We are a band of ne'er-do-wells, sinister scholars unbridled by ethics or fear, with a lust for knowledge that cannot be sated by what limited information is available to all eyes. We are willing to band together and take secret oaths for the furtherance of our own power, and by proxy the power of those in the group. Forbidden knowledge is the tie that binds us and the lure that keeps us from turning our fangs on one another's throats, knowing that each of us has access to knowledge, information, and resources the others would lack with our absence. Demonic lore and ancient forbidden information, lost secrets and occult knowledge, these are the fires that light our way, the morsels that sate our ravenous hungers.
Secrecy and subtlety go hand in hand. To the outside world, we needn't even be known to exist, much less to be known who we are or why we convene; we are ephemeral, a shadow before the light, a mist of fog at dawn, an echo in the night. When we act, it must be with distinct and discreet purpose, swift and silent, unseen and unknown.
We are not expected to be friends; we are comrades and co-workers, more than compatriots. We cooperate because we understand we are more efficient, more effective, and more resourceful as a unit than as disparate individuals. We each have our secrets, our sinister histories, our dark intents; these are irrelevant, save as they may hinder or provide risk to the group, and thus must be handled with discretion and restraint until such a time as their reveal is proper. We may lie, cheat, and mislead.
But what goes into the Vault is sacrosanct, inviolate, preserved and pure, even before our dark hearts. Record no lies there, lest the deceit weaken the collective power of our knowledge. Record no unverified information without notating its incomplete or untested nature for further research. Identify your sources and provide knowledge to the group, that each page may reinforce the page that follows, and no unnecessary contradictions be held between the bindings. Claim your contributions that each page may receive the glory it deserves for adding to the strength of the tome.
This is an idea for a guild of ethically-unbridled knowledge-seekers, students of bizarre or taboo information, specialists in the abstruse, the occult, and the forbidden. Necromancers, spiritists, demoniacs and diabolists, secret-seekers, and historians of the lost, the banished, and the forgotten. Operating under the aegis of unified cooperation, seeking to combine our capabilities and knowledge to produce a result that is greater than the sum of its parts. Members are expected to be morally dubious at best, but willing to acknowledge the cooperative potential of combined effort and a respect for the sanctity of the accuracy and usefulness of collected lore, discovered information, and the desire and ability to expand upon the unified knowledge of the organization.
In OOC terms, this is a guild for neutral- and evil-aligned PCs focused on the gathering, collecting, studying, verifying, and proliferation of the kind of knowledge and dark lore that good-aligned types tend to hide away behind sealed chambers, ancient libraries, and long-lost ruins. Participating members should be interested in taking morally- and ethically-disagreeable actions to discover, gain, and gather this information, while keeping in mind that the collection, verification, and sharing of the information within the organization itself is to be respected by all participants - deceit is a useful tool against those on the outside, but for those who have joined the effort of gathering knowledge to be written within the Black-Bound Tome it is a distraction at best, what goes within the vaults should be praised for its accuracy and usefulness.
It's primarily as such going to be focused on wizards, bards, priests of strange gods and dark powers, knowledge-heavy or ruin-delving rogues, warlocks, and so forth, but membership is (at this time) not intended to be limited: all these caster and skill-monkey types are going to need muscle and protection from the dangers of the places that store this kind of lost knowledge and the defenses that will no doubt have been placed upon it. It's also highly expected and to some degree necessary that potential members not be in poor report in Yulash or the surrounding environs, as cooperation with the city will inevitably be necessary to achieve our goals.
Interested? Please post your character's name and any other info you think necessary or important below! (Example: "Dioufn Khwen Xul Ja Iztlim, Diabolus Pale Master, Necro-Illusionist, Oneiromancer, Occultist, Spirit-speaker, refugee Denizen of Leng, and all-around scholar of the bizarre.") Once we have enough interested people, we can get started on making an actual player guild. =)