Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Player Announcements => Topic started by: Witchy Bubble Tea on Apr 06, 2022, 01:23 AM

Title: A Rhea Family Invitation
Post by: Witchy Bubble Tea on Apr 06, 2022, 01:23 AM
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Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More.

You might like to join if :

- You are Ambitious and want the support and collaboration of resourceful and capable rpers to work with you towards fun rp ideas.

- You want to build greater and greater things in rp-land, the things people can't really sustain on their own, more than something that falls apart as soon as you stop driving, and have the certainty that other people will be there to take over things while you might need a break.

- You want to have a reliable and friendly and supportive long term group that you can feel will be able to be there with you through the good and the bad times.

- You are capable and want very much to have something to devote yourself to in rp-land.

- You want to get actively involved in a wide~~ spread of fun and engaging group rp, from intense and dark to comfy cozy.

- You want to be able to be tied to the world by more than just a single char's personal connections and attachments, ties that will stay strong and give you personal investment in things even when you are returning after a break.

Who exactly are the Rhea Family?

We are a Wealthy Ancient Elven Family who had a strong family base in Cormanthor(Cormanthyr) since it's founding, but over the past few generations have spread out across the wider world of Toril (and beyond?)
In this spread, the family has made efforts to adapt and assimilate parts of other cultures, operating and spreading through the world through the Family Trade Guild and other more localized Mercantile Efforts.

With a long history, much fams lore (all of it neatly written out) and a willingness to always add/adapt that lore, we are always looking for passionate people who want to have fun and build something really great together ^-^

What rp can you expect with the fams?

- Naturally, Collective Involvement in the major affairs of the world but also...

- Getting involved in CD's amazing Elven community rp with the family's more traditional elven side.

- Arcane Research or other Scholarly Studies from research to Planar travel or Esoteric Rituals that the family is more open minded about than most others, potentially some rather intense stuffs for those interested.

- The fams trade guild faction leading to Espionage, Privateering, Exploration, Investigation and Economic rps as well as getting tied up in Underworld rp.

- Getting involved with others as a wealthy mercantile family, putting on Balls and Other Functions.

- More comfy cozy rps like the Rheading Book Club or general Slice of Life Bits.

- Family Patrols of Cormanthor and the Dales, or just in general a reliable group to poke things with when needed.

- All the above and more rped out while having a proper family unit with Maids and Butlers and such, with everyone supporting each other \ ^ - ^ /

There are 4 different sorts of chars you could be joining as, and the amount I'll be a bother while talking with you is higher on the char more closely tied to the fams and it's much much more open with further removed chars.

1) A Rhea family Aunt/Uncle (very demanding sorrys >~<)

2) A Rhea family Sibling/Cousin (some specifics of char background and beliefs have to be consistent with the fams themes still >~<)

3) A Generational Staffer  (still will require a specific sort of background)

4) A Hired Retainer

With all of this said and all, please feel free to come say hellos to me whenever if you are interested at all by any of the above or just want to learn more ^-^/

Please though do understand that even though we really want to be open to as many people as possible, we still are looking for chars that make sense within the fams (which is a wider spread than peoples might assume) and looking for peoples who really want to actively be part of the group and not just alts (especially not as family characters).

Come say hellos on the CD discord, I'm Serina Rhea or Witchy Bubble Tea(#4513) there and should be easy to find. If you have trouble reaching me there, leave a message here with your discord tag or something and I'll try come bother you instead ^-^b

Old Fams Pitch in this spoiler for more Details :

Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More.

Hellos goodly peoples of CD-land, our group of friends who have been playing the Rhea family here on CD recently are now looking for some more nice peoples to come join the fam \^-^/

The Rhea family is a Good/Neutral aligned player Player Group, but is very much able to accommodate ebil characters as well under certain circumstances.

The Rhea family is a old Elven Family (With many part-elven members) that has for some generations been involved in mercantile efforts as well as historically in heroic, scholarly, economic and philanthropic pursuits. 
Because it's a family group and not a guild with a single common goal, the themes and sorts of pursuits are very varied.
Members of the family and our lovely band of players playing as the family staff characters are around and able to help each other chase after all sorts of rp goals \^-^/.

