Murder with justification: Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 5 years) or Enforced Hard Labor(up to 3 years)

Repetition of any Lesser or Minor offense against this plaint: Imprisonment (Dungeon)(1 month) and Fine (Payable to the King)(up to 1,000 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*

Bribery of Guard Officer or Official (attempted or apprehended): Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 20 years) and confiscation of all property except one Weapon, one week's rations, and clothes worn by offender.

Unlawful dueling (apprehended; i.e. on fatality): Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(1 week) and Fine (Payable to the King)(100 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*

Mage Registration: Mages of any Rank of Power (lvl:5) and up, must register their names, sigils and whereabouts of abode to the War Wizards. Failure to comply: Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 5 years) and Edict Against Convicted*

Adventuring without a charter: Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 5 years) and Edict Against Convicted*

Operating a Business without a license: Seizure of business (stock and property) and Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(5 weeks) or Fine (Payable to the King)(Cost of appropriate license)

Bribery: Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(1 week) and/or Fine (Payable to the King)(amount of bribe or attempted bribe)

Blasphemy against foreign Ambassadors or local Lords: Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(up to 1 week) + Fine (Payable to the King)(50 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*

Vagrancy: Imprisonment (Dungeon)(overnight)

Littering (includes relief of human wastes in public): Imprisonment (Dungeon)(overnight) and Fine (Payable to the King) (2 SP to 1 GP, based on the ability to pay) and Edict Against Convicted*

Brandishing a weapon dangerously or threateningly without due cause (note: being in a brawl is not "due cause" unless one is menaced with a weapon): Imprisonment (Dungeon)

Dangerous operation of a Coach, Wagon, Litter or other conveyance (including Airborne): Fine (Payable to the King)(5-50 GP as justice demands; note that this will be in addition to the sentence for any charges placed under The Fourth Plaint)

Willful disobedience of directive of a Royal Guardian, Steward, or Military: Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(up to 1 week) + Fine (Payable to the King)(50-1,000 GP)

Trading foreign currency without permit:  Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(up to 2 months) and Fine (Payable to the King)(typically twice the amount traded ) and Edict Against Convicted*

The Third Plaint: Crimes Against the Gods
Defiling of a holy place (temple burglary, temple arson, or temple vandalism):
Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (5 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(as justice demands) or Enforced Hard Labor(up to 5 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)or Imprisonment (Dungeon)(up to 3 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)

Theft of temple goods or offerings (includes spoilage or consumption of same):
Imprisonment (Dungeon)(up to 1 month) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(double the estimated value of the goods) and Edict Against Convicted*

Tomb-robbing (or Unlawful entry and/or Vandalism of a Tomb): Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(up to 1 week) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(cost of repairs and replacements + up to 500 GP, payable to whoever maintains the Tomb-temple, guild, kingdom or family) and Edict Against Convicted*

Repetition of any Lesser or Minor offense against this plaint: Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(up to 1 week) and Fine (Payable to the King)(up to 1,000 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*

Assault upon a Priest or Lay worshipper:
Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 500 GP; payable to temple, and usually based on ability to pay) and Edict Against Convicted*(in addition to charges placed under the Fourth Plaint arising from such an assault)

Public blasphemy of a God or priesthood:
Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 10 GP, based on ability to pay) and Edict Against Convicted*

Drunkenness (Disorderly Conduct) at worship: Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 5 GP, based upon ability to pay) and Edict Against Convicted*

The Fourth Plaint: Crimes Against Citizens
Arson (of ship, structure or stored property):
Enforced Hard Labor (up to 3 months) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(value lost + up to 500 GP) and/or Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 10 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)

Rape: Mutilation (Loss of offending extremities, branding) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 2,000 GP) or Enforced Hard Labor(up to 5 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)or Imprisonment (Dungeon)(up to 10 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)

Assault resulting in mutilation or crippling: Mutilation (Loss of offending extremities, branding) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 2,000 GP) or Enforced Hard Labor(up to 3 years) and Damages (Payable to injured party)

Magical assault: Fine (Payable to the King)(up to 1,000 GP) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 2,000 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*

Forgery (not including Official documents): Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 20 years) and Mutilation (Loss of offending extremities, branding)and the confiscation of all property except 1 weapon, 1 week's rations and offender's clothing worn at the time of sentencing

Slavery: Exile or Ban Against Future Entry (up to 10 years) and flogging if shackling, cruelty, whipping, branding or physical indignities are observed

Enforced Hard Labor(up to 1 month) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(value of goods lost + up to 500 GP)

