Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Deities and Pantheons => Topic started by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:16 PM

Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:16 PM
Elven Pantheon

Known collectively as the Seldarine, which translates to "the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood," the elven pantheon is led by Corellon Larethian. Many of the elven deities have close ties to other sylvan deities such as Mielikki.

In addition to the 3e/3.5e Forgotten Realms elven pantheon gods, we have also chosen to include various 2e Forgotten Realms elven demigods in our setting.

  • Aerdrie Faenya
  • Angharradh
  • Araleth Letheranil
  • Corellon Larethian
  • Deep Sashelas
  • Erevan Ilesere
  • Fenmarel Mestarine
  • Hanali Celanil
  • Labelas Enoreth
  • Melira Taralen
  • Naralis Analor
  • Rillifane Rallathil
  • Sehanine Moonbow
  • Shevarash
  • Solonor Thelandira
  • Tarsellis Meunniduin
  • Tethrin Veraldé

Note that the elven deities only sponsor elves or half-elves as divine characters. Non-elven divine characters of the elven pantheon requires application.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 12:09 AM
Aerdrie Faenya
The Winged Mother, Queen of the Avariel

Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Cloud with bird silhouette
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Air, weather, avians, rain, fertility, avariels
Worshipers: Bards, druids, elves, rangers, sorcerers, travelers, winged beings
Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Elf, Good, [Storm]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: "Thunderbolt" (quarterstaff)

Aerdrie Faenya (air-dree fain-yuh) is the elven expression of freedom and impulse, and she dislikes staying in any one place for too long. She delights in the sound of wind instruments and in creating unpredictable atmospheric conditions, including fairly severe or violent thunderstorms on occasion, but her primary joy is simply feeling the air rush past her with the ground far below. The Wing Mother is a somewhat distant deity who rarely involves herself in elven culture, and she is far more chaotic than the rest of the Seldarine. Of all the elven races, Aerdrie takes a keen interest only in the avariel, and few of them remain in Faerun. She is also known as an aspect of Angharradh, the Triune Goddess.

The church of Aerdrie Faenya is small, with little commuinication or organization between its scattered temples. Aerdrie's clergy is primarily concerned with exploration and maintaining good relations with sentient avian races (e.g., giant eagles and aarakocra). With the decline of the avariel (wing elves), few elven clerics of the Wing Mother can fly without magical aid. As a result, many Winged Siblings work to create new spells and items by which magical flight is possible, and a not a few of their more adventuresome brethren seek lost relics of yore that permit the same. Similarly, members of Aerdrie's clergy raise winged steeds employed by the aerial cavalries of elven realms and tend cotes of fanciful birds from far-off lands to dwell in formal elven gardens and to supply the molted plumage employed in elven fashions. As servants of the Bringer of Rain and Storms, Aerdrie's clerics work closely with the small groups of elves involved in agriculture and horticulture to ensure favorable weather for their crops. Winged Brothers and Sisters are also charged with destroying evil flying creatures.

Clerics and druids of Aerdrie Faenya pray for their spells are dawn, when the first hint of a breeze often drifts across the land. The Dance of Swirling Winds, held semiannually on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, celebrates the changing seasons and honors the Winged Mother. The winds always blow strongly on such days, wherever Aerdrie's followers gather. Celebrants offer beautiful feathers and join in an aerial ballet danced to the music of wind instruments played by some of the participants. Those who lack wings or magical means of flight sometimes levitate as a gift of the deity herself. Many clerics and druids multiclass as sorcerers or rangers.


Like most of the Seldarine, Aerdrie serves Corellon, works closely with her fellow elven deities, and opposes the activities of the drow pantheon (with the exception of Eilistraee). She also works agaisnt the Deities of Fury (Auril, Malar, Talos, and Umberlee). Aerdrie is allied to like-minded deities of wind, flight, rain, and fertility, including Akadi, Cyrrollalee, Isis, Lurue, Shaundakul, and Sheela Peryroyl.


The ever-changing reaches of the sky are the great gift of the Winged Mother. Take flight into her windswept embrace, and gambol amid the clouds. Honor those who dwell with the Aerdrie and cherish the birds dancing on her tresses. Change is beautiful and chaos births new life. Ascend, soar, glide, dive, and ascend again and relish in the freedom that the Winged Mother bequeaths.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 12:10 AM
The Triune Goddess, Queen of Arvandor

Greater Elven Deity
Symbol: Three interconnecting rings on a downward pointing triangle
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Spring, fertility, planting, birth, defense, wisdom
Worshipers: Community elders, druids, elves, farmers, fighters, midwives, mothers
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Plant, Protection, [Renewal]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: "Duskshaft" (spear)

Angharradh (an-gahr-rath) is the unified face of the deity who is both three separate goddesses--Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow--as well as a single goddess who subsumes their three separate aspects. As such, Angharradh's nature reflects the personality traits of each of the Three, including the impulsive and whimsical nature of the Winged Mother, the romantic and affectionate nature of the Heart of Gold, and the serene and ephemeral nature of the Daughter of the Night Skies. The fusion of the Three was born of Araushnee (Lolth's) betrayal and the collective threat to Arvandor and the Seldarine. As such, the Triune Goddess exhibit's the fierce protectiveness and unbending resolve of the Queen of Arvandor. Despite her vigilance, the Elven Retreat, its reversal, and the return of a drow to Cormanthor have weakened Angharradh's spirit, and the three goddesses have been spending more and more time separated, preferring the ability get more done as a group than as an individual.

The church of Angharradh is essentially the unified face of three separate, but closely allied, churches. Clerics of Angharradh serve the Triune Goddess much like the clergies of Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow. Most clerics of the Triune Goddess are affiliated with one aspect of the Three, and their activities reflect their association with that particular aspect. Clerics of Angharradh are also considered wise women and sages and are often consulted on important issues. They can serve as clerics of Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, as well as their single embodiment, Angharradh. They attend births, bless young children, help planting and harvest, and bless warriors going into battle. Particularly successful totem sisters are sought out by other tribes and aspiring totemic practitioners for advice and counsel.

