I've made the choice to stop playing saccharine.
People either tell me they love her and she's the most authentic. Enjoyable Faerie. Or they bully me relentlessly for it. The mental toll from the constant hate has begun to affect me OOC. I feel very on edge and wound up from it.
Theirs a further more personal issue with me having a falling out with a dear friend of mine who Saccharine was very close to. It's been hard to deal with that.
I only ever wanted to provide something going on in town other than "Bar RP" something to liven things up and make the server feel interesting. Without my anchors and the the server atmosphere shifting to a focus on drama and conflict I just can't.
Currently she will finish her outstanding RP such as the poem contest and getting her ATAE item then I will do the vaulty thing.
I'm sorry to hear that about Saccharine.
I would suggest not to archive Saccharine, as the server routinely goes through cycles. She is an unique character, so I'd encourage you keep her in your character roster and bring her out when the time is right again.
We all need a break sometimes to recharge and re-orient. If you don't have a new concept in mind, then a character focused on solo exploration is a lot of fun, especially with Spotify playing in the background ;)
Though the interactions we had IC were brief, I have always enjoyed Saccharine's presence, and I will be a bit sad to see such a unique and fun character go. While I am unfamiliar with what you have gone through personally as a player, I hope that things can get better for you.