Burglary: Imprisonment (Dungeon)(up to 3 months) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(value of goods lost + up to 500 GP)

Theft or killing of livestock: Damages (Payable to injured party)(double cost of lost stock)

Repetition of any Lesser or Minor offense against this plaint: Imprisonment (Dungeon)(up to 1 week) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(double normal) or Imprisonment (Light work in military compound)(up to 2 weeks) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(double normal)

Damages to property:
Damages (Payable to injured party)(value of goods lost + up to 500 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*

Assault (wounding): Damages (Payable to injured party)(cost of medical attention + up to 500 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*

Assault on livestock (non-fatal): Damages (Payable to injured party)(cost of medical attention + up to 500 GP, maximum damages always apply if livestock's breeding capability is impaired)

Unlawful hindrance of business: Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 200 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*(this charge includes instances of blocking access to place of business without permission of owner or Official; and trying to frighten, disgust, or drive away customers in or in front of another's shop)

Assault (without wounding or robbery):
Imprisonment (Dungeon)(overnight) and Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 50 GP)

Excessive noise (interfering with sleep or business): Damages (Payable to injured party)(up to 25 GP) and Edict Against Convicted*

* Edict Against Convicted means that there is a Public pronouncement forbidding convicted to do something: eg; continue in present business, repeat circumstances that led to an offense, etc.
Title: Cormyrean Law
Post by: Vincent07 on Dec 13, 2013, 05:45 PM
By 1368 DR, the following laws are posted at all major entry points to Cormyr.

Laws of Cormyr:
1. All persons entering Cormyr must register with the officials of a border garrison or a representative of the Crown.
2. Foreign currency can only be used in certain locations. Please exchange your coins for Cormyrean golden lions at your first opportunity.
3. Adventurers must acquire a charter before undertaking any operation as a group. (In Arabel, this is obtained at the Eyes and Ears.)
4. All weapons must be peace-bonded. The only persons exempt from this law are members of chartered adventuring groups and members of mercenary groups that can offer proof of employment.
5. Harming cats is forbidden.
6. Bow your head to royalty and the local nobility.
7. Purple Dragons have the right to search you upon request.**
8. Hunting on private land is forbidden.

**Player Character Purple Dragons are subject to PvP for this action.
Title: Cormyrean Law
Post by: Edge on Jul 03, 2019, 09:55 AM
Outlawed Faiths of Cormyr

Cormyr is generally a region of order with strong leanings toward goodness, but a strong tradition of openness to other faiths and ways of life has been allowed throughout the majority of the kingdom's history, bolstered by the presence of Tymora in the city of Arabel during the Time of Troubles and the neighboring lands of Deepingdale and their embracing of the faiths of the Seldarine and Eilistraee. Even faiths banned or seen as vile or untoward in other regions, such as Malar, are welcomed in the Forest Kingdom for their contributions to the region's way of life.

However, the following faiths are completely outlawed in Cormyr. Any open worshiper of these faiths will be arrested and detained as an opponent of the kingdom, fined, and escorted to the border; repeat offenders will face stronger punishments. (This is not to say one cannot play a follower of any of these deities, simply that doing so is illegal and thus any devotee of these forbidden gods must keep their allegiance secret or face the consequences.)

The Lady Loss is the open patron of one of the strongest and most persistent enemies of Cormyr, the ancient Netherese City of Shade (also known as Thultanthar), responsible for the destruction of Tilverton and numerous other crimes in their wars with Cormyr in the past. Open Sharrans are unwelcome in the Forest Kingdom, and even those using non-Sharran magic associated with shadows or darkness are sometimes looked on with suspicion.

The Dark Lord and patron of the Zhentarim is likewise another open antagonist of Cormyr, sponsoring numerous conflicts between the two military powers including the recent capture and occupation of the city of Stonehaven (now Swordhaven after its reclaiming and the ejection of the Zhentarim). Known Banites are viewed as insurrectionists, spies, and would-be usurpers to the rightful crown and king, supporting an opposing tyrannical government that would seize and topple Cormyrian rule in its desire to conquer all it sees.

The Prince of Lies is an enemy to all gods and friend to none, and shares Bane's association with the Zhentarim through the splinter faction that formerly held the nearest Zhent outpost to Cormyr (excepting the now-reclaimed Swordhaven), Darkhold in the Sunset Mountains. Cyric's portfolios of lies and murder make his followers completely unwelcome in any civilized region that he does not already hold complete sway and Cormyr is no exception, viewing most if not all Cyricists as scheming murder-cultists and manipulative con-men at best.