Clerics and druids of Angharradh pray for their spells at a time of their choosing, but it must be the time when one of the three goddesses is prayed to. Members of Angharradh's clergy celebrate the holy days and important ceremonies of one of the Three; depending upon which aspect of the Triune Goddess they particularly venerate. The only holy day celebrated exclusively by those who pray to Angharradh is the Melding of the Three, held quadrennially on Cinnaeloscor (the Day of Corellon's Peace), more commonly known as Shieldmeet. While this holy day is more generally observed by elves in honor of Corellon, the moon elves celebrate the tripartite aspects of Angharradh and the unification of the Three that have led to centuries of peace in Arvandor and elven realms in Faerun. In addition to singing great hymns to the Triune Goddess, Angharradh's faithful often assemble to invoke great feats of cooperative magic on this day. Many clerics and druids multiclass as fighters.


Before the Fair Folk walked the forests of Faerun, the Triune Goddess arose from the great battle between the Seldarine and those who followed Araushnee, later known as Lolth. The Three drew together to heal Corellon after he was felled by Araushnee's machinations, taking their place in the form of the One alongside Corellon as the Queen of Arvandor. Angharradh is second only to Corellon among the Seldarine and works closely with the other elven deities. Other allies include Berronar Truesilver, Chauntea, Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee, Lurue, Mielikki, Milil, Mystra, Selune, Sharindlar, Sheela Peryroyl, Silvanus, Sune, and Yondalla. Her foes include the traditional opponents of the Seldarine: the drow pantheon (other than Eilistraee), the Deities of Fury (Auril, Malar, Talos, and Umberlee), and the goblinoids deities.


Unity and diversity bring strength. Be ever vigilant against She Who Was Banished and work together in defending the lands of the Fair Folk from those who would work evil. Celebrate the One and the Three for their collective purpose and individual expressions of life. Through melding of widely different skills and interests, creativity, life, and artistry are nurtured and new ideas discovered.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:05 PM
Araleth Letheranil
The Prince of Stars, The Twilight Rider

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: A White Shaft of Light
Home Plane: Arvandor (The House of Glowing Stars)
Serves: Corellon Larethian
Portfolio: Light, starlight, twilight
Worshipers: Elven and Half-Elven adventurers
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Elf, Protection, Sun
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: Rapier

Araleth took an aggressive stance towards combating evil, and encouraged elves to combat any evil creatures. This applied especially to darkness-loving creature, the drow being a prime example, and he frowned upon the unneeded usage of darkness spells. Araleth was engaged in a never-ending war against the forces of darkness.

Araleth was an ally to the other members of the Seldarine, working closely with them when needed. He was particularly allied to the lunar goddess of the pantheon, Sehanine Moonbow, as well as the moon goddess of the Faerûnian pantheon Selune.

As a member of the elven pantheon, Araleth was an enemy of the goblinoid and drow deities, especially the Queen of Darkness Lolth, who personally scarred him with her poisonous fangs. The Prince of Stars was also opposed to the Nightsinger Shar and the Chained God Tharizdun.

Araleth's followers could be found among all non-evil elves, though those in his clergy were also non-lawful. He was specifically a favorite of elf adventurers due to his proactive encouragement to fight against evil, and his clergy worked with those of other priesthoods in their attempts to eliminate it just as Araleth cooperated with the Seldarine to do so.

Araleth's clergy prayed at dusk, when his presence in the heavens could be felt. Beautiful objects were sacrificed to Araleth semiannually, though the clergy had few holy days save for the spring equinox, during which they sacrificed items of beauty within a circle illuminated by starshine spells.

The Twilight Rider was to be worshiped in wide clearings, and while within the church (or during holy days), his clergy wore robes of white. They dressed as they pleased at all other times, though dark colors were so frowned upon that wearing them was considered a minor transgression.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:05 PM
Corellon Larethian
Creator of the Elves, First of the Seldarine, Coronal of Arvandor

Greater Elven Deity
Symbol: Crescent Moon
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Magic, music, arts, crafts, war, the elven race (especially sun elves), poetry, bards, warriors
Worshipers: Arcane archers, artisans, artists, bards, fighters, good leaders, rangers, poets, sorcerers, warriors, wizards
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection, War
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments:
Favored Weapon: "Sahandrian" (longsword)

Corellon Larethian (core-ell-lon lah-reth-ee-yen) is the leader of the elven pantheon, and the very race of elves is said to have sprung from his blood during his many battles with Gruumsh of the orc pantheon. He embodies the highest ideals of elvenkind, working as powerful war deity when need be (his longsword Sahandrian is made from a star) and protecting his chosen people with the careful hands of an artisan.

Corellon's church emphasizes his protective and artisan aspects over his role as ruler of the elves. They watch over the borders of elven land, guard elven communities, help shape the appearance of elven settlements, and create beautiful items for use within the community and trade without. It is rare to find one of his clerics in position of leadership, although they often act as intermediaries in disputes among the sylvan races and assist elven governments to assure smooth functioning.

Prayer times for his clerics are at night, preferably when the moon is highest in the sky. They have many holy days, although most are tied to astronomical events and only occur every few years. One monthly ceremony is Lateuquor, the Forest Communion of the Crescent Moon, which takes place in the first quarter waxing and involves music, song, dance, and offerings of beautiful items. His clerics are most likely to multiclass as arcane archers, fighters, or wizards.


Corellon created the elven race and is the lord of the nonevil elven deities, which are collectively known as the Seldarine ("fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood"). The Seldarine respect and honor him, and he has peaceful contact with the leaders of the dwarf, gnome, and halfling deities, as well as Faerunian nature deities and good deities from that pantheon. Corellon counts Lolth (once his consort) and Vhaeraun as his enemies, for he had to banish them form the Seldarine when they led an attack against their kin. His other enemies include beings such as Bane, Cyric, Talos, Malar, and the deities of the orcs and goblinoids.