The only really general overarching themes for the family are:
- A strong sense of family duty
- A general desire to improve the world (This could be reflected in many many ways across the whole alignment spectrum) 
- Working towards protecting the family and it's name.
- A Loving and supportive family unit

While the overall goals of the family are "good" aligned, specific members might be more willing than others to justify more questionable actions for the sake of the greater good.
Characters on do /not/ need to line up with all of the themes, it's all very variable really and I'm happy to talk it through with anyone interested ^-^

Normally we would find more family members over time with the friends we make on the server, or invite friends over from other places, and that is still what we do plan to do, but I really wanted to give a more slightly open invitation to some peoples here on CD who might like to be part of a long term good aligned Elven family unit ^-^.

But, please do understand that because it's an open call and we may not know you very well, there are some things we do need to be cautious of, so I may have to ask you lots and lots of questions and it may feel like it's a sort of interview, and I hope very much that that does not come across as rude, you have been warned >-<. Finally also, I'd personally really rather not have people who might just want to involve a side alt, from experience I know that this kind of thing isn't ideal really.
So if you are newly moving over to CD from one of the migration waves, or you are returning after a break, or just considering a new possible main, then this is more aimed at you ^-^b.
If you are too committed to your current lovely main, we are of course always happy to have more peoples involved as staffly peoples, of which there is also a whole~ scope of rp, everything from playing out a Cinderella story to being a reliable and loyal butler/maid to being a retainer that advises the family from a position of authority within the family. 

In particular, right now we would love to find two types of peoples to come join specifically (though if you don't match either and are still awful curious, please still do come msg me on Discord to talk about fam things ^-^)
Notably, it's not so much about the character here, but the player themselves, the character can end up being all~~ sorts of different ways, what I'm really interested in is the spirit and feelings the person behind them brings. A big family group takes all sorts of peoples to keep lively and fun long term, and it's lots of work, and someone has to do it, but it's always easier when we do it together \^-^/

The Heart
First we would love to have someone join who is looking for a group of nice (mostly) peoples to look after icly and oocly be kind and friendly with. Basically someone who is compassionate and considerate and often find themselves putting others before themselves. Someone has to be the heart that holds everyone together, and sometimes one person like that just isn't enough, so it's best to have more.
The kind of character you could bring could vary greatly, from the loving and doting aunt, to the kind and but overly protective cousin. 
Want to be the heart and share all your spare love with a group of nice peoples oocly and join us in playing out a wide~~ scope of rp as the family Rhea? Then we would very much love to have you ^-^.

The Leader
Secondly, we need more peoples who are proactive about chasing and making rp for a group. This doesn't of course mean someone to be the leader of the house (of course, if someone wants to take on that kind of more involved duty, we can talk about that too ^-^b), but the kind of player that usually gets excited about setting up faraway goals and working towards them with enthusiasm. Anyone with lots of experience running rp faction stuffs would know it's awful tiring being the only moving piece in the puzzle, so really, rather than lots of people trying to do their own little big factional stuffs with just one motivated and proactive person, it's always better to try and get more together so you can support and work off each other, keeping everyone with lots to do without having to worry always about having to be the only one setting everything up. If you are this kind of driven and proactive player, even if it's just as simple as being the person who always inspires other to come around and follow you off into random pve non-sense, then that's great too. Though really if you are the kind of person who is very take charge and driven to follow larger rp goals (which can be a complicated mix of ic and ooc interactions), then that's ideal.

Come say hellos on the CD discord, I'm Witchy Bubble Tea(#4513) there and should be easy to find. If you have trouble reaching me there, leave a message here with your discord tag or something and I'll try come bother you instead ^-^b

Title: A Rhea Family Invitation
Post by: Witchy Bubble Tea on Apr 30, 2022, 07:18 PM
Bumpy, Just letting everyone know this is still very much an active search, you can never have too many hearts and proactive peoples \^-^/
Title: A Rhea Family Invitation
Post by: arkadem on Jan 13, 2023, 06:59 AM
Bumping this, in case someone wants to reach out :D
Title: A Rhea Family Invitation
Post by: Witchy Bubble Tea on Jun 09, 2023, 03:23 AM
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More.
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More.
Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More.

