Evening People of CD,
Some of you I've informed already, but due to a change in circumstance (work) I'm going to be leaving CD for a minimum of 14 weeks, likely for a full year. It's been a pleasure to play/clash/meme with you all, and I hope that most of you will still be here when I return, which I will. Eventually. Except Nibbles, cause f**k that guy.
I'm likely going to be lurking in the discord, and I may pop up from time to time during the year, but it's unlikely to be for any serious RP or play.
People who knew him have been told Synder is off back home for a while, but hasn't specified why. He -will- be getting involved in a religion though, and folk have been invited to visit him near Waterdeep if they want. Can always ping me on discord, might not answer for a week, but it will be answered eventually.
Remember: Don't do anything I wouldn't, and if you do, don't get caught.
P.S. Love you Nibs.
Hope your stay is in good health and know that when you return, you'll have a place here.
Good luck, and make sure to keep in touch.
(P.S. love you too)
Take good care of you and yours!
Take care man. Enjoy yourself, number 1 rule.
Take care and we'll be here when you get back!
Imza will miss her "Princess"!
Take care of yourself mate. I hope to see you back :-)