Okay when reading the rules, and when building my Temple, and even after I posted for my Temple I was told that Temples were not allowed to be behind a locked door or any private area, So I get to Immersea as my character is told of a multi temple which includes Hoar named the Guilding Light Temple. First thing I find....the door is locked....So I do not understand is this Temple under renovations or is it something else? Perhaps a glitch or a bug? Not sure.
The area was intended as open, from what I know. You may wish to contact the owner, Angelina Relna IC, or
valiea987 OOCly.

And just to clarify.. there can be closed/locked areas within the temple.. but the main temple should be open to the public
Yeah, the door was meant to be unlocked. When it went in, it wasn't. Things have been hectic for me lately so it hasn't been a top priority to pester Vincent, especially in light of all the other stuff that happened with the database.

Go ahead and post it as a bug report, maybe.