You might like to join if :

- You are Ambitious and want the support and collaboration of resourceful and capable rpers to work with you towards fun rp ideas.

- You want to build greater and greater things in rp-land, the things people can't really sustain on their own, more than something that falls apart as soon as you stop driving, and have the certainty that other people will be there to take over things while you might need a break.

- You want to have a reliable and friendly and supportive long term group that you can feel will be able to be there with you through the good and the bad times.

- You are capable and want very much to have something to devote yourself to in rp-land.

- You want to get actively involved in a wide~~ spread of fun and engaging group rp, from intense and dark to comfy cozy.

- You want to be able to be tied to the world by more than just a single char's personal connections and attachments, ties that will stay strong and give you personal investment in things even when you are returning after a break.

Who exactly are the Rhea Family?

We are a Wealthy Ancient Elven Family who had a strong family base in Cormanthor(Cormanthyr)&nbsp;since it's founding, but over the past few generations have spread out across the wider world of Toril (and beyond?)

In this spread, the family has made efforts to adapt and assimilate parts of other cultures, operating and spreading through the world through the Family Trade Guild and other more localized Mercantile Efforts.

With a long history, much fams lore (all of it neatly written out) and a willingness to always add/adapt that lore, we are always looking for passionate people who want to have fun and build something really great together ^-^

What rp can you expect with the fams?

- Naturally, Collective Involvement in the major affairs of the world but also...

- Getting involved in CD's amazing Elven community rp with the family's more traditional elven side.

- Arcane Research or other Scholarly Studies from research to Planar travel or Esoteric Rituals that the family is more open minded about than most others, potentially some rather intense stuffs for those interested.

- The fams trade guild faction leading to Espionage, Privateering, Exploration, Investigation and Economic rps as well as getting tied up in Underworld rp.

- Getting involved with others as a wealthy mercantile family, putting on Balls and Other Functions.

- More comfy cozy rps like the Rheading Book Club or general Slice of Life Bits.

- Family Patrols of Cormanthor and the Dales, or just in general a reliable group to poke things with when needed.

- All the above and more rped out while having a proper family unit with Maids and Butlers and such, with everyone supporting each other \ ^ - ^ /

There are 4 different sorts of chars you could be joining as, and the amount I'll be a bother while talking with you is higher on the char more closely tied to the fams and it's much much more open with further removed chars.

1) A Rhea family Aunt/Uncle (very demanding sorrys >~<)

2) A Rhea family Sibling/Cousin (some specifics of char background and beliefs have to be consistent with the fams themes still >~<)

3) A Generational Staffer  (still will require a specific sort of background)

4) A Hired Retainer

With all of this said and all, please feel free to come say hellos to me whenever if you are interested at all by any of the above or just want to learn more ^-^/

Please though do understand that even though we really want to be open to as many people as possible, we still are looking for chars that make sense within the fams (which is a wider spread than peoples might assume) and looking for peoples who really want to actively be part of the group and not just alts (especially not as family characters).

Come say hellos on the CD discord, I'm Serina Rhea or Witchy Bubble Tea(#4513) there and should be easy to find. If you have trouble reaching me there, leave a message here with your discord tag or something and I'll try come bother you instead ^-^b

Old Fams Pitch in this spoiler for more Details, message me for more Rhea lore :

Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More.

Hellos goodly peoples of CD-land, our group of friends who have been playing the Rhea family here on CD recently are now looking for some more nice peoples to come join the fam \^-^/

The Rhea family is a Good/Neutral aligned player Player Group, but is very much able to accommodate ebil characters as well under certain circumstances.