The elves are sculptors and wardens of magic's endless mysteries. Bring forth the beauty that envelops and let the spirit gambol unfettered. Seek out new experiences and new ways. Ward against those that would destroy what they cannot create. Commune with the natural and mystical world. Be ever vigilant against the return of the banished darkness, and be strong in heard against the corruption of the Spider Queen.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:05 PM
Deep Sashelas
Lord of the Undersea, the Dolphin Prince

Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Dolphin
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Oceans, sea elves, creation, knowledge
Worshipers: Druids, elves, fisher folk, rangers, sages, sailors
Domains: Chao, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Water, [Ocean]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: "Trifork of the Deeps" (trident)

Deep Sashelas (deep sa-she-lahs) is a charismatic leader and an inspired creator whose art is everchanging. Unlike the other Seldarine, Deep Sashelas is rarely satisfied with what he's done and always seeks to improve it. Deep Sashelas can be fickle and flighty, and there are many myths that involve his amorous exploits with such creatures as mermaids, mortal sea elves, human females, and even a demigoddess. His consort, Trishina, has some tolerance for such straying, but not too much. Sashelas's fellow Seldarine derive great amusement from Trishina's ability to spot Sashelas's wandering attentions and stymie him, usually by warning off the object of his desire.

The church of Deep Sashelas is a broadly based church organized along regional lines with each region corresponding to a sea or ocean. The clergy of Deep Sashelas are more organized than most elven clergies because of their role as mediators and befrienders of nonaquatic races. His clerics and druids, known as delphions, interact regularly with dolphins who inhabit the region surrounding their home communities, and senior druids are almost always accompanied by their dolphin companions.

Sashelan clerics establish and maintain contacts with land-dwelling elves, if feasible. As a result of their extensive networks of contacts, Sashelas's clerics have prevented many sahuagin incursions from succeeding, gaining the latter's undying hatred. Delphions also conduct ritual shark hunts and attack sahuagin communities.

Clerics and druids of Deep Sashelas pray for their spells at whichever high tide is closest to midday. Deep Sashelas is honored individually through the creation of works of art and other wonders, and prayers are given to the Lord of the Undersea upon initiating and after completing such projects. Daily observances by Sashelas's clergy thank Deep Sashelas for his benevolence and the beauty of the undersea world, but the most important rituals are timed to coincide with especially high and low tides, known as the High Flow and the Deep Ebb, respectively. During such ceremonies, the Delphions make offerings of precious natural objects and items of great artistry. Meanwhile, acolytes swim in complex patterns accompanied by dolphins, and sing deep, reverberating songs of praise to the Lord of the Undersea and his creations. While both ceremonies are similar in form, the High Flow is a joyous celebration emphasizing beauty, creativity, and artistry, while the Deep Ebb is a grim, martial ceremony emphasizing the rememberance of those who are lost and vigilance agaisnt the enemies of the Undersea. Many clerics and druids multiclass as rangers.


Like the other elven gods, Deep Sashelas answers to Corellon and opposes the efforts of the drow pantheon (with the exception of Eilistraee). However, in some respects the Lord of the Undersea could be considered part of another pantheon entirely, composed of the various undersea deities. Deep Sashelas's allies include Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee, and Valkur. He opposes various deities of the depths, including Umberlee and the deities of the kuo-toa and sahuagin.


Swim the great currents and the shallow seas. Exult in the dynamic beauty and life of the bounteous Undersea. Revel in the joy of creation and increase its myriad aspects. Seek not to hold that which is everchanging, but instead love the change itself. Seek out fellow swimmers who honor the ways of the Lord of the Undersea, and ally with them agaisnt those who see only the darkness of the deeps. Follow the way of the dolphin. Promote knowledge and use of the sea by reasonable folk, and fight those that would tain or deplete its beauty and bounty.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:05 PM
Erevan Ilesere
The Chameleon, the Green Changeling, the Fey Jester

Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Starburst with asymmetrical rays
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Mischief, change, rogues
Worshipers: Bards, elves, revelers, rogues, sorcerers, tricksters
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Luck, Trickery
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CG, TN, CN, CE
Favored Weapon: "Quickstrike" (short sword)

Erevan Ilesere (air-eh-van ill-eh-seer) is a fickle, utterly unpredictable deity who can change his appearance at will. He is one of the most fun-loving deities in the multiverse, and he seems incapable of remaining still or concentrating on a single task for any extended period of time. Erevan enjoys causing trouble for its own sake, but his pranks are rarely either helpful or deadly. However, Erevan becomes very dangerous if sylvan races or weak elven groups are threatened, and he is always championing the underdog.

The church of Erevan lacks any sort of hierarchy, for worship is not permitted at the same location twice and no cleric can be bothered to coordinate the clergy. Clerics of Erevan are wild, mischievous, independent, and unpredictable, playing tricks on others for the sheer joy of it. They oppose settled interests of all sorts and delight in upsetting both the rule of law and powerful people and in generally creating mayhem. The have little in the way of formal duties, and minister to the faithful primarily through example and instruction in the skills required of mischievous rogues.

Clerics of Erevan pray for their spells at midnight, when darkness covers their mischief. Followers of Erevan gather monthly for a Midnight Gambol, which is held in a sylvan glade beneath the light of the full moon. The exact location of each Midnight Gambol is a secret that is passed among the faithful by word of mouth in the days leading up to the event. Anyone who manages to discover the festivities through their own ingenuity is welcome to participate. Erevan's followers are often joined in their revels by mischief-loving creatures such as sprites. Each Midnight Gambol includes the sacrifice of beautiful objects (most of which are borrowed), dancing, wine-drinking, tale-telling, and endless prank-playing. Many clerics multiclass as rogues or sorcerers. They turn rather than rebuke undead.


Despite his fickle nature, Erevan is fiercely devoted to the Seldarine. He is part of an informal group of mischief makers (including Brandobaris, Garl Glittergold, and Tymora) who often draw the ire of more serious deities, such as Helm. Erevan's boon companion is Aasterinian, an aspect of the draconic deity Hlal. Erevan and Aasterinian are almost never separated and their legendary adventures inspire younger elves who dream of emulating the mythic duo's daring exploits. Other allies include Baravar Cloakshadow, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Milil, and deities, including Beshaba and Mask, for their cruelty and greed offends his light-hearted nature. He opposes the drow pantheon (other than Eilistraee). His pranks have provoked the anger of Bane, Loviatar, and similar evil humorless beings.


