I can understand that the Quest is to design teamwork and grouping, but ever since Trent made the level to do this quest I have been trying to get a group up to do this, so a minimum of two months, the factor that the quest demands certain classes be present makes this impossible to do. The server just really doesn't have this anymore and or getting these exact people together without a DM event is literally impossible. Can we take a look at changing this? I understand the point of teamwork, but I think perhaps this quest needs a review. Thank you.
The server absolutely has the class and population spread and I've seen the quest done recently. Personally, I don't feel it needs to be changed. Most higher level dungeons are done with groups of four to six at present, so it is out there and not impossible.
I have been trying to pull groups, even tried to arrange something in the PDK, nothing came of it at all, I don't mind having groups....just not class dependent. Not where you MUST have a Rogue, MUST have a cleric, MUST have so and so....unless your BFF's with half the server which for some might be really easy...for others it really isn't. Sure arrange it to have a party requirement of 4-6 people....just not forcing them to be a specific class.
It is not restricted to class specifics. A variety can make the check, so it isn't as precise as that. Bards can make the Rogue check, Druids can make the Cleric check, and perhaps a variety more. I don't know the exact script.

My druid can make the cleric check, as can paladins if I recall right.
Considering that people used to duo this dungeon pretty regularly, I don't think group composition is the problem.
Two people can do it with the right class spread. That aside, CD is a group environment, and this quest is one of the only situations that absolutely requires a certain setup. I will not be changing that. Ask around, I'm sure there's more than a few PCs who need to do it.
Ask me and Mistakes sometime, and we'll take you through it. Valeria (Mistakes' character) can cover 3/4 of the required classes, and I can easily do the other one.
My warrior Sophia did the mage bit, though she'll protest it was nearly fatal. Not sure how I survived it.