The Rhea family is a old Elven Family (With many part-elven members) that has for some generations been involved in mercantile&nbsp;efforts as well as historically in heroic, scholarly, economic and philanthropic pursuits.&nbsp;
Because it's a family group and not a guild with a single common goal, the themes and sorts of pursuits are very varied.

Members of the family and our lovely band of players playing as the family staff characters are around and able to help each other chase after all sorts of rp goals \^-^/.

The only really general overarching themes for the family are:
- A strong sense of family duty
- A general desire to improve the world (This could be reflected in many many ways across the whole alignment spectrum)&nbsp;
- Working towards protecting the family and it's name.
- A Loving and supportive family unit

While the overall goals of the family are "good" aligned, specific members might be more willing than others to justify more questionable actions for the sake of the greater good.
Characters on do /not/ need to line up with all of the themes, it's all very variable really and I'm happy to talk it through with anyone interested ^-^

Normally we would find more family members over time with the friends we make on the server, or invite friends over from other places, and that is still what we do plan to do, but I really wanted to give a more slightly open invitation to some peoples here on CD who might like to be part of a long term good aligned Elven family unit ^-^.

But, please do understand that because it's an open call and we may not know you very well, there are some things we do need to be cautious of, so I may have to ask you lots and lots of questions and it may feel like it's a sort of interview, and I hope very much that that does not come across as rude, you have been warned >-<. Finally also, I'd personally really rather not have people who might just want to involve a side alt, from experience I know that this kind of thing isn't ideal really.

So if you are newly moving over to CD from one of the migration waves, or you are returning after a break, or just considering a new possible main, then this is more aimed at you ^-^b.

If you are too committed&nbsp;to your current lovely main, we are of course always happy to have more peoples involved as staffly peoples, of which there is also a whole~ scope of rp, everything from playing out a Cinderella&nbsp;story to being a reliable and loyal butler/maid to being a retainer that advises&nbsp;the family from a position of authority within the family.&nbsp;

In particular, right now we would love to find two types of peoples to come join specifically (though if you don't match either and are still awful curious, please still do come msg me on Discord to talk about fam things ^-^)

Notably, it's not so much about the character here, but the player themselves, the character can end up being all~~ sorts of different ways, what I'm really interested in is the spirit and feelings the person behind them brings. A big family group takes all sorts of peoples to keep lively and fun long term, and it's lots of work, and someone has to do it, but it's always easier when we do it together \^-^/

The Heart

First we would love to have someone join who is looking for a group of nice (mostly) peoples to look after icly and oocly be kind and friendly with. Basically someone who is compassionate and considerate and often find themselves putting others before themselves. Someone has to be the heart that holds everyone together, and sometimes one person like that just isn't enough, so it's best to have more.
The kind of character you could bring could vary greatly, from the loving and doting aunt, to the kind and but overly protective cousin.&nbsp;
Want to be the heart and share all your spare love with a group of nice peoples oocly and join us in playing out a wide~~ scope of rp as the family Rhea? Then we would very much love to have you ^-^.

The Leader

Secondly, we need more peoples who are proactive about chasing and making rp for a group. This doesn't of course mean someone to be the leader of the house (of course, if someone wants to take on that kind of more involved duty, we can talk about that too ^-^b), but the kind of player that usually gets excited about setting up faraway goals and working towards them with enthusiasm. Anyone with lots of experience running rp faction stuffs would know it's awful tiring being the only moving piece in the puzzle, so really, rather than lots of people trying to do their own little big factional stuffs with just one motivated and proactive person, it's always better to try and get more together so you can support and work off each other, keeping everyone with lots to do without having to worry always about having to be the only one setting everything up. If you are this kind of driven and proactive player, even if it's just as simple as being the person who always inspires other to come around and follow you off into random pve non-sense, then that's great too. Though really if you are the kind of person who is very take charge and driven to follow larger rp goals (which can be a complicated mix of ic and ooc interactions), then that's ideal.

Come say hellos on the CD discord, I'm Witchy Bubble Tea(#4513)&nbsp;there and should be easy to find. If you have trouble reaching me there, leave a message here with your discord tag or something and I'll try come bother you instead ^-^b