Change and excitement are the spice of life. Live on the edge, unbound by the conventions of society in a spirit of constant self-reinvention. Puncture the self-righteousness, sanctimony, and pretension that pervades orderly society with mischievous pranks that both amuse and enlighten.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:06 PM
Fenmarel Mestarine
The Lone Wolf

Lesser Elven Deity
Symbol: Pair of elven eyes in the darkness
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, isolation
Worshipers: Druids, elves, outcasts, rangers, rogues, spies, wild elves
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Elf, Plant, Travel
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: CG, TN, CN, CE
Favored Weapon: "Thornbite" (dagger)

Fenmarel Mestarine (fehn-muh-rehl) is eternally sullen and serious, a perfect counterbalance to fun-loving Erevan Ilesere. He has no interest in communicating with members of other pantheons or nonelves unless absolutely necessary, and when he does speak he is usually bitter and cynical. Although he tries to avoid commitments of any sort, the Lone Wolf always abides by his word, no matter how reluctantly it is given. Fenmarel watches over the elven borders in disappearing woodlands, jungles, and similar environments, not unlike Corellon in more sizable homelands. Of all the elven races, Fenmarel takes a keen interest mainly in the wild elves, hidden deep within the thickest forests of Faerun.

The church of Fenmarel consists primarily of outcasts and small tribes of wild elves, and, as such, has little in the way of formal hierarchy. Outcasts from elven society who make their way among other cultures are typically lay followers and not clerics. Members of Fenmarel's clergy instruct their fellows in the skills first taught by the deity, including how to spy, survive on their own, engage in deceptions and guerrilla tactics, and use poisons to take down enemies with subtlety, but otherwise they have few formal responsibilities aside from ensuring their personal survival.

Clerics and druids of Fenmarel pray for their spells at dusk, when darkness begins to settle over the land. The church of Fenmarel does not celebrate widely recognized holy days. Instead, each individual or band venerates the Lone Wolf in personal worship services of their own devising. Many outcasts mark the day of their personal banishment with private contemplation, while tribes of feral elves mark anniversaries of important events in the group's oral history, many of which are correlated with astronomical events easily noted by the naked eye. Many members of his clergy multiclass as rangers or rogues. They turn rather than rebuke undead.


The Lone Wolf is somewhat of an outcast among the Seldarine, his nominal allies, although supports them in their endless war against the evil drow deities. He gets along well only with Solonor Thelandira (said to be his brother), Shevarash, Gwaeron Windstrom, and Eilistraee. Only the kind-heartedness of Sehanine Moonbow can draw the Lone wolf back to the other Seldarine on rare occasions.


The world is a harsh and unforgiving place, with uncompromising demands on those who would forge their own path. Rely not on others for protection, for betrayal comes easily, but on the skills of camouflage, deception, and secrecy. Follow the way of the Lone Wolf, for his is the path of self-sufficiency.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:06 PM
Hanali Celanil
The Heart of Gold, Winsome Rose, Lady Goldheart

Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Gold heart
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Love, romance, beauty, enchantments, magic item artistry, fine art, artists
Worshipers: Aesthetes, artists, enchanters, lovers, sorcerers
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: A shining heart (dagger)

Hanali Celanil (han-uh-lee sell-uh-nihl) is a being of timeless beauty and benign nature, who always forgives minor transgressions and delights in rewarding her followers with the bliss of unexpected love and affection. She embodies romance, beauty, love, and joy in elven spirits, her only flaws being her own mild vanity and flighty nature. Although she rarely appears to her faithful, Hanali delights in seeing the growth of love among elves, and she often acts in secret to protect young lovers. She is also known as an aspect of Angharradh, the Triune Goddess.

Hanali's clerics are flighty and somewhat vain, given to dancing and wild celebrations. The hierarchy is loosely organized, and clerics are free to join or leave a temple's ranks as they wish. They preside over marriage and rites of passage ceremonies for young elves, although they are not required to marry, for Hanali's concern is love, not necessarily marriage. Members of Hanali's clergy spend their days cultivating beauty and love in all their myriad forms. Many of Lady Goldheart's clerics tend fine gardens, while others amass personal or temple-based collections of gems, crystal sculptures, and other fine works of art. While things of gold and crystal, particularly jewelry and statues, are favored, beautiful art in any form is admired, collected, and displayed. Hanali's clerics must always be finely dressed, and displaying one's personal beauty to its best advantage is a requirement of every cleric of the Heart of Gold.

Clerics of Hanali pray for their spells each day whenever the moon is highest in the sky and romance is in the air. While Hanali's clerics are given to frequent impromptu revels, their greatest celebrations are held every month beneath the bright light of the full moon. Such holy days are known as Secrets of the Heart, for romantically involved participants are said to experience the full bloom of their affections on such nights, allowing them to evaluate the strength of their feelings. Likewise, the inner beauty of celebrants visibly manifests as a rosy glow in their cheeks and eyes for days thereafter. Offerings of objects of great beauty are made to Lady Goldheart during such holy festivals, some of which are swept into Arvandor while others are returned to be shared among Hanali's followers. It is not uncommon for artists to unveil their latest work at such holy days, nor is it rare for young lovers to either pledge their troth secretly or proclaim it to all assembled, for doing so is said to invite Hanali's favor. Her clerics often multiclass as enchanters or sorcerers.


Like others of the Seldarine, Hanali answers to Corellon and opposes the machinations of the evil drow deities and the Deities of Fury. She also opposes the cruel tyrannies of other deities, including Bane, Cyric, Shar, and Talona. Her allies include Eilistraee, Cyrrollalee, Isis, Lliira, Lurue, Milil, Sharess, Sharindlar, Sheela Peryroyl, Sune, and Tymora.


Life is worth living because of the beauty found in the world and the love that draws twin hearts together. Nurture what is beautiful in life, and let beauty's rapturous glow enliven and brighten the lives of those around you. The greatest joy is the rapture of newfound love and the tide of romance that sweeps over those wrapped in its embrace. Find love wherever it takes root, and bring it to its fullest bloom so that all may share in the joy and beauty it creates. Always give shelter and succor to young lovers, for their hearts are the truest guides to life's proper course.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:06 PM
Labelas Enoreth
The Lifegiver, Lord of the Continuum, the Sage of Sunset

Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Setting sun
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Time, longevity, the moment of choice, history
Worshipers: Bards, divine disciples, elves, lore masters, scholars, teachers
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, [Time]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: "The Timestave" (quarterstaff)

Labelas Enoreth (lah-bay-lahs ehn-or-eth) is a philosopher-deity, a patient teacher and instructor. His demeanor is calm and meditative, and he is not given to sudden action or hasty speech. According to legend, he traded an eye for the ability to peer through time. Labelas concerns himself with transgenerational changes and the growth of learning and wisdom among elves, and thus rarely involves himself directly in the lives of individuals. The church of Labelas is small, but highly organized, for records of its traditional practices and beliefs date back millennia. Clerics of Labelas are the keepers of elven history and lore, and they are charged with searching for hidden facts of the past. They compile and protect such sacred knowledge and record it for the instruction of future generations. Members of Labela's clergy are also philosophers and teachers, responsible for educating the young and promoting and acquiring knowledge.

