I'm going through a cave and finding that someone came through cave leaving the spawns but went for the loot. Bad form, person. Bad form.
There's a particular person who has been warned of this before who was logged on at the same time. I've no proof, but if it is that particular person. Please don't do it anymore, because you'll be banned if caught again.
To reiterate.
If you open the chests, you are expected to kill the spawns.
I will not hesitate to level-dock and/or ban those who blatantly ignore this warning.
And here I thought ninja looting wasn't possible anymore. Tsk tsk, you sad person.
Well I could just have chests Truesight anything hostile nearby and make them come check out the chest opening noise. <_<
It wasn't me. I can't survive in the dungeons alone without a group doing all the killing.
It wasn't me. I can't survive in the dungeons alone without a group doing all the killing.
Here, here. ;[
Silly ninja's .... don't they know that pirates get more booty.
Also wenches. When was the last time you saw a ninja with wenches?
Unless it's a dread pirate ninja!
Yes, it's possible. My gaming group had one.
Ninja's steal all the pirate's booty!
Ninjas get the wenches who are like ninjas. ;-)
Ninja's steal all the pirate's booty!
Then the Pirates steal it back again when they blow up the Ninja's base because Canons and Flintlocks. Also Parots cannay beat the Parots
I can't ninja loot. I wizard loot. *Goes invisible and hides in a corner while everyone else kills things*
Strange i thought the chests in there gave you massive negatives to hide and ms making the baddies see you
You have to carry a big stack of invis scrolls or potions to make it work, which begs the question...what kind of lunatic goes through all that effort to loot goblins? Dagesh, are you certain that you hadn't just gone through the dungeon shortly after someone else? The goblins themselves respawn much more quickly than the loot does. It's also a very high traffic dungeon, so it's not unlikely to run through it 10 minutes after someone else did. Happens to me all the time, so I usually just hit the AFK room and wait for a bit.
All I know is the spawns were there before I hit the regular spawn triggers. I've not seen it since and much of it was near the beginning.
I don't know why I didn't think of this before...someone could have run OUT of the cave spawning things in in the process. DERP on ME
All I know is the spawns were there before I hit the regular spawn triggers. I've not seen it since and much of it was near the beginning.
I don't know why I didn't think of this before...someone could have run OUT of the cave spawning things in in the process. DERP on ME
That is actually very possible due to the way the spawn triggers are setup in there. Its one of the older dungeons and done before I started making sure that triggers would activate from either direction of the spawn point and not in just the inbound direction.
That same thing happened to me once when I was visiting Jurassic Park, T-Rex spawned behind me as I was leaving and I had to run out of there. Ninja Looting is bad, I would never do that, I'm Jeff Goldblum.