The faithful of Labelas do not celebrate individual holy days, for the passage of time is uniform, independent of the events that unfold in each regular interval. Instead, the Lifegiver's followers gather each day in small groves near his temples as the sun sets to mark the passage of another day, a daily ritual known as the Marking of Time. They utter prayers to Labelas, including prayers for their daily spells, and recite all that they have learned in the past day to be recorded by the lore keepers of Arvandor who serve the Lifegiver. Many clerics multiclass as bards, divine disciples, or lore masters.


Labelas maintains close relationship with most of the Seldarine, although Erevan Ilesere sorely tests his patience. Labelas has long had a close relationship with Mystra in all her incarnations. Other allies include Deneir, Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee, Milil, Oghma, and Savras. Clangeddin Silverbeard still nurses a grudge against Labelas stemming back to a battle on the isle of Ruathym during the Time of Troubles. Labelas opposes the deities of entropy and death, particularly Enough (the gnolls demon), Velsharoon, and the evil drow deities.


The march of time is inexorable, but the blessings of the Lifegiver enable the children of Corellon to live long and fruitful lives, unmarked y the passage of years. Record and preserve the lessons of history, and draw lessons from that which has unfolded. In the end, the sun always sets ere the next day dawns anew.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:07 PM
Melira Taralen
The Songstress, Patron of Bards and Minstrels

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: A golden lute on a blue background
Home Plane: Arvandor
Serves: Hanali Celanil
Portfolio: Bards, fine arts, minstrels, song magic, songwriting
Worshipers: Elven and Half-Elven bards and minstrels, lovers of the fine arts
Domains: Charm, Chaos, Elf, Knowledge, Trickery
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Melira was a vivacious goddess who, despite favoring musicians, did not dislike those without talent and indeed saw efforts to teach others how to musically express themselves as heartwarming.

Melira's mother was Hanali Celanil, the elven goddess of beauty and love. Melira was technically a servant of her mother rather than Corellon himself, but given that he was Hanali's superior she did so by extension, even leaving aside his status as her artistic patron.

Melira had no true foes of her own, though as a member of the Seldarine she opposed the drow and goblinoid deities. If she could be said to have any personal rivalry, it would be her friendly rivalry with the god Milil, as their similar portfolios made her feel he might be "poaching" her worship. Even so, she counted him and his superior Oghma as an ally, and the two deities of song sometimes duetted.

Melira had worshipers of all alignments, though her worshiper base tended towards non-evil elves and her clergy specifically away from lawful tendencies. Her faithful were usually musically-inclined or appreciative of music, as she not only favored the musicians themselves but also their patrons, allegedly gifting boons upon those who treated their artists well. Notably, her clergy was mostly absent of regular clerics, as she only sought those with proven musical talent to comprise it.

There were few temples solely dedicated to Merlia; her places of worship were often groves (especially where festivals were being held) and she otherwise had shrines within guildhalls or temples of Hanali. Rather than happening on set dates, holy days were simply declared just before a festival, with the vestaments of bright blue robes being worn at such times. On such days they celebrated by singing, dancing, and reciting poetry. The clergy had few duties or goals save for perfecting their individual musical skill and helping to train and hone others in their singing, strumming, and songwriting.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:09 PM
Naralis Analor
The Healer, The Watcher of Souls

Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: White Dove on a shield
Home Plane: Arvandor (The Healing Glade)
Serves: Sehanine Moonbow
Portfolio: Death, easing pain, healing, suffering
Worshipers: Elven healers, caregivers
Domains: Charm, Elf, Good, Life, Protection
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Naralis's primary interests were two-fold; he sought to safeguard the souls of the elven dead and, knowing full well that every living elf would die and eventually pass into his care, heal elves while they were still alive.

As a god of death, Naralis ensured that the souls of the elven departed reached their proper afterlife. Very rarely, he responded to petitions by dying elves for a heal spell, but he would only do this once in an elf's life and within the next two weeks compel them (through an insurmountable geas spell) to complete some task for him appropriate to their capabilities.

Naralis served Sehanine Moonbow, elven goddess of the moon, in the process of elven death, taking newly deceased souls from her care and guiding them to their new existence. Due to their closely related spheres of influence, he often worked with and consulted with Labelas Enoreth, the elven god of longevity. Outside of the Seldarine, Naralis was allied with Ilmater and Kelemvor, Faerûnian gods of perseverance and death respectively, and opposed Loviatar and Faluzure, the Faerûnian goddess of pain and draconic god of death.

Naralis's faithful are primarily those non-evil elves concerned with keeping their fellows healthy and providing hospice for those that would die. His clergy conducted funerary ceremonies and tended to the sick and dying.

Naralis was worshiped within the deep forests, and his holy days were during the new moon, whereupon the clergy would wear white cowls and gray-white robes. During their monthly services, prayers were made and crafted items sacrificed to the Healer, which were left with the bodies of the deceased in the case of funerals, whether in a vault or grave.

Though elves did not exactly fear death, his worshipers were often adventurers who would pray to him and give him their respects in the hopes he would have death pass them by. Friends and relatives of a deceased elf usually prayed for him to speed the soul of the departed to its resting place.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:13 PM
Rillifane Rallathil
The Leaflord

Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Oak tree
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Woodlands, nature, wild elves, druids
Worshipers: Druids, rangers, wild elves
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, Protection
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: "The Oakstaff" (quarterstaff)

Rillifane Rallathil (rill-ih-fane rall-uh-thihl) is quiet, reflective, and enduring over cons unchanged. He is the least flighty of all the Seldarine, the least likely to act on a whim, and often grave and self-absorbed. The Leaflord is protector of the woodlands and guardian of the harmony of nature. He is often likened by his clerics to a giant oak tree, so huge that its roots mingle with the roots of every other plant in the world, that stands at the heart of Arvandor. The great tree draws into itself all the ebb and flow of seasons and lives within the woodlands of the green elves. At the same time, it defends and sustains those lands against disease, predation, and assaults of all kinds. The Leaflord is the patron of wood elves (and to a much lesser extent wild elves).

The church of the Leaflord generally keeps to itself, extending itself only to help fellow elves and other sylvan beings. The church hierarchy is organized regionally and divided into branches, as each type of cleric serves a specific role. The druids who compose the bulk of Rillifane's clergy tend to the health of the forests and those who dwell within, fiercely contesting any attempt to further reduce those forests that remain. Many clerics serve as ambassadors of the faith, working outside the communities of wood elves to educate other races and even other elven subraces how to better dwell in harmony with nature. In times of war, however, the leaders of each region unite the branches of the faith and wood elf warriors into a single force. Rillifane's clerics are deadly enemies of those who hunt for sport or those who harm trees maliciously or unnecessarily. In particular, all clerics of Rillifane have a great hatred for the clerics of Malar, since the followers of the Beastlord often make elves the object of their hunts and their ethos is anathema to those who serve the Leaflord. Rillifane's clergy is charged with rooting out and destroying sentient plants whose nature has been twisted by external forces into a warped perversion of nature.

Clerics and druids of Rillifane pray for their spells at dawn, when the first rays of the life-giving sun spring over the horizon. Rillifane's faithful gather twice yearly at the equinoxes to hold fey dances in large groves of oak trees deep in the heart of great forests. The Budding is a joyful celebration of new life celebrated through dance and song and preceded by an extended period of fasting. A ritual hunt of an ancient and noble hart is undertaken on this day, from which the venison serves to break the fast of the Leaflord's faithful. This ritual honors Rillifane's bounty and reminds his followers of the natural cycle of life that plays out beneath the Leaflord's boughs. The Transformation marks the arrival of autumn and the vibrant hues that bedeck the canopies of the Leaflord around this time. Wood elves and elves of other subraces who seek a form of spiritual rebirth or a major change in their lives gather to celebrate Rillifane's eternal promise that the trees will bloom again and that life is a process of continual renewal. Many clerics and druids multiclass as rangers.


Rillifane is a very old deity and is said by some to be older than even Labelas Enoreth, for the great tree would continue its life endlessly without the need for an eventual death. He is on good terms with all the Seldarine, as well as most sylvan and faerie deities. His foes include Malar, Talos, and the evil drow gods.


The Great Oak draws energy from all the living creatures of the world and nourishes, sustains, and protects them from outside threats. Live in harmony with the natural world, allowing each living being the opportunity to serve out its natural purpose in life. As the Leaflord's countless branches, his faithful are to serve as his mortal agents in the natural world. Defend the great forests from those who would ravage their riches, leaving only destruction in their path. Contest both the quick and the slow death of Rillifane's bounty and hold strong like the great oaks in the face of those who can see only their own immediate needs.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:14 PM
Sehanine Moonbow
Daughter of the Night Skies, the Luminous Cloud, Lady of Dreams

Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Misty crescent above a full moon
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, transcendence, the moon, the stars, the heavens, moon elves
Worshipers: Diviners, elves, half-elves, illusionists, opponents of the undead
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Moon, Travel, [Illusion]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: "Moonshaft" (quarterstaff)

Sehanine Moonbow (she-ha-neen moon-boe) rarely concerns herself directly with events in Faerun aside from weaving illusions around secret elven retreats and guiding elves coming to those lands. Her power waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon, growing strongest when the moon is full. As befit's the elven goddess of mysteries, Sehanine is cloaked in secrets and illusions and rarely speaks her mind directly, preferring to communicate through a process of dreams, visions, and other mystic experiences. Sehanine is a truly spiritual and ephemeral being who evades any attempt to define her and whose serenity surrounds her like a mantle of moondust. She is also an aspect of Angharradh, the Triune Goddess.

The church of Sehanine is clouded in mystery, and little is known about its secretive hierarchy. Sehanine's clerics are the seers and mystics of elven society. They serve as the spiritual counselors to elves and half-elves who seek to embark on journeys in search of enlightenment so as to transcend their current state of being. As shepherds and protectors of the dead, Sehanine's clerics organize and administer funeral rites and guard the remains of the fallen. They seek out and destroy undead creatures, for Sehanine holds such creatures--with the notable exceptions of baelnorns and other good-aligned undead beings who voluntarily prolong their existence in order to serve their kin--to be blasphemous. As defenders of elven homelands, Sehanine's clergy are responsible for weaving and maintaining the illusions that guard those sanctuaries that remain and for divining potential threats to their continued existence. The prime task of adventuring clerics is the retrieval of lost arcane and magical knowledge, especially if it pertains to illusions or divinations. Other seek out isolated elven enclaves, bringing them news of the world outside the forests.

Clerics of Sehanine pray for their spells whenever the moon is fullest during the day. Sehanine's faithful celebrate a wide bariety of holy days, all tied to the position of various heavenly bodies, particularly the phase of the moon and various types of eclipses. Many of these celebrations occur once per decade, once per century, or even once per millennium. The most frequent celebrations of Sehanine's faithful are held monthly beneath the light of the full moon. Lunar Hallowings, as such holy days are known, are marked with personal meditation and collective entrance into a communal trance. On occasion, Sehanine manifests through her assembled worshipers, knitting together their spirits in a true sharing of minds. Such holy days are concluded with a joyous freeform dance beneath the most visible manifestation of the moon that lasts until the first rays of dawn. Once per year, sehanine's faithful gather on the night of the Feast of the Moon for the Mystic Rites of the Luminous Cloud. Similar in many ways to the monthly Lunar Hallowings, these rites are notable for the visible manifestation of the Sehanine whereby the assembled worshipers are transformed into shimmering, silvery light that lifts up and darts across the heavens. During such mystical flights across the sky, the sacred mysteries of Sehanine are revealed to the participants, with each participant learning secrets appropriate to his current level of spiritual development. The ceremony concludes when the nimbus of light returns to the earth and the forms of Sehanine's worshipers coalesce. Many clerics multiclass as diviners or illusionists.


Sehanine is the mightiest of the female deities of the Seldarine. Her tears are said to have mingled with Corellon's blood to form the elven race. She is closely allied with all the Seldarine, particularly Corellon, Aerdrie, and Hanali, and gets along well with other deities, including Baravar Cloakshadow, Cyrrollalee, Dumathoin, Eilistraee, Kelemvor, Lurue, Milil, Mystra, Savras, Segojan Earthcaller, Shaundakul, Selune, and Urogalan. Her foes include Cyric, Gruumsh, Malar, Shar, the Deities of fury, Velsharoon, and the evil drow deities.


Life is series of mysteries whose secrets are veiled by the Luminous Cloud. As the spirit transcends its mortal bounds and new mysteries are uncovered, a higher form is achieved and the cycle of life continues. Through contemplation and meditation, communion with the Lady of Dreams is achieved. Through dreams, visions, and omens revealed in sleep or the reverie, the Daughter of the Night Sky unveils the next step along the path and the next destination on the endless journey of mystic wonder that is life and death and life.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:14 PM
The Black Archer, the Night Hunter

Elven Demigod
Symbol: Broken arrow above a teardrop
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Hatred of the drow, vengeance, crusades, loss
Worshipers: Arcane archers, archers, elves, fighters, hunters, rangers, soldiers, sorcerers
Domains: Chaos, Elf, War, [Retribution]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CG, TN, CN, CE
Favored Weapon: "The Black Bow" (longbow)

Shevarash (shev-uh-rash) is taciturn, violent, and consumed by thoughts of bitterness and revenge. He never displays any emotion aside from anger and a brief exultation or triumph after each victory. The Black Archer has no patience for those who do not share his zeal for vengeance, and he has no interest in moderating his crusade in the interests if peace. The Black Archer often acts in anticipation of an attack by the drow on a relatively undefended elven settlement, or, if he reacts too late to prevent a repeat of the slaughter that still haunts him, Sehbarash sends agents to pursue the dark elves back into the Underdark and hunts them down until they are dead.

The church of Sevarash is small, but disciplined, for only through careful planning will the drow be destroyed. The followers of Shevarash are consumed with their quest to root out and destroy the drow and the sources of power of their dark gods. As such, since its founding by the lietenants of Shevarash after their leader's death and apotheosis, the church of the Black Archer has been totally focused on its military campaign against the drow. Individual clerics spend their days drilling, assigning tactics for warfare in the Underdark, warding known entrances to the Underdark, and participating in hit-and-run raids and major assaults on drow-held territories in the Underdark. Not a few members of the Black Archer's clergy join adventuring bands that intend to explore the Underdark, for additional swords in the battle against the drow are always welcomed. The recent invasion of Cormanthor by the drow has only invigorated the strength of this crusade, and the church armies of Shevarash gird for wholesale war beneath the boughs.

Clerics of Shevarash pray for their spells at dusk, just before the drow sneak back into the Lands of Light. Midwinter Night is observed by the cult of Shevarash in memory of the Dark Court slaughter. On this holy day, those who wish to join the ranks of the clergy are included into the faith and vows of unceasing vengeance are shouted into the night. In honor of their deity's original vow, each new cleric swears to never again laugh or smile until the spider Queen and the other dark gods of the drow are slain and their followers are destroyed. Most clerics multiclass as rangers, although some multiclass as arcane archers, fighters, or sorcerers. They turn rather than rebuke undead.


Nearly six thousand years ago, an army of duergar and drow poured forth from the Underdark and slaughtered most of the attendees of a meeting between the surface elves and dwarves intended to renew their alliance. Shevarash was one of the survivors, and seeing the carnage he swore an oath to Corellon neither to laugh nor smile until Lolth and her foul followers are destroyed. After a lifetime of fighting the drow, he was slain and underwent apotheosis with the help of Fenmarel Mestarine. He has since allied himself with other enemies of Lolth and seekers of revenge, including Callarduran Smoothhands, Hoar, Shar, and Shaundakul. His primary foes are the evil drow gods, Lolth and Vhaeraun chief among them, as well as other evil Underdark deities.


The greatest enemy of the Seldarine is Lolth, who sought the corruption of Arvandor, the overthrown of the Creator of the Elves. The greatest enemy of the Fair Folk is the drow, the debased servants of the Spider Queen who long ago were enmeshed by her dark web. Redemption and revenge may be achieved through the utter destruction of the drow and the dark deities they serve. Only then may the joy of life begin anew. Hunt fearlessly!
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:14 PM
Solonor Thelandira
Keen-Eye, the Great Archer

Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Silver arrow with green fletching
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Archery, hunting, wilderness survival
Worshipers: Arcane archers, archers, druids, elves, rangers
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, War
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: "Longshot" (longbow)

Solonor Thelandira (soe-loe-nohr theh-lan-dih-ruh) is always in pursuit of quarry, and he rarely remains in one location for very long. Unlike many hunters, the Great Archer stalks prey only out of concern for the overall balance between the species and to destroy evil-doers, particularly the drow. His serious, sometimes grim, demeanor reflects the difficulty he faces in forging a workable compromise between the competing forces of civilization and wilderness, instinct and knowledge, and savagery and domesticity. Solonor's word is his bond, and his pledge is never given lightly. Solonor does not close to do battle with an enemy, but tracks and pursues instead, firing arrows from a never-empty quiver.

The church of Solonor is a disparate one, with little communication among groups of clerics except to exchange information. Solonor's clerics serve as scouts and archers in elven armies, as bowyers, fletchers, archery instructors in elven settlements, and as hunters and providers for far-flung rural communities. Among those Fair Folk who largely eschew the trappings of civilization, members of Solonor's clergy preside over initiation ceremonies into adulthood. Hawkeyes serve the Great Archer by working to maintain the balance of nature. Solonor's clerics are deadly enemies of those who worship Malar or Talos, and they often join forces with those who serve Rillifane Railathil in order to exterminate followers of those evil gods whenever they make their presence known.

Clerics and druids of Solonor pray for their spells whenever the moon is highest in the sky during the day. Solonor's faithful generally eschew frivolous celebrations, considering them unnecessary distractions to the tasks at hand. Once per lunar month, under the soft light of the full moon, the Great Archer's faithful assemble to give thanks for the skills Solonor has taught and the bounty thus provided. Hunters sacrifice hunting trophies that cannot otherwise be employed, and unbroken arrows engraved with the symbol of Solonor are fired into the sky to poke holes I the firmament and allow the light of Solonor's teachings to shine forth on his people (these arrows are never fired in a direction that would cause them to fall where they might hurt someone, including straight up). Each Shieldmeet, known to the Fair Folk as the Day of Corellon's Peace, the followers of Solonor assemble to compete in great archery meets. The winner of such contests are said to receive Keen-Eye's blessing. Many clerics and druids multiclass as arcane archers or rangers.


Like others of the elven pantheon, Solonor reports to Corellon and gets on well with the rest of the Seldarine. Other allies include benevolent nature deities and Silvanus. His greatest foes are Malar and Talos, followed closely by Lolth.


Walk in harmony with nature and oppose the efforts of those who disturb her delicate balance. Preserve the wild places fro excessive encroachment, and work with those who would settle the land to preserve the beauty that first attracted them. Hunt only for sustenance, culling the old and the weak from the herd so that all species may prosper. Like an arrow in flight, it is difficult to arrest the consequences of an action. Choose your targets carefully, for an ill-considered action can have a long reaching impact.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:18 PM
Tarsellis Meunniduin
Lord of the Mountains, Patron of the Snow Elves

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: A snowcapped mountain
Home Plane: Ysgard (The Wild Ride/The Wild Hunt)
Serves: Corellon Larethian
Portfolio: Mountains, rivers, snow elves, wilderness
Worshipers: Snow Elves
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Elf, Plant, Protection
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: CG, TN, CN, CE
Favored Weapon: Spear

Tarsellis was a hearty warrior and legendary hunter, yet still deeply devoted to the wilderness and all its creatures. Conversely, he hated the drow more than anything else.
The Lord of the Mountains maintained a divine realm on the first layer of Ysgard called the Wild Ride or the Wild Hunt.

Tarsellis was a solitary figure amongst the Seldarine, considered rustic by the other elven gods. He used to be the superior of Solonor Thelandira, elven god of hunting, as well as a great friend of his, often hunting with him in the days of old before even mortal elves walked the world. However, the two had been embittered ever since Tarsellis fell in love with a dark yet beautiful goddess known as Megwandir. This caused a falling out between the two former friends, for Solonor objected to their romance out of suspicion towards Megwandir, suspicion proved correct when she was revealed to be Lolth.

Tarsellis's claims over the forests of mountain ranges also resulted in a rivalry of sorts with Rillifane Rallathil. He was also allies with Fenmarel Mestarine, the elven god of outcasts, and Shaundakul, the Faerûnian god of travel.

As Tarsellis was primarily the patron of the snow elves, he was rarely concerned with affairs in Faerûn. There were rumors of snow elven worshipers in the Spine of the World and the High Ice of Anauroch, however, and others sometimes offered tribute to him as Lord of the Mountains. His followers could be found among all non-evil and non-lawful wilderness-dwelling elves.

The primary duties of the priests of Tarsellis were to watch over their fellow snow elves and to erect shrines near mountain tops and passes. These secluded, druidic shrines, tucked away in the wildest and most remote mountain corners, were considered extremely holy and the center of the religion, and while a few were dedicated to other deities, most were for Tarsellis. There were regular temples to the Lord of the Mountains, where followers offered the finest furs and massive live animals as presents for the resident druids, but these were few in number.

According to one elven myth, Tarsellis was one of the original elven gods who Corellon ascended to divnity by giving a unique name. Snow elves alleged themselves to be the direct descendants of Tarsellis, alleging that to be the cause of some of their differences to other elves, and though most elven scholars were skeptical, the Lord of the Mountains did not seem displeased with his children's dedication.

Before the time of mortal elves and the Weaver's total fall to evil, Tarsellis fell in love with Lolth under the name of Megwandir, the quarrel over her trustworthiness eventually driving him and his former servitor deities apart. More recent tales depicted Hanali Celanil, elven goddess of love, as the one responsible for the rift, but older stories indicated the truth.
Title: Elven Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 09:21 PM
Tethrin Veraldé
The Shining One, The Master of Blades

Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: A long sword and a short sword lying parallel to each other on a disk, angled to the upper left, a quarter moon above the swords and a full moon below.
Home Plane: Elysium (Tethridar)
Serves: Corellon Larethian
Portfolio: Battle magic (evocation), bladesingers, swordsmanship
Worshipers: Elven bladesingers, swordsmen
Domains: Elf, Protection, Sun, War
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Tethrin was an adventurous, strident deity, who firmly believed that elven blades and magic were the path to victory.

Though Tethrin spent much of his time in Arborea, his own realm, Tethridar, was located on the first layer of Elysium. It was a small but pleasant domain with open fields, a fruit orchard, and a large copse of trees, inhabited by the spirits of his deceased followers who nonetheless continued to practice and hone their skills.

Tethrin was a member of the elven pantheon, the son of Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moonbow. Other allies of his included Solonor Thelandira, the elven god of archery and hunting.

Tethrin had few enemies with the exception of the drow goddess Lolth, who would enjoy dealing a personal blow to both Corellon and Sehanine by striking Tethrin down. He was also opposed to her servitor demigod Selvetarm, who may have been sent by the Spider Queen in an apparently failed attempt to kill him. His concerns regarding this were somewhat lessened however, by the fact that he knew his father would see him resurrected and reinstated were he to be slain.

Tethrin's clergy stressed the value of swordsmanship, as well as combining with it with spellcraft. Most of the church was clergy (about 60%), while the rest was evenly split between bladesingers and ordinary fighters. Despite only having relatively recently begun developing a worshiper base, several orders of bladesingers and warrior's guilds were dedicated to him and monthly attempts to bring in new converts generally succeeded.

Aside from celebrating the holy days of Corellon and Sehanine to give thanks to the union that birthed Tethrin, a monthly holy day known as Tethrin's Match saw the clergy show off their fighting skills, bringing healthy attention and attracting new recruits. Blue and silver robes were worn on the holy days, though they were favored for everyday use either way.